Author |
Message |
Cebrion |
abysslin |
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:43 am Post subject: |
Is it active on Thursdays? I made it in finally. Somewhat difficult to get in. Showing 5 users in the channel on mid day Saturday. |
Cebrion |
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:25 am Post subject: |
"It is held Weekly on Thursdays from 8pmET to 3amET and Beyond"
...but some people show up early, some later. |
SirXaris |
Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:29 am Post subject: |
Cebrion wrote: |
GREYtalk happens every Thursday evening, EST/PST... |
I think that should be 11pm EST/8pm PST.
SirXaris |
Cebrion |
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:59 pm Post subject: |
GREYtalk happens every Thursday evening, EST/PST, so if you do not live in North/South America you will need to figure in the time difference (for France I believe it would be early Friday morning). |
Le Noir Faineant |
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:51 pm Post subject: |
When's the next meetup? I'll look to be there, then. :) |
Mystic-Scholar |
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:23 pm Post subject: |
Greytalk was alive and kicking last night.
Should have been there!  |
Le Noir Faineant |
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:49 am Post subject: |
Is Greytalk still going on? I wouldn't mind to attend a chat one of these days. :) |
Cebrion |
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:16 am Post subject: |
Don't know if it case sensitive, but try #GreyTalk. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:25 pm Post subject: |
It's 10:24pm central now, I am in two chat rooms: one called #greytalk and the other #greychat. I am the only one in both these rooms |
SirXaris |
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:13 pm Post subject: |
BlueWitch wrote: |
Well this is a new one.
Is Thursday chat canceled this week? I just checked the chatroom and I was the only one in there. |
We're there, BlueWitch! About a dozen of us at the moment (10:13pm CST). Hope you can get in. :)
SirXaris |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:02 pm Post subject: |
Well this is a new one.
Is Thursday chat canceled this week? I just checked the chatroom and I was the only one in there. |
masterarminas |
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:08 pm Post subject: |
Sorry to hear that, BW. I'll see if I can find a guru to help.
Master Arminas |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:01 pm Post subject: |
Well, now I tried the link Argon provided, that worked last week. Now it won't even admit a chatroom exists. So I tried the link in this site, and got in for 4 seconds like usual now.
I have no idea what the deal is. |
Argon |
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:45 pm Post subject: |
Are you still using the link from CF? Follow this link in the nick field but your name and channel #greytalk in the connect field scroll all the way down to otherworlders |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:37 pm Post subject: |
OK, since the most likely theory for why I can't get into chat anymore, is something in java, I'll ask does anybody know how I can adjust those settings? My computer runs vista, I should warn you (Actually, I mention that because I know a lot of things are different by operating system)
This is the 3rd, maybe 4th, week that I haven't been able to get to the Thursday chat. I'm having withdrawal. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:56 pm Post subject: |
I also use firefox, and I have for quite a few years now, and that's how I always log into chat: Firefox and the link on the CF main page.
I think you're on to something about java settings. The other week I tried a DVD in this machine and had some troubles with it and the disc player. I remember trying to change some settings in something to get it to work. So it's very possible I changed something in java and can't find it now.
I just tried getting into the chat room just before posting this. Just like last Thursday, and the Thursday before that, I get in, and get the boot a few seconds later. |
Argon |
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:55 pm Post subject: |
I use Firefox and log in through mibbit not mIrc so I don't know what java setting your using that could be whats causing it? I always thought Guest could not post strange.
Yeah 3 seconds I was wondering what happened to you last night?
I hope you can get it fixed. Also note you can try logging on on any day to see if you figured out the problem.
Argon |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:46 pm Post subject: |
Anonymous wrote: |
SirXaris wrote: |
Glad to see you made it in last night, BlueWitch. :)
SirXaris |
???? I was in chat for maybe 3 seconds, that's all. |
That was me. Apparently my account wasn't logged in. |
SirXaris |
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:40 am Post subject: |
Glad to see you made it in last night, BlueWitch. :)
SirXaris |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:06 pm Post subject: |
Cebrion wrote: |
Same here. The PHP server was issuing some MySQL error messages earlier, but it seems to have cleared up. If anybody is having trouble joining GREYchat using mIRC, try the link here instead: |
Thanks for trying but that doesn't work for me. |
Cebrion |
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:53 pm Post subject: |
Same here. The PHP server was issuing some MySQL error messages earlier, but it seems to have cleared up. If anybody is having trouble joining GREYchat using mIRC, try the link here instead: |
masterarminas |
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:47 pm Post subject: |
No, but I had trouble getting to Canonfire. Got a message about something being down, and then I reloaded and it was fine.
