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[quote="Dark_Lord_Galen"][quote="Anonymous"]Hello, I apologize for disturbing you,..... I must admit I have always used your wiki as a leech rather than a proactive supporter. In other words, this means I deeply appreciate the extension and depth of your work... but there are some reasons why I have never taken up the idea of helping you out. The reasons are quickly said: during last 12 years, together with some friends, I have always played a rather heretic and distorted Greyhawk setting... we always used Greyhawk as a starting base and as a general idea without respecting its canon....... As you might imagine I appreciate your "heresy" section, although I do not think I am ready to contribute. So, what I am looking for is just the possibility to read your wiki pages as I have done so far.[/quote] First, welcome... even in the middle ages leeches were believed to bring useful and beneficial "help" hehe so with that dont be afraid to give feedback and input..... as you pointed out... there is a "heretical sub-section" .. I know there has been log on issues with the Wiki for the last several weeks and I'm sure there is a work in correcting this... but when this is resolved dont feel you can't bring something to make a great forum even better... its the participants that make the difference. All hail the dark shadowy places of the world... hehhe Dark Lord Galen[/quote]
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Topic review
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:36 pm
Post subject:
Anonymous wrote:
I apologize for disturbing you, given my poor contribution to the website. I tried to open a topic of my own asking for help but, given my login problems (see below) the only solution is to post a message as an answer to an already existing one. At least I am a little in-topic (feel free to erase or move my message if it is misplaced).
Recently, connecting from Australia, I noticed that Greyhawk Wiki pages open but do not get browsed properly. The result is a completely blank page -- however the status bar at the bottom left of my browser says "done," as if the page was correctly browsed.
So, my first question is whether you decided to restrict access to subscribed users. Anyway, it seems to me unlikely, so I will steadily address this concern in the final part of this message.
The Wiki is just down at the moment, not restricted. The only restricted access with regards to the Great Library of Greyhawk Wiki relates to posting content. This wiki is made up of only canon sources, and where something is of arguable canonicity it is cited as such. The reason for this is to control the veracity of the content, which is why access to posting on the GH Wiki is restricted to a small number of people. Anybody can view the GH Wiki though. Well, at least when it is up.
Anonymous wrote:
The second doubt is whether there is a problem with the machine or network I am actually using. Hence, I tried different computers (HP, Dell and Blackberry Mobile Phone), with different OS (Windows XP, Windows 7 and BB), different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer and BB Internet Browser), and finally with different connections and relative IPs (University LAN, University Wireless Network, Home Wireless Network).
So, I think the issue depends on canonfire's management, server management or some Aussie proxies.
Your machines are fine (see above).
Anonymous wrote:
I tried to contact the webmaster clicking on the bottom of your home page, but it says only registered users are allowed to access such restricted area (???).
The webmaster contact is indeed restricted so as to filter out tons of spam. If you have a problem, start your own thread here in the Canonfire Help & Feedback forum (which is something even an unregistered user/guest can do), rather than bury it in somebody else's thread. We are likely to see it more quickly that way.
I've split this off from the other thread.
Anonymous wrote:
Consequently, I tried to subscribe to your website, with a Username and a password of my choice. After some problems getting through the "are you a fan?" question.
However, I never received a confirmation email, nor my username and password seem to be working. Even the "lost password" device does not send me any confirmation code.
Try registering again. If you have problems, post your username here, and I'll see if anything has shown up in the new members section.
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:07 pm
Post subject:
Anonymous wrote:
I apologize for disturbing you,.....
I must admit I have always used your wiki as a leech rather than a proactive supporter.
In other words, this means I deeply appreciate the extension and depth of your work... but there are some reasons why I have never taken up the idea of helping you out.
The reasons are quickly said: during last 12 years, together with some friends, I have always played a rather heretic and distorted Greyhawk setting... we always used Greyhawk as a starting base and as a general idea without respecting its canon....... As you might imagine I appreciate your "heresy" section, although I do not think I am ready to contribute.
So, what I am looking for is just the possibility to read your wiki pages as I have done so far.
First, welcome... even in the middle ages leeches were believed to bring useful and beneficial "help" hehe so with that dont be afraid to give feedback and input..... as you pointed out... there is a "heretical sub-section" ..
I know there has been log on issues with the Wiki for the last several weeks and I'm sure there is a work in correcting this... but when this is resolved dont feel you can't bring something to make a great forum even better... its the participants that make the difference.
All hail the dark shadowy places of the world... hehhe
Dark Lord Galen
Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:12 am
Post subject:
I apologize for disturbing you, given my poor contribution to the website. I tried to open a topic of my own asking for help but, given my login problems (see below) the only solution is to post a message as an answer to an already existing one. At least I am a little in-topic (feel free to erase or move my message if it is misplaced).
Recently, connecting from Australia, I noticed that Greyhawk Wiki pages open but do not get browsed properly. The result is a completely blank page -- however the status bar at the bottom left of my browser says "done," as if the page was correctly browsed.
So, my first question is whether you decided to restrict access to subscribed users. Anyway, it seems to me unlikely, so I will steadily address this concern in the final part of this message.
The second doubt is whether there is a problem with the machine or network I am actually using. Hence, I tried different computers (HP, Dell and Blackberry Mobile Phone), with different OS (Windows XP, Windows 7 and BB), different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer and BB Internet Browser), and finally with different connections and relative IPs (University LAN, University Wireless Network, Home Wireless Network).
So, I think the issue depends on canonfire's management, server management or some Aussie proxies.
I tried to contact the webmaster clicking on the bottom of your home page, but it says only registered users are allowed to access such restricted area (???).
Consequently, I tried to subscribe to your website, with a Username and a password of my choice. After some problems getting through the "are you a fan?" question.
However, I never received a confirmation email, nor my username and password seem to be working. Even the "lost password" device does not send me any confirmation code.
...After searching this forum and the website for eventual notices about wiki going for ordinary maintenance or sort of things, I resolved to post a help-request message here... please accept my deepest apologies if you think it was not the case.
Just because I chose to write a message, I think it's time to introduce myself.
I must admit I have always used your wiki as a leech rather than a proactive supporter.
In other words, this means I deeply appreciate the extension and depth of your work... but there are some reasons why I have never taken up the idea of helping you out.
The reasons are quickly said: during last 12 years, together with some friends, I have always played a rather heretic and distorted Greyhawk setting... we always used Greyhawk as a starting base and as a general idea without respecting its canon.
When we started we did not know Greyhawk setting was so broad and thoroughly explored... later, when we noticed it was one of the eldest rpg fantasy settings, we felt like going on with what we were producing rather than converting it to canon. To some of you it might sound unacceptable, while other will readily understand that after some years of campaign one is not willing to turn Drawmij's skin colour just because a handbook tells you it is so. As you might imagine I appreciate your "heresy" section, although I do not think I am ready to contribute.
So, what I am looking for is just the possibility to read your wiki pages as I have done so far.
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