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Tabloid Tamoachan - The Glozeris Expedition
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:30 am  
Tabloid Tamoachan - The Glozeris Expedition

Tabloid Tamoachan - The Glozeris Expedition

First I was confused, then my head screamed NO! BAD HERESY!, then I realized (only a little bit to my credit, before actually getting to the bottom of the article) that this was about another potential source on the Olman.

The last got me excited, but then the ultimate conclusion was that this piece of Hack was not completely worthless. Hmm. Confused Not very high praise. Assuming one does not want to go with the theory postulated, that Tamoachan was simply an overlay on top of the reptilian civilization (worshipping Camazotz, no, no, no!), is there much of anything in the module worth buying?

Well, you did mention cenotes and time portals. Interesting. Perhaps some other theory could be used, like an alternate dimension and demonic curse similar to the bowl from the Moore’s OJ7 House of the Summoner, so that the module could actually be apocryphal- that is to say consistent with canon rather than contradictory-as, IMO, is the postulated theory.

I like the name, Slaz’Stecek, and the notion of hinting at the Sleestak (yes, I used to like that show), and would love to develop the pre-Olman reptilian culture.

Alright, fudge it, I'll buy it. Smile Thanks for the heads-up, GVD.
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Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:45 pm  

I love that you'all are such dedicated GH scholars. The Olman Sage waves a weather and slices an apocaplytic heart -- figuratively, of course. ;)
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:24 pm  

While I honestly didn't care much for the basic idea of the article (IMO, the Olman are a self made culture, not the second rate inheritors of something non-human), like Marc I have to give GVD kudos for keeping the Olman interest going.
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