(From About History website - https://about-history.com/how-could-medieval-calvary-forces-be-compared-to-the-ones-in-world-war-one/)
In keeping with recent discussions about posting some worthwhile concepts on the CanonFire Discord, Gary Holian again posted a musing that was worth putting on CanonGire properly.
Gary sees Caldni Vir's Charge as like Washington's Crossing of the Delaware or Yorktown, as kind of a defining military event for the myth the Aerdi have created of their superiority and prowess. Perhaps only the Battle of a Fortnight's Length that culminated in Prince Almor's defeat of the Nehron to form the Great Kingdom looms larger.
As such, on the fly he adapted The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere as follows the other day:
Listen Aerdi, and you shall hearof the cavalry charge of Caldni Vir,
At the works of Spinecastle in 108
Hardly a knight is alive
who remembers that date.
He told his lieutenant, if the Fruztii march
hang lanterns on highest tower's arch.
One if by pass, two if by plain
On the hills to the the east, there shall I rein.
The original song is longer and no doubt this version can and will be added to by other bards ...