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Listing of GH Periodicals
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:28 pm  
Listing of GH Periodicals


If what I'm suggesting already exists somewhere, please just pat me on the head and send me on my way. ;-)

I think it would be a wonderful asset if CF! would host a list of all the Greyhawk articles which appear in periodicals. For example, I loved the regional feats which Iquander provided in Dragon, but I have no idea if Part 2 ever appeared anywhere.

Now I'm not talking about an exhaustive listing of every mention of Greyhawk (like Roger Moore provided). But if the article is specifically Greyhawk related, or if an adventure is set in the Flanaess, it would be nice to have a listing of what's available where. Something like:

Dungeon #115 - Raiders of the Black Ice, by Wolfgang Baur
An adventure for 3rd level characters, set in Blackmoor and the Land of Black Ice.

Better yet, although the articles obviously can't be hosted here, if they could be setup to allow CF! users to review them it would be great. It would let other users know which are the must-haves.

Do the editors of CF! have spare time to compile a list like this? Not likely. But I'm willing to help out. Unfortunately I don't have every issue of Dragon, Dungeon, Polyhedron, Shadys, etc., etc., etc.

But we could divide the load up among those who are interested to be as comprehensive as possible.

What does everyone think? Am I crazy??

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Adept Greytalker

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Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:39 am  

Great idea! I'm definetely with it. There are already some indexes out there, though unfortunately nothing uptodate.

There's already the LGJ index on canonfire (up to LGJ21) it would only have to be updated. (see sidebar on the left!)

There's one or two Greyhawk Dungeon( Grodog's, the Greyhawk modules Locations Index on canonfire has some dungeons listed, ...?) and Polyhedron (???) indexes out there.

And of course the old greyhawk index by Roger Moore which has some more obscure entries

And then there's Russ Taylor's Greyhawk Dragon Article Index (#1-265).

I have pieced together some more from thePen & Paper Greyhawk magazine articles listing, but it's neither complete or reader friendly yet.

Also I have many more general Dragon/Dungeon/Polyhedron indexes on my harddrive downloaded from who knows where.(mostly the old issues though). Some links i found from them: (1-71 w blurps) (newer issues searchable)

I believe there's a great Dungeon Blurb index compiled by Jay Hafner on ENworld and there is also a Dragon index somewheer on that site as well, though i can't find both threads.

Edit: found the Dungeon index thread and one on Prestige classes:
These are being kept upto date regularly i believe.

So missing is only the Dagon index with newer issues, and someone to figure out which articles/adventures have Greyhawk material.
All we need to do is filter out the GH stuff and keep it uptodate...

Last edited by Thanael on Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:13 am; edited 3 times in total
Journeyman Greytalker

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Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:00 am  

Wow, that's a great start! The only one of those I knew about was Randy Taylor's index, plus the LGJ Index here on CF!.

I'll check out those links and work on compiling something. Thanks much!

Anyone know if there's a listing for Shadys anywhere? Or maybe the House on Summoner's Court is a fairly isolated incident...?

In the meantime we'll have to see what the CF! editors have to say about hosting such a list and how updates would work.


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Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:51 pm  

Just FYI, that's Russ Taylor, not Randy Taylor :D
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:04 am  

rtaylor for my googling.

Was there ever a randy taylor on greytalk or was i thinking of Tool-time??? Laughing

Grodog: Do you plan on upadting your Dungeon index?

Dungeon 108 The Iron Satyr (Lvl 11, Greyhawk)
Dungeon 109 Hardby: City of the Scorned
Dungeon 110 zilch --> Dark sun issue
Dungeon 111 Strike on the Rabid Dawn (15lvl, set in Hardby)
Dungeon 112 Maure Castle
Dungeon 113
Dungeon 114
Dungeon 115

ENworld links: Dungeon 115

Also you missed some old ones:

from the Canonfire Adventure Locations index:
DM01 The Shrine of Ilsidahur, Dungeon #10 Lake Matreus, Amedio Module 3 to 6
DM02 Ruins of Nol Daer, Dungeon #13 Suss Forest, near Elredd Module 5 to 8
DM03 By the Wayside, Dungeon #19 Bracken Village, Northern Edge of Hool Marshes Module 6 to 10
DM04 The Elephant's Graveyard, Dungeon #15 Sharba, W Lake Opotleotle and Chiuthle River, Hepmonaland Module 5 to 7
DM05 The Leopard Men, Dungeon #22 Sharba, W Lake Opotleotle and Chiuthle River, Hepmonaland Module 8 to 10
DM06 Ghost Dance, Dungeon #32 Northeastern Felreev Forest, Rovers of the Barrens Module 4 to 7
DM07 Izek's Slumber, Dungeon #42 Greyhawk City Module 7 to 10
DM08 A Serenade Before, Supper Dungeon #53 Ironwood, Verbobonc Module 3 to 5
DM09 Cradle of Madness, Dungeon #87 The Cairn Hills Module 4 to 6
DM10 Valley of the Snails, Dungeon #87 Village of Hulvin, Keoland Module 3 to 5
DM11 The Shalm's Dark Song, Dungeon #87 Blackmoor Module 5 to 7
DM12 Sloth, Dungeon #91 City of Pellak, Bissel Module 5 to 7
DM13 Legend of Garthulga, Dungeon #91 Nyr Dyv Coast, Slightly NE of Dyvers Module 3 to 5

DRN1 The Dancing Hut, Dragon #83 See the notes on ART3 for placement Module 9 to 11
DRN2 The City Beyond the Gate, Dragon #100 Island in Drawmidj, W of Yecha hills Coast Module 9 to 11
DRN3 Below the Tomb of Horrors, Dragon #249 Vast Swamp Module 10 to 14

From Roger Moores index:
* DUNGEON(R) Adventures (issue/page) *

6/26: "House of the Brothers" (Mark R. Shipley): Set in the Yeomanry on the border of the Jotens
(hex M5_127).

13/3: "The Ruins of Nol_Daer" (H. L. McCleskey): Set in the Wild Coast in the Suss Forest (hex J4_104); two new magical items. NPC villain could be used for future adventures.

19/4: "By the Wayside" (Tim Villademoros): Set in the Hool Marshes (hex B5_127); includes detailed swamp encounters table.

