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Breeds and Varieties of Animals
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:12 am  
Breeds and Varieties of Animals

What are the noteworthy breeds of domesticated animals in the Flanaess that have been mentioned in published sources?

I am trying to flesh out mundane animals for a little more flavor to my campaign. I am focusing on breeds of animals – not monsters. The sort of creatures that might be available for purchase or use by the players.

Here is what I have found so far:

Brazen Horde Horse – “In addition, they had an even finer stock of horse – swifter, stronger, and no less enduring.” Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, page 84.

Blackfair Warhorses - City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, Gem of the Flanaess, page 32.

Chendl Watch Leopards - “At night, three watch-leopards are set loose in the grounds...” of the palace in Chendl. “These leopards are trained to attack any intruders...” Fate of Istus, page 90.

Greyhawk - “...Small, grey hawks which populate the region.”

Silverhounds – City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, Gem of the Flanaess, page 60.

Paynim Horse – Identified in the comparison with the horses of the Brazen Horde.

Barbarian War Ox – “Riding on beasts ranging from horses to musk oxen, the barbarians approach...” Howl From the North, page 42.

A related question is:

What breeds, subspecies or varieties of animals, wild or domestic, can be inferred from what has been published?

Just descriptive distinctions, not on trying to create a completely new stat block. Here are just a couple of thoughts based on coats of arms:

Celadon Forest Bear – inferred from the arms of the Duchy of Urnst.
Red Barrens Horse – from the Rover arms.
Master Greytalker

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Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:40 pm  

Iuz the Evil: Great Oxen of Tenha; pull a plow, two days without rest, incredible stamina, also adapted to colder climes. Prized by the men of stonefist, and I assume the northern barbarians, most seized and driven north, after the downfall of the Duchy.

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Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:42 pm  

The only specific animal I can think of are rothe - the smelly cattle of deepoerth (though, that may be a FR reference, not Greyhawk-specific).

I have had players buy war dogs for their low-level characters on several occasions. I have used the following:
Drow war dogs = Doberman Pinchers;
Wegwuir war dogs = Irish wolfhounds;
Perrender war dogs = Rottweilers;
Cooshie (elven war dogs) = look like the Tibetan Mastiff and non-magical versions may be acquired by PCs;
War dog (general breed, which may be found nearly everywhere in the Flanaess = Bull Mastiff;
Furyondian Shepherd = German Shepherd;
Seal Dog = Newfoundland - great swimmers used to hunt seals on the north coast of the Hold of Stonefist;
Fruzti war dog = Great Dane;
Schnai war dog = Saint Bernard;
Cruski war dog = Siberian Huskie;
Rovers war dog = Rhodesian Ridgeback;
Bandit Cattle Wrangler = Boxer - bred in the Bandit Kingdoms to be strong enough to herd cattle and serve as a war dog.

Yes, I know I have focused on the northern Flanaess, but that is where most of my campaigns take place. Feel free to use whatever inspires you. :)

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Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:05 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
I have used the following:SirXaris

Nice list. I'll bet that took some time and effort. Laughing
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:28 pm  

Yeshirs are hounds that were bred in the last centuries of the Suloise Empire for hunting Halflings, whose meat was considered a delicacy by the Suel nobility. The migrant Suel houses brought yeshir with them into the Flanaess although the majority are kept now by Aerdi nobility and in the Scarlet Brotherhood, where the bloodlines are purest. The Naelax Overkings revived the sport of hunting Halflings with yeshir.
They are large, heavily built hounds standing about 3-4' tall at the shoulder and weigh about 150 lbs. They have bristly coats of brown, black or gray, broad, blunt heads with heavily muscled necks and powerful front legs with long claws for digging.
Source: LGJ 24 (DNG106), "Enchiridion of the Fiend Sage: Beasts of the Scarlet Brotherhood" pp. 91

There are some descriptions of dog breeds that someone did, either on CF! or as part of LG, I think for Keoland, but I can't find it.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:01 pm  

Rasgon did an entry on dogs in the Monsters of Oerth thread he started back in 2011. He also listed some references that might be interesting to look into.

