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Magic Shortbow
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat May 16, 2009 12:51 pm  
Magic Shortbow

Question........My character has a magical composite shortbow +3. It has no strength rating, so it would be +0 in that regards. If it was an ordinary composite shortbow, damage done would be 1d6 for my medium-sized character, since it has a strength rating of +0. My question is do arrows shot from this magical composite shortbow gain +3 to damage as well as the +3 on "to hit" rolls? I have read the DM guide but it is not exactly clear - as I read it.

If this magical +3 composite shortbow was initially constructed with a +2 strength rating, would arrow damage then be +5?

Thanks in advance................ Happy
Master Greytalker

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Sat May 16, 2009 2:45 pm  
Composite bow magic and Str bonuses

John Smith -

As I understand the rules, yes, the magical bonus from the enchantment of the bow always applies to both rolls to hit, and to damage. In addition, if you have a mundane ( i.e. non-magical) bonus from the composite bow itself (the strength rating) that would also stack, and you would have a cumulative +5 to damage from those two sources with that weapon.

Yay!! I made a helpful contribution!! Happy


Edit: And as Saracenus points out below, the rule about the magical bonus of arrows and bows stacking, or not stacking, did change from 3e to the 3.5 revision. In 3.5, they don't stack ... you just use the larger of the two.
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Last edited by Icarus on Sat May 16, 2009 4:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
Adept Greytalker

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Sat May 16, 2009 2:49 pm  
Re: Magic Shortbow

JohnSmith wrote:
Question........My character has a magical composite shortbow +3. It has no strength rating, so it would be +0 in that regards. If it was an ordinary composite shortbow, damage done would be 1d6 for my medium-sized character, since it has a strength rating of +0. My question is do arrows shot from this magical composite shortbow gain +3 to damage as well as the +3 on "to hit" rolls? I have read the DM guide but it is not exactly clear - as I read it.

If this magical +3 composite shortbow was initially constructed with a +2 strength rating, would arrow damage then be +5?

Thanks in advance................ Happy


It depends. What version of D&D are you playing. There were some changes between 3.0 and 3.5 D&D that would effect the answer to your question.

Assuming you have 3.5 any magic that the bow has is added to the arrow. So any arrow shot from a +3 bow would be +3 (enhancement) to hit and +3 (enhancement) to damage. The +3 (enhancement) damage would stack with a Str bonus, provided the bow was a Str bow.


+1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) firing normal arrows
+1 to hit/1d6+3 damage

+1 flaming composite shortbow (+2 Str) firing normal arrows
+1 to hit/1d6+3 plus 1d6 fire damage

+1 composite shortbow (+2 Str) firing +2 arrows
+2 to hit/1d6+4 damage
Notice how the arrows +2 enhancement bonus does not stack with the bows but the Str damage does.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

EDIT: Fixed math mistake (see bold text), the +2 should be +4.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Sun May 17, 2009 2:11 am  

The lads have got this one nailed down pretty well. Smile
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Adept Greytalker

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Fri May 22, 2009 5:46 am  
Re: Magic Shortbow

JohnSmith wrote:
If this magical +3 composite shortbow was initially constructed with a +2 strength rating, would arrow damage then be +5?

Yes, but only if you have in fact a str of 14 +.

A bow must be specially crafted (i.e. harder pull) for you to gain the benefit of your high str.

If you str is 10 you do not gain any benefit from a bow that is made for higher str ratings.

If you have str 18 (+4) and a [str +2] bow you only gain +2 to damage.
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