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Allow me to introduce myself!
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Sep 14, 2002
Posts: 180
From: Patra, Greece

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Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:19 am  
Allow me to introduce myself!

Happy New Year Editors of the Oerth Journal,

My name is Stylianos (or Stelios for short) Scarlatos. My author pseudonym is “tzelios.” I come from and live in Greece.

I am very happy to belong to the editorial board of the most important Greyhawk e-zine. But most importantly I am twice that happy to be with you. Most of you I know through Greytalk and Canonfire. With some of you we have exchanged off-list communications, and certain people I consider them friends (even though I owe a pair of shot glasses to one of you).

I have contributed six articles to Canonfire. My work has been mainly influenced by Gary Gygax, Eric Mona, Allan Grohe, and Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez.

I have clear ideas that I believe they will improve our game. In the process I will start formulating them into essays to share with you and when possible with the rest of the community. To grasp a rough idea of the way I work, please check my Greytalk post:

I am eager to contribute my best,

"It is easier to milk a cow that stands still." Tzeliobas-Aristomenes, General Cleaning, Greyhawk Construction Company.
CF Admin

Joined: Jul 28, 2001
Posts: 700
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Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:37 pm  

Welcome Stelios! I'm glad you've posted. Shortly we should read posts from other new staff members as well. Response to the call for help has been good. Andy Seale is the next Editor in Chief of the Oerth Journal. Under his leadership I anticipate the OJ will fare well -- achieving regular production while maintaining high standards. I will be noticeably less present online: school and work duties require me to reduce my hobby time. However, I'm still around and hope to continue serving as staff -- probably a line editor.

Take good care!
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