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The Battle of "Emridy" Meadows
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 30, 2022
Posts: 136
From: France

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Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:17 pm  
The Battle of "Emridy" Meadows

Hello everyone

I never liked "The Battle of Emridy Meadows" and its French translation "Emridie". Emridy reminds me of the puns that EGG loved to do so much.

em: variant spelling of en-1, en-2 assimilated before b, p (as in emblazon).

Rider. If ridy is cavalry, what is em-cavalry ?

Any idea on the pun ?

It reminds me of an American movie:
Title: La Charge Héroïque
Original Title: She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

I think "The Meadows of the Heroic Charge" would have a better meaning. But I need a shorter name.

I also found on greyhawk wiki this indication:
"The battle itself is portrayed as the introductory cut-scene in The Temple of Elemental Evil, an Atari computer game from 2003. In this version, the cleric Hrudek of Hommlet, along with other members of the good allies, did not complete the cleansing of the lower chambers of the Temple. As a result, years later the Temple would rise again driven by the clerics Lareth of Lolth and Lord Hedrack of Zuggtmoy"

OK for Lareth of Lolth and Hedrak of Zuggtmoy or only in the PC game ?

Jacques with the help of Google Traduction

Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:31 pm  

I don't know for sure, but I suspect it got named like this:

Gygax's players: Are you ready to start the game?

Gygax: Yeah, as soon as I think of a name for the battlefield.

Gygax: Hm. (Writes "Am Ready Meadows" on the battle map)

Gygax: (crosses out the name, writes "Emridy Meadows")

Gygax: Now I'm ready.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 30, 2022
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From: France

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Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:02 pm  

rasgon wrote:
I don't know for sure, but I suspect it got named like this:

Gygax's players: Are you ready to start the game?

Gygax: Yeah, as soon as I think of a name for the battlefield.

Gygax: Hm. (Writes "Am Ready Meadows" on the battle map)

Gygax: (crosses out the name, writes "Emridy Meadows")

Gygax: Now I'm ready.

Great. All the difference between Gary Gygax and Tolkien, the American inventor of the role-playing game and an English writer specializing in ancient history. Both gave us D&D.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:07 pm  

In the original Temple of Elemental Evil adventure, Hedrack is indeed in charge of the resurgence of the Temple. In that adventure, Hedrack is a 9th-level cleric of Iuz instead of Zuggtmoy.
However, Lareth is another story. In the original adventure, Lareth is only a 5th-level cleric of Lolth, and is the final boss of the Moathouse dungeon, which is the introductory dungeon most PCs face before they head on to the Temple of Elemental Evil. Whle Lareth was considered an up-and-comer or a possible "Chosen One" by some in the Temple of Elemental Evil, he was not a driving force behind the Temple's resurgence.
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