Argon writes "“A chosen one too lead the land, of stout heart and beard” “Yes great Moradin this rock you have sent us gives us life, I will gladly take this position the Life Rock asks of me” “For it’s veins are gold and silvery, I will have all know who thy king be”.
Valley of the Mage III
By: Argon
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
The Seed of Life
In all the history of the Valley, no description of the seeds appearance can be found anywhere. Yet a lost manuscript written by Karak Zakarath reads as the following translated into modern common tongue. “From Moradins forge it fell and embedded itself into this Vale” “A chosen one too lead the land, of stout heart and beard” “Yes great Moradin this rock you have sent us gives us life, I will gladly take this position the Life Rock asks of me” “For it’s veins are gold and silvery, I will have all know who thy king be”.
---Karak Zakarath Master of the Life Rock, dwarven Warrior
This manuscript clearly shows us that the Valley’s former dwarven lord was able to view the great seed of life or life rock as he puts it. Fisdel has a theory that the Valley is keep in its constant mysterious state by some strange source. Whether this source is a form of what some sages refer too as Oerth Blood is not known for sure, but Fisdel states that it would follow with many theories on Oerth Blood. Instead Fisdel believes that this source is actually some kind of great mineral that may have fell from the sky this could be a gift from the twin moons of Oerth. This seed as he calls it makes the Valley its home and is able to befriend many races. Since the Valley is not as developed as many other lands it is a great source of untapped magical energy. This energy in turn chooses a vessel to act on its behalf; some vessels are more compatible then others it seems as the current holder of the seeds essence seems to be immortal. If this holds true then the self anointed Black One of the Valley may in fact be a form of the Seed of Life.
The Power of the Seed
The following is an unconfirmed theory on the powers of the Seed:
Constant: A permanent invisibility spell is emanated from the Seed; it is invisible to all but the one which it has chosen as a host even detect magic or invisible objects can’t find the Seed. Those individuals who are chosen to be a host for the Seed are granted immortality; these individuals don’t age a day physically but they are not invulnerable to attacks or death by natural means. The Seed radiates a constant version of the 6th level priest spell Land of stability affecting the entire Valley as well as the 3rd level priest spell Emotion Control which can affect up to 10 creatures at a time. All magical properties of the Seed act as if cast by a 30th level caster.
Invoked: The host of the Seed can at will up to 3/times a day use the 4th level priest spell Leadership. The host may also call upon the 5th level priest spell Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel 3/times a day this affect is mobile for the host as long as he is within the Valley. The final power can be used but 1/time a day it is identical to the 5th Level priest spell Barrier of Retention. As stated previously all of the Seeds magical properties act as if cast by a 30th level caster.
Curse: If a host for some reason goes against the will of the Seed for too long, the Seed has the power to consume them whole using their life force to fuel its own. The consumption of this life force often grants the Seed additional powers. Suggested means of Destruction: Direct contact with the Malchalite throne should destroy them both. Take the Seed back to the sky and have Celene and Luna unmake it. Have it worked on Moradins Forge. Destroy all faire life on Oerth.
Jaran Krimeeah
Since the reign of Ivid the III, Jaran Krimeeah has been the ruler of the Valley of the Mage. It was once rumored that Jaran was a man of the darkest heart wanting for absolute power and control of the largest empire in the history of the Flanaesses. The Black One has not been heard of since the Greyhawk Wars, and rumors persist of a new Black One eager to assume his position. What if the Seed has decided to take another for its host? Recent activity places agents of Evard around the Valley’s entrance. Some former Bisselites have rumored that Evard seeks the power of the Valley to fuel his campaign to control Bissel and release it from it current state of occupation, hoping to capture the former capital and expel outside nations from interfering with Bissel any longer.
Though agents of the exalted one claim their lord is very much alive and well, many wait to see if the Valley will chose yet another rebellious mage to become its Master.
The Final Word
I was to meet with a prominent member of the College of the Divine in Mitrik in one month’s time. During my travels I noticed some strange activity every where I looked. It seemed all eyes where on me I couldn’t help but wonder if somehow someway agents of either Evard or Jaran were looking to steal my research. So I made a much needed stop in Sugarberg and had used almost all of my coins to hire some caravan guards. I didn’t sleep one bit during my travels the anxiety of having my research recognized with the ever present paranoid emotions I began to develop prevented any rest on my part.
It was the 9th of Godsday 591CY; I was to meet with his most pious Sir Vinceno Randis one of the prominent professors of the college divine in Mitrik. I had practiced my presentation over and over I needed to make an impact that was big enough to discuss my research on. These findings would gain me national fame and many nations would envy me for my lucrative knowledge on the Vale. I hear that lord Bigby himself is quite interested on any findings about the Valley.
As I approached the great doors of the college divine and entered its most gracious halls, I knew something unbelievable was about to occur. I was sitting before Vinceno Randis one of the prominent members of the college divine. My linguistic skills where as sharp as the finest blade. I had peaked the interest of the great Vinceno Randis. As I went to my scroll tubes to reveal my years of research, all I found where blank parchments, my research had been taken and replaced by some thief but who I didn’t sleep for over a ten-day.
It is now that I reside in some type of incarceration under one of the many temple’s to Rao that I realize I only know what the Valley’s master wishes me to know. I leave you my friends with this saying.
“Be careful of the knowledge you seek, and who is willing to part with it”.
----Daniello The Mad Sage, human?