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Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:04 pm  

Patron of Bards

Symbol: Any musical instrument
Home Plane: The Nexus
Alignment: Neutral (good tendencies)
Aliases: Heward Trieste of Hardby, Lord Hewd
Superior: None
Allies: Celestian, Fharlanghn, Zagyg, Keoghtom, Murlynd
Foes: Iuz, Vecna, Glasya, Wastri, Merikka, Ilsensine
Rivals: Ye’Cind, Rudd, Olidammara, Stillsong, Corellon Larethian
Servants: Elder air elemental (clarity)
Servitor Creatures: Mechanical constructs
Manifestations: Heward mainly manifests in person, but occasionally he’ll manifest a song that appears in the wind or the head of a worshipper, seemingly out of nowhere.
Signs of Favor: Heward shows signs of favor by gifting musicians with moments of unusual brilliance.
Worshipers: Humans, others
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, N, CN, LN
Holy Days: Living outside time, Heward’s holy days are irregular at best. His creation of the Organ and his defeat of Ilsensine are celebrated in Brewfest and Coldeven respectively, though the exact dates are considered flexible.
Portfolio: Bards, musicians
Domains: Music, Travel, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: +1 defending quarterstaff
Other favored weapons: +3 dagger
Cleric Training: Heward has not yet built up a formal clergy, but periodically bards of great talent will be inspired to begin prostelyzing his faith. Heward will gift these with divine spells.
Quests: Clerics of Heward wander the world and the planes collecting songs and bardic lore, binding beings of evil insomuch as is needed to maintain the Balance, educating the ignorant, and collecting and creating mechanical and musical devices. They work together with worshippers of Murlynd in particular, even performing holy rites and devotions together.
Prayers: Prayers to Heward take the form of songs composed by the Patron of Bards himself. The lyrics seldom mention Heward directly - often they’re about drinking and exploring - but the fact that Heward wrote them makes them holy.
Temples: Heward has no permanent temples, although bardic colleges and the like will sometimes contain shrines dedicated to him.
Rites: Worshippers of Heward pray before and during concerts and other important expeditions. Music itself is all Heward desires.
Herald and Allies: Heward sends clarities - beings identical to small, medium, large, greater, and elder air elementals statistically, but filled with constant music and song.

Male Variant Bard 20/Seeker of the Song 10/Sublime Chord 10/Song Mage 10
Medium Outsider (augmented human, native)
Divine Rank:
Hit Dice: 20d6+80+10d6+40+10d6+40+10d4+40 (480 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 34 (+10 alchemical, +10 deflection, +1 divine, +3 dexterity), touch 24, flat-footed 31
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/Grp +34
Attack: +1 defending quarterstaff +34 melee (1d6+5 Crit x2) or +3 knife +34 melee (small +3 dagger 1d3+7 crit 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: +1 defending quarterstaff (single weapon) +34/+29/+24 melee (1d6+5 Crit x2) or +1 defending quarterstaff (double weapon) +30/+29/+26/+24 melee (1d6+5 Crit x2) or +3 knife +34/+29/+24 melee (small +3 dagger 1d3+7 crit 19-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Abilities: Domain powers, Divine Aura, Spontaneous cleric spells, Bardic Knowledge, Weave Notes, Evasion, Weave Chords, Improved Invasion, Weave Melodies, Rapture of the Song (+2 AC when using music), seeker music, combine songs, rapture of the song (+2 saves), subvocalize, Rapture of the Song (DR/-), Rapture of the Song (freedom of movement), Song of Arcane Power, Song of Timelessness, Song of Cosmic Fire, Song Magic 3/day, Song as sustenance, songshield, divine music (Blindness/Deafness), songburst, noble music, sonic protection, forbid the silence, wings of song, clarity of music
Special Qualities: immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters its form. not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). immune to electricity, cold, and acid, immune to disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects, and disintegration. Doesn't automatically fail on an attack roll of 1, Darkvision 60 feet, Resist: Fire 6, Sonic 10, SR 58
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +29, Will +20
Abilities Str 18, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 30
Skills: Appraise +9, Balance +16, Bardic Knowledge +36, Knowledge (Machines) +59, Bluff +25, Climb +18, Concentration +18, Craft (Machines) +59, Decipher Script +29, Diplomacy +36, Escape Artist +17, Gather Information +36, Hide +7, Jump +17, Listen +14, Move Silently +24, Ritual Spellcasting (Con) +58, Search +3, Spellcraft +61, Swim +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +61, Knowledge (the Planes) +59, Perform (Act) +44, Perform (Comedy) +34, Perform (Dance) +14, Perform (Keyboard instruments) +64, Perform (Oratory) +34, Perform (Percussion) +64, Perform (String instruments) +64, Perform (Wind instruments) +64, Perform (Sing) +64. Profession (Astrologer) +10, Profession (Alchemist) +10, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +17, Speak Language (Suel), Speak Language (Aquan), Speak Language (Ignan), Speak Language (Terran), Speak Language (Abyssal), Spot +3, Tumble +17, Use Magic Device +24
Feats: Accompaniment (BoEMII), Aid Spellcasting (BoEMII), Amplify Song (BoEMII), Craft Wondrous Item, Create Soul Magic Spell (BoEMII), Extra Music, Green Ear, Hindering Song, Intensify Song (BoEMII), Lingering Song, Magical Talent (BoEM), Skill Focus (Perform (Keyboard Instruments)), Sustain Song (BoEMII), Vivify Song (BoEMII), Words of Creation (Exalted)
Epic Feats: Epic Spellcasting, Music of the Gods, Reactive Countersong
Salient Divine Abilities: Divine Bard, Alter Reality
Organization: Unique (20% chance he will be with 1-3 other gods or heroes)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral (good tendencies)

