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D&D 3.5 Greyhawk NPC Archive Updated
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Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

Joined: Dec 09, 2002
Posts: 342
From: Ohio

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Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:31 pm  
D&D 3.5 Greyhawk NPC Archive Updated

With over 70 GH NPC's and monsters, I'm now looking for suggestions for the NPC Archive.
Items on the list are -
* Horned Society members.
* GH dragons and monsters.
* prestigious personages of GH, leaders n such.

Plz update all links to (then go to the NPC Archive) or you can go directly through this link,

Hope you all enjoy, i look forward to comments, requests, and suggestions.

(edited Feb 23, 2005)
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:17 am  

Well, first thing first: I really like your work, and I have extend my compliments to you.

The only problem I have with some NPCs is.. Well.. Aren't they a BIT too powerful?

I mean: isn't it a BIT exaggerated? No NPC is below 20th level.
Oerth (MY Oerth, al least) is no Forgotten Realm, where if you aren't at least a 23 level and an archmage you are worthless.
I think even a 15° level charachter is really powerful and capable of world-shaping, even without three prestige classes and epic levels.

That said, again I repeat I really enjoyed your work (especially Iggwilv and Kas), but, that said, many of those NPCs are never gonna make the cut to enter my campaign (I usually stop at 14-16th level).

Good work (again!). Smile
Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

Joined: Dec 09, 2002
Posts: 342
From: Ohio

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Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:37 am  

Well a lot of them reflect that they havent seen a level up at all in roughly 20 years of GH history, so theres a lot of work there.
The nice part about them being so high is that you can take off the levels you don't want in your campaign ratehr easily (reducing, feats, skill points, spells, and magic item power) to get them where you want them and still know their level path for future campaign reference.

Right now, youre right theres not a lot of lower level ones in there, but that won't always be so. I've only scratched the surface on GH NPC's and so far I was working the most powerful ones down to the at least 10th level ones.

But really the NPC Archive is up for those who want them to their fullest potential, it also acts as a template to allow the DM, to go in and go well. I like this but not this. Change a few things and its set to go. It really saves a lot on the DM. If you want them around 14-16th or maybe not to even break 20. Its rather easy to change and I encourage any DM to do so in any manner they want. Considering finding half these personages would take one about 1-2 hours per NPC is really rough, that and possibily researching across 1e - 3e versions of GH including all canon sources hurts even more. I just feel glad that I can bring it all together for a DM, even if you mod the NPC its maybe 20 minutes work compared to hours.
Hope this helps explain a little. =)
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
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