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Origin of the Northern Barbarians & the Sons of Winter
Posted on Mon, March 08, 2004 by Farcluun
wykthor writes "Fleeing from the Rain of Colorless Fire, a large wave of suel refugees became trapped in the highest passes of the Crystalmists. Listening to the plight of the suelites, the forsaken god Vatun showed these tribes a way to survive if they embraced winter and migrated far north as his chosen people. Those who followed the North God's call migrated and colonized the Thillonrian Peninsula, eventually becoming today's snow, frost and ice barbarians. There was a small group, however, who chose to stay in the mountains and not only adopt Vatun's vision, but fully study the philosophy of ice and snow becoming one with the frigid season. From these hardened scholars became to form a monastic order know as the Sons of Winter.

Origin of the Northern Barbarians & the Sons of Winter
By: wykthor
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

When the Suel Imperium was devastated by the Rain of Colorless Fire, the suelites emigrated toward the Flanaess in order to escape their share of the Twiin Cataclysms. Not all of the suel managed to survive in the dangerous crossing of the Crystalmist Mountains. Many perished, others losing themselves and diverting to different routes. Among the several waves of imigrants, the ones who crossed the highest mountain passes had the greatest casualties. With their number dwindling rapidly, they looked for guidance and prayed to their pantheon, without answer. In a particularly cold night, starving and in desperation, they cried for mercy to Vatun, the suloise God of cold and winter. Vatun was never truly worshipped in the Suel Imperium, as he was too chaotic and barbaric, going against the more lawful-inclined philosophy of the pantheon and its mortal worshippers. Still, Vatun answered to their prayers with a sharp, gelid wind, which howled:

"Winter is the season to cut down the weak so the strong may survive. Snow will cover the cowards and they will be forgotten by all. The People of the North is the true survivor and wil inherit the world when the Great Winter cover all the lands of Oerth."

The refugees took the words of the God as a challenge, but one who also could mean salvation. Some tribes refused to believe in those words and decided to migrate as far as possible from the peaks, none managing to survive, falling prey to the cold and marauding beasts. Those who decided to consider the words of Vatun concluded the God watched in disgust the so-called civilization who became so weak to implore against the harshness of the winter. They also understood the message as an indication to become Vatun's chosen and migrate far to the north as his people. But they also understood that first they needed to survive, as a test of worthiness before the God of Cold. As a gesture of faith, instead of leaving the mountainous range at the first opportunity, the suloise tribes decided to stay in the Crystalmists until the end of winter.

During this time, the refugees lost many of their own, but also gained some newcomers, as clans of of suloise occasionally crossed the region and more than a few decided to take their chances, joining this group. In the end of the season, a bit less than half of the original suelites survived, but those who managed to do it, left for the lowlands in safety. However, in the first month after leaving the Crystalmists, arguments began to erupt between the tribes as they encountered other suel who survived and were already settled, trying to rebuild their way of life. The attractive of fertile lands was also tempting to those who were planning to keep travelling north.

After suffering desertions of clans, internal fights, against local oeridian and encounters with hostile creatures, only three major tribes managed to reach the far north, towards a montainous landscape with harsh cold climate, with access to the Solnor ocean through a great bay who was later be named Grendep. This land strip would be know as the Thillonrian Peninsula, where the three tribes colonized and entered conflict with the local Flan. Eventually, the suloise, mixed with a little of Flan blood, eventually settled in different points of the peninsula and became known as the Cruski, Fruztii e Schnai tribes, named in the Cold tongue born in combination fo the two cultures. In this language they baptized their lad as Rhizia ("unmovable"), as no oeridian, monster or menace would ever expel the tribes from their birthplace, until the starbreak. Although much of the facts described in this paragraph is already known by well-versed bards, the story in unifnished as there was a tiny fraction of those tribes who neither died on the way nor gave up their way of survival.

During the travels of these suelites, there were those who dedicated to so much in surviving and resist winter that ended enjoying the frozen embrace of the season. Although they were thankful by the opportunity of survival and the chance of greatness conceded by Vatun, this small number of ascetics decided to stay in the environment which so harshly tested them, aspiring to be like the winter: cold, impassive, and free. The wild teachings of the God of Cold didnt interest this group of monks, whose study and discipline aimed to turn the body as solid and uncaring as a mountain of ice, not just ignoring the cold, but awaiting it with delight. These monks would call themselves The Sons of Winter, creating their first Sanctuary in the Crystalmists. Centuries later, some members decided to meet their lost cousins of the north, travelling in that direction until they arrived at the Thillonrian Peninsula. It was on that occasion then other monasteries were build, now in the Griff and Corusk Mountains. There are rumors that one or two monastic strongholds were erected in the higher slopes of the Yatils and in the Barrier Peaks. Until today, the Sons of Winter keep located in their monasteries with wide open areas, as seeking shelter against cold is sacrilege to their teachings. The only exception is the original Crystalmist Sanctuary, which was built high inside a glacier which feeds the nascent of the Davan River.

The ways of the Sons of Winter

The Sons of Winter - Prestige Class


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Re: Origin of the Northern Barbarians & the Sons of Winter (part 1) (Score: 1)
by Abysslin ( on Thu, March 11, 2004
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
hey Wyk, this is pretty cool. It ties in very nicely with the Valkemf submission I did, as their history.

Looking forward to part 2.

Re: Origin of the Northern Barbarians & the Sons of Winter (Score: 1)
by Argon on Mon, March 15, 2004
(User Info | Send a Message)
Not bad! Some parts where easier to read than others but I think you have established your view in the article quite well.

I do enjoy the Name Sons of Winter, I only wish it would of continued more so with the barbarians races of the Thillonrian Peninsula a bit more.

I for one would not have used a monkish order of Vatun but you have explained it well. I give you a 3 out of 5 for this article.

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