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The Future: The Palish Path of Pholtus
Posted on Sun, October 28, 2001 by Toran
Peering into the seer's orb to catch a glimpse of the future, we can see that the events which will happen and those which may happen are not always kind to the peoples of the Flanaess. In this vision of the future, we see the Theocracy of the Pale becoming more harsh, more militant, and most of all, agressively expansionistic. Just don't let their Inquisitors catch you trying to peek into the future.

Author: Issak the Pale

The Palish Path of Pholtus

by Issak the Pale (
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

During the years after the Greyhawk wars, the Pale had gained many new converts, most coming from the former lands of Tenh. With this influx of worshipers, many of them being refuges, the power of the Church and the Pale grew. The Prelatel Army swelled with new members. The people of Nyrond now had to respect their often-conquered neighbors to the north. The Bandit Kingdoms were no longer the threat that they had once been. Iuz's forces had either been defeated or driven back to the point that they were no longer targeting the newly acquired lands of the Pale. Viewed externally, the Pale was growing strong.

Those from within knew differently. The populace was gaining converts, and many of whom worshiped Pholtus, but not necessarily as followed by the Church of the One True Path. The power of the Prelates in the Popular Progressive Party was growing. They held power within four of the towns, most notably by Maximillian Thace the half-olven in Ogburg. His power and influence had grown with the influx of people. He alone stood to challenge Theoman Baslett to ascend upon the Throne of the Sun when Theocrat Ogon Tillit would eventually pass. Theoman Baslett, the ranking member of the Council of Nine, held much power, as evidenced by his single-handedly striking down of a Green Dragon. He was also the one to resurrect the Theocrat upon his death at the hands of his former Champion during the first War of Tenh. Many believed the throne was his, including a few of the bishops and other ranking members of the Progressive Party.

Prelate Theoman worked hard to secure his future position. He was absolutely loyal the Theocrat, and would never personally go against his wishes. His loyalty was shared by most of the populace. Most notable among the loyal to Ogon Tillit was Reifus, Cardinal-Commander of the Church Militant. If there were treachery to the Church, Reifus would have it crushed. If there was heresy upon the lips of the citizens, a visit by the Inquisition was soon coming. Reifus, although pure and loyal to Ogon, knew that the theocrats days were numbered. Naturally being against the likes of the "Do-Gooder", Maximillian, Reifus sided with Theoman in his bid for the throne.

It happened in Reaping 591. Theocrat Ogon Tillit, lying in his bath, was taken to the Blinding Light. Few knew the reasons of and for his death, but some scholars suggested it was the work of evil treachery. Quickly, Theoman called upon Annonsis, the Bishop of Wintershiven, to call the Circle of Nine to council. The meeting was concluded four days later. To the surprise of only a few, Theoman Baslett was declared the Theocrat of the Church of the One True Path and the Theocracy of the Pale.

Having seen the decline of the Pale coming about until his act upon the Green Dragon, Theoman declared that those not loyal to the faith of the One True Path would learn of their mistake. He called upon the Paganhammer, as most called the Cardinal-Commander of the Church Militant, to ferret out those that blasphemed the Church. Theoman ordered the Prelatel Army forces out of Atherstone to drive further into Tenh. "By the Light that Guides, these lands would belong to the Pale" he said during his morale building speech outside Wintershiven's Basilica.

When word of war between the western states reached the ears of the newly appointed Theocrat, he knew that the time to form new alliances and break others was fast approaching. He called upon Grand Templar Ivanic Temzien, the ambassador to Nyrond for many years, to leave his post and place himself at the court of Overking Xavener of Ahlissa. The Grand Templar had been instrumental in bringing the Valorous League of Blindness to the forefront of Nyrondese politics, and with his temper and convincing ways, Baslett knew of no one better to promote his plans with the Overking. With the removal of Temzien, King Lenwerd was not only surprised but also happy, for he had grown up seeing the Grand Templar argue, yell and harass his father for many years. His departure was a relief.

The Prelatel Army drove back the hordes of Iuz's humanoid troops and marched e far into the western portions of Tenh. The Pale's forces turned northward, and Nevond Nevnend was taken within 3 days of fighting. The swollen ranks of the army were re-enforced with the addition of more Tenhese with the taking of the capital. Many were just glad to be free from the clutches of Iuz and a promise to fight his hordes of demons was enough to convince the conquered peoples. The generals of the Pale headed south, offering Redspan the opportunity to surrender before the might of the Path. At Redspan, the military halted. Allowing for rest, the generals devised the plan to attack the most hated enemy that the Pale has ever known. The Grand Theocracy of Dimre was Baslett's personal irritation. Their wicked and twisted faith in Pholtus was more than he could stand. The Prelatel Army moved into the broken and barren lands of the Bandit Kingdoms. The peasants of the land were no match for arguably the best equipped and trained military in the Flanaess and quickly surrendered. Dimre's military and those faithful to the Dark-Light put up a fight. The generals, not expecting such resistance ordered a hasty retreat.

The retreat from Dimre was costly. Over 5000 troops were lost in just under three days. The wise and noble Theoman devised a plan to bring the evildoers of Pholtus to the Blinding Light. As the troops withdrew, he held many back, acting as guerilla fighters. This much smaller force was what was required to fight the dissidents of Dimre. The Prelatel Army held back its forces, occupying Redspan. This gave the generals an easy access to fresh troops as needed in the fight for Dimre.

