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    What's new is old again!
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    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 487
    From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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    Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:56 pm  
    What's new is old again!

    With the seeming resurgence in roleplaying lately, and the plethora of companies producing products under the auspices of the D20 license, there's a ton of new materials out these days. Too bad it's all useless to us old schoolers. It is all useless to us, right? Wrong!

    The intent of this thread is to highlight interesting rules-light or editionless products that OD&D and AD&D players might find useful. Post links to your favorites!

    I do withhold the right to edit or remove any links to products that do not fit the spirit of the Old Lore forum, or which violate Canonfire's terms of service.

    Basically, if it's a product that could be easily used, as is, by a DM or player using an OOP edition of D&D, it's a good link. If it's something you think is cool, but would require major conversion to use in OOP editions, it's no so good here. You can always post a new thread here with your conversion notes. (NOTE: Topics discussing the conversion of 3e, d20 or completely different system materials for OD&D or AD&D are on topic in Old Lore, as long as the post is aimed at OOP players. Promoting this or that new system as a replacement for the OOP is off topic.
    What would Raxivort do?<br />
    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 13, 2002
    Posts: 1077
    From: Orlane, Gran March

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    Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:59 am  
    New Tool For Old Editions

    Regardless of what edition you play, you should take a look at the "Toolbox," by AEG. There are a few NPC's who's stats would have to be converted. However, the vast majority of this book is filler...i.e. it is the description of the cold dank dungeon, but with more flair. It has ruins, not encounters, but just things to fill the passing miles between adventures, and make the world seem like a full place.

    This is a compilation of tables, and results can be generated with a quick die roll. Tables for Inn names, random items in a wizards labs, magic weapon histories, interesting npc's, brief encounter setups and storylines, orc tribe names, bandit gang descriptions, unusual alcoholic beverages (my favorite is a brew made by ogres from Moss called Spine Killer).

    This has made for numerous side treks in my game, or scouting missions, or whatever. It is my favorite new book, and I am an avid purchaser of new and old stuff.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Feb 04, 2003
    Posts: 19
    From: Boston, Massachusetts

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    Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:23 am  
    My thoughts...

    I'd like to recommend Malhavoc Press's event books such as "Cry Havoc," "Requiem for a God," or "When the Sky Falls." They've got some d20 stats and such but they're mainly to inspire world-shattering events and deal with thier ramifications in the campaign world, very cool stuff.
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