MA |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:20 pm Post subject: |
Anybody else having troubles logging into chat tonight? I got in once, for about a second. But my other 8 or 9 attempts all failed. |
Mystic-Scholar |
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:21 pm Post subject: |
Sorry, this is a temporary situation while we make changes to the 'face' of Canonfire!
Mibbet is a free link:
This is the Mibbet home page. Connect using Otherworlders, replacing the Mibbet you'll see in that slot.
Enter your nick and the Channel #Greytalk and you go right to it!
Again, our apologies. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:06 pm Post subject: |
I see the link to GreyTalk has been removed from the site. So, I can't get in, and I'm probably not the only one now. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:51 pm Post subject: Here we go again |
Well, once again, I try to log into the chat, and once again, I get a blank screen and it tells me there are 0 users in chat.
I don't know what I did to piss off Ralishaz so much.  |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:17 pm Post subject: |
Would any of that server stuff even be relevant, since I log into chats with the link on the CF main page? I've heard recent updates from MS have made a real mess of things, even for us using firefox.
I've pretty much always logged into chats this way, since my attempts at using mIRC never worked. That was an irritating couple of Thursday nights of not being able to check out chats. (Back when I was a greychat newbie, or technically before, since it wasn't until I used the firefox method that I was able to get into the chat)
I guess I should have mentioned my logging in method in the initial post. Well, everybody rolls a 1 eventually. It was just my turn. |
Cebrion |
Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:25 am Post subject: |
BlueWitch: You may have been on the wrong server. What you describe happened to me once when I wasn't paying attention to what server I had hooked up to when reinstalling mIRC. Double check all of your settings and that you are on the right server. |
bubbagump |
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:23 pm Post subject: |
ICEChat is also a good alternative. It's available for free download here: |
Mystic-Scholar |
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:34 am Post subject: |
Are you using mIRC?
Internet Explorer was giving me troubles. I switched to Mozilla Firefox. Icarus helped me with it, you might PM him. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:26 pm Post subject: |
JohnJohn |
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:56 pm Post subject: |
I went through the posts here and got one of the instructions to work...
It was posted by ratlord
<<<In chatzilla, type:
once it connects, type:
/nick YourNickname
yournickname being whatever you want, with no spaces, use underscores _
/join #greytalk
that's it. >>>
I couldn't get any of the others to work.
At least I think I got it to work... I am in a chat room called greytalk but for all I know I am on the wrong side of the cyber universe, on a wrong server, sitting in there talking to myself
EDIT: OOps as it turns out I was on the wrong side of the cyber universe in the wrong chat room. While writing my post the post above mine was made and by following the link in it I was able to get into chat. Thank you
This link worked like a charm
Thanks  |
Cebrion |
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:49 pm Post subject: |
Otherworlders itself was down apparently, so users of whatever chat method(Java, Chatzilla, mIRC, Mibbit, etc.) were unable to get in for a while this evening. I posted the following elsewhere, but I'll put it here too.
This is a heads up for everyone who wants to visit the chat rooms. Java still works fine as far as I can tell(usually), but mIRC users will need to switch servers(unless you are just starting out with the chat room).
For mIRC users, launch mIRC as normal. You will not be able to connect until you do the following:
Got to "Tools" and then "Options". Under the "Catergory:" section on the left side of the box under the "Connect" heading, highlight the folder named "Servers", and click the "Add" button at the right. In the new box that pops up type in a short description of the server in the Description box, "Gamechat" for instance. In the "IRC Server" box type ""(don't type the quotes obviously:wink:), and in the "Ports" box type "6667", which is the #greytalk channel. There is no need to enter anything under the "Group" box. Enter a pasword if you wish, and then click "Add".
That should fix your problem and you should be able to restart mIRC and get into the chatrooms. Access the channel list as normal to join a specific chatroom. My thanks to Daigle who helped me a bit with my own switchover. Hope this helps somebody else.
