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Another look at Combat in 3.5e Greyhawk
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Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

Joined: Dec 09, 2002
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Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:59 pm  
Another look at Combat in 3.5e Greyhawk

Feats and Optional Rules!

If the PC has Toughness as Feat, I'd allow the PC to go 3 more negative hp before dying. (-13hp) as well as gaining +3% to stabilize their wounds.
Toughness does stack with itself, and if they are that ardent on building up negative hp bonuses over dealing damage/ tactical feats. Its really their choice and their death. =)

Improved Toughness
I would only allow a + (current level) % to add to the stabilization of wounds.
Ex. Toughness Feat (+3%) + Improved Toughness Feat, lvl 18 (+18%) = +21% chance to stabilize the PC's wounds! Thats a considerable bonus. However, as the levels increase so do the risks.

If the PC has this feat they gain a +4% chance to stabilize their loss of hp. Toughness stacks with this feat.
Reasoning: Take a look at Diehard, which allows a PC to stay standing till they reach -10hp! Now logically, with Endurance, it should at least, allow a bonus to stabilize their wounds.

Magical Healing, Scars and Game Balance Effects.
Magical healing removes scars and such. But natural healing keeps these scars. As we know scars are usually very unattractive in most cases. So a charisma penalty for these scars is applicable. We'll say -1 for scars that result from Massive Damage or ones that result in Death from such Massive Damage. Massive Damage being 50% hp or more. Once a scar is there it cannot be removed by normal healing, only a heal, limited wish, or wish/ miracle can remove the scar and the negative Charisma penalty.

Tell me what you think on this, if you like it and such.
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal

Joined: May 05, 2005
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Thu May 05, 2005 6:01 am  
Re: Another look at Combat in 3.5e Greyhawk

Duicarthan wrote:
Feats and Optional Rules!
Magical Healing, Scars and Game Balance Effects.
Magical healing removes scars and such. But natural healing keeps these scars. As we know scars are usually very unattractive in most cases. So a charisma penalty for these scars is applicable. We'll say -1 for scars that result from Massive Damage or ones that result in Death from such Massive Damage. Massive Damage being 50% hp or more. Once a scar is there it cannot be removed by normal healing, only a heal, limited wish, or wish/ miracle can remove the scar and the negative Charisma penalty.

Tell me what you think on this, if you like it and such.

I like these ideas, especially the attention to scarring. However, imno, Charisma quantifies force of personality more than “good looks” (hence the distinction of 1st Ed Comeliness). This is why skills like Intimidate and Bluff reference Charisma. You write that "we know scars are usually very unattractive," but this is cultural. Might not a savage Hepmonaland tribe pratice ritual scarring to make themselves "more beautiful"?

A charismatic barbarian warlord might be ugly as hell, stink of rotting hides, and still be able to marshal hordes of Ice Barbarians beneath her iron fist. She can intimidate entire nations. I’d give her a Charisma of 18.

Whereas a beautiful elven commoner, with hair the color of spun gold and eyes like emeralds, yet is shy and retiring, and whose opinions are easily swayed, might only have a Charisma (read: force of personality) of 7. She couldn't intimidate a fly.

Thus scars shouldn’t necessarily reduce one’s Charisma. Nor should they necessarily improve it (such as in the case of Intimidate). Scars won’t make my character more or less of a leader; that all depends on his personality and Charisma.

Just a newbie's opinion. :)
FR: Realms of the Dragons II, "The Road Home" ~
DCC #17: Legacy of the Savage Kings ~
Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

Joined: Dec 09, 2002
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From: Ohio

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Sun May 08, 2005 8:39 pm  

opinions are welcome. and I find that youre correct that scarring depends on the general social stigmas of certain areas. The last part of that short article was a conflicting one to which I am even still pondering over...
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal

Joined: May 05, 2005
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Sun May 08, 2005 8:57 pm  

"Conflicting" ? Sorry. :) I was just trying to make the point that a character doesn't need to be beautiful to be a good leader. And since leadership depends on Charisma, Charisma must not just equal looks. :)

Anyhow, I just got back from checking out your greyhawk online pages. That is an amazing body of work! Well done! Any chance of including the NPC stat blocks in the PDF download?
FR: Realms of the Dragons II, "The Road Home" ~
DCC #17: Legacy of the Savage Kings ~
Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

Joined: Dec 09, 2002
Posts: 342
From: Ohio

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Mon May 09, 2005 2:30 am  

actually yeah, I might introduce them in html and pdf here shortly once the final lists are compiled. The thrid volume of the Encyclopedia is late already b/c of work/ life conflicts (that and I'm the only one on the project) LOL.

But yeah, I might just switch the whole thing over info pdf'ed groups along with seperate htmls for quick downloads as well!

Thanks for the compliment also, btw, every little bit helps! =)
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
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