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Flanaess Races Special Ability Modifiers
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Joined: Oct 01, 2008
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Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:58 am  
Flanaess Races Special Ability Modifiers

Greetings Fellows!

Could anyone please help me? Does anybody knows where I can find the rules regarding the special ability modifiers for the Flanaess races (if possible, for D&D 3.0 or 3.5 editions)?

I know I've seen it before (or I am going nuts?? Shocked ), but I just can't remember where exactly Cool .

Thanks in advance!

(BTW, sorry for my lousy English!!)
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:27 am  

This article has some info on proposed human racial modifiers:

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Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:01 am  

Thank you very much, Cebrion! This article will be really helpfull for my game!

I also found some related articles, all posted by Dongul, describing other races of the Flanaess, but none of them mentioned particular racial modifiers for Valley Elves. In this case, should I use the racial modifiers for High Elves, since Valley Elves are considered to be "an offshot of the high elven race that settled in the vale and evolved through the centuries" (as stated on "The Vale of the Mage" adventure)?

I don't know if that's a good idea Sad . I always pictured Valley Elves as a completely different elven race - what should mean having their own racial stats. By the way, if I did not misunderstand, that's exactly what is said on the excerpt I just transcribed, right?

What should I do then?? If not using the modifiers designed for High Elves, are there modifiers specially adjusted for Valley Elves? Where could I find it?

Thanx a lot!
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:06 pm  

Valley Elves appear in Unearthed Arcana(1e version), and are described as being thought to be an off-shoot of Gray Elves and are the same as them in all repsects, other than that they are unusually tall and also speak Gnomish as a starting language in 1e D&D. They also tend to be shunned by the other elven races who do not consider them to be "true elves". If you do give a character the extra starting language, also be sure to play up the lack of acceptance of the character on the part of other elves(particularly if the player chose this race just for the extra benefit like a beardy little git). The game/DM gives, and the game/DM takes. Wink

There may be all kinds of reasons why the adventure says they are instead an of-shoot of high elves instead of gray elves, but these inconsistencies merely open the door wider for you to decide for yourself what the origins of Valley Elves are or are not. In this case(as in all cases), do what YOU want to do. Whatever YOU decide, YOU will be right. Why? Because YOU are the DM. Wink

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Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:13 am  

Thank you once again, Cebrion! I truly appreciated your suggestion! Now I'll have to think about the consequences for my game in choosing Gray or High Elves racial stats.

As a matter of fact, I'm even considering establishing myself unique racial ability stats for Valley Elves Happy . Perhaps a little bit more dexterity or constitution (since they live in an inhospitable region, what could mean developing resistance or agility to overcome/avoid threats), and a few less points of charisma (as they are hated by all other elven races and by people living around the Vale)...
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:52 pm  

Valley (and wild elves, IIRC) are defined in the Living Greyhawk Journal #2. Basically, Valley Elves are grey elves with sorcerer as the favored class (the sample is a rgr1/sor1) and I don't remember specifics for the Grugach.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:57 am  

More details from LGJ2 on Valley Elves: Favored class is still wizard as per high elf. Most are Rgr/Wiz, they gain +4 on disguise when disguising as a human, -2 to diplomacy, gather info and intimidate vs. other elves. Else the same as High elves excepth they cannot be clerics of the seldarine. They are taller and fluff is like 1E/2E.

Iirc Grugach are simply wild elves as per the 3E DMG. They are probably mentioned in the Living Greyhawk RPGA players manuals somewhere.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:33 am  

Cebrion wrote:
This article has some info on proposed human racial modifiers:

Note that those abilty modifiers are for 2E, in 3E odd stat modifiers are a big game design nono, so be sure to either drop them completely or increase them.
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:16 am  

This is true, but only because odd numbered bonuses they do not give a full benefit(and the game designers wanted the effects to make a player say "Ooo! Look what my character got!"). Laughing With that in mind however, DMs might want to differentiate humans in only very slight ways by giving them +1 bonuses and penalties to certain abilities to represent very minor racial/cultural tendencies. This would not make the rules system come crashing down around your head by any means. It just won't have as much of an "Ooo! Look what my character got!" factor, but it would still be somewhat of a factor. Wink
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