The loss of manpower in Dimre hit hard. The population of the Pale was ill equipped to handle such a loss, even with the influx of refugees. Many of the most vocal started to revolt and riot within the lands, calling for an end to an unnecessary war. The Paganhammer mustered the forces of the Church Militant and many infiltrated the groups promoting such heresy. He re-instated an oft-ignored law allowing the Legates and Templars more freedom in accusations, raids and lynching. If the Pale was considered oppressive in the past, what Reifus brought forth in the form of the Azure Robed Inquisition was not seen even during the change from the Blinding Light to the One True Path as brought about by the finding of the Book of Deeds. The toll within the Holy Fatherland was high. Many people suffered, but the faithful were shown the Blinding Light, which convinced most to quite themselves.

During the Second War of Tenh and the Battle for Dimre, Ivanic had been busy within the halls of Ahlissa. The Overking began his quest for the restoration of the Great Kingdom. Ivanic promised more than just his own priestly Pholtan help in his quest and had a small but brilliant force from the Valorous League help him in matters of causing insurrection. The Valorous League spread not just its message to those of the former Great Kingdom, but as was the case in Nyrond, helped out those peasants that so clearly revered the One True Path. The minor nobles of the Northern Kingdom were unable to stop the spread of belief in Pholtus and the desire to join the quickly growing theocracy. Many saw this as proof that Pholtus was indeed with them in their conquest and quickly joined. While Xavener allowed the League to spread it's faith in the Northern Kingdom, his mighty armies swept into the northern lands of Aerdy.

With the combined might of Ahlissa and the Northern Kingdom, Overking Xavener brought his forces to the western border of Almor. While King Lenwerd was uneasy about his northern neighbors and the burgeoning armies therein, he had to do something against the even mightier and newly re-formed Kingdom of Aerdy. If his forces were to be divided in protecting his northern lands and his Almorian lands to the east, he would be no match for the Overking. With his forces marshaled against the infringing Aerdy soldiers, and belief that the Pale was not truly interested in the problems of the northern lands, King Lenwerd desperately fought back the military might of Ahlissa. While the Pale had been abdicating for the secession of northern Nyrond for years, now was the time to take action on its previous threats. The Prelatel Army, battle-hardened and rested, moved southward.

Grishken, leader of the Valorous League of Blindness, finally accomplished his goal, and Midmeadow revolted, declaring itself a free theocracy. The Prelatel forces fortified themselves and moved further south. With vengeance in both mind and heart, the dedicated and faithful army of the Pale moved ever southward. With knowledge that the Nyrondese had little in the way of city defenses, with their military in Almor, the Prelatel Army split. A small yet able-bodied force went westward and overcame Starkwall Castle. Following the Stone Road to Castle Pikemaster the army openly attacked the County of Urnst. Forays from Pikemaster lead to the capture of Jedbridge, Dryburgh, Rothberry and Dosselflord. Too late, Urnst's pitiful army marched from Radigast City but was no match for the Shining Light as the Prelatel Army began calling themselves. The larger force left Midmeadow and walked into Borneven, which surrendered before the army, came within fifty miles of the town. General Iloned sent his messengers throughout Nyrond, declaring the lands to be territories of the Pale.

Carindrell, Commander of the Knight Valorous, didn't even need to hand the town of Arndulanth over to the Palish forces. He instead led his band of Knights Valorous south to Womtham and they easily defeated the poorly equipped and trained city defenders. The Battle of Mowbrenn took six weeks but in the end the forces that were continually being promised to the besieged never came and when the gates were opened, the flood of the faithful came forth. With the capture of Mowbrenn the other cities within the North Central Lands of Nyrond laid arms and offered surrender to the invading zealots. With the Pales borders now bulging outward at Womtham and the Duntide River to the east, and Mowbrenn and parts of the Franz River as well as Urnst within it's south and southwestern borders, the Theocrat was pleased with the progress made with the military. The forces within the lands of Tenh were still quite busy fighting the heathens of Dimre, but that was a protracted battle he was willing fight.

Urnst, it's military weakened and defeated, retreated to Trigol, Brotton and the Charn Castles. Meanwhile, with the loss of the Almorian lands to the east, Nyrond had shrunk and had seen the worst days since its independence. The Great Kingdom was on the verge of greatness once again, with the Pale as its ally and neighbor. Urnst and Nyrond, having little in the way of defense or support signed the Treaty of Nuap to contain the aggression of both the Pale and Aerdy.

Currently, in CY 594, the Theocracy of the Pale has tripled in size. It has conquered those that had subjugated it for many years. It has risen not only to be a force in the north east of the Flanaess, but amongst the world, competing with the re-established Empire of Keoland to the west. The Valorous League has spread its vision and power well into the lands of Aerdy. Some have started spreading its message – now no longer for the northern lands of Nyrond to secede but for all lands to follow the Church of the One True Path and join the Theocracy through faith – in Greyhawk City and further westward. The burgeoning congregation and widespread acceptance of the Book of Deeds, is allowing the Church of the One True Path to become the defacto Pholtan church within the Flanaess. Indeed the Pale has followed the Path as provided by Pholtus, and they shall lead the Flanaess into the next century with Blinding Faith in the Light.

Note: Future Events, Pholtus, The Pale
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The Future: The Palish Path of Pholtus (Score: 1)
by Man-of-the-Cranes on Thu, November 15, 2001
(User Info | Send a Message)
I will admit that I know little of the history or indeed the future of many of the lands east of Nyr Dyv. My campaigns have never really taken me there. But this seems to be a very well thought out, detailed and planned campaign future. I like the relgious zeal of the Theocracy, it puts an interesting spin on the game when you can effectively play 'good' guys as PC adverseraries.

Man of the Cranes

The Future: The Palish Path of Pholtus (Score: 1)
by lenmoa on Sun, May 12, 2002
(User Info | Send a Message)
thanks- this will sute my campain perfectly- my year is now c.y 595 harvest and land Sterich

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