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First Product Review
Posted on: 09-22-2003 @ 01:14 am

I just got done cranking out my first product review. I thought it would be cool to go back and review some of the old Greyhawk products. It might generate discussion, get some collecters interested, and walk us down memory lane. But for my first review, I decided to test my mastery of the submission process on a review of one of the dud products from the distant past - the forgetable module WG9 - Gargoyle. I strongly feel it is products like this one that led to Greyhawk getting pushed aside for other products by TSR. If you release poor products, people will quit buying everything associated with them. So we will see if my review gets in. I had difficulty in my submission in that the preview did not show any breaks between paragraphs, instead lumping all my text into one big block. I hope that is not the way it turn out once posted. Let me know what you think! Osmund-Davizid (AKA David Smith)

Last updated on 09-22-2003 @ 01:14 am

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