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    Cursed Gem of Demon
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    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Jan 12, 2013
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    Sun May 05, 2013 1:23 pm  
    Cursed Gem of Demon

    Don't knowing where to put this topic I plased it here. If wrongly, moderator feel free to restick it to somewhere else.

    But to the problem - on today session in Caves of Chaos my boyfriend found a red gems from some demon idol in complex. I given players hint's it all is cursed, but he want to pluck his character own eye and put this gem in to it. Seeing this as something horrid but interesting I think to give him a True Seeing power from the gem-eye. But I need some nasty curse connected to demons or Tharizdun for balance it a bit. Any ideas?

    Last edited by wyrdhamster on Mon May 06, 2013 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total
    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 14, 2008
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    Sun May 05, 2013 1:32 pm  

    Well I am pretty sure I speak for many other DMs here. If your bf's character wants to do that, fine, but there is no question I would rule out it does absolutely nothing :)
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 21, 2013
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    Sun May 05, 2013 3:45 pm  

    I have to admit, I started laughing at all the possibilities . . .
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Sun May 05, 2013 5:37 pm  

    Why not make it a gem of true seeing... but that's the curse!!! Shocked As well as seeing hidden objects, you see people as they really are, not as they appear to be on the outside. Of course, the catch is the rest of the party roleplaying it slowly dawning on them that your bf is going insane, ranting about how the beautiful, virginal elf-princess who secretly had her lover framed and executed looks like a twisted, evil ghoul; while that starving, consumptive beggar looks like a noble king.

    I stole this from a Thieve's World story.

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    Sun May 05, 2013 5:56 pm  

    The Eye of Vecna comes to mind...

    Shocked Evil Grin

    Adept Greytalker

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    Sun May 05, 2013 7:07 pm  


    I was thinking more the head of Vecna...
    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Sun May 05, 2013 8:12 pm  

    Gradual alignment change for one thing. Possession for another. You could treat the possession like you would treat lycanthropy in a character who doesn't know they are afflicted with it. The character wakes up one morning covered in blood, and not their own. They have vague memories of having seen horrible things...and maybe even of having done them. The eye socket is slightly itchy after such things occur. The more time that passes, the more the memories become less vague and more easily remembered, until the point is reached where the character has no doubt about what they have been doing. The eye socket going from being itchy, to sore, to hurting, to perhaps even bleeding, as the intensity and rate of the occurrences increases.
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    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Sun May 05, 2013 8:17 pm  

    MToscan wrote:
    Well I am pretty sure I speak for many other DMs here. If your bf's character wants to do that, fine, but there is no question I would rule out it does absolutely nothing :)

    Thinking about it, but come to conclusion it much batter story if it is something. Nothing option would be just to evil... Evil Grin

    smillan_31 wrote:
    Why not make it a gem of true seeing... but that's the curse!!! As well as seeing hidden objects, you see people as they really are, not as they appear to be on the outside. Of course, the catch is the rest of the party roleplaying it slowly dawning on them that your bf is going insane, ranting about how the beautiful, virginal elf-princess who secretly had her lover framed and executed looks like a twisted, evil ghoul; while that starving, consumptive beggar looks like a noble king.

    So True Seeing... most of time. And where it's on hand of Demon, he change the the "truth". I like this very much! Evil Grin

    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    Sun May 05, 2013 8:21 pm  

    tarelton wrote:
    I was thinking more the head of Vecna...

    Still one of my favorite online stories of all time! Laughing

    If you want a curse that applies to his PC's combat stats, perhaps the gem of True Seeing causes the PC to be distracted at all the extra visual sensory input so that he suffers a -1 penalty to all surprise, initiative, To Hit, and Saving Throw rolls during combat. True Seeing is a very powerful benefit, especially for a very low-level character, so the penalties should be significant.