30/22: "Ghazal" (David Howery): Set in Hardby, the Abbor_Alz Hills, and the Bright Desert (Ghazal is in hex W3_91); political set_up is pre_Greyhawk Wars. PCs must rescue Hardby diplomat from Tareg
(Suloise) slavers in desert; the Tareg can reappear in future adventures. See corrections in issues #31 (page 76, "The Oops File"__corrects map in issue #30 on page 25) and #32 (page 4, "Ghazal Goofs" letter__corrects map in issue #30 on page 29).

32/60: "Ghost Dance" (David Howery): Adventure begins on northwestern border of Shield Lands, goes through Bandit Kingdoms, into Fellreeve Forest, and ends by the Artonsamay River. American Plains Indians are used as models for the Rovers of the Barrens; many details on Rover culture, magical items, and religion. A new spell, disguise, is said to be used by the Horned Society only. Final battle may be run using the AD&D BATTLESYSTEM(R) rules, if the Rovers fail to use their Ghost Dance__an extremely deadly magical attack. Module has been outdated by the Greyhawk Wars; the Rovers are now virtually destroyed, and Iuz rules the whole region. Still, material from this module could be used to run a "Rover Resistance" campaign against Iuz's troops.

34/center: AD&D(TM) Trading Cards for 1992, including one for the GREYHAWK campaign: "Thalios" (a.k.a. Maltus Vindir), a half_elf spy working as a guard for the Valley of the Mage.

36/40: "The Sea of Sorrow" (Steve Kurtz): This SPELLJAMMER adventure includes some material about Greyspace and its position with relation to several other crystal spheres. Anyone using SPELLJAMMER rules with Oerth should consult this module.

41/46: "Hopeful Dawn" (Gary Lai): Set in Veluna City, Veluna, in 584 CY (Goodmonth 11), after the Greyhawk Wars. Much information given on the Order of Rao.

42/32: "Izek's Slumber" (Gary Lai): "Side Treks" adventure set in the Thieves' Quarter of the City of Greyhawk. A Suel wizard from the time of the Suloise_Baklunish wars appears; interesting background information and Suel NPC villain.

53/7: "Letters": A reader's letter ("Pen Pals") about Castle Hart in Furyondy (from the Castles boxed set) is answered, with updated information from GREYHAWK campaign editor/designer Anne Brown.

53/32: "A Serenade Before Supper" (Andrew Veen): Short GREYHAWK adventure set in a forest inn about 50 miles west of Verbobonc (hex S4_97).

A number of DUNGEON Adventures modules having an African_jungle setting were meant to expand Hepmonaland or the Amedio Jungle in the GREYHAWK campaign or were noted to be suitable there. The author of many of these modules, David Howery, elaborates on his "For Thunder" setting in DRAGON issue #189 ("The Dark Continent"); he developed these modules in his own WORLD OF GREYHAWK campaign, and the color map with this article might be the southern part of Hepmonaland. It appears that the jungle setting as designed is not entirely compatible with either jungle region south of the Flanaess (particularly following the Greyhawk Wars), but interested DMs may still attempt conversions. The jungle modules include:

10/3: "The Shrine of Ilsidahur" (John Nephew)

15/49: "The Elephants' Graveyard" (David Howery)

22/13: "The Leopard Men" (David Howery)

34/22: "Rogue" (David Howery): "Side Treks" adventure.

51/20: "Journey to the Center_of_the_World" (Chris Hind)

56/50: "The Land of Men with Tails" (David Howery): Offers updated statistics and information on the
froghemoth, pygmies, tropical mammals, and utuchekulu (evil jungle dwarves).

Last edited by Thanael on Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:11 pm; edited 3 times in total
Adept Greytalker

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Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:23 am  

Here's what i have on polyhedrons:

From the great Polyhedron index created by Todd "Vand" Vanderbeek which was once available on WoTC:

..........Powers That Be..........128-132
..........River Rats (module)..........92
..........Suel Lich (monster)..........101

from Roger Moores index:

* POLYHEDRON(R) Newszine (issue/page) *

1/4: "RPGA Interview with E. Gary Gygax" (Gary Gygax, Summer 1981): Details on the original GREYHAWK campaign.

2/4: "RPGA Interview with E. Gary Gygax" (Gary Gygax, Autumn 1981): Details on the original GREYHAWK campaign.

12/16: "Notes for the Dungeon Master: Setting the Milieu" (Gary Gygax; 1983): A discussion of the bull's_eye method of campaign design (concentric circles of increasing detail) and how it applies to the GREYHAWK campaign.

14/18: "Artifacts, Relics, and DM Headaches" (Roger Moore; 1983): Mention is made of a number of GREYHAWK campaign artifacts and possible ways to use them in campaigns.

21/9: "Why Gargoyles Don't Have Wings but Should" (Gary Gygax; 1984): Brief comments on Oerth and its parallel worlds: Earth, Uerth, Yarth, and Aerth, given in increasing order of their magical properties (all less than Oerth), and on proposed articles for the newszine that never materialized. Here, "Aerth" is not written with a ligature; that was apparently added later.

23/8: "The Lighter Side of Encounters" (Skip Williams, April 1984): This article describes events taking place in Frank Mentzer's AD&D Aquaria campaign, which takes place in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK setting on a continent west of Oerik. (See notes on Aquaria in "On_Line Services" later, and information on modules R1_R4 under "AD&D 1st Edition Game" in part 2 of the Revised GREYHAWK Campaign Index.)

25/5: "Notes from HQ: News for August" (Penny Petticord, mid_1984): Announcement that parts of the WORLD OF GREYHAWK campaign, including a city, can be developed by the RPGA Network membership as a cooperative effort. Later announcements in "Notes from HQ" (issues #26, page 5, and #30, page 5) indicate a temperate_climate riverport or seaport was likely, possibly in the Wild Coast. This "shared world" project eventually turned into the LIVING CITY campaign (Ravens Bluff) for the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting.

29/6: "The Lighter Side of Encounters II" (Skip Williams, April 1985): This article describes events taking place in Frank Mentzer's AD&D Aquaria campaign, which takes place in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK setting on a continent west of Oerik. (See notes on Aquaria in "On_Line Services" later and information on modules R1_R4 under "AD&D 1st Edition Game" in part 2 of the Revised GREYHAWK Campaign Index.)

30/9: "In Search of the 12th_Level Mage" (Roger E. Moore): A discussion of fantasy demographics and levels that includes some notes on the WORLD OF GREYHAWK setting.

43/25: "New Rogues Gallery: Hodgepodge" (several authors): Four NPCs (by Costa Valhouli) are from the GREYHAWK campaign and are engaged in a private war with a demon prince, Juiblex.

