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Epic Stat Block: The Mage of the Valley
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Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:17 am  
Epic Stat Block: The Mage of the Valley

Wizard 18/Archmage 3/Shadowcraft Mage 5
N Medium Outsider (Shade, Augmented Human)
Init +4; Senses exotic senses, Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Due to his vast intelligence, the Mage of the Valley can be presumed to speak any language of note.

AC 47, touch 19, flat-footed 43 (armor +28, deflection +5, Dex +4)
hp 326 (26d4+234)
Immune divination, mind-affecting abilities
Fort +26, Ref +21, Will +29

Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
Melee +15 touch
Ranged +17 touch
Base Atk +13; Grp +15
Atk Options arcane reach, mastery of shaping, powerful shadow magic, shadow illusion,
Special Actions alacritous cogitation, extended illusion, silent illusion, spontaneous divination

Wizard Spells Prepared/Known (CL 27th)
Epic (2/day)—ruin, soul scry
9th (6/day)—heightened programmed image (x3), Mordenkainen's disjunction, time stop, [1 open slot]
8th (6/day)—heightened programmed image (x3), irresistible dance, mind blank*, polymorph any object
7th (5/day)—greater teleport, heightened programmed image (x2), mass hold person, plane shift
6th (6/day)— disintegrate, flesh to stone, heightened major image (x3), undeath to death
5th (6/day)—dominate person, dream, false vision, heightened major image (x2), nightmare
4th (7/day)—charm monster, greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, heightened major image (x3)
3rd (7/day)—displacement, haste, heightened minor image, fly (x2), suggestion
2nd (8/day)—alter self, arcane lock, magic mouth, mirror image (x2), touch of idiocy (x2), protection from arrows
1st (8/day)—alarm, charm person, disguise self, feather fall, hold portal, protection from evil, shield, sleep
0th (4/day)—arcane mark, open/close, prestigiditation (x2)
*Already used

Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 29, Int 39, Wis 19, Cha 30
Feats Alacritous Cogitation, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item (B), Craft Staff (B), Earth Spell, Heighten Spell, Scribe Scroll (B), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Quicken Spell (B), Twin Spell
Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting
Skills Bluff +37, Concentration +33, Craft (Alchemy) +38, Decipher Script +35, Disguise +35, Hide +31, Knowledge (Arcana) +43, Knowledge (History) +28, Knowledge (Psionics) +27, Knowledge (Religion) +38, Knowledge (The Planes) +38, Spellcraft +56
Possessions amulet of health +8, cloak of charisma +8, headband of intellect +10, ioun stone of resistance +8, ring of protection +5, staff of the valley
Spellbook The Mage of the Valley's spellbook contains all spells from the Player's Handbook, and any illusion spells found elsewhere. Beyond that, he has direct access to a great variety of other spells directly. (There is a 5% chance per spell level that he does not have such a spell in his possession.) If he lacks access to a spell, he can acquire it in 3d4 days by using his contacts in various mages' guilds, unless the spell is so rare as to be practically unique. (This does not apply to epic spells.)
Epic Spells Known bound to the valley{1}, black ruin{2}[/sup], eclipse, soul scry, The Black One's epic mage armor{3}
[size=8,5]1 – The exact specifications of this spell are unknown. By means of great epic magic, the Mage of the Valley is able to bind those of his domain to the Valley. It is presumed that this strengthens his people and increases their lifespan for as long as they remain within, though it reduces it to a length of mere weeks if they leave it. It is believed that this spell can only affect willing targets.
2 – This is identical to ruin, except that it has no XP cost, deals 29d6 damage, and has a spellcraft DC of 65.
3 – This is identical to the ordinary epic mage armor spell, except that it lasts for 72 hours, provides an armor bonus of 28 and has a spellcraft DC of 66.[/size]

Alacritous Cogitation (Su): The Mage of the Valley can leave one spell slot open when preparing and later use that slot to cast any arcane spell of that level (or lower) he knows spontaneously. He may only do so once per day.

Arcane Reach (Su): The Mage of the Valley can use spells with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away, provided he makes a ranged touch attack.

Extended Illusion (Ex): Illusion spells cast by the Mage of the Valley last double as long as normal. This ability stacks with the effects of the actual Extend Spell feat.

Mastery of Shaping (Su): The Mage of the Valley can alter area and effect spells (of burst, cone, cylinder, emanation or spread shapes) by creating spaces within them that are not subject to the spell (minimum 5ft.-cube).

Shadow Illusion (Su): Some of the Mage of the Valley's illusion effects are partially real. Whenever he casts silent image, minor image, major image, persistent image or programmed image, he may mimic a shadow conjuration or shadow evocation effect able to reproduce any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning), conjuration (creation) or evocation spell, except that the spell's strength equals 10% per level of the figment spell used (+20% due to powerful shadow magic).

Silent Illusion (Ex): Illusion spells cast by the Mage of the Valley automatically have the Silent Spell feat applied to them, without adjusting the spell's level. Spells that this metamagic feat cannot be applied to are not affected.