    If you'd rather go with a role-playing curse, Cebrion's suggestion is good. Of, you can place demonic and devilish influences in places the PCs would never guess, but the PC with True Seeing notices them. The problem, is that those evil outsiders recognize that the PC can identify them as such. The comely, but shy courtesan hanging on the arm of the visiting dignitary is a succubus/erinyes, but only the True Seeing PC can see the truth of that. The succubus/erinyes catches the PC staring at her, gives a barely perceptable start at her surprise that her true nature has been detected, then gives the PC a wink and plans to visit him privately that evening for a pointed discussion about her plans for him. Evil Grin

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    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sun May 05, 2013 8:44 pm  

    smillan_31 wrote:
    Why not make it a gem of true seeing... but that's the curse!!! Shocked As well as seeing hidden objects, you see people as they really are, not as they appear to be on the outside. Of course, the catch is the rest of the party roleplaying it slowly dawning on them that your bf is going insane, ranting about how the beautiful, virginal elf-princess who secretly had her lover framed and executed looks like a twisted, evil ghoul; while that starving, consumptive beggar looks like a noble king.

    I stole this from a Thieve's World story.

    I like this idea. Sometimes the truth can be scary.


    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Sun May 05, 2013 10:08 pm  

    Argon wrote:
    smillan_31 wrote:
    Why not make it a gem of true seeing... but that's the curse!!! Shocked As well as seeing hidden objects, you see people as they really are, not as they appear to be on the outside. Of course, the catch is the rest of the party roleplaying it slowly dawning on them that your bf is going insane, ranting about how the beautiful, virginal elf-princess who secretly had her lover framed and executed looks like a twisted, evil ghoul; while that starving, consumptive beggar looks like a noble king.

    I stole this from a Thieve's World story.

    I like this idea. Sometimes the truth can be scary.



    The story is The Rhinoceros and the Unicorn in the book Shadows of Sanctuary. I'd recommend the Thieves' World books if you haven't read them. The first 6 are the best. After those the quality goes down in my opinion, but are still good reads.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon May 06, 2013 12:35 am  

    SirXaris wrote:
    If you'd rather go with a role-playing curse, Cebrion's suggestion is good. Of, you can place demonic and devilish influences in places the PCs would never guess, but the PC with True Seeing notices them. The problem, is that those evil outsiders recognize that the PC can identify them as such. The comely, but shy courtesan hanging on the arm of the visiting dignitary is a succubus/erinyes, but only the True Seeing PC can see the truth of that. The succubus/erinyes catches the PC staring at her, gives a barely perceptable start at her surprise that her true nature has been detected, then gives the PC a wink and plans to visit him privately that evening for a pointed discussion about her plans for him. Evil Grin


    Great idea! Especially as we play in Sterich and PC may come to Istivin in near future. And we know that Abyss left there more than only old shadows... Evil Grin

    So I think that enough would curse be True Seeing changed from time to time by demon inside, that can also pierce polymorphed outsiders, but give them sign PC knows about other form of planar. Cool

    Side question: How much would be worth nice gemstone of this kind? And how Detect Magic would react to looking on it?
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Mon May 06, 2013 6:51 am  

    Even if the other party members believe that the character is actually seeing what he's seeing, that doesn't mean that NPC's will, which can cause all kinds of trouble for him. Laughing
    Adept Greytalker

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    Mon May 06, 2013 8:25 am  

    Not to mention the PCs and NPCs are going to be hanging around someone who appears to be/has become an increasing danger to them. If the dude with the evil eye goes off wandering around and slaughtering things, why should the PCs and NPCs not believe they could be next.

    Also, what about any local government. If people start ending up missing or worse, how is that going to sit with the locals. Leaves open the possibility of the PCs being chased or harassed by locals or law enforcers.

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    Mon May 06, 2013 4:39 pm  

    What about it being a gem of true seeing that routinely shows complete lies. So sometimes it shows an innocent person is a demon in disguise. Or a demon is an innocent person. Even if the players figure out it is unreliable, the still cannot tell truth from lies. Lots of role playing potential before players stop believing it is 100% accurate.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 27, 2013
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    Mon May 06, 2013 5:26 pm  

    If the gem is evil, then a slow alignment change would be in order until chaotic evil is reached. I like Cebrions idea but would work in an increasingly overwhelming need for more. Plucking the other eye and inserting another evil gem would progress from just a passing thought to a absolute necessity. I could totally see (pardon the pun) most any demon enjoying the mortals self inflicted wounds and would help "influence" the character. Addictive greed here, the more you have the more you need, and so how about the teeth next... a cursed dagger to replace a hand... and so on.
    I would have fun with it for a while but ultimately wouldn't reward the character for his maimings with any real powers gained(perhaps percieved ones) just some good old fashoned rping.
    Sounds wicked perhaps, but thats probably what "eyed" do.

