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Omnipotent View: The Dwarven Fire Mage
Posted on Mon, February 25, 2002 by taladmin
Longetalos writes "What dwarves build, they build to last...

Author:Richard Di Ioia

The Dwarven Fire Mage
by Richard Di Ioia (
(Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.)

Standing on the edge of a mountainous range are two dwarves. One is wearing the robes of an accomplished Master Mage of the Element of Fire. The other is obviously his apprentice. They are looking over what appears to be the beginning construction of a small city. The city itself is located between the mountains and a large forest in the valley. The builders are a mix of elves and dwarves, long thought to be bitter enemies.

"Explain to me again apprentice Kontar why this is a good thing." Said the master mage.

"Master? You explained it to me before we left our mountain stronghold to come here."

"Humor me, I want to hear it from another's' lips to decide if it still makes sense."

"Well, as you explained to me, the new race is slowly expanding into the mountains of our ancestors. They have already overthrown their elven masters and have no regard for the value of lives. Up until the last century, they were a scattered race of many small clans and no concept of civilization or intelligence."

"I did not say they were not intelligent, just barbaric and backward."

"Forgive me master. As always we traded with them for food and hides in exchange for our metal worked goods. They were a better trading partner than the elves with their cold eyes and condescending attitudes."

"Condescending elves. You would think they won the war and not us. If not for the intervention of the High Lords they would no longer exist as a people. But that is a tale for another time, continue with the telling of this tale."

"Of course. One human clan allied themselves with the elves and learned the rudiments of elven magic. The clan called themselves the Suel, named after the first elven mage who taught them. Over time they learned to be arrogant and cruel, just like their elven tutors. When the elves grew weak from their civil war, the Suel struck at the citadels of power in the West. Taking from the elves what magic items they could. The elves fled East and once the civil war was over, they closed off the passes to humans. Thus it has stood for centuries. The elven magic being too powerful for the humans to beat."

"But something has changed…."

"Yes, the humans have grown bold and powerful. Too powerful, too quickly. Something or someone is teaching them. Ancient magics, powerful spells and long lost items of power are being found. The humans have also begun to treat all non-humans as expendable. It is said they use humanoids in their armies and dwarves as slaves in their forges."

"And that is why we are here. To build a fortress, to withstand the humans, to strike back at them. This fortress being built by both elves and dwarves. It enrages me that we need the help of these weakling elves. Where were they when the tunnels of Troth Agnon crumbled and killed thousands of our people? Safe in their forest, on the other side of our mountains. Bah, I will build my tower in this city and learn what magics I can from these elves. But I will count the years until this war is over so I no longer need to share their air."

Thus was constructed Liskon in the western realm of Geoff. All that stands of that great city is one red tower. The tower of one dwarven Master of Fire magics…..

Note: Dwarves, Geoff,Liskon"
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