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The Eye of the Kraken
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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
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Fri May 18, 2007 2:31 pm  
The Eye of the Kraken

The Eye of the Kraken,

Very cool. In my favor waters. Happy

Did you have Slith or a neighbor in mind? Malenti/human descendants would surely have some sahuagin traits. As I am working in that area I would love to incorporate this great piece. Got any more Question Exclamation (Wolfsire drooling).
Plar of Poofy Pants
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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From: Mt. Smolderac

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Fri May 18, 2007 9:14 pm  


I don't have much more yet although it started as an article trying to reconcile Nippon and the Hydranians and my myth explaining the Malenti ancestry got hijacked by the postfest. Mos def not psuedo- or any other flavor of Japanese. Probably more Javanese-like, but EVIL Javanese-like. Geographically the option I'm favoring is making the western Hydranians inhabited by the nation descended of the sea-devil princesses, despite the description of them as "unsettled" in "Bounds of Oerik". I'm unsure of how to deal with the Slith since two unrelated mutant human races side by side is a little much. Probably the Slith are descended from a Hydranian civil war where one side turned away from the Grandmother of Krakens, began worshiping another god and mating with a race (yuan-ti) representing said god. I am planning on making the base alignment for the nation NE.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon May 21, 2007 7:42 am  

Very interesting. I was planning on working with Slith as part of my work on Zahindia, but as you are, I will back away. The two adventures I tentatively had set in Slith from Book of Lairs II, I decided to move anyway to tie them better into Dungeon's adventure Rana Mor, which I had somewhat of a Thialand feel. It was supposed to be an island but I moved it to land.

If you have not seen it already, take a look a the map I posted in the forum about who are the Zahindi. That might give you some ideas.

With Hydra/Nippon/Slith, that is tough reconcilling the sources. My preferred methond is to take everything and make it fit. So I would have some Japanese, but make it work with all the other elements, including some of the "unsettled" bit. Not sure how that would work. Fortunately, there is a lot to Japanese culture that can be exploited without having to rely on just the most popular elements. I don't know anyting about Javanese, but that sounds great. I was thinking about also emphasizing the Dragon King aspect. That might work with Slith.

Except for the Bakluni parts, I was going to run with the ideas I used in my article Coiled Dragons of the Hool Marshes,

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Plar of Poofy Pants
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:02 pm  

Had to share this as I found it. In the d20 book Sahasra: Land of 1,000 cities (an Indian themed campaign book) there is an underground city, Dirindhala, described (a little over 1 and a half pages) for the rock nagas. The population are human-naga cross breeds with the degree of naga blood being their obsession. The queen has to hide the fact that she has any human blood, but the innkeepers have hardly any trace of naga, while their children appear to have none. It is not described, as far as I have seen, the relative degree of human v. naga blood for the population as a whole, but it very much reminded me of Slith. The alignments referenced were CG and CN.
Plar of Poofy Pants
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