Possessions: Herbal mix: AC +10 (alchemical), Knife +3, +6 Defending Quarterstaff, Luckstone +3, Planar tuning forks (for Plane Shift; he has at least one for every plane in his haversack), Flute of the Snake, Harp of the Immortal Maestro, Lute of the Wandering Minstrel, Mandolin of the Inspiring Muse, Strings of Spell Storing, Chime of Interruption, Chime of Opening, Heward's Handy Haversack, Harp of Charming, Lyre of Building, Pipes of Haunting, Pipes of Pain, Pipes of the Sewers, Pipes of Sounding

Heward can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within one mile of himself.

Divine Aura
Heward’s mere presence can deeply affect mortals and quasi-deities within 10 feet. All divine aura effects are mind-affecting, extraordinary abilities. Mortals and quasideities can resist the aura’s effects with successful Will saves; the DC is 21. Deities are immune to the auras of deities of equal or lower rank. Any being who makes a successful saving throw against a deity’s aura power becomes immune to that deity’s aura power for one day. Divine aura is an emanation that extends around the deity in a radius whose size is a function of divine rank. The deity chooses the size of the radius and can change it as a free action. If the deity chooses a radius of 0 feet, its aura power effectively becomes non-functional. When two or more deities’ auras cover the same area, only the aura that belongs to the deity with the highest rank functions. If divine ranks are equal, the auras coexist. Heward can choose to suppress his aura at will.

The deity can make its own worshipers, beings of its alignment, or both types of individuals immune to the effect as a free action. The immunity lasts one day or until the deity dismisses it. Once affected by an aura power, creatures remain affected as long as they remain within the aura’s radius. The deity can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.
Affected beings just stare at the deity in fascination. They can defend themselves normally but can take no actions.
Affected beings become shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the deity makes them frightened, and they flee as quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of their flight.
The deity’s allies receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks, while the deity’s foes receive a -4 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks.

