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Terms/things that should never,ever apply to AD&D
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 03, 2009
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From: The Horned Society

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Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:21 pm  
Terms/things that should never,ever apply to AD&D

I hope this doesent offend any of you,but i've bottled this up inside for a while,and i'm certain a few of you strongly feel the same.I'm not out to discredit anyone for anything they do or enjoy,but let's just say that i'm an old dog in a new dog's world,and i just can't relate with what's going on here lately.This article has a dash of humor to go along with it,so keep an open mind when reading,the goal is not to offend(all people.) but enlighten.So here's the listed rant,and if there are any mistakes,i know you'll all never let me live them down...please enjoy Evil Grin

1.XP =A newer more common phrase used to describe the more antiquated words "experience points".

2.Rare Drop =WTF is this suppossed to be all of a sudden???I'm sorry,but this is not Final Fantasy,nor is it World of warcraft my fine feathered friend.

3.Level =A shortened term meaning to level up.My argument is,if your only goal in a tabletop game is to level up for bragging rights,then what is the point of playing in the first place?

4.Mini's =Many of us use this term on a daily basis,the origin of the word is recent in describing poorly pre-painted plastic things made in china which is owned and distributed by Hasbro not "miniatures" made from pewter,tin or good old fashioned lead as intended.

5.Star Wars references =Unless your playing or currently watching Star Wars your character is not Obi-wan Kenobi and light sabers and force powers in D&D is just dumb,please for the sake of serious purists like myself,don't do this ever.

6.Fey = What ever happened to just calling it a demon??Was hasbro really that scared of offending christian parents?I mean to be honest,TSR drew in more customers in the late seventies based on the fact that it had demons in it..just ask some of my heavy metal friends and they'll tell you the same.Regardless,TSR had mucho cohones for the time.

7.Feats = did'nt they used to call these player character/racial abilities???
And anyone can use them you say?

8.Spell Plagues =Ok,so now PC's who contract this spell plague are suddenly given super powers that pretty much out-weigh the DM,making the game less challenging for the players all the while giving the DM an ettin-sized head ache...well that blows too!

9.Spawning = (Read this one on here not too long ago,i think from mystic scholar,forgive me if i'm wrong.) First of all,monsters should never,ever,ever be allowed to....spawn!!!Wandering monsters and random encounters are fine and dandy,but SPAWNING!!!??????Has the whole world gone insane before my very eyes?!!This is not an MMO we're talking about here,but a hobby I dedicated thousands upon thousands of dollars to over the years and once cherished as if i we're the only person in the world that gave a damn about it.Oh well,there's always old stuff up for grabs on Ebay I guess.

10.Emo characters =Oh yeah i remember all those emo guys from back in medieval times,weren't they cool?Actually no,they sucked which is why it never took place to begin with up until recent times cause emos probably would'a cried at the first sight of a weapon being drawn.Please leave twilight out of D&D,I am absolutely begging you,for the love of god!

11.Ebberon = What more can i say about this vile piece of after-birth that has'nt already been said before? I will judge even though i honestly never played it,in fact i don't even allow ad's for it in my home,that's how much i hate it!Sorry if you love it,but that's how i strongly feel.

12.Light sabers =Once again onto the Star Wars subject,only this time i'm refering in mind that 90% of the artwork in any given 4th edition book,be it player or DM guide,is full of characters wielding lightsabers and lightsaberish weapons.

13.No Greyhawk =(As far as i know.)You mean the first official D&D world is gone now?Ya know this is'nt nessasarily a bad thing,at least now they won't be able to ruin that too.

Disclaimer:Don't let Hasbro read #13 or they will bring it back and
ruin it forever.

14.Buffering =You mean you want me to cast spells on you to make you immune to everything and as strong as a herd of deadly umber hulks?Why don't you just use your sword instead?I'm too lazy at the moment..

15.Fighter/Wizards =I'm not reffering to fighter-mages or spellswords or anything like that. What I mean is,in 4E apparently mages are indifferential to fighters and every other class in the game,which is just bad planning.D&D is suppossed to give every PC an equal chance to utilize thier skills accordingly to help maintain the party,not have everyone be the same dull cookie cutter character that can change thier classes in the middle of the game too i might add.Hell,i remember back when you picked a class,you stayed as that class permanantly and that was it..and somehow it a lot more fun in those days....was'nt it?

