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Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest
Posted on Sun, July 15, 2012 by Ullmaster
baronzemo writes "
Rangor's Roving Rest is a magical inn that appears along a weary road or path one day and is gone the next. Some say the inn is cursed, others say it appears when a adventurer needs a hot meal and a dry bed the most. This cozy rest could appear along the road that leads into Greyhawk city and the next day in the middle of the Dry Steppes. Be weary when you step into "Rangor's Roving Rest!"

Rangor's Roving Rest by baronzemo is easily available in a PDF download. (1.53 MB)


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Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest (Score: 1)
by SirXaris on Sun, July 15, 2012
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I must begin by advising you to seek editing/proofreading assistance from others before considering your draft to be final.  Silly mistakes prevent a piece from making the best impression it can.

Now, to the praise.  It's a great concept!  I love that it can potentially take a party of PCs anywhere in the Flanaess.  That is very convenient for a DM. :)

Here's my favorite line from the article, "They are exact copies of the players! Except the group all have evil goatee's."

Of course, I wear such a goatee in real life. :)


Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest (Score: 1)
by smillan_31 on Sun, July 15, 2012
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I run a pretty straight-forward campaign, but I love throwing little whimsical things into it, and this is just the kind of thing I'm talking about This is incredibly creative. The npc's are perfect, especially Ulk the goblin. I love many of the plots hooks could lead to anything from an action-filled adventure, to just a cool role-playing sessions where you party with some gnomes. Well done, baronzemo!

Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest (Score: 1)
by Mystic-Scholar on Fri, July 27, 2012
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I went to sleep in Rangor's Roving Rest once, between Greyhawk and Dyvers. When I awoke in the morning and left the inn, we were in Ull! :O

Very nice concept, Baronzemo. As for editing, you need to proof read your work 20 or 30 times. I read my own material until I'm sick of it. I'm amazed I ever post anything!

As for Sir Xaris and Argon, I can't help but wonder whether or not they're confusing Goatees with Van Dykes. Don't know, haven't seen a picture of either of them.

Oh well! LOL

Mystic Scholar

Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest (Score: 1)
by ChoiceGenie772 on Wed, November 07, 2018
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They are exact copies of the players! Except the group all have evil goatee's What a line ;-)

Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest (Score: 1)
by samuelddarden on Mon, December 30, 2020
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There are several apps that  that was same in D&D like lords mobile. It  will give you every tool you need to play to conquer an open world.

Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest (Score: 1)
by JellyMin on Wed, March 09, 2022
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 I love many of the plots hooks could lead to anything from an action-filled adventure, to just a cool role-playing sessions where you party with some gnomes.

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