Divine Immunities: Heward is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters its form. not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage. immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). immune to electricity, cold, and acid, immune to disease and poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, and death effects, and disintegration. He doesn't have to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Divine Salient Ability: Divine Bard

* For the deity’s bardic abilities that have a range (countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, inspire greatness), that range is a number of miles equal to the deity’s divine rank.
* The deity can use any bardic music inspiration ability as a standard action. The inspiration takes effect immediately after the deity concludes the action.
* The deity’s bardic music abilities can affect even those normally immune to mind-affecting effects. However, such creatures gain a +10 bonus on their Will saves to resist such effects.
* The effects of all Heward's spellsongs, Seeker music, Sublime Bardic music, and mage songs and are doubled. The number of allies the deity can affect doubles. When inspiring competence in multiple allies, the deity can choose different skills to inspire for different allies.
* The effects of the Heward's spellsongs, Seeker music, Sublime Bardic music, and mage songs last for ten times as long as normal after the deity stops singing. This has no effect on abilities that have no duration after the bard stops singing.
* When any effect that is subject to countersong (any spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like effect that has the sonic or language-dependent descriptor) occurs within the deity’s hearing, the deity can attempt a countersong as if it had prepared an action to do so.

Divine Salient Ability: Alter Reality

Heward can use limited wish with regard to his portfolio (bards and music). This ability costs him no XP, and requires a standard action to implement. In effect, he can duplicate practically any spell effect, so long as the effect fits within his sphere of influence. For example, he can duplicate any bard spell, class ability, or class skill. He can create any sonic effect, summon musicians from other planes, and conjure any song ever sung out of thin air - he can also conjure songs that were dreamed, but never actually sung aloud in the waking world. He can discover completed versions of unfinished songs. He can make mute beasts and inanimate objects (for example, statues) sing. As a swift action, Heward can assume any size from Tiny to Huge.

Domain Powers (Su):
Travel: For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). This granted power is a supernatural ability. Add Survival to your list of class skills.

Knowledge: You cast divination spells at +1 caster level.

Music: Three times per day, you may cast a spell with verbal components at +1 caster level. The Music domain is from the Book of Eldritch Might II. You can replace it with the Good domain if you don't have the book.

Immortality: Heward is immortal. The only way for him to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat. Heward risks permanent destruction only if slain in the Nexus and provided the attacker succeeds at a rank check. Otherwise, he reforms in the Nexus after fifty years.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): Heward gets +36 on all Bardic Knowledge checks.

Improved Evasion (Ex): If Heward makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage; even on a failed save, he only takes half damage. If he is rendered helpless, he doesn’t get this ability.

Seeker Music: Heward can expend a note from his daily allotment of spellsongs to use the following abilities: Burning Melody, Song of Unmaking, Dirge of Frozen Loss, Song of Life, Anthem of Thunder and Pain, Hymn of Spelldeath, Ballad of Agony Reborn, Aria of Everywhere, Dirge of Songdeath, Hymn of Revealing.

Sublime bardic music: Heward can expend a note from his daily allotment of spellsongs to use the following abilities: Song of Arcane Power, Song of Timelessness, Song of Cosmic Fire.

Mage Songs: Song Magic 3/day, Song as Sustenance 10/day, Songshield 1/day, Divine Music (Blindness/Deafness) 1/day, Songburst 1/day, Forbid the Silence at will, Wings of Song 1/day, Clarity of Music 1/week

Spellsongs per day:

Notes: 47 (all)
Chords: 17 (all but Disrupt Thoughts, Heal Wound, Inspire Confidence, Minor Wall of Sound, Sense Lies, Sonic Blast, and Sonic Lance)
Melodies: 13 (all)

Spells: (CL 51)

4th level: Cure Critical Wounds, Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Hallucinatory Terrain, Shadow Conjuration, Zone of Silence

5th level: Baleful Polymorph, Contact Other Plane, Dream, False Vision, Mirage Arcana, Song of Discord

6th level: Analyze Dweomer, Animate Objects, Permanent Image, Programmed Image, Greater Shout, Summon Monster VI

7th level: Banishment, Control Weather, Spell Turning, Plane Shift, Mass Hold Person

8th level: Prismatic Wall, Summon Monster VIII, Greater Shout, Scintillating Pattern

9th level: Prismatic Sphere, Shapechange, Wish

Senses: Heward can see (using normal vision or low-light vision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of one mile. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within one mile of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to two locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of less than 1 divine rank at up to two remote locations at once for up to an hour per day.

Heward can automatically sense any event involving music or bards if it involves more than a thousand people. He receives no information about the event, only that it is occurring and where it is.


