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The Sud Graufult: Fief of Noshirat
Posted on Wed, August 08, 2001 by Toran
Taras writes "Occupying the central portions of the Sud Graufult, just about everyone who crosses the region will make their way through this prosperous fief. Presented here is a gazetteer of the settlements and sites found within this fief.

Author: Taras Guarhoth

The Fief of Noshirat

by Taras Guarhoth (
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

Note: Small villages and hamlets dot the Sud Graufult. Many of these are quite small (40 people or less), and thus won’t recieve any detail unless there’s something significant there. Only those settlements with over 100 people, or some kind of fortification or adventuring area will be detailed. Also, unless otherwise noted, each of the following towns and villages (providing they’re not a ruin) are assumed to have at least chapel dedicated to Pholtus, most being of the Orthodox Church of the South.


Straddling the Halmach River, this town is the center of trade in the Sud Graufult, as many of the roads crossing the region meet here. As such, the town mainly survives by supplying to the merchants that cross the territory. Generally only those merchants who reside within the Sud Graufult make the journey to Noshirat (as the trade goods usually trade hands three times before leaving the region...once upon entering, when they are then taken to Noshirat, where they are sold again, and then taken from Noshirat to other borders of the territory, where they are sold to outsiders).

The town is protected by the large keep of Waldgraf Hezir du Bourne, who rules the entire fief of Noshirat. A number of inns and taverns lie within this town of 2000 people, catering to the needs of the merchants and associated travelers who overrun the town every other month, except during winter.

The Harashim quarter of this town is considerably smaller than most, housing only 150 people, but the temple to the Harashim gods is as large as the cathedral to of the Orthodox Church of the South to be found in the town. The two bridges over the Halmach are notable for the statues placed at the ends of them, which depict the twin saints Hieroneous and Hextor.

Rumors about a secret underground complex built by the last Waldgraf of House Geshmahall to house a number of the family’s treasures circulate through the town, but no evidence of this complex have ever been found. The last Waldgraf of house Geshmahall had no male heirs, and married his eldest daughter off to an Almorian noble, which is the origin of the name du Bourne. By all accounts, the last lord of House Geshmahall was a petty tyrant who tried to bleed his fief dry, and died under suspicious circumstances. It is unknown what treasures the alleged complex would contain, or what would guard them.


Situated at a minor crossroads, this village is protected by a fortified tower and 30 soldiers, under the command of Lansgraf Tahath Geshmahall, the current patriarch of the remnants of House Geshmahall. Roads from the village lead to Obernbreit, Noshirat, Kist, and Lashivah, all of which are relatively well patrolled. A single inn exists in the town, and caters to the infrequent travelers. No shops of note exist within the village.

The local chapel is run by Otto von Kalstrand, who is very vocal in his criticisms of the Harashim religion and the Orthodox Church of the South, and is a staunch supporter of the Imperial Orthodox Church. It is not believed that he will manage to survive much longer, as his frequent rants about the degeneracy of the local nobility and their ignorance of Aerdi customs will probably end up severely irritating at least one noble in the near future, who will probably have the priest removed from his one way or another.


A small keep, housing 40 soldiers, guards this village against the depredations of the infrequent bandit raids from the nearby Hollow Highlands. The ruler of this village is Lansgraf Hadoram du Bourne. A minor road running from Olvanfurt to Kist passes through the village, and is the main source of the wealth for the village. Two inns, neither of exceptional quality, can be found here, as can a single shop catering to the locals and the infrequent traveler.

Also within the village can be found the alchemist Kedar ben Azariah, who was exiled from the court of the Waldgraf of Malfurt after some unknown scandal. The alchemist refuses to comment on it, and few in the village trust the alchemist enough to get close enough to ask him in the first place. He may be willing to exchange his services to those who can acquire some of the rare and expensive ingredients he requires in his experiments and researches.


Situated on the north bank of the Halmach river, this village sits on the road from Noshirat to Olvanfurt. Lansgraf Caleb Mallosh governs this town and it’s garrison of 50 soldiers from an ancient keep, dating back to the days of the Aerdi acquisition of the area. The keep was built on the ruins of a Suel bandit-hold, and sits on the south bank of the Halmach, with a narrow stone bridge linking the keep (and the trail to Acholshausen) with the village.

