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Total of 1 comments

User: SirXarisRating: 5August 27, 2010
User's Average Rating: 5.0# of Ratings: 1
I think the Darkagard, as presented herein, would make for a very interesting NPC.  The inclusion of a Darkagard could make for quite intense and difficult negotiations by land-based PCs with a group of Rhenee.  A Darkagard that uses his abilities to assist PCs (for a very high price) while travelling across the Nyr Dyv could also leave quite an impression in their minds of the skills and power of the Rhenee.

However, as a PC class itself, I believe that there is little opportunity for it to be implemented appropriately.  First, no Darkagard would travel far from the Rhenee river barges and, second, Darkagard would never be travelling companions of land-based characters.  The only way to fit a Darkagard PC into a campaign, that I can think of, would be to have a party consisting of all Rhenee (with additions like Sea Elves, Triton, etc. as PCs) that takes place wholely on, under, and very near the Nyr Dyv and the Selintan River.  Seems a bit too restrictive except, maybe, for extremely veteran players or, perhaps, for a group of players all of whom are members of the Coast Guard. ;)

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