49/7: "Cataclysm: Part Two: The Last Bastion of Bast" (Michael Selinker): This part of a generic adventure includes a detailed encounter with the Cat Lord (Rexfelis), an important figure in the GREYHAWK setting.

58/12: "The Legacy" (Kevin Melka with Keith Polster): GREYHAWK module that starts in the City of Greyhawk and ends near the Hellfurnaces.

86/13: "Golem, Mechanical (Ahmi Vanjuko)" (Bill Connors): A RAVENLOFT campaign monster that is a robotlike golem with the soul and mentality of a human ranger from the City of Greyhawk. Could be a very interesting NPC if he returns to the Flanaess or is encountered in the Ravenloft demiplane by adventurers from Oerth.

90/11: "Spider's Boots of Stealth" (Mike Whelan): Magical boots from Rel Astra in the (former) Great Kingdom.

92/12: "River Rats" (Keith Polster): GREYHAWK module involving the Rhennee and their hasty barge of Nyr Dyv, starting in the City of Greyhawk.

101/6: "The Book of Exalted Deeds: Or slade's Big Project Rolls off the Presses" (Jean Rabe): Interview with Dale "slade" Henson on his ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA project, with some references to GREYHAWK magical items.

101/31: "Suel Lich" (Kevin Melka): New undead spellcasting monsters: undead Suloise wizards that escaped the Rain of Colorless Fire and have moved elsewhere since then. Material is also available in "Download of the Month" in TSR Online on America Online (12/20 __ TXT: WoG Suel Lich).

105/6: "Letters: Old Business and New" (David Haendler, RPGA Staff): Comparison of differences in the ways in which lycanthropy is handled in the GREYHAWK and other campaign worlds.

107/8: "Dispel Confusion" (Vince Lehto and RPGA Staff): Comparison of psionics as used in the GREYHAWK and other campaign worlds.

111/15: "A Kingdom for Every Player" (Roger E. Moore): Ways to use BIRTHRIGHT(TM) Domain Sourcebooks to develop kingdoms; a Nyrond_centered campaign is selected as an example.

111/24: "A World of Your Own" (Roger E. Moore): Article includes a brief overview of the GREYHAWK campaign, comparing it to other AD&D campaign worlds. Mention is made of the grugach who came to the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting from the GREYHAWK setting (see "Unpublished TSR Materials").

113/23: "A World of Your Own" (Roger E. Moore): The underdark of Oerth's small moon, Celene (a.k.a. Kule), is developed as a stand_alone campaign setting for drow characters. The Kule setting is linked to drow communities on Oerth and Toril, using many GREYHAWK and FORGOTTEN REALMS products.

"The 384th Incarnation of Bigby's Tomb" (issue #20) is not really a GREYHAWK module; the Bigby described therein is not the one from that campaign. (However, the Bigby shown on the module's first page was deliberately drawn by artist Roger Raupp to resemble Gary Gygax!)
Sage of Canonfire

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Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:09 pm  

If someone (or a group of you) want to get together and merge these lists into a master list of Greyhawk-oriented article, we'd love to host it and make it a prominent feature on the frontpage.

Just let me know what you need.

Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:56 am  

Excellent, thanks much everyone!

I'll contact Jay and Russ (not Randy) so I don't accidentally steal their lists, and work on what I've got for Dragons post-265 (this'll probably take some time). I'll also work on compiling everything.

So, has anyone seen a followup to Iquander's regional feats article in Dragon 315? I'll run across it as I beg/borrow/steal the issues I'm missing, but if there is a followup I should get my hands on it for my campaign.

Thanks again!

I didn't design the world,
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Adept Greytalker

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Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:08 pm  

Part two was in Dragon 319 i believe.
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:28 pm  

Here's what I reworked from the (incomplete) pen paper list:
(which goes up to Dragon 319 and dungeon 107)

...crosscheck with: (also has some summaries!)
and with jay hafner's index with blurps from enworld.

Probably still incomplete...

dungeon 108 The Iron Satyr (Lvl 11, Greyhawk)
dungeon 109* Hardby: City of the Scorned
dungeon 110 nothing --> Dark sun issue
dungeon 111 Strike on the Rabid Dawn (15lvl, set in Hardby)
dungeon 112 Maure Castle
dungeon 113* Knights of Holy Shielding for the Living Greyhawk campaign
dungeon 114 Mad God's Key ...also has the Isle of Dread redux which is fitted into GH i believe... link to paizo
dungeon 115 paizo link Raiders of Black Ice by Wolfgang Baur set in Land of Black Ice/BLackmoor
dungeon 116 paizo link

more info from paizo:

* = polyhedron article

dragon 315,319 gh regional feats

Article Magazine

Sage Advice Dragon #141 (Jan 1989)
Greyhawk Campaign Journal: Risen from the Ashes Dragon #191 (Mar 1993)
Bazaar of the Bizarre: Tenser's Bottling Co., Inc. Dragon #194 (Jun 1993)
Campaign Journal: The Sea Barons Dragon #206 (Jun 1994)
Fiend Knights and Dark Artifacts Dragon #206 (Jun 1994)
Campaign Journal: The Adri Forest Dragon #208 (Aug 1994)
Arcane Lore: The Spells of Drenal Farkahn Dragon #210 (Oct 1994)
Arcane Lore: The Lost Spellbook of Rary the Traitor Dragon #249 (Jul 1998)

Elmshire: A Halfling Haven Dragon #262 (Aug 1999)
Oeridian Lesser Gods, Part I: Atroa, Delleb, and Kurell Dragon #263 (Sep 1999)
Oeridian Lesser Gods, Part II: Raxivort and Sotillon Dragon #264 (Oct 1999)
Arcane Lore: Greyhawk Grimoires Dragon #268 (Feb 2000)
Arcane Lore: Greyhawk Grimoires Dragon #269 (Mar 2000)
Secret Library of Vecna,The Dragon #272 (Jun 2000)
Invaders of the Barrier Peaks Dragon #280 (Feb 2001)
Splintered Mind Dragon #281 (Mar 2001)