It's near the bottom of the page.

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Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:18 am  

In Greyhawkery (dont remember how far back) there was discussions around Castle Ehlenestra. This castle is first mentioned in the sourcebook The Marklands, Ehlenestra sits is at the western edge of the kingdom and is home to Sharnalem, a ranger swanmay Knight of the Hart who trains tyrgs to hunt down goblinoids.

By night, large packs of canines patrol around the castle walls including Tyrgs and Mist wolves. The tyrgs are famous throughout the land and are specially trained to hunt and attack orcs and goblinkind on sight.

Sharnalem is known to have many friends among the Highfolk. While she is a shy and elusive woman her gifts of tyrgs to Kalinstren have earned his gratitude.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:24 pm  

But are there flying cats? That place with the floppy hat wizard and the musical theatre group on a power trip have flying cats.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:06 pm  

Thanks for the replies, how about some homebrew?

Dirawaen Softgait
These palfreys were bred to take advantage of the arcane roads for which they are named. Softgait refers to the peculiar gait of these horses that is faster than a trot but slower than a canter or gallop. They can maintain this gait for extended periods.
Dirawaen Softgaits come in all common horse colors, are a medium sized horse, and have well-defined withers, shoulders and legs. They are now found throughout the Flannaess.
3.5 As a light horse, but a base Speed 70 ft. when carrying a light or medium load and neither running or charging. When running, charging, pulling any load or carrying a heavy load it has a base Speed of 60 ft. Price 150 gp.

Jalpa Trotter
Jalpa is a significant city on the dirawaen roads so it was inevitable that local horse breeders developed a horse for carriage work. The Jalpa Trotter excels at pulling lighter carriages transporting people at a quick pace rather than hauling heavy freight wagons. When not overly burdened the trotter moves quickly. It is easily guided when used in teams.
3.5 As a light horse, +4 to Handle Animal checks for operating a vehicle pulled by all Jalpa Trotters, and base Speed 70 ft. when carrying/pulling a light or medium load and neither running or charging. When running, charging or carrying/pulling a heavy load, it has a base Speed of 60 ft. Price 150 gp.

Elredd Bandog
Dumb and vicious, these mastiffs are bred in the Wild Coast and Pomarj to deter trespassers. They are usually chained to a location as an obvious deterrent and to keep others out. To enter, the chain is usually shortened, limiting the area the bandog can reach. It is safer than relying upon the bandog’s limited degree of obedience to training. Alternatively, multiple bandogs are allowed to roam a fully enclosed area. The cruelty of Wild Coast owners means bandogs can spend their entire lives chained to one spot and end up eaten when they are no longer useful.
The breed itself is powerfully muscled, has short bowed legs, powerful jaws and a short coat with a dark mask. Their coats are of any common canine colors. Many Wild Coast owners have the bandog’s tail docked and ears cropped.
3.5 As war mastiff (Heroes of Battle), Speed 30 ft., +4 Str, Int 1, -4 to Handle Animal checks directed at the bandog, no racial bonus to Jump, and replace the Endurance feat with Weapon Focus (bite). Price 150 gp.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:37 am  
Burneal Forest wolf-dogs

Gary Gygax introduced the Burneal Forest wolf-dog way back in the 1st Edition Greyhawk Glossography and 1st Edition Guide to the Word of Greyhawk. They are huge dogs used by the Uirtag "to locate and corner or bring down prey." On the Glossography encounter tables they were described "as wild dogs but equal to war dogs."
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:38 pm  

I would also like flying cats.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:45 am  

Weisshunds at the Temple of St. Cuthbert in Greyhawk.

The Adventure Begins, p. 89.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:02 am  

edmundscott wrote:
I would also like flying cats.

