All of the maps in my collection from a variety of sources have no real locations of villages, towns, thorps, roads, etc. for the Welkwood (except for Oakvein, that is), including Anna's amazing creations.
Does anyone have any canon references to specific locations within the Welkwood? If so, what are they, WHERE are they, and add any pertinent details, please.
I have numerous PCs, and some NPCs, who hail from the upper Welkwood, and I would like to further develop that forest, north to south, east to west.
Canryell's Well (the waters slowly cause those who drink them to fade into Faerie lands; this might be connected to the Faerie Court of Rings)
The village of Pascorel (orcs and bandits)
Varnifane (formerly a grugach treehouse; now a humanoid base. An ancient, abandoned dwarven warren lies beneath)
The Faerie Court of Rings (a fading land accessible through the Welkwood, possibly Canryell's Well)
Oakvein (which you mentioned)
The Welkwood is a very primordieal forest, and generally not a healthy place to linger. Even elves don't like to spend a lot of time there. It's a formidable natural barrier that defends the Fey Kingdom of Celene from the practically limitless orcish hordes of the Empire of the Pomarj.
It's should be no surprise there are few to no villages within it.
My interpretation of the Welkwood is NOT that it is an exceedingly dangerous, primeval forest (that's the Suss, IMO), but rather a faerie woodland realm, just as the description in the original World of Greyhawk boxed set depicts (pg 58):
"The Welkwood west of the Jewel River is within the realm of Celene and home to elves and faerie creatures of all sorts, as well as unicorns. The woodsmen of the Welkwood are brave and sturdy, well renowned throughout the land as hunstmen, trackers, and bold adventurers."
Thusly, I imagine there should be numerous small villages and thorps, as well as some trails and trackways, throughout the Welkwood.
Castle Mastryne (also described in From the Ashes) is in the Welkwood, not far from Varnifane.
The Welkwood has wood elves and high elves (on the western fringes) and voadkyn, but their communities should probably be small. According to From the Ashes: "They live in small, secluded communities, usually in tree houses 30-50 feet above the forest floor." A good model might be Varnifane, which until recently was a treehouse settlement of only 40 grugach. Elven settlements are all on the western fringes of the forest; Celene's control of the eastern forest is only nominal.
Dungeon #1: The Elven Home
Dungeon #4: Trouble at Grog's (place Dagger Rock on the Jewel River somewhere)
Dungeon #5: Lady of the Lake (ignore reference to mountains, place village of Gydnia on a tributary of the Jewel, change Temple of Flora to Temple of Ehlonna, perhaps change Orb Lake to Canryell's Well)
Dungeon #17: The Hunt in Great Allindel. Ignore the references to mountains. The goblins come from the Suss.
Dungeon #19: The Vanishing Village
Dungeon #19: Encounter in the Wildwood
Dungeon #21: The Bane of Elfswood
Dungeon #22: Tomb it May Concern
Dungeon #32: The Wayward Wood
Dungeon #33: Alicorn
Dungeon #42: Legacy of the Liosalfar
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