Death Knights of Oerth, The Dragon #290 (Dec 2001)
Rogues Gallery: The Heroes of Descent Into the Depths of the EarthDragon #290 (Dec 2001)
Window on the World Dragon #290 (Dec 2001)
Demogorgon's Champions: The Death Knights of Oerth, pt. 2 Dragon #291 (Jan 2002)
Enchiridon the Fiend Sage: Blood Golems of Hextor Dragon #292 (Feb 2002)
Playing Pieces Dragon #292 (Feb 2002)
Places of Mystery: Spinecastle and Veralos Dragon #293 (Mar 2002)
A Splintered Sun Dragon #293 (Mar 2002)
Artifacts of Oerth Dragon #294 (Apr 2002)
Beings of Power Dragon #294 (Apr 2002)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage (Seventh Report) Dragon #295 (May 2002)
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Index Dragon #296 (Jun 2002)
Champions of Vengeance Dragon #297 (Jul 2002)
Vault of the Drow, The Dragon #298 (Aug 2002)
All Oerth's Artifacts Dragon #299 (Sep 2002)
Playing Pieces: Heroes of Onnwal Dragon #299 (Sep 2002)
Playing Pieces: Denizens of Darkness Dragon #300 (Oct 2002)
Greyhawk's Beggar's Union Dragon #301 (Nov 2002)
Masks of Iron Dragon #302 (Dec 2002)
Places of Mystery: Gateways to Adventure Dragon #304 (Feb 2003)
Paladins of Greyhawk Dragon #306 (Apr 2003)
Regional Feats of Oerth Dragon #315 (Jan 2004)
Soldiers of the Last Order Dragon #315 (Jan 2004)
Class Acts: The Ranger Knight of Furyondy Dragon #317 (Mar 2004)
Greyhawk Feats Dragon #319 (May 2004)

Beyond the Flanaess Dragon Annual #1 (1996)
Founding Greyhawk: Creation & Development ot GREYHAWK C., 1972-75 Dragon Annual #2 (1997)
Weaponmasters of the Flanaess Dragon Annual #3 (1998)

Ghazal Dungeon #30 (Jul/Aug 1991)
Ex Keraptis Cum Amore Dungeon #77 (Nov/Dec 1999)
To Walk Beneath the Waves Dungeon #77 (Nov/Dec 1999)
Armistice Dungeon #84 (Jan/Feb 2001)
Gluttony Dungeon #98 (May 2003)
Dungeon #103
The Stink Dungeon #105
Racing the Snake Dungeon #105
Critical Threat: Warduke, Hierarch Ftr Dungeon #105
Critical Threats: Dantalion Dungeon #106 (Jan 2004)
Critical Threats: Volkag Dungeon #106 (Jan 2004)
Tammeraut's Fate Dungeon #106 (Jan 2004)
Critical Threats: Evard Dungeon #107 (Feb 2004)

Into the Bright Desert Polyhedron #157 (May 2003) = dungeon 98
Playing Pieces: Denizens of the Bright Desert Polyhedron #162 (Oct 2003) = dungeon 103
Paladins of Greyhawk Polyhedron #163 (Nov 2003) = dungeon 104
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage: Beasts of the Scarlet Brotherhood Polyhedron #165 (Jan 2004) = dungeon 106
Hardby: City of the Scorned Polyhedron #168 (Apr 2004) = dungeon 109

Wheels within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight Living Greyhawk Journal #0 (Aug 2000)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Kingdom of Keoland, The Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Places of Mystery Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Playing Pieces: The Despotrix of Hardby Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Gem of the Flanaess Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Artisans' Quarter, The Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Way of the Lake, The Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Blood of Heroes Living Greyhawk Journal #3 (Feb 2001)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #3 (Feb 2001)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (May 2001)
Gem of the Flanaess: City of Greyhawk - Clerkburg Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (May 2001)
Silent Sorcery: The Silent Ones of Keoland Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (May 2001)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage, Fifth Report Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (Jul 2001)
Gem of the Flanaess: City of Greyhawk - Clerkburg, pt. 2 Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (Jul 2001)
Rock of the West, The Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (Jul 2001)

House on Summoner Court, The Shadis #50 (Aug 1998)

Article Magazine alphabetically
A Splintered Sun Dragon #293 (Mar 2002)
All Oerth's Artifacts Dragon #299 (Sep 2002)
Arcane Lore: Greyhawk Grimoires Dragon #269 (Mar 2000)
Arcane Lore: Greyhawk Grimoires Dragon #268 (Feb 2000)
Arcane Lore: The Lost Spellbook of Rary the Traitor Dragon #249 (Jul 1998)
Arcane Lore: The Spells of Drenal Farkahn Dragon #210 (Oct 1994)
Armistice Dungeon #84 (Jan/Feb 2001)
Artifacts of Oerth Dragon #294 (Apr 2002)
Artisans' Quarter, The Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Bazaar of the Bizarre: Tenser's Bottling Co., Inc. Dragon #194 (Jun 1993)
Beings of Power Dragon #294 (Apr 2002)
Beyond the Flanaess Dragon Annual #1 (1996)
Blood of Heroes Living Greyhawk Journal #3 (Feb 2001)
Campaign Journal: The Adri Forest Dragon #208 (Aug 1994)
Campaign Journal: The Sea Barons Dragon #206 (Jun 1994)
Champions of Vengeance Dragon #297 (Jul 2002)
Class Acts: The Ranger Knight of Furyondy Dragon #317 (Mar 2004)
Critical Threats: Dantalion Dungeon #106 (Jan 2004)
Critical Threats: Evard Dungeon #107 (Feb 2004)
Critical Threats: Volkag Dungeon #106 (Jan 2004)
Death Knights of Oerth, The Dragon #290 (Dec 2001)
Demogorgon's Champions: The Death Knights of Oerth, pt. 2 Dragon #291 (Jan 2002)
Elmshire: A Halfling Haven Dragon #262 (Aug 1999)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (May 2001)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #3 (Feb 2001)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage (Seventh Report) Dragon #295 (May 2002)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage, Fifth Report Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (Jul 2001)
Enchiridion of the Fiend-Sage: Beasts of the Scarlet Brotherhood Polyhedron #165 (Jan 2004)
Enchiridon the Fiend Sage: Blood Golems of Hextor Dragon #292 (Feb 2002)
Ex Keraptis Cum Amore Dungeon #77 (Nov/Dec 1999)
Fiend Knights and Dark Artifacts Dragon #206 (Jun 1994)
Founding Greyhawk: The Creation and Development of the GREYHAWK Campaign, 1972-75 Dragon Annual #2 (1997)
Gem of the Flanaess Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Gem of the Flanaess: City of Greyhawk - Clerkburg Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (May 2001)
Gem of the Flanaess: City of Greyhawk - Clerkburg, pt. 2 Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (Jul 2001)
Ghazal Dungeon #30 (Jul/Aug 1991)
Gluttony Dungeon #98 (May 2003)
Greyhawk Campaign Journal: Risen from the Ashes Dragon #191 (Mar 1993)
Greyhawk Feats Dragon #319 (May 2004)
Greyhawk's Beggar's Union Dragon #301 (Nov 2002)
Hardby: City of the Scorned Polyhedron #168 (Apr 2004) =dungeon 109!!!
House on Summoner Court, The Shadis #50 (Aug 1998)
Into the Bright Desert Polyhedron #157 (May 2003)
Invaders of the Barrier Peaks Dragon #280 (Feb 2001)
Kingdom of Keoland, The Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Index Dragon #296 (Jun 2002)
Masks of Iron Dragon #302 (Dec 2002)
Oeridian Lesser Gods, Part I: Atroa, Delleb, and Kurell Dragon #263 (Sep 1999)
Oeridian Lesser Gods, Part II: Raxivort and Sotillon Dragon #264 (Oct 1999)
Paladins of Greyhawk Dragon #306 (Apr 2003)
Paladins of Greyhawk Polyhedron #163 (Nov 2003)
Places of Mystery Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Places of Mystery: Gateways to Adventure Dragon #304 (Feb 2003)
Places of Mystery: Spinecastle and Veralos Dragon #293 (Mar 2002)
Playing Pieces Dragon #292 (Feb 2002)
Playing Pieces: Denizens of Darkness Dragon #300 (Oct 2002)
Playing Pieces: Denizens of the Bright Desert Polyhedron #162 (Oct 2003)
Playing Pieces: Heroes of Onnwal Dragon #299 (Sep 2002)
Playing Pieces: The Despotrix of Hardby Living Greyhawk Journal #1 (Sep 2000)
Regional Feats of Oerth Dragon #315 (Jan 2004)
Rock of the West, The Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (Jul 2001)
Rogues Gallery: The Heroes of Descent Into the Depths of the Earth Dragon #290 (Dec 2001)
Sage Advice Dragon #141 (Jan 1989)
Secret Library of Vecna, The Dragon #272 (Jun 2000)
Silent Sorcery: The Silent Ones of Keoland Living Greyhawk Journal #4 (May 2001)
Soldiers of the Last Order Dragon #315 (Jan 2004)
Splintered Mind Dragon #281 (Mar 2001)
Tammeraut's Fate Dungeon #106 (Jan 2004)
To Walk Beneath the Waves Dungeon #77 (Nov/Dec 1999)
Vault of the Drow, The Dragon #298 (Aug 2002)
Way of the Lake, The Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (Nov/Dec 2000)
Weaponmasters of the Flanaess Dragon Annual #3 (1998)
Wheels within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight Living Greyhawk Journal #0 (Aug 2000)
Window on the World Dragon #290 (Dec 2001)
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Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:30 am  

