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Deities and Demigods (hardback) in GH
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:16 pm  
Deities and Demigods (hardback) in GH

Which, if any D&DG gods and heroes and creatures do you use in GH?

Central American Mythos for the Olman?


Any of the Melinobenean or Nehwon material?
I wonder if Kos doesn't fit the Hold of Stonefist pretty well.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:53 pm  

If you go out of the Flanaess, there are lands clearly resembling Egypt, China, and Japan; their mythology is the easy way to go there.

Yes, the Meso-American mythos heavily influences the official Olman mythos of Greyhawk. It's a good place to go for more details.

Since Greyhawk has these connections to real-world mythos, it then makes sense to have other mythos make their appearance wherever the GM feels it's appropriate. For example, I had the Norse gods intermingle with the Suel gods among the Frost, Snow and Ice Barbarians. It seemed to fit their society well.

Long and short: Your world, fit them in where you see fit.
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Oct 29, 2019 1:40 pm  

One of my fellow players in the infancy of my campaign played a magic-user who worshiped Arioch.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:11 pm  

Robbastard wrote:
One of my fellow players in the infancy of my campaign played a magic-user who worshiped Arioch.


I like Arioch.

These days I make it a rule to avoid using specific named devils/demons drawn from Christian/Western demonologies.
(In retrospect, I think TSR made a good move in first removing and then renaming/reworking the 'fiends' in the 1989-1995ish period.)

Arioch isn't a demon prince or arch devil in the game. He's an evil god taken from Moorcock's fiction. And the original, primary literary reference to 'Arioch' actually refers to a human king or chieftain, not a fallen angel or demon of any sort.

I might add him to the spread for my next GH game.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:07 pm  
Re: Deities and Demigods (hardback) in GH

NorkerMedic wrote:
… Central American Mythos for the Olman? ….
It's officially published that the Olman deities aren't originally from Oerth, so, being that it's an Alternate Earth, I would presume the same.
And there's thousands of them. Their interest in the Olman and Oerth has been intermittent over the millennia, but, there's so many obscure Mesoamerican deities to choose from!

Personally, for my own home game, I include several others already, but, I definitely include the ones on the Deities & Demigods list.
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Encyclopedia Greyhawkaniac

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Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:01 pm  

I use real world pantheons for inspiration but find deity write-ups such as those in deities and demi-gods useless for stats. I do have the Fruzti, Cruski and Schnai worship Votan, Veli and Ve as well as others altered from the norse pantheon to fit my game.

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Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:48 am  

NorkerMedic wrote:
Arioch isn't a demon prince or arch devil . . . 'Arioch' actually refers to a human king or chieftain . . .

"Now in the days of Amʹra·phel king of Shiʹnar, Arʹi·och king of El·laʹsar, Ched·or·la·oʹmer king of Eʹlam, and Tiʹdal king of Goiʹim, these made war with Beʹra king of Sodʹom, Birʹsha king of Go·morʹrah, Shiʹnab king of Adʹmah, Shem·eʹber king of Ze·boiʹim, and the king of Beʹla, that is, Zoʹar. All of these joined forces at the Valley of Sidʹdim, that is, the Salt Sea."

Genesis 14:1-3.
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