Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:55 pm
I enjoyed this article as well. So far, I have found Almor to be a great place to launch a campaign from.
A while ago a friend of mine started us off there. One of our first harrowing encounters was shortly after we began as we rode along the border of the former Great Kingdom lands. We saw a group of riders, and they us. It turned out they were heavy cavalry of the Companion Guard who were riding across the land on some mission of rapine or other. Stupid us, we didn't fly for our lives. As it ended up, we were captured and sown inside the bodies of our evicerated horses, to die a slow death by starvation inside their rotting corpses. Overall, they were very friendly chaps, just having a go at us. Hehe. We were able to escape of course, but had lost most of our possessions of note and had only a few bits of armor and the odd weapon to make our way from there.
Good times. _________________ - Moderator/Admin (in some areas)/Member -