My second favorite villains in Greyhawk are the yuan-ti. I think you develop favorite monsters from a combination of things: the artwork in the manuals, having satisfying encounters run with them, memorable adventures, etc. For me, when I first DM'd I1 back in the day, both the DM and players alike had an absolute blast and dedicated a large portion of our adventuring careers in opposing the snake-men.
That led me to create a city of the yuan-ti in the Hools. I eventually fleshed out a few things and kinda left it at that. Recently, I revived the idea when I did the Keoish Intelligence Report of the Sea Princes - I gave the city a name, H'Thiss Kaa, and put to the pen what was my original notes from the gaming table.
Finally, I got around to doing a full-blown article about it, should be posted soon. I am intending it to be both a city description and give some more thoughts to the yuan-ti in Greyhawk, postulating how these varieties appear in the various lands.
Anyway, I think the yuan-ti can use some more attention. I envision H'Thiss Kaa as being a brokering site for a vast underground black market in all manner of illegal activities and vice. I want to put a real nest of evil in that corner of the Flaness and give my Keoland campaigners something to aspire to oppose as major villains. Anyway, let me know what you think about it when it gets posted.
Forgive my ignorance, but I looked through my copy of the World of Greyhawk campaign setting (1st book, not the Glossography); and I fail to see where the Hools are located.
Forgive my ignorance, but I looked through my copy of the World of Greyhawk campaign setting (1st book, not the Glossography); and I fail to see where the Hools are located.
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