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Small question regarding clerical healing and canon
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:25 am  
Small question regarding clerical healing and canon

One of my PC's lost his nose and now he would require regeneration.
I was thinking about creating an NPC-cleric of 13th-level and simply place him somewhere in Sterich, BUT just for fun I decided to come here and ask you guys what would be canon here? Where would be the closest 13th-level (or more) cleric-for-hire?

Thanks in advance :) Most of my Greyhawk NPC's are self-made to suit the needs of my players but now I'd like to be real "canon-nazi" about this (sorry if that term offended someone).
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:34 am  

If you were "canon-nazi" how could he have lost his nose in the first place? The rules as written never allowed for such "critical injuries".

Anyways. I suggest you consult the Duicarthex part 1. (Available here )

It lists the following Clerics for Sterich, Istivin and locale:
- Randos, Prefect; LN; Human male Clr8 (Zilchus)
- Santhis, First Matron; LG; Human female Clr9 (Ulaa)
- Kireth Trantle, High Priest; LG; Human male Clr12 (Pelor)

Outside of Sterich we have:
- Grayhill, Barony of
--Reynardia Yargrove, Great Druidess; N; Human female Drd14 (Obad-Hai), Dreadwood Preserve

They could also seek out Agath of Thrunch in Ulek.

I'm sure the Against the Giants module or the Sterich Living Greyhawk website have a few more clerical NPCs to add to this.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:16 am  

Arduin Grimoire critical hit table?

The player could always opt to either scare small children for the rest of his/her life or wear a prosthetic nose like Tycho Brahe. Smile
Master Greytalker

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:28 am  

Don't forget the charisma penalty, I don't care how forceful his personality is - no nose puts people off. Although the Darth Vader breathing could be cool to role-play - PCs better watch out.

I simply give scars and limps etc. when needed but I am sure some obsessive number cruncher out there has created a formulae for wounds based on hit points lost. I have always considered it somewhat strange that PCs get severely wounded and yet complain about their looks. Everyone wants to look like a movie star and yet takes damage like a boxer on a daily basis - vanity run a muck.

Query for the rules lawyers: does magical healing leave a scar Question
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:20 pm  

Is is possible for the PC to recover his nose? You could also allow a cure moderate wounds to be able to graft a nose back on. Of course, there would be a bad scar. Also, if the nose is not recoverable, then you could have the character be more susceptible to nasal infections and diseases.

As for higher level clerics. It has always occurred to me that they usually have 'something better to do' than to waste valuable spells on 'some band of foolish adventurers'. Of course, when I take that into account, I pay special attention to the PC's standing in society, their accomplishments, sometimes even their level, how the PC has treated ther cleric's faith in the past, the cleric's alignment, to ascertain whether a higher level cleric is inclined to administer such healing.

Of course, this is a great opportunity for an adventure!
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:13 pm  

The Quest to Grow Sir Hector a New Nose! Smile

Yeah, I'd figure you could kind of stick it back on and apply magical healing, but maybe it was eaten. If we ask nicely perhaps Sutemi will regale us with the tale.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:54 pm  

Hmm. Probably somewhere in Keoland there would be a higher level cleric. Perhaps in the satellite nations in the Sheldomar too. As to canon sources, not many are mentioned. This Greyhawk you know, where not much is detailed. Wink

In canon there is mention of the Marchioness, but she is no cleric. There is also the Dungeon Magazine #117 adventure "Istivin: City of Shadows" which gives some detail to the city. I haven't looked at it in a long time, so I can't recall how much detail is given to notable NPCs. Perhaps somebody else has some more info on this source handy.

Other than that, much detail was written for the Sheldomar area during the Living Greyhawk Campaign. If you don't want to have to write something up of your own, you could try and get a hold of it(that might be easier said than done).

As to the injury, I assume that you are using some sort of critical hit table not in the rules, or the PC was captured by enemies and had his nose cut off as part of being tortured, or was caught stealing and as punishment had his nose cut off(fun fact- cutting off ears, noses, and fingers as a punishment for theft and other crimes is not unheard of!). Whatever the case may be, the PC certainly screwed up by getting in over their head/making foolish decision, and working the rules to reflect that is good in my opinion. As a DM it is always more fun to torture PCs than it is to kill them. Evil Grin
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Master Greytalker

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Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:46 am  

GreyMouser wrote:
Is is possible for the PC to recover his nose?

Isn't that what the Ring of Regeneration does - It works for Overking Ivid during the endless death.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:47 am  

You could always opt for an npc class having the solution. Say an alchemist who can make a regeneration potion. But he'll need troll blood. Lots and lots of troll blood.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:24 pm  

So far Agath of Trunch seems to be the only canonical NPC w/ regen' anywhere close by, but he seems so powerful that he doubt he would even look at 4th-level PC's. But thanks Thanael, that was good info.

