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SpinDrift Star Stone Pendant
Posted on Thu, October 10, 2002 by Tizoc
Damren writes "Something of a low-key magic item that I introduced in one of my 2e games. It was given as part of a background story about an elven ranger who was parted from his love.
Author: Damren

SpinDrift Star Stone Pendant
By: Damren(
(Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.)
These pendants are created from an extremely rare obsidian stone found only in the Elven domains of the SpinDrift Islands. The arcane rock is thought to be of ancient celestial origin as it is only found in one crater-pit mine in the entire island realm.

The stones vary in size, but are typically just a few inches in length and have the appearance of pitch black stone with curious white flecks all across the surface. Smaller stones are often found wrapped in a fine SilverSteel mesh and suspended on a chain which is worn around the neck.

The StarStone itself is of magical nature, having enhanced durability and potent arcane power. The white flecks across the stone's face move and change at all times. They are in truth a reflection of the ‘FarLights’ or stars that lie beyond Corellian’s Grace. These stellar images, while small in appearance, can be seen at all times in the stone - no matter the time of day or night, cover of cloud or depth beneath the earth.

Anyone possessing the Navigation Proficiency can use the stone as a proper compass with a penalty dependant on the size of the stone (usually four). If some type of magnification is used to clearly view the stone, the penalty typically drops to two. If someone without Navigation attempts to use the stone, the chance is equal to the normal attempt, but percentage dice are used for the determination (my 2e rule).

As pendants, the SilverSteel mesh and chain are highly polished and possess the natural enhanced durability of the Elven metal. Such pendants are often given to loved ones as gifts as tokens of hope that they might find their way safely home.

Some larger variations exist as 'compass' stones on elven sailing ships. These stones tend to fetch a very high value as they permit accurate navigation at any time or under any weather conditions.

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Re: SpinDrift Star Stone Pendant (Score: 1)
by Abysslin on Tue, January 27, 2004
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
Wow, very interesting. I'm fond of magic items that aren't all mighty and powerful. It beckons one to accept theories of magic when not everything comes with a +5.

I like it...

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