How does this work to finish off Gary's excellent first two stanzas.
And lo! as he looks, on the tower’s great height, A glimmer, and then a gleam of light! He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns, But lingers and gazes, but full on his sight, Only one lamp in the Tower yet burns!
“Onward my Knights!” Vir was heard to cry “For to Spinecastle itself we must hastily ride!” “To aid our brethren and turn the tide” But the Herzog himself said “Stay all of you thy steeds” “Falling back to the south is the greater need.”
“But my liege” shouted Vir, “the battle commences!” “We must ride now or have you lost all your senses!” He threw down Naelax’s banner, trampled it in the mud And raised high the standard of the Imperial Orb “For Aerdy!” Vir cried and the Knights sallied forth.
You know the rest. In the scrolls you have read, The Fruztii lines pierced and their warriors bled, How the Knight Protectors scoured o’er the field, Seeking neither to spare nor ever to yield, Until the Fruztii host broke and to the Loftwood they fled.
So ended the battle known as the Shamblefield, Where thousands fell to spell and steel To preserve Spinecastle and secure the North, The Imperial Orb flapping from highest tower’s arch A sepulchral vigil o’er the blood-soaked Bone March.