Spontaneous Divination (Su): The Mage of the Valley can spontaneously cast any divination spell by sacrificing a prepared spell of equal or greater level.

Powerful Shadow Magic (Su): The effects of the Mage of the Valley's shadow spells increases by 20%.

Staff of the Valley: This pitch-black staff is perhaps the most powerful implement the Mage of the Valley has access to. It is considered a major artifact, and has the ability to intensify any of his shadow spells thrice per day. In addition to this, as a standard action, the staff may be used to shroud a five mile radius around him in darkness, as though it were night. This darkness takes effect within 2d4 rounds. The wielder may end this effect as another standard action, and normal light returns within another 2d4 rounds. The staff of the valley can only sustain this effect for up to thirty minutes per day, though these need not be continuous.



Wizard 18/Archmage 3/Shadowcraft Mage 5
N Medium Outsider (Shade, Augmented Human)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60ft., Listen +8, Spot +8
Aura control light; Languages Due to his vast intelligence, the Mage of the Valley can be presumed to speak any language of note.

AC 47, touch 19, flat-footed 43 (armor +28, deflection +5, Dex +4); 40% concealment
hp 352 (26d4+260), fast heal 2
Immune divination, mind-affecting abilities
Resist resistances; SR 37 (11 + character level)
Weakness daylight
Fort +30, Ref +25, Will +33

Speed 50ft. (10 squares)
Melee +17 touch
Ranged +19 touch
Base Atk +13; Grp +15
Atk Options arcane reach, mastery of shaping, powerful shadow magic, shadow illusion,
Special Actions alacritous cogitation, extended illusion, silent illusion, spontaneous divination

Wizard Spells Prepared/Known (CL 27th)
Epic (2/day)—ruin, soul scry
9th (6/day)—heightened programmed image (x3), Mordenkainen's disjunction, time stop, [1 open slot]
8th (6/day)—heightened programmed image (x3), irresistible dance, mind blank{1}, polymorph any object
7th (5/day)—greater teleport, heightened programmed image (x2), mass hold person, plane shift
6th (6/day)— disintegrate, flesh to stone, heightened major image (x3), undeath to death
5th (6/day)—dominate person, dream, false vision, heightened major image (x2), nightmare
4th (7/day)—charm monster, greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, heightened major image (x3)
3rd (7/day)—displacement, haste, heightened minor image, fly (x2), suggestion
2nd (8/day)—alter self, arcane lock, magic mouth, mirror image (x2), touch of idiocy (x2), protection from arrows
1st (8/day)—alarm, charm person, disguise self, feather fall, hold portal, protection from evil, shield, sleep
0th (4/day)—arcane mark, open/close, prestigiditation (x2)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 26th)
At will—control light{2}, invisibility
3/day—mirror image
1/2 rounds—shadow stride{3}
1/day—plane shift (to the Plane of Shadow) or greater teleport (to a shadowy locale); must be in shadows when using this ability.[size=8,5]
1 -- Already used
2 – The Mage of the Valley can reduce the amount of light up to 75%, reducing the distance creatures without darkvision can see.
3 – Teleport to any shadow area within 300 feet as a move action.[/size]

Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 31, Int 39, Wis 19, Cha 32
Feats Alacritous Cogitation, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item (B), Craft Staff (B), Earth Spell, Heighten Spell, Scribe Scroll (B), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Quicken Spell (B), Twin Spell
Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting
Skills Bluff +38, Concentration +34, Craft (Alchemy) +38, Decipher Script +35, Disguise +36, Hide +39, Knowledge (Arcana) +43, Knowledge (History) +28, Knowledge (Psionics) +27, Knowledge (Religion) +38, Knowledge (The Planes) +38, Move Silently +12, Spellcraft +56
Possessions amulet of health +8, cloak of charisma +8, headband of intellect +10, ioun stone of resistance +8, ring of protection +5, staff of the valley
Spellbook The Mage of the Valley's spellbook contains all spells from the Player's Handbook, and any illusion spells found elsewhere. Beyond that, he has direct access to a great variety of other spells directly. (There is a 5% chance per spell level that he does not have such a spell in his possession.) If he lacks access to a spell, he can acquire it in 3d4 days by using his contacts in various mages' guilds, unless the spell is so rare as to be practically unique. (This does not apply to epic spells.)
Epic Spells Known bound to the valley{1}, black ruin{2}[/sup], eclipse, soul scry, The Black One's epic mage armor{3}
[size=8,5]1 – The exact specifications of this spell are unknown. By means of great epic magic, the Mage of the Valley is able to bind those of his domain to the Valley. It is presumed that this strengthens his people and increases their lifespan for as long as they remain within, though it reduces it to a length of mere weeks if they leave it. It is believed that this spell can only affect willing targets.
2 – This is identical to ruin, except that it has no XP cost, deals 29d6 damage, and has a spellcraft DC of 65.
3 – This is identical to the ordinary epic mage armor spell, except that it lasts for 72 hours, provides an armor bonus of 28 and has a spellcraft DC of 66.[/size]

Alacritous Cogitation (Su): The Mage of the Valley can leave one spell slot open when preparing and later use that slot to cast any arcane spell of that level (or lower) he knows spontaneously. He may only do so once per day.