There are at least two types of those in AD&D Second Edition. One is 'cat, flying' and the other is the tressym.
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Nov 01, 2019 5:04 pm  

Not published, but I wrote a short bit some time ago about dog breeds in GH. Someone wrote a follow-up called The Dogs of The Great Kingdom, which I'm not going to copy here, but digging might turn it up

Working Dogs:
Furyondian sheep dog: (Red Sheep) Popular in Furyondy and the (former) Shield Lands, the Furyondian sheep dog (or red sheep), are extremely intelligent, responsive canines. Red sheep will attempt to herd anything, including sheep, cattle, geese, pigs, small children, goblins, etc, etc. They have a jittery, tempermental personality, though, and are sometimes difficult to rein in. Furyondian sheep dogs are small and lean in size (2' - 2'6" at the shoulder), with short, stiff, red fur.

Olde Velunian sheep dogs: (Rao's Hounds) Used extensively in the region of Veluna, Highfolk, Bissel, the Gran March, and northern Keoland & the Uleks, Olde Velunian sheep dogs, relaxed dogs. While not quite as accomplished at herding as a Furyondian sheep dog, Rao's Hounds are natural guards, and are often used by those shepherds who summer over in the high meadows near the Yatil, Barrier, and Lortmil ranges. They stand 2'6" - 3' at the shoulder, with long hair (often kinked) and a mottled tan/white coloration. From a distance, Olde Velunian sheep dogs are difficult to tell apart from the sheep they are guarding.

Iuzian sheep dogs: (Northern shepherds, saddle shepherds) Northern shepherds are the working dog of the northern Flanaess. Found in the Shield Lands, the Horned Society, the Lands of Iuz, the Bandit Kingdoms, and even among the Rovers of the Barrens and a few Wolf Nomad tribes, saddle shepherds are flexible, hard-working canines well suited to the rough northern lifestyle. With training they can be used as herders, guard dogs, companions, or wardogs. They are particularly aggressive towards canines outside of their immediate pack, and will willingly attack such canines as wolves, coyotes, wild dogs, and other predators. They are tall, long-legged, and keep pace well with horses or wagons. They are a uniform brown, with a distinctive black "saddle" mark on their back. Saddle shepherds found near Furyondy may have a slight red tint to their fur -- these dogs are invariably smaller and weaker, and often do not survive their infancy.

Toy Dogs:
The Majestic Snow Hunter of Rel Mord: Commonly known as Mordies, these small white dogs have had 90% of their usefulness bred out of them. Intended for hunting small game in the northern winters, Mordies have long, straight white fur, broad paws (for walking over snow crusts), and a total disregard for inclement weather of any sort. Unfortunately, they also lack any sense of smell or duty, and are invariably lazy, ill-tempered canines. Their small size (no more than 1' high at the shoulder, with a thick, badger like build and stubby face) and fine coat attracted the attention of merchants & aristocrats in the area of the Duchy of Tenh, who in turn imported and popularized the breed in Rel Mord and the surrounding area.

Other Dogs:
Cait Si: Sometimes called elfhounds or witchies, Cait Si are popular with the more refined & "civilized" olves of the Flanaess, and may be found in great numbers with olven nobles in Celene, Sunndi, and the Duchy of Ulek. Grey and High olves in particular favor the elfhounds.
The Cait Si are slim hunting hounds of medium build, with short, silky fur and a whiplash tail. Their distinctive coloration is the hallmark of the breed -- only true-bred Cait Si have the snow white coat and blood-red ears. No variations are known. They have unerring senses of sight, scent, and hearing, and rival bloodhounds in tracking ability. The olven hunt them in packs -- eerily silent packs, for Cait Si will give voice only once they have cornered their prey, or when commanded.
Only the most fey or foolhardy humans will raise Cait Si, for these unnatural creatures are notoriously fickle with non-olven masters, and have been known to suddenly turn on and devour their trainer. On very rare occasions, the Olven will gift a ranger or true elf-friend with a small number of Cait Si -- (2-5). These will never turn on their master, nor will their offspring. Cait Si may live to be a hundred years old in exceptional circumstances -- most survive to 50 or 60, no more.

