Hey, I lost all bolding and italics below, but please do review and edit this editorial if you have time.
A Scribe's Chronicle: Lichen on the Stone, Ivy Bursting Through
Over a year has passed since issue 14 of the Oerth Journal was released. In the latest poll of the Canonfire! website, fans of the World of Greyhawk™ have indicated their desire to receive the next issue. Here it is, long delayed but lovingly crafted for the enjoyment of Greyhawk fans everywhere!
The tardiness of the present issue is ultimately the responsibility of the present Editor-in-Chief. In that role, I apologize sincerely for the delay and must request your forgiveness.
The important question today is how we, fans of the Greyhawk setting, can ensure regular production and distribution of the Oerth Journal? You may be pleased to know that issue 16 already has slated a number of quality articles, including two that detail major regions of the Flanaess – Keoland and Ahlissa. However, knowing about the next issue is not enough! That fans of the setting dedicate their time to write about the Flanaess is necessary but not sufficient to produce issues of the Oerth Journal regularly. Stated succinctly, the Oerth Journal needs your help.
Specifically, we seek people with the interest, time, and ability to engage the tasks of reading submissions and editing articles. While the former task is relatively easy, the latter requires people willing to scrutinize articles and to suggest improvements. Since few of us are professional writers or editors, the task may seem daunting. It is not insurmountable! If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You may email the Editor-in-Chief at , or feel free to post about your interest in the “OJ General” folder of the Canonfire! website forums, at .
With the success of the Greyhawk folder at the official website of Wizards of the Coast, and the endurance of online forums such as GreyTalk, Realms of Evil, Dragonsfoot, and Canonfire! itself, it is evident that Greyhawk fans exist in substantial numbers. Although outsiders may believe that Greyhawk is apparently dead, fans understand the appearance is misleading. Like hearts that keep beating as we sleep, fans of the World of Greyhawk™ know that the spirit of the setting is better understood like tenacious ivy, which can burst through even the most redoubtable wall of stone. Greyhawk inspires us; life quickens despite any contrary illusion.
This issue of the Oerth Journal features four excellent articles and several pieces of original art. Paul M. Rokuskie returns to the Journal with Of Oerth and Altar – Norebo: The Daredevil. Fans of the setting who were active in the old Greyhawk folder maintained by TSR, Inc. on American Online® know the author as Jachyras. Continuing his contributions to the column, Mr. Rokuskie’s descriptions of Norebo, his heavenly abode, and the duties of his clergy provide DMs with useful details and statistics for the latest edition of Dungeons & Dragons.®
We then turn to the latest effort by Andy Seale, a.k.a. Fallon the Wanderer – Ranger/Sage of the Vesve Forest. Mr. Seale continues to share details that he has developed about the vast Vesve Forest. His latest contribution, Legends & Folklore of the Vesve Forest, presents DMs with tales from the Vesve; each story hides clues for player characters to find and thereby discover further adventure beneath Vesve’s ancient trees.
We complete this issue with two articles penned by Paul J. Stormberg. Mr. Stormberg is a prolific contributor to the Oerth Journal, and his latest articles manifest well his combination of careful research into past editions with thoughtful elaborations of the spirit defined by the setting’s creator. In The Old Faith: The Nature of Druids in the Flanaess, Mr. Stormberg incorporates past attempts to detail this ancient hierarchy, cites carefully to past works, and ultimately presents a compelling vision of how Old Faith druids operate throughout the Flanaess.
His second article, By Sword and Song: Old Faith Bards of the Flanaess, complements the first by articulating the Old Faith bards in the latest rules conventions of Dungeons & Dragons.® Beyond presenting rules by which to model Old Faith bards, Paul describes the bardic colleges of the Flanaess and thereby serves DMs who’ve wished to use them in campaigns but who never articulated the scope of the organization.
Syrul cannot keep from us the beauty of Beory! Let us commend ourselves to furthering the imaginary of Greyhawk. While we may all have lamented the time elapsed, let it be enough that Lendor does return. Who knows what secrets he has learned in his long sojourn in other, distant realms?
His second article, By Sword and Song: Old Faith Bards of the Flanaess, complements the first
to be compliments but otherwise it sounds ready to go! _________________ Allan Grohe<br />https://www.greyhawkonline.com/grodog/greyhawk.html<br />https://grodog.blogspot.com/
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