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The Nesh – Servant of Bralm
Posted on Fri, August 17, 2001 by Toran
Among the Suel, there occasionally rises one who can organize, plan, and lead in a way few others can. In time these blessed few come to the attention of the one who favors such traits – Bralm. Presented here is a 3rd Edition conversion of Bralm's specialty priest from The Scarlet Brotherhood.
Author: Eric Price

The Nesh – Servant of Bralm

By Eric Price (
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
The pale, blonde-haired noble looked out beyond the town wall to the nearby fields. The harvest would normally have been done by now, but goblinoid attacks in the nearby fields had hindered the gathering. Labored footsteps on the mud-baked floors behind her alerted the young woman to an approaching townsman. Probably a boy based on the labor of his grunts as he climbed the stairs. They would be bringing the news she was waiting for. Sure enough, a young boy, perhaps twelve summers appeared at the top of the stairs. He rested his hand against the strange honeycombed wall as he tried to catch his breath before speaking.

“My Lady Thurzani,” he panted out, “ the scouts have reported back. Goblinoids have been sited at the edge of the tree line again. Most townsfolk fear they will raid our crops during a late-night run.”

Lady Akrova smiled. She had a habit of doing that and remarkably, it almost always seemed to put people at ease. “Of course Anders, they are not exactly an unpredictable pest, are they?”

Most Suel are part of the Scarlet Brotherhood and as such, are accustomed to the rigorous yet structured life laid out by their system of government. One deity above all relishes the communal nature of the Suel people however. She is Bralm – the Hive Goddess and the Toiling Lady. Only her steadfastness that the Suel are not always the most superior person, group, race for the occasion diminishes her ability among the Suel hierarchy. It is this quirk, her belief that acknowledgement of individual position in society is paramount over personal desire, that relegates her to a lesser status.

What follows is my adaptation of the Specialty Priest class “Nesh”, adapted from The Scarlet Brotherhood accessory produced by TSR.

Among Bralm’s faithful there occasionally rises one who can organize, plan, and lead in a way few others can. In time these blessed few come to the attention of the one who favors such traits – Bralm. With their proven ability and devotion to her, Bralm instructs her treasured few to master themselves in some of the same ways as Scarlet Brotherhood monks. These masteries lead to new levels of physical strength and endurance.

Unlocking the secrets of Bralm’s teachings is not without its consequences. Some say the dutiful attention a Nesh priestess must pay to her flock drains time and energy away from pursuing things once known. Others say (although quietly) that it is merely Bralm's fickle nature. Bralm requires that weapons used by the Nesh be made at least partially of wood. Thus, for some priests old familiar weapons must be cast aside if the true will of Bralm is to be known and the benefits received. In similar restrictive fashion, Nesh are completely prohibited from using fire in any form (including for cooking). They are encouraged to prohibit others from doing so as well. Despite these restrictions, no Nesh has ever publicly said it wasn’t worth the effort.

Class Level


Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save


Spells Per Day
1+1+1+0+1Mind of Bralm+1 level of existing class*
2+2+2+0+1Enchant Wood Weapon+1 level of existing class*
3+3+3+1+1Bralm's Cooperation+1 level of existing class*
4+3+3+1+1Bralm's Blood+1 level of existing class*
5+4+5+1+2Bralm's Body+1 level of existing class*
6+5+5+1+2Bralm's Will+1 level of existing class*
7+6/+1+5+2+3Combat Cohesiveness+1 level of existing class*
8+6/+1+6+2+3Voice of Bralm+1 level of existing class*
9+7+7+3+3Bralm's Purpose+1 level of existing class*
10+8+7+3+3Mark of Bralm+1 level of existing class*
*or as if cleric of same class level if desired OR no prior divine spellcasting ability.


To qualify to become a Nesh, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Deity: Bralm
Alignment: LN, LE, or N
Abilities: Constitution 12
Skills: Knowledge - weather sense: 4 ranks
Knowledge (nature): 4 ranks
Profession (any group labor): 8 ranks
Diplomacy: 8 ranks
Other: Character must be able to read/write; Character must lead a group of individuals equal to her current level in a successful endeavor.


Use of Fire: A Nesh refrains from the use of fire and those who use it. She does not pray for (and will not receive) fire based spells. Direct use of any kind of natural or magical fire, whether intentional or not, results in immediate loss of divine spells until the Nesh has atoned.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Nesh's attention to nature requires a forsaking of many types of weapons and armor that she might otherwise have expertise with. Nesh are proficient with light armor up to and including the chain shirt but not with shields. Nesh are proficient with all simple and martial melee weapons as long as they are at least mostly made of wood. Thus a club, scythe, handaxe, or quarterstaff would be permissible but a dagger, sword, or mace (among others) would not.

Class Skills

The Nesh's class skills (and key abilities for each) are Animal Empathy (Insects only) (Cha, exclusive skill), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge - religion (Int), Knowledge - nature (Int), Knowledge – weather sense (Int), Profession (any group labor) (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Nesh prestige class.

Spellcasting: If the Nesh was already a divine spellcaster he continues to advance according to the old classes spell table in the same way as the Loremaster prestige class. Characters who possess no divine spellcasting abilities when they take a level as a Nesh find Bralm begins to grant them spells as a cleric of the same class level. All classes have the option of starting over in their spell learning. Any character who does continue their divine spellcasting progress from a previous class does forfeit any additional feats or powers. While they do not forfeit any previous ability, Nesh levels do not count as cleric levels for the purpose of affecting undead.

Mind of Bralm: At 1st level, a Nesh’s mind has been touched by Bralm. The Nesh gets a +1 circumstance bonus to any profession, craft, or wilderness lore skill checks.

Enchant Wood Weapon: At 2nd level, any non-magical wooden weapon in the hands of a Nesh in considered a +1 magical weapon for the purpose of attacking, damage, and determining what creatures it can hit. For each four class levels above 2nd, the enhancement bonus is increased by one (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 10th level). This enhancement bonus does not stack with any masterwork or other enhancement bonus.

Bralm’s Cooperation: At 3rd level, the mere presence of the Nesh confers a +1 circumstance bonus to all skill rolls for anyone in her party. At 9th level this bonus increases by one. This circumstance bonus stacks with other bonuses.

Bralm’s Blood: At 4th level, a Nesh becomes immune to any poison derived from insects (i.e. small centipede, any spider, any scorpion, giant wasp, carrion crawler brain juice)

Bralm’s Body: At 5th level the Nesh has hardened her body and strengthened her muscles. The result is a +1 bonus to Armor class. This bonus is considered natural armor. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level.

Bralm’s Will: At 6th level, the Nesh gains the Endurance feat for free.

Combat Cohesiveness: At 7th level, the allies of a Nesh entering combat automatically act as if under the effects of a bless spell (up to a maximum of one creature per class level of the Nesh)

Bralm’s Purpose: Touched by Bralm’s purpose, the Nesh now becomes so focused that she may continue to function normally even if she would normally be fatigued or reduced to negative hit points. If brought to -10 or below, she dies.

Voice of Bralm: At 8th level, the Nesh may use mass suggestion once a week and affecting double the normal number of targets.

Mark of Bralm: The Nesh can now convince the most stalwart of opponents to participate for the good of the group. She can cast symbol (of persuasion) twice / week.

Note: Bralm, Third Edition
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