Heward is of indeterminate age, appearing both young and old at the same time. He is athletic and strong, quick and lively. Although his pate is bald, Heward has a luxurious moustache and soul patch of sandy-brown. His forehead is wrinkled but his cheeks are rosy and fresh. Heward wears a mixture of shabby garb and finery which is old and out of fashion, creating a style of his own which is quite remarkable.


The great Heward, mythical Patron of Bards, was born in 296 CY to Moriat Trieste, the younger sister of the Gynarch of Hardby. His father was an itinerant bard who divination spells indicated had a great wealth of mystical potential - potential he might never realize, but the matriarchs of Hardby could ensure his offspring did. A servant located the bard in a tavern one lonely night, telling him a noble patron of the arts wished to speak to him about a commission. Dubious and hopeful at the same time, he followed, but the "commission" turned out to be of quite a different nature than he had anticipated. The bard went back on the road the next day, but Heward was born nine months later.

As a child, Heward enjoyed the company of his cousin, Zagig Yragerne, the son of his mother's sister and the Landgraf of the Selintan. The two boys had very different characters - Zagig was studious and serious, while Heward was constantly distracted by anything and everything. Still, they got along well, and they often made up stories of adventures they would have and swapped petty magics they had stolen from their mothers. In the process, Zagig taught Heward discipline and Heward gave his cousin perhaps a greater gift - his sense of humor.

As young adults, they went their separate ways - Zagig to a wizard's academy in Rauxes and Heward to a bardic college in Niole Dra. Still, that would not be the last time the two interacted.

Studying under the bards, Heward learned quickly the ways of music and lore. He had a naturally perfect pitch and an affinity for magic bred into his line for countless generations by the careful Suel-descended women of Hardby town, as well as a quick mind and an eidetic memory. Heward grew so prideful that he became embarrassing to be around. It was not that he belittled others - in fact, he was very free with complements and always had a good word for others - it was that he spoke about his own work so much. It was, however, an unfortunate affair with the young wife of a Keoish noble that forced him out of the city and to the tower of the Silent Ones, where they taught him much lore the bards of Niole Dra were unable to, and introduced him to the bards of the Old Lore.

After studying with them for a while, Heward began to adventure on his own. At the age of 18 now, he had experienced more than his share of fights and quick escapes, but experience with the Old Lore inspired him to leave the cities and venture into the wilderness. The next five years are unrecorded except in a few of Heward's self-aggrandizing poems, which are not to be trusted. It is certain, however, that he eventually ended up with the shamans of the Fellreev Forest, who had initiated him into their tribe and taught him how to make a kantele from the bones of a dragon he seems to have slain himself. It was during his time with them that the glimmerings of an idea he had gotten among the Silent Ones and the bards of the Old Lore became formulated into a theory he was certain had some truth in it. He decided that the fundamental basis of the universe was music, and somewhere there was a song that was the universe itself. This song, Heward thought, could be learned, and he would be the one to learn it.

This was when he once again hooked up with his cousin Zagig, to whom he proposed an alliance in search of this worthy goal. Zagig, who had been researching the root cause of magic, thought Heward's theories dovetailed nicely with his own and immediately agreed. The two worked together to create keys of different pitch with which they could divine the resonances of the various planes of existence. Unfortunately, there was an accident - neither afterwards would admit to being at fault - and Heward was sucked through a magical vortex. He would not be seen again on the Oerth for some time.

Heward awoke in a chill room lit only by candles. His head hurt worse than it had after his last night of binge drinking, which he had thought would kill him; come to think of it, that had only been the night before. The night before what? Heward had no idea what day it was.

"Stay still," said a voice, gentle and strangely accented, deep in pitch, polite and a bit self-conscious. "I patched you up the best I could with what I had, but the bandages won't hold if you jerk around too much."

"Ugh," said Heward in agreement. "What happened to me? And I can't place your accent - what part of the Flanaess are you from?"

The man said nothing. Heward repeated the question.

"The Flanaess?" asked the man finally. "Sir, what exactly does that word mean to you?"