basiliv wrote:

Anyone know if there's a listing for Shadys anywhere? Or maybe the House on Summoner's Court is a fairly isolated incident...?

I have a few issues and the one with Moore's adventure is the only one containing any AD&D specific info, let alone Greyhawk. If there was more GH stuff in it i suppose it would have been listed in Roger Moore's index.
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Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:39 am  

Okay, you're out of control, Thanael! ;-P Thanks so much for all your help!

Russ Taylor said "please do" include his list, but I'm still waiting to hear from Emirikol. My only option was to post to that thread on ENWorld and hope he replies, as I couldn't find his email anywhere.

I'll compile everything you've listed above and add Rtaylor's material (plus see if there's anything I can still add to it).

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Adept Greytalker

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Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:06 pm  

Well, i figured I could just as well post the info here as pm it to you. Unfortunately the formating got lost due to the boards. I had this stuff lying around on my HD for a long time and never got to polishing it up. So sorry if i seem to clutter up the boards a bit. Embarassed

It'll be great to have that index! I'm sure Jay won't mind us excerpting from his index as long as we include his name and perhaps a link to his complete index.
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Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:35 pm  

I will be updating my Dungeon listing, thought I'm sure I have several of the ones you listed Thanael as missing from my list on there (or at least they were; perhaps the page got munged somehow...).

I'll also be adding several more tournament adventures to my listing, since I got some good info from some other collectors at GenCon :D
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:50 pm  
Okay, almost done!

I've compiled everything Thanael provided, including the links he gave, and added a couple listings myself. Almost everything has a blurb now, similar to Jay Hafner's Dungeon blurbs.

Here's what I've got, for your review ("your" meaning everyone interested):

I made a few notes in red, such as articles I'm missing which still need blurbs, questions about whether or not to include a couple of things, etc.

A couple of notes regarding how i broke this up:

I. Dragon
II. Dungeon
III. Polyhedron
IV. Other

- I left the Living Greyhawk Journal material out of the list, simply because there's already a great index of them on CF. If someone would like to reintegrate those I'm in no way opposed.
- When Polyhedron and Dungeon were combined, I used the Dungeon list (since those looking for back issues will need to hunt by the Dungeon issue#). But I noted the Poly issue# alongside the Dungeon #, and at the end of the Polyhedron section I referred readers to both the Dungeon section and the Living Greyhawk Journal index.

I think that's just about it. Unfortunately, I have surgery tomorrow morning (nothing serious), so I'll be unable to work on this for the next week or two. If someone wants to run with it to finish getting this on canonfire, please help yourself. At the same time, I'd be happy to make any additions/corrections needed after I've recovered sufficiently. I'll check this topic to see how things sit when I'm able. Feel free to ask me questions today/tonight.

One last thing, please make sure appropriate thanks and weblinks are given to our sources:

- Jay Hafner's Dungeon index
- Russ Taylor's Dragon index
- Allan Grohe's valueable additions
- Thanael, please make sure you're in this list!
- The Pen and Paper list...hmmm would someone please contact that site author? That's the one source that I forgot to ask/thank for their info.

Alright, if I don't see/hear anything by bedtime tonight, then it'll be a while!

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Fri Oct 01, 2004 8:52 am  

Format this however you would like, HTML it for spacing-bold-colored fonts etc etc..., and get the proper permission from all peoples involved or work borrowed, and I'll make a special page for this compilation if you guys would like.
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Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:41 am  

Wohoo! Great work there.
I`m not sure I`m deserving a mention considering that i just provided some links and copy pasted material. Nothing of the scope of Jay`s index.
Embarassed But anyways the name is Frank Dyck though Thanael will do too.

The Pen & Paper site is down at the moment, so i don`t know about that.

