Yecha Hills - Heart of the Tiger Nomads |
Posted on Tue, November 09, 2004 by Farcluun |
donimator writes "The Chakyik, the Tiger Nomads, are fierce plainsmen of pure
Baklunish descent. They are primarily a nomadic people, roaming the arid,
unforgiving lands north of the Yatil Mountains. A proud people, a strong
people, they maintain little contact with much of the Flanaess, isolated as
much by geography as by culture. As wild as the plains are, a bastion of
civilization exists within the Yecha Hills. The capital city of the Tiger
Nomads, Yecha is located in the northeast borders of this highland, overlooking the plains to the east.
Yecha Hills - Heart of the Tiger Nomads By: donimator Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
Yecha Hills – Greyhawk Gazetteer Entry
The Chakyik, the Tiger Nomads, are fierce plainsmen of pure
Baklunish descent. They are primarily a nomadic people, roaming the arid,
unforgiving lands north of the Yatil Mountains. A proud people, a strong
people, they maintain little contact with much of the Flanaess, isolated as
much by geography as by culture. As wild as the plains are, a bastion of
civilization exists within the Yecha Hills. The capital city of the Tiger
Nomads, Yecha is located in the northeast borders of this highland, overlooking the plains to the east.
The warm currents of the Dramidj Ocean bring temperate
conditions to these hills, but also heavy rains and storms. The warm, wet
conditions have allowed towns and villages to thrive in this area and a
sizeable percentage of the Tiger Nomad’s population lives within the borders of
the highlands. The Tiger Nomads are thought to be wanderers, forever moving
their herds across the dusty, unforgiving plains. The Yecha Hills offer a glimpse
of the other side of the Chakyik. A civilized, regimented life that is slowly opening
itself to the rest of the Flanaess.
The Unvanquishable Tiger Lord, Ilkhan Cligir of the Chakyik
Cligir is one of the longest serving Ilkhans in Chakyik memory.
Born and raised on the plains, he was a brutal khan for his tribe and quickly
gained the title of orkhan for the eastern lands of the Tiger Nomads. Years of
war and success raised his prominence and when Ilkhan Tagru succumbed to age,
Cligir handily won the ascension battles to become the new Ilkhan. Cligir
survived his challenge years, the decade after taking the title when others
could contest his leadership, and now holds a position of reverence among his
people. That is what the rest of the Flanaess is led to believe.
Internally, there are levels of political strife and
manoeuvring to rival any nation of the Flanaess. The strain of these battles
has wounded the Ilkhan deeper than any arrow or spear and he tries to hide the
fact his health is quickly deteriorating. He is determined to reunite his
people and aims to fight the deep divisions between the eastern plains-dwellers
and the western hill-dwellers.
Even in the largest towns and villages of the hills, the
people live together in their respective tribes. Sections of each town are
identified by clan name and are often self-contained. Some clans use the
villages as their centre of power, with their khan holding court in the
village. Usually only one khan will reside in a single village, although
members of several clans may also be represented there.
The concentration of tribal leaders in the small expanse of
the hills makes for a unique political situation. Disputes between tribes may
not be resolved for days as members ride from the central plains to seek their
leader’s advice at his residence. This has caused a division between the khans.
Those of the eastern lands, furthest from the hills, choose to live with their
people and eschew the trappings of civilization the westerners have come to
enjoy. They believe the hill-dwellers are losing touch with the warrior spirit
of the Chakyik. This conflict is highlighted at the gathering of khans each
year and has caused a fracture in the unity of the Tiger Nomads.
What the village-dwelling khans lose in face to their peers,
they make up for in the influence they have gained by opening up trade to the
south with the nation of Ekbir. The traditional herdsmen are able to raise
better stock in the moderate climate of the hills. Some tribes have turned to
agriculture, producing goods used throughout the Tiger lands and even traded
south. Some have forgone the agrian life altogether and burrow into the hills
for metal and gems. This only widens the division between the plains-dwellers
and the hill-dwellers.
In the past, different clans have always been competitive,
rarely to the level of open warfare, but not far from it. Posturing and show of
force is used to keep the best grazing lands, the best water sources. This has
kept the Chakyik strong and ready for war. The enemy has always been external –
the Wolf nomads to the east, Perrenlanders to the south and even forays from
Ekbir. Despite their differences, the clans would always merge as an effective
fighting force under the orders of the Ilkhan, with each clan striving to gain
the most honour in combat.
Recent events have changed that. The eastern khans, those
still living in the plains, have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the
edicts coming from the Yecha Hills. They seek to split and have begun to follow
the rule of an orkhan. Orkhan Temujin is a strong khan who has united the
eastern tribes. Reminiscent of the Tiger Lord Cligir in his youth, he has
inspired the plains-bound tribes in his quest to return the Tiger Nomads to the
ways of their past and to stop cavorting with outsiders. He has a strong force
at his disposal, but will not march against Ilkhan Cligir out of respect. That
respect is beginning to hang by a mere thread, though, as outside influences
continue to appear in the capital city.
Ilkhan Cligir recognizes the threat posed by Temujin, but
firmly believes this is the direction his people should take. He maintains it
is ‘better to know one’s enemy as a friend’. Trade with Ekbir has
provided security and opportunity for his people. Weakened by constant raids
and fighting, years of peace and prosperity will help greatly to return the
Chakyik to power. The ilkhan’s belief in this is so strong he is willing to
risk a civil war to see it happen.