Lortmil Stonehound: Dwarves of the Lortmils and adjacent realms raise stonehounds, or ratsnatchers, to patrol the smaller tunnels and warrens of their greathalls in search of vermin. They are sleek and wiry, with a short, rough coat that resists stratching and biting, and powerful jaws capable of sheering through the bones of smaller animals. The largest stonehounds stand 2' at the shoulder -- most are smaller. Stonehounds are usually grey with mottled patches of black, but tan and even sandstone red colors are known.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:11 pm  

Dragon #263 mentions "black Labradors" in temples of Delleb; Delleb's companion is a "black labrador retriever" named Shadow. One of [three] possibilities here:

1) The author screwed up with "Labradors", there being no such place on Oerth. What's the Oerth equivalent of Labrador?

2) There is a place on Oerth that just happens to be named Labrador, and just happens to be the origin of a retriever breed. Where is it?

3) Shadow is indeed a (magically awakened?) black Labrador retriever from Earth, as are the breeds kept in Delleb's temples; Delleb could certainly pick whatever breed of dog he prefers from the entire multiverse.


Last edited by jamesdglick on Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:37 pm  

jamesdglick wrote:
Dragon #263 mentions "black Labradors" in temples of Delleb; Delleb's companion is a "black labrador retriever" named Shadow. One of two possibilities here:

1) The author screwed up with "Labradors", there being no such place on Oerth. What's the Oerth equivalent of Labrador?

Blackmoor. Shadow is a Blackmoor Retriever.

Or alternatively:


2) There is a place on Oerth that just happens to be named Labrador, and just happens to be the origin of a retriever breed. Where is it?

North of Aquaria.
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:11 pm  

I'd be interested in considering what the Flanaess's buffalo population would be like. The Flan could (and may still do in some parts of the world) use techniques like 'buffalo jumps' to drive them over cliffs the way some real-life Native Americans do, which would make a fine source of pemmican. Some other races like giants might have adopted similar techniques.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:54 am  

CruelSummerLord wrote:
I'd be interested in considering what the Flanaess's buffalo population would be like. The Flan could (and may still do in some parts of the world) use techniques like 'buffalo jumps' to drive them over cliffs the way some real-life Native Americans do, which would make a fine source of pemmican. Some other races like giants might have adopted similar techniques.

Muh Horned Society...

I posted a new thread for that Baum-related tangent.

I think the wild cattle that show up on encounter tables could be buffalo. Or some of the herd animals.
Master Greytalker

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Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:26 pm  

jamesdglick wrote:
Weisshunds at the Temple of St. Cuthbert in Greyhawk.

The Adventure Begins, p. 89.

Dangit!! You beat me to it, James! LOL! I was gonna mention this one! As I continued to read, I thought, "OOH! I'm gonna get to mention one!" … I got more excited as I scrolled!
Good job remembering this one! I really like Weisshunds!
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:32 pm  
Labrador Retrievers in GH

jamesdglick wrote:
Dragon #263 mentions "black Labradors" in temples of Delleb; Delleb's companion is a "black labrador retriever" named Shadow. One of [three] possibilities here:

1) The author screwed up with "Labradors", there being no such place on Oerth. What's the Oerth equivalent of Labrador?

I think I'd go with option #1.
That's the most likely … they just didn't think of/know that Labrador is a place. Just like if an author said "Seychelles falcon", they may not think of the fact that it's actually a place. "Black Lab" is such a common phrase, I don't think people mentally associate it with the Labrador Islands.
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Nov 23, 2019 8:12 am  
Re: Breeds and Varieties of Animals

A-Baneful-Backfire wrote:

Greyhawk - “...Small, grey hawks which populate the region.”


-Greyhawks put in an appearance at the abandoned keep where the Tharizdun cult hangs out in "Cradle of Madness", Dungeon #87.
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