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Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Sep 22, 2012
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From: luseland, sask
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Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:49 am
how long does their paralyzation last? ghasts are the same?
The first day of the gaming weekend went ok. 12 or so hours. Another one today and they may be done with the 2nd level... or it will be done with them.
Master Greytalker
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Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:40 am
According to an old "Sage Advice", 3d4 turns for carrion crawlers and ghouls, 6d4 turns for ghasts, and permanently for liches.
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Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:10 pm
The book Monstrous Manual, which is an 'updated' and complete version of the famous Monster Manual states that ghouls paralyze for d6+2 rounds with their touch (bite and claws) unless removed by a priest (3rd lvl spell). Ghasts paralyze for d6+4 rounds unless removed. Carrion crawler effects, according to this book, last 2d6 turns. Lich touch is permanent, unless removed.
Master Greytalker
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Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:12 pm
Lanthorn wrote: |
The book Monstrous Manual, which is an 'updated' and complete version of the famous Monster Manual states that ghouls paralyze for d6+2 rounds with their touch (bite and claws) unless removed by a priest (3rd lvl spell). Ghasts paralyze for d6+4 rounds unless removed. Carrion crawler effects, according to this book, last 2d6 turns. Lich touch is permanent, unless removed.
-Lanthorn |
Since Monstrous Manual is a 2E book, however, it's not necessarily authoritative. I believe there's a mention in T1 and/or the old AD&D monster cards of ghouls paralyzing for 3–12 turns, which concurs with the Sage's answer.
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Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:18 am
DMPrata wrote: |
Since Monstrous Manual is a 2E book, however, it's not necessarily authoritative. I believe there's a mention in T1 and/or the old AD&D monster cards of ghouls paralyzing for 3–12 turns, which concurs with the Sage's answer. |
I won't claim any book as 'authoritative' over any other. Use what works for whatever edition you prefer.
And, you are correct, Master Jedi. On page 15 of T1, it says "Any human or demi-human creature struck by a ghoul must save vs paralyzation or become immobile for 3-12 turns."
Monster Manual itself, sadly, gives no duration to this effect, which is why I cited the Monstrous Manual. The Monstrous Compendium, which I believe is merely a rehash of the same book (or vice versa), states the same duration for this effect.
Master Greytalker
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Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:26 pm
Right. I just meant that if you're playing 1E, ghoul paralysis lasts 3–12 turns according to a canon 1E source. If you're playing 2E, it lasts 3–8 rounds according to a canon 2E source, and if you're playing 3E, it lasts 2–5 rounds according to a canon 3E source. I wasn't judging one over the other, merely questioning their relevance to the topic at hand.
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Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:15 pm
No offense taken whatsoever, DMPrata, but I appreciate the clarification for the sake of continued peaceful and respectful discourse.
(Maybe I should change my Avatar to a White Mask... )
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:07 am
i think the falling numbers regarding time paralyzed coresponds to how deadly these creatures could be. The party was 3rd level when they ran into the ghouls. They turned some but there was another wave and engaged in melee they were. If i had used paralyzed for even one turn they all would have died. I had no clue so did it until the ghoul was killed. Needless to say they needed to rest and heal after that one.
I am just sayin there must be a reason that each version made the paralysis last for a shorter time.
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Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:04 pm
mcneilk wrote: |
I am just sayin there must be a reason that each version made the paralysis last for a shorter time. |
Each edition tinkers with rules, including spell effects, weapons, armor, racial abilities, character classes, you name it...
Apprentice Greytalker
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Tue May 28, 2013 3:19 pm
I know I'm raising this thread from the grave but, I've another source on the duration. At some point in the 1st edition run, TSR published "monster cards" The cards had picture on one side and the stats on the other. A DM could show a picture of the opponent and had easy access to the stats. Ghouls were listed as causing 2d6 turns of paralyzation.
A couple of other notes. Elves were immune to the paralysis, and according to a Dragon magazine article, the immunity was the result of elves lacking the fear of mortality that other races had.
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Tue May 28, 2013 4:30 pm
DeanP wrote: |
I know I'm raising this thread from the grave... |
Nice (unintentional?) pun...
Apprentice Greytalker
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Tue May 28, 2013 4:47 pm
'Twas intentional, I toyed with "raising it from the dead"...but that would have implied life rather than unlife.