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Collective barbarian names
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:14 am  
Collective barbarian names

I was pondering on the fact that there is not (to my knowledge) a common term used to identify the three barbarian people prom Rhizia.
Considering they all speak the same language (Fruz) they could be all more generally called Fruz as well, or maybe Rhizian, or more simply Northmen or Norsemen. I am reading something about the viking social structure (norse clans etc) (the History Channel show helps :)) and obviously it's quite easy to grab pieces of history and paste them into these lands. I assumed the three suel Houses took a lot of their actual social structure from giants and dwarves (hence have a "Germanic" background).
What are your thoughts on this?

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:41 am  

Thillonrian Barbarians, Suel Barbarians, Northern Barbarians, Thillonrians, Rhizians, or Northmen all work.

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:40 am  

I have also seen in some publications to them refered collectively as Cold Barbarians or the Barbarian States. Though whether this was with intent or oversight or the author I'm not certain. So don't know if that defines Canon, but is a good work none the less. Located Here
They Refer to each other
The Ice Barbarians, properly known as the Kingdom of (the) Cruski, is a political state of the Flanaess. The people themselves are sometimes referred to as simply the Cruski.
The Frost Barbarians, properly known as the Kingdom of (the) Fruztii, is a political state of the Flanaess. The people themselves are sometimes referred to as simply the Fruztii.
The Snow Barbarians, properly known as the Kingdom of (the) Schnai, is a political state of the Flanaess. The people themselves are sometimes referred to as simply the Schnai.
See Here for Reference

IMC we refer to them as Rasgon suggests, Rhizian
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:14 pm  

I've always referred to them collectively as the Suelii. I have no idea though where I got that from or if it's accurate or not.

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:12 am  

Wolfling wrote:
I've always referred to them collectively as the Suelii. I have no idea though where I got that from or if it's accurate or not.

Wolf, in the day I too did as you.. but listed away from it because there were (are?) Suel in varied places other than the Thillonrian peninsula. I wanted something that uniquely identified not only the peoples as a whole but the place. Akin to the fear that the early britians had for the "Northmen". AHHHHH!!! the Rhizian are coming!!!! Laughing Laughing Wink

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:07 am  

From the Ashes only refers to them as "barbarians" or, in one case, "barbarians of the north."

Ivid the Undying calls them "barbarians," "barbarians of the north," or in a few cases incorrectly as "Flan barbarians." (for some reason, Ivid tried to retcon them as Flan, even though From the Ashes was clear that they were Suel - ah well, it's an unpublished and unedited manuscript, and we shouldn't take details like that seriously. Read it as "Suel barbarians," then).

The Living Greyhawk Gazetteer calls them "Northern Suel" (page 4), "Suelii" (pages 44, 54, 55), "barbarians of the Thillonrian Peninsula" (page 8 and 14), "Suel barbarians of the Thillonrian Peninsula" (page 18), "Suel barbarians" (pages 36, 37, 44, 54, 77, 89, 91, 99, 100, 105, 106, 109), "Thillonrian barbarians" (page 36), "northern barbarians" (46, 98, 110, 148, 185), "barbarians of the north" (100), "barbarians" (lots of times), and "northmen" (page 15).

"Suel barbarians" seems the most common, though most people probably refer to them simply as barbarians. This is imprecise, as the Rovers of the Barrens are sometimes known as "Flan barbarians" (LGG, 94) and there are barbarians in the southern jungles (some of them of Suel descent), but most people who are raided regularly by the Suelii know what is meant by the word. Suelii seems to be their word for themselves; there are other Suel-descended peoples, but no one else calls themselves Suelii. "Northern barbarians" is also used and seems not to invite any confusion with northern Rovers or Stonefists. "Northmen" is also acceptable, but rare.

While there are numerous instances of Rhizia used as a place name, I can't find any canonical instances of the formulation Rhizian.

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:29 am  

rasgon wrote:
While there are numerous instances of Rhizia used as a place name, I can't find any canonical instances of the formulation Rhizian.

While I concur with your collective, I wasn't implying "Rhizian" as canon per say, but analogous to the term America (place) & American(people from the place).
Even with this modern example, it should more precisely discribe Canadians, USA, Mexico, etc. BUT the world accepts Americans to defacto = USA solely.
And DUDE.. is there not a PAGE you don't have commited to memory or a short list???? If there were a Grand Great Grey Master Sage moniker you should have it. Laughing Laughing
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:31 pm  

Yeah I was just playing wih the terms Scandinavia, Norsemen, Vikings, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders etc. As all three kingdoms speak the same language, it seems obvious there should be a term to define the people in its collective, like we had the term Norsemen to describe the germanic tribes of Scanindavia speaking norse language among which were several kingdoms, and tribes among which vikings we could have x to describe the suel tribes of Rhizia speaking fruz language among which were several kingdoms among which schai, frutzii, cruski etc.

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Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:32 pm  

Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
While I concur with your collective, I wasn't implying "Rhizian" as canon per say, but analogous to the term America (place) & American(people from the place).

Don't get me wrong, I think the name is fine. I was just curious if anyone else had used it before.

And DUDE.. is there not a PAGE you don't have commited to memory or a short list?

Haha, that wasn't from memory! I searched the PDFs.
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