As for missing info, i checked my Dragon Archive. Feel free to adjust:

Dragon #83
The Dancing Hut, by Roger Moore
In this high-level adventure (9th+ level) the PCs meet the infamous Baba Yaga and her artifact the Dancing Hut.

Dragon #100, p.22
At Moonset Blackcat Comes, by Gary Gygax
Short fiction set in the City of Greyhawk featuring Gord the Rogue and the Catlord.

Dragon #100
The City Beyond the Gate, by Robert Schroeck
Island in Drawmidj, west of Yecha Hills
9th+ level adventure. Retrieve the fabled Mace of St. Cuthbert from 20th Century London.

Dragon #194
Bazaar of the Bizarre: Tenser's Bottling Co., Inc. by Spike Y. Jones
original blurp in the table of contents: " Whats a Tenser`s tantalus and why is it following me around?"
Suggest: New magical potions and fluids and a magic item to keep them safe.

Dragon #317
Class Acts: The Ranger Knight of Furyondy by Charles Dunwoody
A nice mounted ranger prestige class. (couldn`t find more...)

Last edited by Thanael on Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Adept Greytalker

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Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:39 pm  

The index is missing some Polyhedrons:

128: Powers that Be: ???
129:PtB: ???
130:PtB: ??? I`m getting the first three soon, so ill be able to provide the info then.
131:PtB: ???
132:PtB: ???

138: nothing
139: PtB: Xan Yae
140: PtB: Cyndor
141: ???
142, 143, 144: nothing

I have no info on other Polys among #133-156 perhaps someone else can help here?

Also I only have Polyhedron #7 of the Europe/Australie/Africa version.

Last edited by Thanael on Mon Oct 11, 2004 8:38 am; edited 2 times in total
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:12 am  

@CF staff: Who made the LGJ index for canonfire? Will it ever be updated? Can you put in some links?

LGJ#0 is availabel for downlaod on the urnst page, as are some goodies from #1,2 and 4:

Paizo has cover scans and some backissues available:

@Basiliv: Do you want to put it into html or shall I ?

Also let`s include some links.

Paizo has a full back issue listing of Dragon and Dungeon with cover scans. Some are even available for sale, though a bit expensive. (The even have Dungeon #1 available!)

House on Summoner´s Court is available for free on the net in a slightly edited version: in the Oerth Journal #7 and here:

And for Warrior`s of the Gray Queen there`s a nice descriptionon the TSR Archive:
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:28 am  

@Canonfire Staff - First of all, thanks SO much for your help and for hosting this!!

Will the list be capable of supporting user reviews on articles? I think that would be incredibly helpful. Also, once the list is posted, would you like any updates/corrections to the list to be funnelled through me (and/or Thanael, if he's willing), or just directly sent to you folks for updating?

@Frank (Thanael) - I'm Jim Temple, pleased to meet ya. As for credits, I'm thinking we say that the list was compiled by you and I, based on the larger lists by Jay, Russ, Allan, and the Pen and Paper site author (whoever that may be).

If you wouldn't mind putting it in HTML for us, that would rock. My recovery's going a lot slower than I expected, and more than about 10 minutes at a time at the PC still makes me dizzy.

But first, we should probably determine 1 format for the listing and make it universal throughout. The list in my link uses Russ Taylor's format for Dragons, Jay Hafner's for Dungeons, Grodog's for "Other", and yours (?) for the Polyhedrons.

I loved your idea about links, let's do it.

I'll see if maybe I can get some more Poly info from Erik Mona or somebody. Will keep you posted.

Would you mind also trying the Pen and Paper site for permission again? If you're not comfortable with that I can do it in a couple of days, after I ask about the Poly info.

Thanks again for jumping in to help like this, it's made a world of difference!

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Adept Greytalker

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Mon Oct 11, 2004 8:05 am  

Jim, pleased to meet you too Happy
I`ll try to put it in html and post a link here for revision. This can take me a while though. You just relax and get well.
I`ll think about the layout and stuff then.

I`ll also see if i can reach anyone from Pen & Paper. the site is up and they provide contact info.

Also I`ve dug out some more of my old Polyhedrons and will page through them and list which one do and which don`t ahve any GH info.
Edit: Done. updated poly post above.

Already found one obscure reference in the Europe/Australia/Africa Polyhedron #7:
The Librium Subtalis, by Steven James
A spellbook penned by a Korokaz "Kaz" Silverblade, an enchanter hailing from the City of Greyhawk.

Last edited by Thanael on Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:29 pm  

In pursuing a complete list of magazine articles, I also recommend getting in touch with Issak, who can most easily be reached using the cf feedback form:

and putting (ATTN: Theocrat) in the subjectline.

IIRC, he's got access to some really obscure magazine articles by folks like EGG and RJK that would be nice to include.
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Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:58 pm  

There`s no subject line in the feedback form Happy
But i`ve sent him a notice and invited him over.

Also I got the permission from Bobby Hitt from Pen & Paper. So we`re ready to put the index up. Still working on the clean html though....

Slightly OT: Is this forum the right place for this thread? I`m greatly enjoying the collaboration on this project. Maybe there should be a projects and/or suggestions board in the canonfire board.
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Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:47 am  
Re: Listing of GH Periodicals

basiliv wrote:
Now I'm not talking about an exhaustive listing of every mention of Greyhawk (like Roger Moore provided). But if the article is specifically Greyhawk related, or if an adventure is set in the Flanaess, it would be nice to have a listing of what's available where. Something like:

Dungeon #115 - Raiders of the Black Ice, by Wolfgang Baur
An adventure for 3rd level characters, set in Blackmoor and the Land of Black Ice.

Better yet, although the articles obviously can't be hosted here, if they could be setup to allow CF! users to review them it would be great. It would let other users know which are the must-haves.

Hmm... I just reread your initial post basiliv, you have some very good ideas in there.

The first point of not including everything is a bit critical. We did use Moore`s index and as of now have included some obscure things, like the Waldorf references, which are only fan letters in the Dragon. Perhaps we should delete those, or at least comment on them in the index.

As for feedback and perhaps even rating i agree. The least would be a way for readers to mention omissions and updates. Which works if the article gets the user reviews/comments thingy. Rating or recommendation of individual articles would be great but is a bit complicated to implement and of course would be subjective. There would have to be a new format to include the commentary, perhaps the whole index should be a wiki!
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:40 am  

Here`s the preliminary html version:
It`s still unfinished. But I won`t have much time for this in the next two months as i have to finish my thesis.