16.No actual Roleplaying? =Do i even have to elaborate on this one at all?

Evil Grin Evil Evil Grin Evil Evil Grin Evil Evil Grin Evil Evil Grin Evil Evil Grin

Last edited by AcidArrow on Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:25 pm  
Re: Terms/things that should never,ever apply to AD&D

Okay, I understand you're being funny. Please take my own comments in the same light.

1. New, really? Frank Mentzer used the abbreviation XP in the 1983 D&D Basic Set, where I got my start (see, for example, page 12). It's used in the 1980 Moldvay-edited Basic Set, too (see page B4). This isn't an abbreviation that comes from computer games, old chap.

6. We don't call "fey" demons because "fey" is another name for fairies - pixies, sprites, nymphs, dryads and the like. You'll find that demons are called demons pretty much across the board in all D&D books for the past ten years. Check the dictionary.

10. You're not allowed to pretend to be old and cantankerous and use the word "emo," not unless you're talking about emotional hardcore punk rock. Angry, dimwitted 13-year-olds say "emo." Those of us born before the 1990s have more sophisticated vocabularies that don't depend on a stereotypical misreading of recent pop music. Try "angsty," "whiny," "drama queen" - solid, proven words that have served us well for generations. These are words you can depend on, not words dreamed up less than ten years ago by people who didn't happen to like Dashboard Confessional.

Last edited by rasgon on Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Site Theocrat

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Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:25 pm  
AD&D isn't even First

Hi all -
AD&D isn't First Edition - although most of us call it that.
But you are stating AD&D terms while using references like Ebberon and Feats which are clearly at least 3rd edition terms. You also state several 4e facts and figures (which I can't quantify, since I don't own any 4e materials), all the while referencing how they don't belong in AD&D.
I too am from the day of miniatures being not pewter but actual lead and being painted with Chinese lead based paint.
I take your post as friendly as I can - yet CanonFire and even are designed by the moniker that reads under CanonFire - Editions Change. Greyhawk Endures. This means that while I too detest and don't fully understand buffing/ tanking and various other aspects of an MMO world brought into the very original Massive Role Playing Game I realize that CF! is dedicated to the aspects that many people may utilize to further Greyhawk itself.
I've based TSR, WotC and now Hasbro for what they've done to the setting - with the death of Greyhawk in the late 90's after a semi-resurgence in the late '89-94 era with Carl Sargent. I even loved the RPGA for all that it stood for - all the while wishing that people in my region paid more attention to actual Greyhawk aspects and not just MMO style aspects and thus making me hate my Pale region of the RPGA.

So in all, while I do agree that some of those things and statements do not belong in AD&D - they do belong in Greyhawk and much more importantly, CanonFire. I realize your rant is just that - and one that is intended to poke fun at MMO's and other editions and modifications to the game that we all have played. However, as one that has embraced a massive change - that to Paizo's Pathfinder, I still find that Pathfinder fits very well into Greyhawk, just as well as the original box set that I played with and the one that came before that (the 3 books, as I played with the blue box with the wizard and dragon on front). Pathfinder and 3.5 play as well as 2nd edition did when it was out as I was one of the few that loved Skills & Powers. I've followed the editions of D&D for a long time - and like you feel that some things are just plain wrong and do not fit into Greyhawk (ebberon for one - there are no WARFORGED). However, Greyhawk Endures no matter what the rules are.

Be Well. Be Well Editioned.
Theocrat Issak
Theocrat Issak
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 03, 2009
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:24 pm  
Re: Terms/things that should never,ever apply to AD&D

rasgon wrote:
Okay, I understand you're being funny. Please take my own comments in the same light.

1. New, really? Frank Mentzer used the abbreviation XP in the 1983 D&D Basic Set, where I got my start (see, for example, page 12). It's used in the 1980 Moldvay-edited Basic Set, too (see page B4). This isn't an abbreviation that comes from computer games, old chap.

6. We don't call "fey" demons because "fey" is another name for fairies - pixies, sprites, nymphs, dryads and the like. You'll find that demons are called demons pretty much across the board in all D&D books for the past ten years. Check the dictionary.

