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Tips for a campaing based in the Splintered Suns region.
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Joined: May 16, 2011
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From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:25 pm  
Tips for a campaing based in the Splintered Suns region.

Hello to all oerethians!

I'm here to ask for a favor: does anyone can give me some hints and tips for a D&D 3.5 campaign based in the Splintered Suns region?

I'm interested in Ahlissa (Naerie) as a starting point.

My ideas is to run a campaign that the players are involved on an attempt to bring back the Great Kingdom to it's former glory.

The Leader of the Knight Protector had found a pivotal clue about the last descendant of the last monarch. This, and the recent "death" of Ivid after the wars, gave a small fraction of hope the Knights needed to continue their pursuits of bringing back the Kingdom.

So, the Knight Protectors organized several parties of adventures (which some of them are the player characters) to achieve this goal.

One of the players is a Wood Elf Fighter and would-be Knight Protector. He would be the "link" between the player characters and the Knights.

My question is: does it have anywhere any information about this "last heir"? And Ivid is really dead? Where I can find more information about the Animus?

Most of the information I got in books like Sword and Fist and Living Greyhawk Gazeeter. The others I got in many websites (including Canonfire, yay!).

Please people, help this half orc paladin. Happy
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Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:52 am  

There is no further information on any "last heir", but a few people are working on project dealing with this. There is not really a "last heir" either. There are a few Rax nobles around; some living, some Others still are spread throughout the Nyrondese houses and perhaps further afield. After all, the Great Kingdom was once very great. Also, don't trust "official" announcements of the end of the Rax line, as who exactly would it be who would issue such an "official" proclamation, and what would happen to anyone who disputed it by proving their lineage openly? Wink
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Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:21 pm  

Ivid, the Undying is a free pdf you can download from many places on the internet. It was written by Carl Sargent, but released as a free pdf by WotC instead of being published for sale. You'll find much information about the Great Kingdom and its Knight Protectors, especially the time just before the Greyhawk Wars, within its pages. Below is a link to its entry in the Greyhawk Wiki:

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Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:54 am  
Re: Tips for a campaing based in the Splintered Suns region.


Our LG website for Naerie is still up:

In addition, all adventures written by me are available here:

(and personal commentary too:

I'm sure if you have questions about anything, I can answer it or make something up on the fly.

If you want an idea to start with, one thing which we did not have time to do in LG before it died, was a follow up to a plot where one recurring NPC disappeared and was later rumored to be heading to Rauxes. It was revealed he had been in the city moments before it "vanished", apparently escorting someone who was attempting to enter the temple of Boccob there.

He also carried a a sword with old GK symbols on it and it also had a devil bound to it, to watch over over him until foreseeable future. In case I return writing this campaign, I do not want to give any more details :D

One comment about feudal hierarchy: Knights are essentially barons with small holdings while rulers of baronies are basicly counts, despite the terminology (or any other attached title they may have).

If you are fan of Crusader Kings 2 (and who isn't?), it's best to consider all baronies as individual counties ruled over by Prince Barzhaan who holds the ducal level title :D


Last edited by Simpi on Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:14 am  

Thanks for posting the link, Simpi! That's some good reading in the near future. Happy

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Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:27 pm  

SirXaris wrote:
Ivid, the Undying is a free pdf you can download from many places on the internet. It was written by Carl Sargent, but released as a free pdf by WotC instead of being published for sale. You'll find much information about the Great Kingdom and its Knight Protectors, especially the time just before the Greyhawk Wars, within its pages. Below is a link to its entry in the Greyhawk Wiki:


-Not exactly on topic, but I've always wondered about that (Don't get me wrong, I have downloads in two different places for consultation!). They'll fight tooth & nail over copyright infringement, but most of us would have been happy to pay $19.95 for it. Go figure. Confused Question
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