I used Russel Taylor`s layout for everything.
Still not sure about bold and bold/italic titles. (as in the Dungeons)

To do list:
-rework introductory text.
-put in the Dungeon blurps from J.Hafner`s index (and/or the Paizo site) for the one`s which are now only commented upon by Grodog.
-decide if we want to include the comments or not.
-get some info for Dragon annual 4, vortext 8, and some polyhedrons. (I`ll try to write the blurps on the ones i have.)
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:42 am  

Wonderful work Frank!

I'm finally up to speed again, so I'll be able to work on this so you can concentrate on schooling. I'm actually attempting to get some schooling done this winter as well, so this won't be a superfast thing, but we'll get it done soon in any event.

I'll try to get some of your questions answered this weekend, then maybe I'll run some things by the Canonfire staff.

Thanks again, and good luck with the thesis!

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Site Theocrat

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Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:16 am  
Alright, I found you!

Hi all-
Sorry for the delay.
Wanna give me a synopsis of what you've got and such? I have too much homework to read all the posts.

Here's some magazines I have that have AD&D and such, I don't know if this is what you're looking for or not.

Adventurer Magazine (RoleMasters/AD&D UK mag)
Asgard Magazine
Campaign Magazine (d20)
DC Comics AD&D (FR)
DC Comics Spelljammer
Deep Magic
Dragon /Dungeon
EN World Players Journal
Game Buyer
Games Unplugged
Grey World - ICE games
Judges Guild's Pegasus
Carnel Magazine (special as part of our downloads)
The Familiar Magazine (#7 only)
Avalon Hill's Heroes Mag Vol1, #1
Mordenkainen's Musing
Signs & Portents (mongoose's d20)
Sorcerer's Apprentice (T&T)
Star Wars Gamer
White Dwarf

I also have lots of neat things that are photocopies of really old stuff...but I'm sure that others have it as well....Some of these are other rare GH things...that I'm not sure are part of what you're doing or not, and I figure, waste a few minutes and put it here vs. not knowing about it.

[MDG WinterCon V] Lost Caverns of Tsojconth, the
[New Infinities Productions] AEsheba-Greek Africa
[Origins 1984] Quest for the Golden Orb
[Polyhedron Magazine] Legacy.
[Troubador Press] The Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album (1979).
[Wargaming Mag #2] 3 Artifacts of the Demon Senders
R 001 To the Aid of Falx
R 002 The Investigation of Hydell.
R 003 Egg of the Phoenix
R 004 Docs Island.
R 005 The Great Bugbear Hunt
4 Sagard Books (I've upped the 4 maps for Erik's project at
(GH 591) IQ3 Warriors of the Grey Queen (InQuest Gamer #50).pdf
[Adventurers Guild] A Second Chance (Vecna Reborn)
[Adventurers Guild] Crossbows & Crossbones (Slavers)
[Adventurers Guild] Dragotha's Lair (RtWPM)
[Adventurers Guild] Return of the Pick-Axe (Ro8)
[Adventurer's Guild] Mission Brief 6106 SD XXXIV (Scarlet Brotherhood)
[Adventurers Guild] Trouble with Derro (Doomgrinder)
[Polyhedron Magazine RPGA Module] Rats For Hire
[Vortex Mag. #9, 1993] Hidden Temple of Erythnul, the
Trading Cards - 1993 TSR Set - Greyhawk Card Information
TSR Jam 1999 Anthology (Return of the Pick-axe)

Other Things:
Kenzer & Co In the Shadow of Dragons #1-7 Comic
Labyrinth of Madness Comic Book
Rob Kuntz events of the eastern and southern flanaess (I think this was in a Dragon Mag)

Fromhere, ask me what specific's you need that I can help with..or if you need info from these books. If you need somehting in particular let me know and if I don't have it I might be able to get it.
Theocrat Issak
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Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:49 am  

Greetings Issak!

The idea was to list any articles in periodicals which contained Greyhawk content. Our list so far (which still certainly has some holes) can be found here:

It's almost exclusively Dragon, Dungeon, and Polyhedron so far, so any other magazines you've got which contain Greyhawk content (or any issues we've missed of these three mags) would be wonderful additions, and we'll certainly credit you with lots of assistance. We know we're missing lots from Polyhedron. Any articles not in Dragon/Dungeon/Poly are listed at the bottom in the "Other" section (more sections could definitely be added if several articles exist).

Aside from these 3 mags, I think you list a lot that we're missing. We've already got Shadis #50 and Vortex (which we've got as #8???), but it looks like these might be the only overlap.

As for the "Other neat things" you list, most of those look like great additions! Any info you can provide is MUCH appreciated. We're trying to include some info about each article to make it easier for DMs to determine which ones they want to track down. Please see the link above for samples of the info we've been giving. Anything you can throw our way would be great.

Thanks much for your input!

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Adept Greytalker

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Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:34 am  

I just found out that this page here... the exact Boccob article from Polyhedron #128.
So perhaps we can include the link.

Also Procan (Poly 130):

St.Cuthbert (Poly 129):

Perhaps this is Eric Boyds homepage?
I can`t compare/confirm the others that are on the page, as i don`t ahve those Polyhedrons but maybe those are the missing ones?
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Thu Oct 28, 2004 12:14 pm  

Interesting...well, it's not all of them, as Cyndor isn't a link. The site indicates it's Jeffrey C. Pettengill, but the bottom of the Wee Jas article states "Thanks to Eric L. Boyd for assistance with this article", so it looks like you were on the right track. Great sleuthing!

Also, I somehow completely spaced the older issues of Poly that I've got, so I'll look through those.

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Adept Greytalker

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Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:57 am  

I`ve been thinking about the LGJ articles.

I think we should put the LGJ index in as a separate chapter and/or integrate them with the Dragon and Dungeon listings.
(We already have some LGJ articles in the Dungeon index but without noting that they`re from the LGJ part, as i mixed them while compiling from the Pen & Paper index.)

Just to have everything complete in one document!

Last edited by Thanael on Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:26 am  

I think you'd have to run that one by the Canonfire staff, since we'd be co-opting a listing they're already hosting...

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Adept Greytalker

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Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:54 am  

Yeah, them and Creighton Broadhurst. ButI`m sure they will agree.
We can also try to update that index then.

What do think about it? Should we add it as a section? Should we (also) include it in the dragon/dungeon listing? I`m for the former. Not usre about the latter.

