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Kuo-toa substitution
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2003
Posts: 349
From: the Free City of Dyvers (Kansas City, MO)

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Sun May 24, 2009 10:48 am  
Kuo-toa substitution

I'm working on a kuo-toa campaign, and I'm looking for a substitute creature. I may try to sell the campaign adventures someday, so I either need to create a whole new creature, or substitute a SRD creature, which the kuo-toa aren't. I want a "deep ones" kind of feel (another non-SRD creature). Any ideas?
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Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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From: So. Cal

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Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:08 am  

Make up your own "Fishfolk" icthyoid race. That will allow you to make them be exactly what you want them to be, and fit exactly the role you want them to. You could have them worship Olyhydra, the elemental princess of evil water creatures or even one of the Elder Elemental Gods(see The Oerth Journal #12, p. 9-11, for some fun items and spells for E.E.G. priests).

They could have weapons and armor made of various sea creatures as one would expect(tortioise shell shields an armor, sharkskin armor, swordfish nose tip swords/spears, whale bone spears, etc.) and tentacle rods if you go the E.E.G. route. Their clerics could animate undead sea critters too(giant crustacians in particular would be neat). They could have some sort of means of transforming humanoids into Fishfolk through some sort of magical ceremony or a process similar to that used by meenlocks. You might just have them implant a Fishfolk egg into a host which then takes it over and tranforms it into a Fishfolk. Maybe Fishfolk "reproduce" in this way by altering something else. That is kinda twisted and hideous in and of itself. You might also allow them to operate on land for a short time due to their non-icthyoid origins.

Go wild, and then post it as a submission! Happy
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