10. You're not allowed to pretend to be old and cantankerous and use the word "emo," not unless you're talking about emotional hardcore punk rock. Angry, dimwitted 13-year-olds say "emo." Those of us born before the 1990s have more sophisticated vocabularies that don't depend on a stereotypical misreading of recent pop music. Try "angsty," "whiny," "drama queen" - solid, proven words that have served us well for generations. These are words you can depend on, not words dreamed up less than ten years ago by people who didn't happen to like Dashboard Confessional.

Fair enough good rasgon!But let's examine this a bit closer...

1.Now when i say "newer phrase"i'm not speaking in terms of the written game in it'self,no,no no,(i even have a boxed set that refers to it as XP.)but in contrast to the popular lingo of MMO's of today's society.I mean,how many of you out there can differentiate 4E products from the less popular World of Warcrap tabletop game anymore?It's virtually identical,which leads into something completely different from D&D's origins.

2.Fey are actually elves,not fairies originally.Even though it is likely that the term fairy came from the word fey'ri or faye dunnaway one or the other.I believe that's a popularized conception of Hasbro to be honest,regardless,i have seen the term used for demons on several occasions and was'nt impressed to say the least.

3.Actually the "emotional kids" are called emo because of thier tendency to cry at the drop of a hat,therefore they are over-emotional without rhyme or reason,but i would'nt go so far as to call them punk rockers,unless your looking to start a fight with punk rockers,because they tend to completely despise the current trend with a passion.Look at what the Misfits have become as a result and about a billion other outlets these kids have ruined with thier allowance dollars,and tell me that big business doesent cater to them exclusively these days,while leaving core audiences out in the cold,please tell me Rasgon.Now that doesent only apply to D&D,it applies to every entertainment venue like movies and books and even 80's cartoons for christ's sakes.Anyway,on a lighter note,the emo's call themselves punk,but they remind me of a bad Culture Club reunion tour for some's just pathetic.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 03, 2009
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:44 pm  
Re: AD&D isn't even First

TheocratIssak wrote:
Hi all -
AD&D isn't First Edition - although most of us call it that.
But you are stating AD&D terms while using references like Ebberon and Feats which are clearly at least 3rd edition terms. You also state several 4e facts and figures (which I can't quantify, since I don't own any 4e materials), all the while referencing how they don't belong in AD&D.
I too am from the day of miniatures being not pewter but actual lead and being painted with Chinese lead based paint.
I take your post as friendly as I can - yet CanonFire and even are designed by the moniker that reads under CanonFire - Editions Change. Greyhawk Endures. This means that while I too detest and don't fully understand buffing/ tanking and various other aspects of an MMO world brought into the very original Massive Role Playing Game I realize that CF! is dedicated to the aspects that many people may utilize to further Greyhawk itself.
I've based TSR, WotC and now Hasbro for what they've done to the setting - with the death of Greyhawk in the late 90's after a semi-resurgence in the late '89-94 era with Carl Sargent. I even loved the RPGA for all that it stood for - all the while wishing that people in my region paid more attention to actual Greyhawk aspects and not just MMO style aspects and thus making me hate my Pale region of the RPGA.

So in all, while I do agree that some of those things and statements do not belong in AD&D - they do belong in Greyhawk and much more importantly, CanonFire. I realize your rant is just that - and one that is intended to poke fun at MMO's and other editions and modifications to the game that we all have played. However, as one that has embraced a massive change - that to Paizo's Pathfinder, I still find that Pathfinder fits very well into Greyhawk, just as well as the original box set that I played with and the one that came before that (the 3 books, as I played with the blue box with the wizard and dragon on front). Pathfinder and 3.5 play as well as 2nd edition did when it was out as I was one of the few that loved Skills & Powers. I've followed the editions of D&D for a long time - and like you feel that some things are just plain wrong and do not fit into Greyhawk (ebberon for one - there are no WARFORGED). However, Greyhawk Endures no matter what the rules are.

