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Postcards from the Flanaess
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The Project II
Posted on: 03-09-2005 @ 03:53 pm

The Project will have several sections: Section 1: Flora, Fauna, Geology, Geography, Meterology, Hydrology (yes we will discuss the rivers), Natural Disasters, Unusual Astronomical occurances. Complete with fantastic maps by the Commandants Cartographer Yabusama Section 2: Population: Who lives here, Who lives where, Institutions, Religions, Churches, Guilds, Trades, Power Centers, Military Institutions, Knighthoods, Thieves Guilds, Foreign Officials and Refugees; Societal Trends and changes in the Nation. Complete with high quality maps and illustrations Section 3: Politics and Whos Who. Who is trying to gain advantage over who and why, and to what end. This is to be detailed section that allows the new DM to play out a political campaign, with high roleplaying levels. Section 4 Adventure Arc... a self contained story arc from 1st to 25th level, allowing the characters to travel throughout the divers land that is Gran March. Including some classic adventures and ending with a harrowing trip to the Isles of Woe! Section 5: A Foreign Affair... how the Gran March sees and is seen by the rest of the Flaness. Section 6: A Trip through Canon... Citiations and Bibliogrpahy of all sources related to Gran March, how they affect the project. Last, and possibly the most important is where the project diverges from, oversteps and just ignores what has come before. Section 7: A D20 Guide... what has and has not been used in the GM project from other producers, where we think you should consider using some D20 material and why. Suggestions?

Last updated on 03-09-2005 @ 04:08 pm

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