Also we should go through the Dragon and Dungeon listings and filter out the LGJ entries and tag them as LGJ or edit them out.
Adept Greytalker

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Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:56 am  

Issak, we`re looking only for magazine articles. So do any of those you list have any Greyhawk related ones?
Mordenkainen's Musing
What`s this?

This refers to the online version right? Or is there a published printed one?

White Dwarf

There are probably some GH articles in this one right?
[Wargaming Mag #2] 3 Artifacts of the Demon Senders
I sthis a magazine? Can you describe the article?

(GH 591) IQ3 Warriors of the Grey Queen (InQuest Gamer #50).pdf

You have this as a pdf file? Is this freely available or scanned by yourself.


[Vortex Mag. #9, 1993] Hidden Temple of Erythnul, the
Can you give us a brief blurp for this one? (We have it listed as #8?!?)
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Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:36 pm  

basiliv wrote:
Interesting...well, it's not all of them, as Cyndor isn't a link. The site indicates it's Jeffrey C. Pettengill, but the bottom of the Wee Jas article states "Thanks to Eric L. Boyd for assistance with this article", so it looks like you were on the right track. Great sleuthing!

The Wee Jas article says "Thanks to Eric L. Boyd" because it's an uncredited exact copy of my article from OJ#7, which Eric was kind enough to proofread.

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Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:46 pm  

All shall love me and despair!

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Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:34 am  

Thanael wrote:
Yeah, them and Creighton Broadhurst. ButI`m sure they will agree.
We can also try to update that index then.

Check the credits on that article. Creighton and chatdemon, the latter of whom I can promise will be less than thrilled about granting permission to use the updates he did to that article if he isn't given due credit for them in the first place.
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Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:28 am  

Rest assured, we've been making it a priority to credit everyone who's helped out, link to the original sources, etc. We'd ask permission before assimilation, and definitely give credit where it's due.

Unfortunately, I've been busy trying to get funding for school so this hasn't moved forward at all under my watch. I should be able to work on it again soon though...right after I complete my postfest entries. :-)

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Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:32 pm  

Thanael wrote:
[Wargaming Mag #2] 3 Artifacts of the Demon Senders
I sthis a magazine? Can you describe the article?

This was Rob Kuntz's article, reprinted in full on CF! at

[Vortex Mag. #9, 1993] Hidden Temple of Erythnul, the
Can you give us a brief blurp for this one? (We have it listed as #8?!?)[/quote]

It is issue #8, dated Spring 1993. The adventure background reads:

A once peaceful trade route recently has been subjected to countless attacks by mysterious brigands. Survivors of the earlier raids reported that various humanoids (gnolls, bugbears, and ogres) were among them and were led by humans. Most of the brigands were garbed in armor and clothing of crimson color. These bandits were described as exteremely violent and hostile, and attacked in an almost berserk-like fashion; those who escaped the slaughter are sure that spellcasters are among the brigands.

The most recent attack was beaten off with heavy losses, but valuable information was gained. One of the slain brigand leaders was wearing a rust colored robe over his armor adn a strange blood drop-shaped pendant around his neck. The investigating authorities are fairly certain that the bandits are followers of the despicable god Erythnul. Fearing that any further delay will lead to more raiding and a strengthening of this cult, the officals are seeking volunteers to find the bandits' hold and destroy them. A healthy reward will be offered (money or minor magic, at the DM's discretion), and any other loot found in the lair may be kept for completing this dangerous task.

Hope that helps :D
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:08 am  

So basiliv,
I`m available again. Let`s finish this index.
What`s still to do?
We have to finish the formatting put in some links and credits where credits are due and that`s it, right?
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Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:02 am  

Sorry for the delay, I broke my arm so typing has been a challenge.

Here's what I think still needs to be done:

- Provide links to the original resources
- Give credit as appropriate
- Decide some of the questions which are still in red text on your page (or at least remove that text)
- Either leave out the LGJ material or ask those who created the Canonfire list if we can incorporate their material
- Update the list with the most current issues, like the Istivin stuff, the map, etc.
- We have yet to hear from any of the Canonfire staff on how this will be updated once it's posted. We need word on this so we know going forward.

I think that's it.

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Adept Greytalker

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Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:48 pm  

Despotrix wrote:
Thanael wrote:
Yeah, them and Creighton Broadhurst. ButI`m sure they will agree.
We can also try to update that index then.

Check the credits on that article. Creighton and chatdemon, the latter of whom I can promise will be less than thrilled about granting permission to use the updates he did to that article if he isn't given due credit for them in the first place.

I recently recieved a request for permission to use my additions to that index via email from Thanael, and have no problem with such use. Just give a little "shout out" to me and Creighton (after securing his permission, of course) and it should be ok.
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Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:30 am  

We have yet to hear from any of the Canonfire staff on how this will be updated once it's posted. We need word on this so we know going forward.

I would probably say.. emails to the editors list with any update. Thats probably the easiest way...
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Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:19 pm  

In case anyone's still working on this stuff, I've updated my GH Dungeon Magazine list, though I still need to backfill items that folks mentioned earlier in the thread.
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:57 pm  

Thanks Grodog!

I got wrapped up in school (and it's not really fair to make Thanael do all the work), so this got temporarily shelved, but I plan on resurrecting it this Fall.

Incidientally, I'm in school for Database Admin work, so if sending a small Access database or something for this is easier that would be cake for me to whip out. Working on my MCDBA, so I'm pretty decent at anything database oriented.

Whatever will make life easiest for the Admins on this. In any event, it'll be a couple more months to finish up and get settled into some sort of a career before I can really work on this periodicals listing again. So you gots time.

I didn't design the world,
I merely facilitated its creation

Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:36 am  

Thanks grodog, I'll have a look at it.

I've done some small updates on the html document recently... more to come soon.
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Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:58 am  

oops.... forgot to log in.
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Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:12 am  

basiliv wrote:

Incidientally, I'm in school for Database Admin work, so if sending a small Access database or something for this is easier that would be cake for me to whip out. Working on my MCDBA, so I'm pretty decent at anything database oriented.

Canonfire uses PHP and MYSQL, so if you can convert the access db into mysql and provide a simple php script for accessing the data, that would probably be the easiest method.

IMO, though, presenting the data as a neatly formatted HTML document would probably be ideal, and easier, since that would allow the site's search feature to find information in the index.
What would Raxivort do?<br />
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:16 am  

I need to change site as my old student account will be removed soon.
Here's the new location of the still unfinished list:

Last edited by Thanael on Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:25 am  

Thanks for the update Thanael. I'll check out what gaps you've still got, since I've amassed a fair number of additional magazines in the past year.
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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