"Which one?" asked Heward. "'The' is a simple preposition; it refers to the noun following it, identifying it as a singular place of some distinction. 'Flanaess' is the name of our continent, named for the aboriginal inhabitants thereof."

"That's what I thought you meant," said the man, and in the darkness his smile was audible. "Sorry, I was just shocked. I haven't met anyone from home in so long... Sir, hereabouts they call me Doctor D.R. Murlynd, but plain old Murlynd is the name I was born with. I'm from a place called Ferrond, originally, though I'm sure I don't sound like it anymore."

"We're not in the Flanaess, then," Heward reasoned. "Another plane? It's certainly possible, given what Z. and I were screwing with. Are you very familiar with magic, Doctor?"

"Not as you'd know it, I think. Back home I was a paladin-errant in the church of Heironeous, before I accidentally wandered into an alternate world gate in some dungeon; here I've been trying to make myself a wizard, figuring it was my best shot at getting back. Magic works differently here, though, so I've been having to make it up as I went along."

Heward grinned at him. "I'd certainly be interested in seeing what you've come up with, then. I've learned what magic I know much the same way, though on a different world. Perhaps we can help each other."

"I'd like that," said Murlynd. A beautiful friendship was born.

Magic really was different on that world, which Murlynd had dubbed Uerth. Every spell seemed to require complex mechanical apparatuses to work properly. It was Heward who, while examining an organ in a mission, thought of using combining musical theory with Murlynd's mechanical principles. It worked, as he said at the time, like a charm. "The Enchantment/Charm school, to be exact."

Still, it was another year before they figured out a way to open a gate back to their own world. After confirming the constellations and staring at the twin moons like a starving man gazing at a meat pie, they stepped through. It would be weeks after the gate closed, trapping them there, before they realized they had somehow arrived in the world at least a thousand years too early.

The adventures they had in the ancient world were too many to recount here - charming magical documents and artifacts from the Mages of Power of both the Suel and Baklunish, the song contest with Ye'Cind (a draw), the time Heward made the Queen of Faerie weep at the beauty of his songs and Murlynd made her scream in pleasure, the time Heward founded the tradition that would one day be known as the Old Lore - "And this time, remember everything I tell you, not just a few fragments!" Heward had told the antediluvian druids to their great confusion. There was the time they got kicked out of the gate-town of Sylvania for excessive rowdiness, the thousand and one nights they spent entertaining the marids, the time they drove the rats from Sigil, and finally the apprenticeship with the caretakers of the device that would eventually be remembered as the Machine of Lum the Mad.

Together they learned much about magic, much about the planes, and far too much about one another, but the secrets of time travel eluded them. Then one day they heard rumors of a nexus between all worlds and times, and they knew this was, as Murlynd put it, their best shot.

Having no idea how to find it they ventured into the mysterious Sea of Dust, where it was said Fharlanghn, god of travelers, kept a garden. Three weeks into their journey, they found this mythical oasis. Fharlanghn, a little man with sun-browned skin, waited there with his brother Celestian, who hovered nearby. Celestian’s skin was the same ebony as the night sky, and in his flesh the whorls of distant galaxies could subtly be seen.

“What you seek is neither within this world nor outside it,” Fharlanghn explained. “It will take both of us together to find the door.”

“That’s awful kind of you,” said Murlynd. “Why are you helping us?”

“Respect for fellow far-travelers,” whispered Celestian in a hollow voice. “Perhaps when next we meet, it will be as companions.”

The Nexus was located somewhere above the sky and beneath the sea, within a mountain and high in the World Ash all at once. Its guardian was Niveral-Sca, a tall woman whose skin glistened with millions of tiny scales; her feet never touched the ground. While not quite a deity herself, she was the daughter of two divinities: Aoskar, god of portals, and Shekinester, the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the nagas. This didn't unnerve Heward nearly as much as hearing that he had apparently already sired a child with her, a seemingly completely human lad with tousled red hair. "Hello, little fellow," he said to the boy, awkwardly.

