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OJ vs CF
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Joined: Oct 30, 2001
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From: British ex-pat in Laramie, Wyoming

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Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:33 am  
OJ vs CF

I was curious if there is any 'official' definition of the relationship between OJ and CF. For example, it is much easier to post an article to CF than it is to the OJ simply because of the time constraints involved. I realize that OJ offers an editorial process not seen in CF, but beyond that?

Do you not fear that OJ will divert quality submissions from CF?

Man of the Cranes
CF Admin

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Wed Jan 28, 2004 9:06 pm  

Good question Gwydesien. Back when Canonfire was ready to launch, I had recently assumed the Editorship of the Oerth Journal. Amidst collaboration on an independent film, to me it seemed clear that 'hawkers needed to work together to accomplish projects well.

With Gary's prodigious programming and Montand's tireless (and later Rich's) labor, Canonfire seemed the most viable GH-dedicated website. As you may recall, the era of personal fan websites seemed to be ending with many old standbys lapsing.

In the 'chat, we compared the Oerth Journal and Canonfire and found them complementary. I articulated what I believe the OJ offers in our writer's guidelines and FAQ (hosted here on CF). It is a different venue than posting to CF and offers its own benefits and constraints.

Today CF has an amazing number of members and continues to receive frequent submissions. I don't think the OJ has taken anything away from CF. And vice versa: many GH fans are not interested in editing or being edited. There's also the lil thing of patience...

Thankfully the OJ now has a new Editor, who will likely post here soon, and a number of new staff. Expect many positive developments this year, including timely publication of issue 16 and a new website.

'Ware and were, friend.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:29 pm  

Basically, the official nutshell answer is "Canonfire hosts the OJ and provides its staff with forum space (you're here now! Laughing )"

As Marc said, it was agreed that the two resources complement each other nicely and we decided to "team up" to provide Greyhawk fans with an even more dynamic resource for Greyhawk material, discussion and community.

Things may change a bit with the new OJ Editor-In-Chief and the forthcoming rebirth of as the OJ's official home, but rest assured that the folks involved with both OJ and CF remain friendly and dedicated to working together to provide the community with more great material.
What would Raxivort do?<br />
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:38 pm  
Re: OJ vs CF

Man-of-the-Cranes wrote:
I realize that OJ offers an editorial process not seen in CF, but beyond that?

Do you not fear that OJ will divert quality submissions from CF?

Actually, the "fear" was exactly the opposite. We've many times discussed the fact that a lot of authors of articles prefer the instant gratification of seeing their work on Canonfire, as opposed to the sometimes lengthy editorial process involved with OJ. It really hasn't turned out to be a big problem. OJ, unfortunately, has never gotten an avalanche of submissions, but in one sense, that's good, it allows the editors to focus their attention on what they do have and make each OJ live up to its full potential.

In general, OJ is the way to go if you have a lengthy article that would be well served with a nice layout and some graphic design (in other words, artwork). Canonfire is more for smaller articles or running episodical features, such as some of the great fan fiction we're hosting these days.

In a sense, OJ can be seen as a sort of 'Best of the Greyhawk community' ezine, and Canonfire as a more freewheeling, anything goes venue for everyone's work.
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