A handful of inns and shops exist within the village, and often the half-elven bard Sisamai can be found in one of the inns, when he’s not in Acholshausen or even further south in the Rieuwood. Although many of the local nobles would love to have Sisamai at their court, he rarely plays for them (unless he wants something they have).


This village is run by the Lansgraf Anah du Bourne, who rules from a large house in the town, the ancient keep standing just outside of town abandoned and partially ruined long ago. Only 10 guards garrison this village, and live within a fortified tower. A single inn, which also serves as the general store, serves mainly the locals, as well as the occasional elven traveler, for a surprisingly high number of the residents are half-elven, roughly half the population.

The ancient keep dates back to the days before the Suel arrived in the area, and was taken over by them as a base for raiding the elven lands to the south. As the Suel were being driven from the area, the elves destroyed the keep, and when the Aerdi arrived in the village, found it to be abandoned. Although they attempted to occupy and rebuild it, mysterious accidents plagued the workers (never fatal, but often quite destructive to the rebuilding efforts...scaffoldings collapsing, tools breaking, ropes snapping as blocks were lifted in place). Eventually, the Aerdi gave up on the apparently cursed keep, and built a small tower in the village.


Hidden by a strand of trees, lie the ruins of this Aerdi keep. Few have entered the area in living memory. None have actually seen the ruins and lived to tell of it. While rumors are often told of it in the area, they are generally wild and baseless.


Located where the Shalmar enters the Halmach river, this village sits on the road between Olvanfurt and Noshirat. A single stone bridge crosses the Halmach here, and several inns cater to those who travel that road. A small keep housing 40 soldiers, led by Lansgraf Jether du Bourne. A single shop carries basic goods for the local populace, but anything unusual needs to be purchased in Noshirat.

Although a chapel sits within the village, a second chapel can be found on the south bank of the Shalmar. This chapel has been long abandoned, fire having swept through the structure long ago. Few traces of the wooden bridge which once linked the village to the south bank of the Shalmar can be found anymore, and none venture near the abandoned chapel willingly. Many of the locals believe it to be haunted, but no evidence of this has been seen.


This village sits along the road linking Noshirat to the road between Malfurt and Dwurmarkt, although few travel along the length of that road directly. A fortified tower is home to 25 guards, who patrol the road regularly, and are led by Lansgraf Azariah du Bourne. Two inns can be found within this village, and a single shop catering to the locals.

Few events of note take place in this village, although there is talk of more guards being stationed here, due to a gang of bandits operating somewhere north of the village, and preying on the smaller hamlets in that area, although nothing has happened yet. The locals feel confident that the bandits will never grow bold enough to attack their village, and thus don’t worry themselves much over it.


Located on the Teshan river, this town lies along the road between Dwurmarkt and Malfurt. To the north, at the town of Darbreit (in the fief of Malfurt), the road from Noshirat joins this road. A fortified tower is home to 20 soldiers, under the command of Lansgraf Uziah du Bourne, the ruler of the village.

A single inn and shop exist in the village, catering to travelers along the road. In addition, a small group of half-elven craftsmen of note can be found within the village, being known throughout the region for the quality of their woodwork. Merchants passing through often purchase as much as they can, in order to sell it in the larger towns of the area for a handsome profit.


Nestled within the Rieuwood, this village, comprised mainly of elves and half-elves, is protected by a small keep housing 50 soldiers, and is led by Lansgraf Vashnial Alambralla, a half-elf. No inns or shops can be found in the village, and a poorly kept road leads to Darstaadt-am-Teshan. The main source of income for this village is harvesting a small number of trees (as well as other goods from the forest, such as fruits and other foodstuffs), and then transporting them to Darstaadt-am-Teshan. There, they are sold to passing merchants and the townsfolk, in exchange for grains and other goods not able to be produced locally very easily.

Such a large garrison of soldiers wouldn’t normally be warranted in such an insignificant village, but there have been increasing attacks on hamlets on the forest’s edge from humanoid bands. The garrison is supposed to patrol the surrounding forest, and keep the humanoids at bay, but the soldiers are mostly indifferent, and don’t do a very good job. Eventually, some of the villagers may travel to Noshirat to complain to the Waldgraf, but they haven’t done so yet.

Overview of the Sud Graufult

Note: Aerdy, Ahlissa, Sud Graufult, Sunndi"
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