Be Well. Be Well Editioned.
Theocrat Issak

Thx,i agree that editions do indeed change,but does that mean we have to change the editions we ourselves play?I think playing D&D or AD&D is all about choice and not about being force-fed editions we may or may not like at all.I admit,the article was centered around both 3rd and 4th,i gave 3rd a try,but felt like something was missing,like i dunno,it felt generic to me,so i reverted back to second within a month,and 4th..lemme just say,i honestly believe most players are going through what i felt when 3rd was introduced,i hated it,however,i played greyhawk in 3.5,it was kinda fun,but i still despised the overall system changes,but this new edition,i greatly refuse to purchase anything produced under it's sullied name...

Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:44 pm  

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And each DM will choose the edition that he/she likes best, especially here on Canonfire!

I wasn't going to bother joining in this particular discussion until I noticed that my name was mentioned. It reminded me of that old saying; "Be careful what you wish for . . . you just might get it." Wink

I googled Canonfire/Mystic-Scholar/Spawning to see if I said what you thought I might have said. It only showed a comment I made in regards to the article "Hell on Oerth," by: Osmund-Davizid. I didn't use "spawning" in my comment, but evidently the article mentioned "demon-spawning." Regardless . . .

The ancient Greeks said that Echidna -- the mother of many monsters in Heracles' life -- "spawned monstrous children." They reserved the phrases "gave birth" and "bore children/young" for humans and some "natural" animals. Monsters were said to have "spawned" young. I think its safe to say that this phraseology for monsters baring their young is just a little bit before "our" time.

People can and will use whatever turn of phrase they wish when playing and/or speaking of the game they love and play.Their freedom and right to do so should be respected. I'm sorry that you do not approve of some of the language used in talking about Greyhawk here on Canonfire!

Many have stopped visiting with "us" here on Canonfire! for reasons quite similar to yours -- "we" wouldn't do it their way. I am glad that you were able to "get it off your chest" as they say and hope that you will stick around. I've enjoyed your contributions to CF in the past.

(Edited) I may have unintentionally offend someone here I consider to be a real friend, therefore I have both edited and officially retract certain comments made in the original post. My apologies to anyone who may have been offended, as that was not and never is my intention.

Be assured that the next time my original instincts tell me not to join in on a conversation, I'll listen to them.
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Last edited by Mystic-Scholar on Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:13 pm  
Re: Terms/things that should never,ever apply to AD&D

AcidArrow wrote:
1.Now when i say "newer phrase"i'm not speaking in terms of the written game in it'self,no,no no,(i even have a boxed set that refers to it as XP.)but in contrast to the popular lingo of MMO's of today's society.

But... it's the same word. Perhaps a different example would have been more appropriate.

2.Fey are actually elves,not fairies originally.

The words "elf" and "fairy" are, though they have different origins, essentially interchangeable as far as folklore goes. The word "fairy" ultimately comes from the Latin fata, or fate, while "fey" comes from the Old English fǣge, meaning doomed to die.

,i have seen the term used for demons on several occasions and was'nt impressed to say the least.

No, you haven't. You're mistaken here. You may be confusing fey with the fey'ri, who are a kind of demonic half-elf. The "fey" part of their name refers to the elven part of their heritage, not the demonic part.

WotC always refers to demons as demons. TSR changed their name (to tanar'ri, not to fey) in the early 1990s, but WotC changed it back in late 2nd edition.

3.Actually the "emotional kids" are called emo because of thier tendency to cry at the drop of a hat,therefore they are over-emotional without rhyme or reason

No, that's not why. The word "emo" originated in the hardcore scene with bands like Fugazi, but the meaning of the word has changed as the music scene has changed. It does refer to things other than music, now, but it originated as a musical genre.
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:24 pm  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And each DM will choose the edition that he/she likes best, especially here on Canonfire!


I wasn't going to bother joining in this particular discussion until I noticed that my name was mentioned. It reminded me of that old saying; "Be careful what you wish for . . . you just might get it." Wink

Can't blame you there.

I'm given the impression that you are from some third world country, AcidArrow, given your desire to quell "freedom of speech." People can and will use whatever turn of phrase they wish when playing and/or speaking of the game they love and play.

Their freedom and right to do so should be respected. I'm sorry that you do not approve of some of the language used in talking about Greyhawk here on Canonfire! But I afraid you'll just have to get used to that.

Many have stopped visiting with "us" here on Canonfire! for reasons quite similar to yours -- "we" wouldn't do it their way. I'm glad you were able to "get it off your chest," as they say and hope that you will stick around. But you'll have to get used to "hearing" things you may not like.

