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Greyhawk 591-597?
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:35 pm  
Greyhawk 591-597?

Hey the last Greyhawk books I have are the late 2ed books, one is like an atlas, I think its Greyhawk the Adventure begins, and the Players Guide to Greyhawk.

Did the LGG, update the timeline, and are there any 'official' updates to the timeline up to the new Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk time (597). I thought I read in something that Turrosh Mak is no more, but I can't remember where I saw it.

Thanks for any help you can give me
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:01 pm  


Officially, back in 2001 or 2002, they made a rule that Living Greyhawk would advance 1 year per calendar year. So products for LG were timed to the year they were produced. I am hoping someone will put out a summary of the "events" of the LG period now that LG is being ended next year. So therefore, this year represents 597 in Greyawk years, and 598 will be the last "official" Greyhawk stuff. Expedition gets 597 because that is when it was produced.

Nothing in it requires it to be 597 - it could just as easily be 591, or any time after 584. My own campaign started 11 years ago in 585, and is just now in mod 588. :)

Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:12 pm  

I hope so too, there are a bunch of things i've read only teasers about, and I can't find any info on the Internet! i.e. the whole assassination thing of King Kimbertos Skotti: who was behind his assassination? How did he came backto life, If he was killed by Blackrazor? Also, Whatever happened to Duke Karll? And what's the big plan of Rary? I would like to know.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:36 pm  
Re: Greyhawk 591-597?

ClobberinTime wrote:
Did the LGG, update the timeline, and are there any 'official' updates to the timeline up to the new Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk time (597). I thought I read in something that Turrosh Mak is no more, but I can't remember where I saw it.

There are a number of Living Greyhawk downloads (see the link in my sig for more), but three have years built into their titles, so might be the ones you want:

Good luck finding what you want.
David 'Big Mac' Shepheard<br />My Greyhawk links:;t=9355<br />(If I am not here, you can find me at the Greyhawk or Chainmail forums at The Piazza.)<br />
Master Greytalker

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Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:07 am  

Lukas wrote:
I hope so too, there are a bunch of things i've read only teasers about, and I can't find any info on the Internet! i.e. the whole assassination thing of King Kimbertos Skotti: who was behind his assassination? How did he came backto life, If he was killed by Blackrazor? Also, Whatever happened to Duke Karll? And what's the big plan of Rary? I would like to know.

I'd love someone to do a summary of the key LG events but it is looking less likely a time goes on, especially if the rumour of a 4e reboot comes to pass There is a slight possibility that some of the metaregional plots might get summarised once the final year mods are retired. Some regions like Geoff and Onnwal have summaries posted on their websites. Others post paragraphs (usualy teasers) periodically and you have to trawl through them.

Keoland patched all the teasers together in a pdf and they made a really interesting, well written story - I think they got about as far as Skotti's resurrection. The Geoff plotline had a nice curve to it too. I'm not as familar with the others yet but I have been trying to write up as much information as possible before it all vanishes.

I think too many triads went for nation-shattering plotlines involving death or royal peril but it isn't surprising given that the LG allowed pcs to progress to high levels quite quickly. The big boys needed something meaty to get their teeth into.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun May 31, 2009 12:55 am  

We have recorded everything that happened in our region during CY 591 and 598 on our homepage ( All major PC actions are there as well as a lot of background information!
Though most of the page is in German, some of the important infos are in there english as well. Just click on the link on the starting page and follow instructions...

'til we meet in the Adri
Former Innspa-/Adri-Triad (CY 593-598)

Last edited by Lagrange on Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Journeyman Greytalker

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Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:21 pm  

Lagrange wrote:
We have recorded everything that happened in our region during CY 591 and 598 on our homepage ( All major PC actions are there as well as a lot of background information!
Though most of the page is in German, some of the important infos are there english as well. Just click on the link on the starting page and follow instructions...

'til we meet in the Adri
Former Innspa-/Adri-Triad (CY 593-598)


Thanks for doing that and for posting about it here. Serves as motivation to get me to keep working in the LG Bandit Kingdoms gazateer project that I took a break from last year.

former BK triad
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun May 09, 2010 6:06 am  

Golly gee, it would be awesome if people were motivated to summarize their regional information through 598 CY. This site seemed like the obvious place to find that considering the death of Living Greyhawk. I'm attempting to piece together the timeline for the Domain of Greyhawk taking into account the elements of the Age of Worms AP that was out in Dungeon. Does anyone know where a such a succinct time line exists? Specifically, I'm attempting to run a game starting in Brewfest 595 CY and would like to know what officially happens in the future to work that into the campaign (along with knowing what happened from 591-595). Thanks!
Journeyman Greytalker

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From: Boston

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Sun May 09, 2010 1:03 pm  

Difonix wrote:
Golly gee, it would be awesome if people were motivated to summarize their regional information through 598 CY. This site seemed like the obvious place to find that considering the death of Living Greyhawk. I'm attempting to piece together the timeline for the Domain of Greyhawk taking into account the elements of the Age of Worms AP that was out in Dungeon. Does anyone know where a such a succinct time line exists? Specifically, I'm attempting to run a game starting in Brewfest 595 CY and would like to know what officially happens in the future to work that into the campaign (along with knowing what happened from 591-595). Thanks!

Best bet for Core stuff would be to contact either Creighton Broadhurst or Britt Frey (although he may be slow to respond due to extensive traveling overseas).

Re: Age of Worms, it's your campaign, but, for LG purposes, AoW is not canon.

Casey, former BK Triad
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Jul 10, 2010 11:00 am  

rob_douglas wrote:

Officially, back in 2001 or 2002, they made a rule that Living Greyhawk would advance 1 year per calendar year. So products for LG were timed to the year they were produced. I am hoping someone will put out a summary of the "events" of the LG period now that LG is being ended next year. So therefore, this year represents 597 in Greyawk years, and 598 will be the last "official" Greyhawk stuff. Expedition gets 597 because that is when it was produced.

Paizo pretty much adopted this rule as well, for Dragon & Dungeon magazines.
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