Arcane Reach (Su): The Mage of the Valley can use spells with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away, provided he makes a ranged touch attack.

Cloak of Shadow: If he so chooses, the Mage of the Valley can shroud himself in darkness, granting him 40% concealment. Activating or dismissing this effect is a free action. This ability does not function in daylight.

Extended Illusion (Ex): Illusion spells cast by the Mage of the Valley last double as long as normal. This ability stacks with the effects of the actual Extend Spell feat.

Mastery of Shaping (Su): The Mage of the Valley can alter area and effect spells (of burst, cone, cylinder, emanation or spread shapes) by creating spaces within them that are not subject to the spell (minimum 5ft.-cube).

Shadow Illusion (Su): Some of the Mage of the Valley's illusion effects are partially real. Whenever he casts silent image, minor image, major image, persistent image or programmed image, he may mimic a shadow conjuration or shadow evocation effect able to reproduce any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning), conjuration (creation) or evocation spell, except that the spell's strength equals 10% per level of the figment spell used (+20% due to powerful shadow magic).

Silent Illusion (Ex): Illusion spells cast by the Mage of the Valley automatically have the Silent Spell feat applied to them, without adjusting the spell's level. Spells that this metamagic feat cannot be applied to are not affected.

Spontaneous Divination (Su): The Mage of the Valley can spontaneously cast any divination spell by sacrificing a prepared spell of equal or greater level.

Powerful Shadow Magic (Su): The effects of the Mage of the Valley's shadow spells increases by 20%.


Staff of the Valley: This pitch-black staff is perhaps the most powerful implement the Mage of the Valley has access to. It is considered a major artifact, and has the ability to intensify any of his shadow spells thrice per day. In addition to this, as a standard action, the staff may be used to shroud a five mile radius around him in darkness, as though it were night. This darkness takes effect within 2d4 rounds. The wielder may end this effect as another standard action, and normal light returns within another 2d4 rounds. The staff of the valley can only sustain this effect for up to thirty minutes per day, though these need not be continuous.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 28, 2008
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Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:10 am  

Excellent work!

In which sourcebook is the Shadowcraft Mage prestige class located?
Count Telemachus, Archmage of the Unicorn Conferderation

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Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:56 pm  

Telemachus wrote:
Excellent work!

In which sourcebook is the Shadowcraft Mage prestige class located?

Contraintuitively, it's in Races of Stone. I suppose it's like that because it has the requirement of being a gnome - a requirement I conveniently ignored since it has no good flavor reason at all.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:32 am  

Laughing That is a funny requirement. One would almost think gnomes were supposed to be good at illusion magic or something(hehe).

The prestige class is interesting enought that I agree with your dropping of the gnome racial requirement. There should be other races with illusion specialists too, but this is a nice one to have made for gnomes. I'll have to dig out Races of Stone and review it. I like this rendition of the Mage of the Valley.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:35 pm  

Good work, nice to see some epic activity again.

Joined: Aug 12, 2012
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Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:05 am  

Excelent job, I really liked it, he looks very fearsome to fight.
I did not understand why his CR is 23 if he is 26 level character AND he's Shade. Did I miss something?
<em>Just another elven archmage who abuses his apprentices...</em>

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From: LG Dyvers

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Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:55 pm  

NetoD20 wrote:
Excelent job, I really liked it, he looks very fearsome to fight.
I did not understand why his CR is 23 if he is 26 level character AND he's Shade. Did I miss something?

This ^

Plus, I am glad Sir Xaris' adventuring companions talked him out of assaulting the Valley of the Mage, but chose to establish a demense near the Pomarj instead. He would have gotten his butt kicked by that NPC! Shocked


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Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:46 am  

This is awesome. I'm adding this to my Greyhawk binder.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:32 pm  

NetoD20 wrote:
Excelent job, I really liked it, he looks very fearsome to fight.
I did not understand why his CR is 23 if he is 26 level character AND he's Shade. Did I miss something?

The whole point of 'CR' is that a party of four adventurers that level would find this an even match.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:09 am  

That's not actually how the CR and EL system works. A "fair" fight of four creatures against one would be EL X vs. EL X. For four creatures, they would have an APL of EL X-4; their individual CRs could be anything as long as their APL came in at this figure.

For instance, if the lone monster were CR 20, a fair fight could consist of four PC level 16 PCs, or 2 17s and 2 15s, 1 18 and 3 15s, 1 18 and 1 16 and 2 15s, etc.

The above assumes PCs are generally CR = class levels.

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Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:40 pm  

Vulcan wrote:
The whole point of 'CR' is that a party of four adventurers that level would find this an even match.

Not an even match. It means four PCs of that level should exhaust 25% of their resources in the battle.
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