Here on Canonfire! "we" strongly adhere to "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press." Many would say that's an American thing and it is, but its also a Canonfire! thing.

You'd better get used to it. Wink

I know what yer trying to say here but that was perhaps a bit too strong for what started out as a tongue in cheek thread. We certainly don't want a political flamewar breaking out is all I'm warning everyone...

Carry on.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:47 pm  

Well, this ought to be fun. Wink

AcidArrow wrote:

1.XP =A newer more common phrase used to describe the more antiquated words "experience points".

I don't know about everyone else, but most people I know have been using the abreviated "XP" for nearlfy as long as we have used the abbreviation "GP", for gold pieces. So, for around 25 years or so. i wouldn't call this a "new" thing by any means.
AcidArrow wrote:
2.Rare Drop =WTF is this suppossed to be all of a sudden???I'm sorry,but this is not Final Fantasy,nor is it World of warcraft my fine feathered friend.

I am not familiar with that one. I am so unhip.
AcidArrow wrote:
3.Level =A shortened term meaning to level up.My argument is,if your only goal in a tabletop game is to level up for bragging rights,then what is the point of playing in the first place?

We have never had problem with level braggarts, as most of the players know that the higher level you get, the more stuff there is than can kill you instantly. Characters can do more at higher level, but so can most everything they end up fighting against. Level bragging for us has been more about having survived that long, as in "I can't believe that the fighter actually made it to 14th level!"
AcidArrow wrote:
4.Mini's =Many of us use this term on a daily basis,the origin of the word is recent in describing poorly pre-painted plastic things made in china which is owned and distributed by Hasbro not "miniatures" made from pewter,tin or good old fashioned lead as intended.

This is not a new term at all, and no, it doesn't have its origin with poorly painted, mass produced plastic miniatures. People have been using this abbreviation since miniatures existed for gaming, and long before that. Another one is "figs", short for "figures" or "figurines". There is even one company that even double whammy's both abbreviations into their company name- "Minifigs", and they have been around for a long time. Most ancient geezers know this. Wink
AcidArrow wrote:
5.Star Wars references =Unless your playing or currently watching Star Wars your character is not Obi-wan Kenobi and light sabers and force powers in D&D is just dumb,please for the sake of serious purists like myself,don't do this ever.

Yes, this is lame, other than being used as the occaisional joke phrase.
AcidArrow wrote:
6.Fey = What ever happened to just calling it a demon??Was hasbro really that scared of offending christian parents?I mean to be honest,TSR drew in more customers in the late seventies based on the fact that it had demons in it..just ask some of my heavy metal friends and they'll tell you the same.Regardless,TSR had mucho cohones for the time.

Not sure where you are getting this. "Tanar'i" doesn't = Fey, and "Elemental Humanoid(demon)" doesn't = Fey either. Fey equates with fairies and such things anyways, not demons, but if it has ever been used in this way it is news to me.
AcidArrow wrote:
7.Feats = didn't they used to call these player character/racial abilities???
And anyone can use them you say?

They are more like weapon/non-weapon proficiencies, and not every character can make use of any of them that they choose.
AcidArrow wrote:
8.Spell Plagues =Ok,so now PC's who contract this spell plague are suddenly given super powers that pretty much out-weigh the DM,making the game less challenging for the players all the while giving the DM an ettin-sized head ache...well that blows too!

Spell plagues also result is loss of, or malfunction of, magical abilities too(Time of Troubles). I am not fond of any version of a Spell Plague for a campaign event as it overly impacts a few character classes positively or negatively rather than all of them.
AcidArrow wrote:
9.Spawning = (Read this one on here not too long ago,i think from mystic scholar,forgive me if i'm wrong.) First of all,monsters should never,ever,ever be allowed to....spawn!!!Wandering monsters and random encounters are fine and dandy,but SPAWNING!!!??????Has the whole world gone insane before my very eyes?!!This is not an MMO we're talking about here,but a hobby I dedicated thousands upon thousands of dollars to over the years and once cherished as if i we're the only person in the world that gave a damn about it.Oh well,there's always old stuff up for grabs on Ebay I guess.