    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Mon May 06, 2013 5:39 pm  

    Last edited by BlueWitch on Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue May 07, 2013 2:48 pm  

    Have the gem only activate under certain conditions similar to lycanthropy and during these times, inducing great paranoia and envy towards everyone around him. Slowly inducing an alignment change and eventually running off to start a cult.

    Also, make sure he gets an infection in his eye socket, you can't just go around plucking our your own eye willy-nilly.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue May 07, 2013 4:54 pm  

    Elliva wrote:
    Have the gem only activate under certain conditions similar to lycanthropy and during these times, inducing great paranoia and envy towards everyone around him. Slowly inducing an alignment change and eventually running off to start a cult.

    This would made an "Devil's Offer" unattractive. Better is always working True Seeing, "changed" only from time to time. As DM's saysing goes: Give the players rope so they can hang themselves. Evil Grin

    Elliva wrote:
    Also, make sure he gets an infection in his eye socket, you can't just go around plucking our your own eye willy-nilly.

    I answer to you this - IT'S MAGIC! Evil Grin
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Tue May 07, 2013 8:01 pm  

    After all the trouble of removing his own eye. The biggest disappointment would be for the gem to be a piece of cheap glass with absolutely no special effect. Evil Grin


    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:07 am  

    So my boyfrined finally done this, and on next session he starts with new, shiny blood red gem in his eye socket. Evil Grin What's even more intersting, the adventure now turns to the devils invading big city PCs are now - so how would react on devils gem that is soposedly from Abyss? If we make the true version below?

    SirXaris wrote:
    If you'd rather go with a role-playing curse, Cebrion's suggestion is good. Of, you can place demonic and devilish influences in places the PCs would never guess, but the PC with True Seeing notices them. The problem, is that those evil outsiders recognize that the PC can identify them as such. The comely, but shy courtesan hanging on the arm of the visiting dignitary is a succubus/erinyes, but only the True Seeing PC can see the truth of that. The succubus/erinyes catches the PC staring at her, gives a barely perceptable start at her surprise that her true nature has been detected, then gives the PC a wink and plans to visit him privately that evening for a pointed discussion about her plans for him. Evil Grin


    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:23 am  

    wyrdhamster wrote:
    So my boyfrined finally done this, and on next session he starts with new, shiny blood red gem in his eye socket. Evil Grin What's even more intersting, the adventure now turns to the devils invading big city PCs are now - so how would react on devils gem that is soposedly from Abyss? If we make the true version below?

    SirXaris wrote:
    If you'd rather go with a role-playing curse, Cebrion's suggestion is good. Of, you can place demonic and devilish influences in places the PCs would never guess, but the PC with True Seeing notices them. The problem, is that those evil outsiders recognize that the PC can identify them as such. The comely, but shy courtesan hanging on the arm of the visiting dignitary is a succubus/erinyes, but only the True Seeing PC can see the truth of that. The succubus/erinyes catches the PC staring at her, gives a barely perceptable start at her surprise that her true nature has been detected, then gives the PC a wink and plans to visit him privately that evening for a pointed discussion about her plans for him. Evil Grin


    Since devils can detect magic at will, they should be able to notice that your player's gem eye is magic. Since it is a magical item from the demonical Abyss, any devil noticing it should immediately identify it as such. That should cause them to assume that the PC is a pawn of, or allied to, demons. That will make him a target for any devil knowing he possesses the gem. Thus, any devil that PC runs into will immediately be targeted for attack or assassination later. His life should become extremely difficult as long as he possesses such a beacon. Evil Grin

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