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    Need technical info for my druid
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    Joined: Jan 16, 2005
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    From: Virginia

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    Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:35 am  
    Need technical info for my druid

    I am trying to give my druid some believable background, and I need help. Here's what I have so far:

    1) She is a Half-Elf (High Elf/Bakluni mix), 2) She is a Druid (7th Level), and 3) Her animal companion is a White (Siberian) Tiger named Rajah, that she befriended in the Amedio Jungle.

    That's it. I am a little confused on who her God/ess might be. I thought at first it would be Ehlonna, but then I thought Obad-Hai was the God of Druids. Now I'm reading about this Old Goddess named Beory. If you were a Half-Elven druid in Greyhawk, who would YOU worship?

    Also, currently I have her languages as Common, Elven (from the Half-Elf description in the PHB), Sylvan (extra from INT bonus), and Druidic (free for being a Druid). Since she is half Baklunish, do you think she should have Baklunish instead of Common?

    I realize as her creator, a lot of this is my responsibility, but I am not as familiar with the world and history of Greyhawk as I'm sure many of you are. So, I am open to ideas on her background and such.

    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
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    Sun Jan 16, 2005 6:40 pm  

    You met a creature that dwells in subarctic to cold temperate terrain in a rain forest?
    That's . . . a nice trick.
    And you are from what is considered to be an Arabic-Persian culture, meeting said creature in an area with a Meso-American culture, and it has a Hindi name.
    That's . . . even more intriguing.

    However, you want a suitable patron for a Druid.
    Beory, Obad-Hai, and Ehlonna are all quite suitable, depending on what approach to nature you embrace.
    Is it motherly? A free-roaming male aspect? A fertility based female aspect?
    Ehlonna also has both Elven and Human characteristics, and is thus considered particularly appealing to half-elves by many.
    If Baklunish, Geshtai might be a good choice.

    As for language, unless your campaign uses local languages in place of common, there is no need to change it. At most, you might want to take Baklunish as an additional language to reflect a cultural interest, or upbringing in a Baklunish area.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:14 pm  

    There's a good article about druids in Oerth Journal 15.

    It has about a paragraph on each of the gods suitable to be worshipped in a GH campaign.

    The girl playing a druid in my game worships Ehlonna. But that's because she wanted to go for a *feyish* kind of druid. Ehlonna seemed suitable for this.
    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:06 am  

    Gehstai and Ehlonna are both good choices. If the character is really in touch with her Baklunish heritage then I would go with Geshtai, otherwise Ehlonna.
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    Adept Greytalker

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    Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:14 am  

    I'm not an expert on tigers but maybe a white Bengla tiger would be more likely in somewhere like the Amedio Jungle.

    If you an actual deity to follow then i would agree with the consensus of Geshtai or maybe Ehlonna.

    but there is really no need for a specific deity. It is just as possible for you to worship nature itself and the nature spirits of the world, maybe with a little ancestor worship thrown in.

    In my campaign druids only honour Beory but purely as she is the Oerth Mother...its nature and they Oerth they rever and from where they gain their power...not from any deity.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:15 am  

    sorry - please excuse the typo -

    Bengla tiger = Bengal tiger...oops :o)
    Black Hand of Oblivion

    Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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    Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:29 am  

    White tigers are often called Bengal tigers, but they come from anywhere. White tigers are not albinos, contrary to popular belief, but rather the product of two tigers that both carrry the gene for white coloring. These tigers have blue eyes, pink noses and creamy white fur.

    Here is some tiger info!

    "Info: Tigers in general are the biggest cats in the world. They live in steamy hot jungles as well as icy cold forest habitats. There are five different kinds or subspecies of tiger alive in the world today.

    These tigers are called Siberian, South China, Indochinese, Bengal, and Sumatran. Their Latin name is Panthera tigris. Tigers are an endangered species; only about 5,000 to 7,400 tigers are left in the wild. Three tiger subspecies, the Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers have become extinct in the past 70 years."

    This info is taken from this great web page which is chock full of white tiger goodies!
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    Joined: Jan 16, 2005
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    Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:26 pm  
    text additions

    Samwise wrote:
    You met a creature that dwells in subarctic to cold temperate terrain in a rain forest?
    That's . . . a nice trick.
    And you are from what is considered to be an Arabic-Persian culture, meeting said creature in an area with a Meso-American culture, and it has a Hindi name.
    That's . . . even more intriguing.

    What can I say...she's had an interesting career as a druid. She's 7th level and travelled many places while many other fictional heroes in movies & TV.

    Her father was a Baklunish Fighter (a travelling adventurer), and her mother was a High Elf. Dad has long since been dead, Mom is still kicking.

    While she was on a Dungeon Crawl in the Amedio Jungle (far from her native soil) she lost her Animal Companion of many years (and levels), her wolf, she "put out the call" for a new Companion and a few days later a White Tiger came to her.

    What can I say...the rules state I can have one at 7th level, and my backstory is sound enough for a fantasy world adventurer who travels the length & bredth of a world seeking enlightenment, protecting nature, and kicking monster a$$.

    There are PLENTY of examples in the real world of mixing and blending of cultures in interracial relationships, so I do NOT think it strange for a Half-Elf to have a name like Amalthea Reithar (Amalthea has Arabic/Baklunish roots, and Reithar means "Bear-Lover" in Elven - See Shaun K. Reynolds 'Elven Lexicon').
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