As some of you already guessed, I use critical hit-tables. I've given lot of thought about them, done research and had several opinions about them.

This crit came in a really enjoyable fight where three 4th-level PC's encountered three skeletons (yes, the regular ones with CR 1/3). However, even though PC's who had time to plan about things and weren't seriously wounded or hindered they still managed to almost get killed in the fight.

Party wizard had previously ran out of spells, so he decided to climb ladders and on the next platform three skeletons were waiting for him (he was fully aware of this). Skeleton critted with scimitar, rolled almost max damage and then it was the table: Minor head-injury, no metal helmet with noseguard so his nose was cut off with 11 worth of damage! After the fight he was at -7 hp but was successfully healed with a spell. Which btw doesn't leave any scar (just my opinion Crag).

For next session, PC's are counting a lot for their NPC-friend who is 9th-level cleric of Boccob (I replaced him for Algorthas), but he can't directly help them. But I have been thinking about Fleshwarper, who could craft him a new nose even at 10th-level (grafts are pretty broken IMO). I was maybe thinking about maybe troll-nose or something like this, but of course this Fleshwarper is an outlaw Wink Hmmm, how would Illithid graft nose be...
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:40 am  

if someone casted "reencarnation" on the nose, maybe he could have a gnome nose, or a goblin nose Laughing Laughing

i like the idea of "permanent damage" that dont matter to the rules of the game. the fighetr in my group got his eyebrows scorched by a magic fire, and they didnt grow back (it was his choice, actualy).

very funny thing
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:58 pm  

Crag wrote:
GreyMouser wrote:
Is is possible for the PC to recover his nose?

Isn't that what the Ring of Regeneration does - It works for Overking Ivid during the endless death.

Of course you have to be wearing the ring when the damage is done. Putting the ring on after the fact does nothing.
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Master Greytalker

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:02 am  

Interesting Cebrion but within the RoR description

"The ring restores hit points and eventually lost limbs and organs though if removed the regeneration stops."

The implication is if the ring is worn once again the regeneration would resume which begs the question: How would the ring know when the wounds were received and therefore able to be regenerated under your interpretation.

The way I read the description: The ring once worn simply functions and begins to regenerate the injuries on the wearer until no wounds remain to be regenerated or the ring is removed.

After all, the ring of regeneration is not sentient.
Master Greytalker

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:01 am  

Crag wrote:
Interesting Cebrion but within the RoR description

"The ring restores hit points and eventually lost limbs and organs though if removed the regeneration stops."

The implication is if the ring is worn once again the regeneration would resume which begs the question: How would the ring know when the wounds were received and therefore able to be regenerated under your interpretation.

The way I read the description: The ring once worn simply functions and begins to regenerate the injuries on the wearer until no wounds remain to be regenerated or the ring is removed.

After all, the ring of regeneration is not sentient.

I don't know if this is edition-specific, but my understanding is that the ring of regeneration only heals damage that was incurred while the ring was worn. This is to prevent an entire party from sharing the ring and thus easily healing all of their wounds between each battle.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:27 am  

Ooops Embarassed

Yep, I am a dinosaur - the quote was cited from 2nd Edition.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:19 am  

Crag wrote:
Ooops Embarassed

Yep, I am a dinosaur - the quote was cited from 2nd Edition.

Well, if you're a dinosaur, I must be a protozoa. I was referencing 1st Edition.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:55 am  

what about a churgon (doctor) to "fix" the nose? He could end up looking like the Voldimort from Harry Potter movies. Shocked
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:28 pm  

Yeah, if a character hasn't completely regenerated something, and they remove the ring, that's it. You put the ring back on and nothing will happen. There is no "start-stop" or "stop-start" function to them. This was cleared up early on, probably for 1E in Dragon Magazine's "Sage Advice" column, as I recall players were passing around rings of regeneration among their characters after every encounter until the entire party was returned to full strength until somebody told them they couldn't do that.

Sorry, but I am pretty sure that rings of regeneration are not that powerful.
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Master Greytalker

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Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:44 pm  

Ahh..fair enough, I can live with the explaination.
Master Greytalker

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Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:02 pm  

Crag wrote:
Query for the rules lawyers: does magical healing leave a scar Question

You know, I have to admit, I am not certain where I got it from ... but since the early eighties, I've always palyed (as DM and PC) that only natural healing leaves scars. Well, also if the payer has to make a saving throw to survive massive damge, too.

At any rate, I don't know if that was just a house-rule that I picked up from other DM's when I was coming up in the game, or if there's a reference to it somewhere, or perhaps it's from a popular novel and we all just assimilated it ... but, nevertheless, I can't imagine how scarred and nasty most PCs would look if magical healing left scars, so - there it is. Happy
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