The paradoxes of temporal travel being what they were, Heward would not get around to fathering his son, Revensfall, until many years later from his subjective perspective. In the meantime, Niveral-Sca allowed Murlynd to pass through the portal back to Oerth while Heward was told to remain behind while he completed his destined task. Knowing what she meant without being told, he began to create the artifact, an organ that would play the primal song of creation. By combining the forbidden lore of soul magic with long and complex rituals, using the portals of the Nexus to gather materials from the first days of creation, using all the mechanical skills he had learned alongside Murlynd, he finally succeeded. He played the first chords and was transfigured, becoming a quasi-deity.

On hundreds of worlds, in the winds, in the glades, in their minds, people Heward play. Even the reclusive elves and dour dwarves were lured from their hidden dens, and none could hear his playing and remain unmoved. The first Seekers of the Song were inspired to begin their searches.

In a far plane, the alien entity Ilsensine heard through its billion tentacles the new Song of Creation, sensing within it a grave threat to its domination at the End of Time. It sent hundreds of cranium rats to gnaw on the inner workings of Heward's organ, damaging it just enough that the complete Song could never be played on the organ again. The unique artifact could never be repaired, but it is still a thing of terrifying, rapturous power.

Horrified by Ilsensine's intrusion to her domain, Niveral-Sca demanded Heward drive out the cranium rats and not return until he could ensure the brain vermin could not enter the Nexus again. Using his enchanted pipes to lead them, Heward and the rats left for Oerth.

On Oerth, Heward became involved once again with his cousin Zagig Yragerne; together with Murlynd, Keoghtom, and the divine St. Cuthbert, they imprisoned the cambion Iuz the Old. And one by one, with shifting teams, Heward helped Zagig imprison eight other demigods. Most of their allies left after the archmage began targeting gods of good, but Heward loyally remained, helping his cousin convince Zuoken to enter the prison willingly in the name of Balance.

And it was Heward who laid Zagig's body to rest in his glass coffin after his spirit attained apotheosis.

At the end, his friends scattered, his cousin exploring far planes as a demigod, Heward dueled alone with an avatar of Ilsensine, banishing the brain-god's aspect from the Nexus. That done, Heward returned to father his son.

In the past few years, the prayers of bards have lifted Heward up to the status of a hero-deity, and he can now grant divine spells to clerics. He still spends most of his time either in the Nexus (the portal he most commonly uses is found in a non-descript house in Greyhawk City) or travelling the planes, mostly alone but sometimes with one to three friends. Zagyg, Murlynd, Celestian, Fharlanghn, Keoghtom, Revensfall, Mordenkainen and Gord have all journeyed with Heward in recent times.

Heward has been granted a large number of rooms, spaces, gardens, and parks within the Nexus, from cramped lofts to a grand auditorium called the Hall of Harmony, which includes space for a full choir and his fabled Organ itself. His domicile has many engines, clockworks, and mechanical golems that he made himself, serving in many capacities in Heward's bizarre household. The portals in his rooms lead to many parallel worlds, planes, and through the dimension of time.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 18, 2002
Posts: 59
From: Baltimore, MD, USA

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Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:51 pm  

Interesting write-up. I love the background info. Some weird things - using variant bard AND sublime chord - he doesn't technically qualify.

I was thinking about 40 levels and Divine Rank 0 for Heward and the other Quasi-deities. If you stay with Divine Rank 1, his ability scores are kind of low.

Have you cross-posted this to DiceFreaks deities board? They would love it, and offer many suggestions...

You did...never mind. I will go read more over there:


Joined: Aug 03, 2001
Posts: 3318
From: Michigan

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Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:23 pm  

rob_douglas wrote:
Interesting write-up. I love the background info. Some weird things - using variant bard AND sublime chord - he doesn't technically qualify.

I figured he did, since some of the spellsongs he can cast are equivalent to 3rd level arcane spells.

I was thinking about 40 levels and Divine Rank 0 for Heward and the other Quasi-deities.

I would have given him 40 levels, but adding the third prestige class helped flavor-wise, and I couldn't resist.

As a quasi-deity, he'd be DvR 0. As a hero-deity (his status in the current edition), he needs at least DvR 1 to grant spells. That does make him more powerful than I'd like him, however.
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