Spawning is horrible. That will just lead to somebody saying "My thief is going to camp on the spawn point and back-stab anything that pops up."
AcidArrow wrote:
10.Emo characters =Oh yeah i remember all those emo guys from back in medieval times,weren't they cool?Actually no,they sucked which is why it never took place to begin with up until recent times cause emos probably would'a cried at the first sight of a weapon being drawn.Please leave twilight out of D&D,I am absolutely begging you,for the love of god!

Only the term EMO is new-ish. There have always been EMO characters. If you hate them now, you probably have always hated them. Elric, Driz'zt, even Raistlin- what EMOS they are! Everybody hates them! Razz
AcidArrow wrote:
11.Ebberon = What more can i say about this vile piece of after-birth that has'nt already been said before? I will judge even though i honestly never played it,in fact i don't even allow ad's for it in my home,that's how much i hate it!Sorry if you love it,but that's how i strongly feel.

Man, what a Poor loser. I feel your pain to be sure, but I say mine it for useful/interesting material and chuck the rest. It does require a somewhat open mind to do this though. ;)
AcidArrow wrote:
12.Light sabers =Once again onto the Star Wars subject,only this time i'm refering in mind that 90% of the artwork in any given 4th edition book,be it player or DM guide,is full of characters wielding lightsabers and lightsaberish weapons.

Blame WG4 and Unearthed Arcana- "Use the wand of force, Luke." 4E is just stealing from the master(i.e. EGG). So, quit hating on Gygax, you Gygax hater! Wink
AcidArrow wrote:
13.No Greyhawk =(As far as i know.)You mean the first official D&D world is gone now?Ya know this is'nt nessasarily a bad thing,at least now they won't be able to ruin that too.

Disclaimer:Don't let Hasbro read #13 or they will bring it back and
ruin it forever.

AcidArrow wrote:
14.Buffering =You mean you want me to cast spells on you to make you immune to everything and as strong as a herd of deadly umber hulks?Why don't you just use your sword instead,i'm too lazy at the moment?

I think you mean "buffs", "buffed" and "buffing". Remember that old slang term- buff = strong, powerful; ergo "getting buffed" means being affected by something that makes your character more powerful in some way. Lots of spells and potions do this. The term is kind of lame, but it is apt. Still, being somewhat of a curmudgeon, I tend not to use it.
AcidArrow wrote:
15.Fighter/Wizards =I'm not reffering to fighter-mages or spellswords or anything like that. What I mean is,in 4E apparently mages are indifferential to fighters and every other class in the game,which is just bad planning.D&D is suppossed to give every PC an equal chance to utilize thier skills accordingly to help maintain the party,not have everyone be the same dull cookie cutter character that can change thier classes in the middle of the game too i might add.Hell,i remember back when you picked a class,you stayed as that class permanantly and that was it..and somehow it a lot more fun in those days....was'nt it?

Read the 4E rules a bit more closely. What you stated is not exactly true, though there is quite a bit of bleed-over possible from class to class in 4E. However, you must choose to do so. You can play a very strict single class if you want to.
AcidArrow wrote:
16.No actual Roleplaying? =Do i even have to elaborate on this one at all?

No, because it might require role-playing to do so, and we can't have that. At all. Laughing
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Last edited by Cebrion on Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:01 am; edited 2 times in total
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:41 am  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
I'm given the impression that you are from some third world country, AcidArrow, given your desire to quell "freedom of speech."

Neutral well, i am, but i dont see it like this
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:47 am  
Re: Terms/things that should never,ever apply to AD&D

rasgon wrote:

No, that's not why. The word "emo" originated in the hardcore scene with bands like Fugazi,


Ahaaa! It's always great when I read someone who actually know real music.
Not that I was ever a Fugazi fan (I liked Minor Threat much better). But hey at least I read that name again. Italy has pretty much fallen into huge scene fights, more stereotypied than ever, so you either have 80's hair metal and baseball cap kids, but hardly anyone who has an overall view of the music.

Sorry for the OT:

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:47 am  

Cebrion wrote:
AcidArrow wrote:
5.Star Wars references =Unless your playing or currently watching Star Wars your character is not Obi-wan Kenobi and light sabers and force powers in D&D is just dumb,please for the sake of serious purists like myself,don't do this ever.