Once you have mIRC installed, you can actually use this direct link:
If anybody has any further help to pass along then by all means do so!  |
smillan_31 |
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:44 pm Post subject: |
I got in with chatzilla using chatdemon's directions above but no one else is here. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:46 pm Post subject: |
JohnJohn |
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:31 pm Post subject: |
Sorry for posting in an old thread but it's on topic for my problem .
I tried for about 2 hours tonight to get into chat and it wouldn't let me. I tried going in through the java thing here on the website...
Then tried mirc but couldn't figure out how to do it. I went to that new mirc users/help link that's there but all I got was a broken link/site not responding.
I tried using that chatzilla thing posted above as I use firefox but that wouldn't work either it just kept giving me a "retry in 30 seconds."
Dunno why but the java thing here at the website kept saying something about "forbidden you do not have access."
I swear I was nice last week so dunno why I been forbidden .
Edit: went and looked and it said this:
You don't have permission to access /chat/cf/ on this server.
Apache/2.2 Server at Port 80
Dunno if that helps but that's what I kept getting when I tried the java thinigie. |
GVDammerung |
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:37 am Post subject: |
The CF link now works for me. Thanks to the CF admins for ironing out the difficulties.
For those who may still be encountering difficulties, I note that when I try to log on through the CF link sometimes I need to try two or three times before java "takes" and opens the chat window. And in every case, I come in as a guest and have to adjust my nickname (instructions for which are just below the chat window). Hope this may prove helpful. |
Despotrix |
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:50 pm Post subject: |
Quote: |
Well, for the second week in a row, none of the options posted here work for me. |
My guess, after looking at the chat network status data, is that the problems you are encountering are coming from their end, rather than Canonfire! If the problems persist, I suggest visiting and seeking assistance there.
Sorry for the inconvenience |
Cebrion |
Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:28 pm Post subject: |
The java link in the page margin works. I had to use it when I had problems with mIRC. Somehow I got those problems worked out though, so I switched back to mIRC. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:45 pm Post subject: |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:26 pm Post subject: |
ratlord |
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:21 pm Post subject: |
In chatzilla, type:
once it connects, type:
/nick YourNickname
yournickname being whatever you want, with no spaces, use underscores _
/join #greytalk
that's it.
If anyone has further connection problems, please AIM me (chatdemonrich) or MSN ( me and I'll try to help. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:42 pm Post subject: |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 7:27 pm Post subject: |
mortellan |
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:15 pm Post subject: |
Argh. You too GVD?
I'll try and tell Holian about it if I ever see him before next Thursday.
You two don't use mIRC eh?
Well I tried that link on the left and it 404'd me too. Then I backed out the cf.html part and it sent me to a list of channels on otherworlders site.
Ours says: "The GreyTalk/CanonFire chat is located HERE, please update your bookmarks."
Using that link it took me to a chat page that said "Grey Talk Chat
We are testing out a new web chat. Please enter your name below."
I got in greychat but its rather strange. I guess the server is tinkering around with a new java chat service thingee. |
GVDammerung |
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 12:18 pm Post subject: |
BlueWitch wrote: |
mortellan wrote: |
You can't get in again BW?  |
All I get is a blank white page with text: "No input file specified."
I didn't know I needed one. I didn't know I had one to start with, let alone specifying one. |
I can confirm a similar experience. I actually had time to attend the Greychat this week (the 29th) and could not get in using the link from the CF home page in the left hand column. So, I read a book.
I just tried again and got a white page announcing, "This webpage cannot be found." Boccob needs to turn his eye toward a fix. |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:37 pm Post subject: |
mortellan |
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:40 pm Post subject: |
You can't get in again BW?  |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:09 pm Post subject: |
BlueWitch |
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:37 pm Post subject: |
ephealy |
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:41 am Post subject: |
No dice for me, though I think it's b/c I'm using a proxy.
X gave me the URL for access using CGI, but that seems to be busted. I've not been able to get in #gt for a couple days :( |
rasgon |
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:55 pm Post subject: |
It works fine. If you have the Chatzilla plug-in for Firefox, just type irc:// into your browser and it takes you there. That's the only IRC program I use anymore, but I assume others work just as well. |
BusterBudd |
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:35 pm Post subject: Greytalk- How to join in, plus Q & A. |
Hi. Greytalk down. Can't seem to get aboard to chat with all ye grand Greytalkers.
Keep getting a Not Found 404 msg page. Huh?
Any help would be great.
AncientGamer.  |