Yes, this is lame, other than being used as the occaisional joke phrase.

Aww. Is this why you detest my Gods in Spaaace episodes? Razz

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:20 pm  

Long Live Gods in Space! Happy Cool Wink Razz
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Adept Greytalker

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:22 pm  

I think many of you are mistaken regarding the usage of the term "XP." What we have been saying all along is "Ex-P."

It is easy to misunderstand.
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Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:40 pm  
Re: AD&D isn't even First

TheocratIssak wrote:
I've followed the editions of D&D for a long time - and like you feel that some things are just plain wrong and do not fit into Greyhawk (ebberon for one - there are no WARFORGED).

They might work as a rare creation of the Ancient Bakluni, created using a variant of the magic used in an Apparatus of Qualish. They certainly wouldn't be on every street corner.
I've often felt that the Artificer class was a good alternative to the Al-Qadim Clockwork Mage, and would similarly fit in the Baklunish West.
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Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:15 pm smurfs in Greyhawk, then? Would that be bad?
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:14 pm  

I am certainly will not be the first person in line to see Michael's Bay's live-action Greyhawk movie (what I equate to 4E Greyhawk) but I do not see any point in further outrage over 4E. It is like WoW, but I felt that 3E was Diablo II based.

I only use a small amount of GH content post the original boxed set anyway. I have used more of the material GVDammerung has written than canon material written as part of AD&D.

And above I read that AD&D was not first edition. I am fairly certain that Basic came first, then AD&D 1st and 2nd editions. So a reference to 1st edition, to me, has always indicated AD&D, not basic.

Regardless, I don't cotton to no warforged, but I also don't cotton to no Fate of Istus, either.
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Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:52 am  

bubbagump wrote: smurfs in Greyhawk, then? Would that be bad?

not at all!

a small village under the control of a powerfull shaman! the "hardcore" thing is that they are the opposite of amazons: they are almost all man, and take some female to reproduce.
smurfette must have some busy days, heh?

in the end, it would result in ...SMURF WARS!

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Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:28 am  

I dont usually say much on here..I just come on to find all the delicious Greyhawk tidbits you post but thought I would chime in my 2 cents...I dont know why we even have to rant and rave...we have 4 lovely editions for all of us to use, whichever one we want. Do I like how DnD has turned out? I ve played 4th edition and its too much like a video game. Am I mad about that and blame Hasbro? hasbro is trying to keep DnD alive and it seems the only way to appeal to youngsters is to make it like WOW and such. To me DnD is already complete..I use 2nd edition and to me thats all I need(and my wallet thanks me). Things will never be how they used to be, everyone changes things modifies things and builds on things until sometimes the eccence of what it was is destroyed. DnD is not like that though cause you can use a different edition and still have the flavour and the feel of what you want.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:39 pm  

mortellan wrote:
Aww. Is this why you detest my Gods in Spaaace episodes? Razz

Somewhat. Call me a purist. It won't hurt my feelings. Laughing
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Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:38 pm  

chaoticprime wrote:
It is like WoW, but I felt that 3E was Diablo II based.

I never equated 3E with Diablo. 3E very much borrows mechanics from other game systems to replace those things which worked horribly in 2e(proficiencies and spheres of influence mainly). You can see that in who wrote it, and what they have worked on before. The unified d20 mechanic is my favorite thing about it. Such an obvious and simple thing to change.

Granted, 3E is by no means perfect, but not many things are. Wink

Also, "XP" has been in use since 1981, and likely earlier than that even. I didn't check every book and adventure to find out. Wink So, when most people say "XP" they mean exactly that, not "Ex P".
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Last edited by Cebrion on Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:15 pm  

Hey....I LIKE Spheres of Influence and Proficiencies! I'm one of those incredibly rare 2nd Edition fans! (We're like albino lab rats....even though we exist, no one can see us! Happy )
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:38 pm  

Hehe. So do I. They were great when they came out to be sure, just because of the idea of them, but they are flawed. Clerics riding horses better than warrior types, and I bet you never had to choose from the cornucopia of 4th level spells that a priest of Celestian has access to. I did. Laughing

I still love 2 though, and it is what I used for at least 80% of my own Greyhawk campaign. Cool
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