Yecha – regional and national capital. Yecha is a spread out
village that has grown to the size of a town as it winds throughout the hill
valleys. Most of the Tiger Nomad clans maintain a presence here and city
sections are identified by the clan that inhabits it. Buildings are non-descript
– almost identical in appearance, but streets are only loosely defined by the
separation between buildings. The town centers around the ilkhan’s holdings and
a market area nearby is the hub of activity in the town.
Despite the large presence of soldiers loyal to the ilkhan
and the various khans of the city, the size and mix of interests and goals make
order tough to enforce. Few actions get questioned for fear of interfering with
another tribe’s business. Deceit and subterfuge are common and areas of town
are as perilous as any in the land of the Chakyik.
Yecha (town) – 4,500 (peak, transitional population)
Hills – additional 12,000 (40%villages, 60% rural)
Strictly Baklunish – very few speak languages other than
their native tongue and various dialects have arisen within this language that
separates people by region. The Common speech and various dialects from Ekbir
have risen in prominence in the Yecha Hills which further highlights the
divisions within the country.
Baklunish gods associated with the natural world – Geshtai, Xan
Yae are revered, but ancestor worship is the primary source of spiritual power.
Each tribe maintains close ties with the deeds and spirits of those who came
before them and village shaman can use this power to perform clerical
functions. Burial sites are among the holiest for each tribe and are protected
without question.
As a whole, the society is lawful neutral in its internal
dealings. Every Chakyik places personal honour and tribal honour foremost in
their thoughts for all of their deeds. Misdeeds bring shame not only to the
individual, but to the family and tribe as well. This way of thinking brings
great order to the society where members are well aware of their place and
Despite its primitive trappings, the society is orderly and
efficient. While ceremony and ritual is an important part of daily life, there
are few actions that are performed without meaning or function. All of the
society is expected to walk a path of lawfulness, but those who tread from that
path are dealt with quickly.
There are different rules for visitors to the lands. While
treated fairly according to the rules of the land, any departure from the rules
of the Tiger Nomads are dealt with harshly and brutally. Forgiveness or quarter
cannot be expected from the Chakyik for any outsiders that find themselves in
violation of Chakyik law.
Notable Settlements
Todoge – Located in the southwestern Yecha Hills,
this is the closest settlement to the country of Ekbir and acts as a gateway
between the two regions. This is the only settlement where outsiders live in
great numbers among the Chakyik. Merchants from Ekbir and even Zeif maintain
permanent warehouses and dwellings within this walled town.
Todoge is inhabited by only about three hundred Chakyik and
half that number of merchants from outside of the Tiger Nomad lands. However,
virtually all of the foreign trade transacted between the Chakyik and outside
countries is sanctioned and exchanged within the town proper. Operations in
Todoge are watched over by an advisor appointed by the ilkhan and agreed upon
by the other khans of the hills. Wisely chosen for diplomatic skills as well as
organizational skills, this advisor is the only link between the Tiger Nomads
and the outside world for most people. Security is tight, order is rigid, but
most merchants adhere to these requirements to tap into the products available
from the Chakyik.
Ukhana – Located in the southeastern hills, near the
border with the Yatil Mountains, this relatively new settlement is almost
entirely devoted to mining. Rich veins of ores and deposits of semi-precious
metals have transformed the Chakyik in this region from nomads to labourers.
The minerals lie close to the surface and are easily obtained for the
industrious and hard-working residents.
This activity has drawn the notice of some far-ranging
dwarves of the Yatil Mountains who have provided their expertise to the
unskilled tribesman. While much of what is mined is transported in its raw
form, some capability for refining and processing exists that makes the entire
operation self-sufficient and even profitable.
Jurisdiction of this area falls under the rule of the ilkhan
and the value of the goods produced is not underestimated. Naturally protected
by the mountains and rugged terrain, the inhabitants of this town lead a safe
and quiet life.
For most Chakyik, life begins and ends with their family and
clan and few have concerns that range far beyond these boundaries. Daily life
is one of survival in the harsh and rugged terrain that has been tamed by
perseverance and determination. The tiger nomads are a warrior race and almost
all have skills to aid them in this endeavour.
The males are dominant in the culture and are masters of the
horse, which are used for hunting and war. The women remain in the encampments
and tend the flocks and raise the young. They are well prepared, though, to
raise a sword to fight in defence during the long periods when the men of a
tribe are away at war.
Increasingly, the Tiger Nomads have split into distinct
cultures. Those of the eastern lands live the traditional life of the nomadic
herdsman. They travel light and constantly move to find pasture and water for
their flocks. They are the fiercest and hardiest warriors and hone their skills
in near constant conflict with the Wolf Nomads to the east and Perrenland to
the south. Proud and fearless, many are discouraged at the path set by the
current ilkhan and secretly wish for one of their own to rise to this position.
Those who live in the western lands, primarily the Yecha
Hills, have developed a more civilized culture. They live in permanent
settlements, engage in non-traditional occupations and associate with
outsiders. They believe themselves to be the new Chakyik, eschewing their
traditional ways, in some aspects, in order to further their influence and
resolve differences without conflict that has been a drain on the survival of
the people. This is the path that Ilkhan Cligir has set and it is a path that
is dividing the once-strong Chakyik with internal strife.
Military Structure
The Tiger Nomads strike with speed and precision and overwhelming
numbers. They rarely will risk their destruction against insurmountable odds
and will use every advantage they can find to gain success. The backbone of the
Chakyik is their mounted troops, which are unequalled as light cavalry across
the Flanaess.
Renowned for their skill of unleashing volleys of arrows
with deadly accuracy even at full gallop, the horse archers of the Tiger Nomads
are wisely feared by the neighbouring armies. Nearly uncatchable on their
small, fast horses, these troops make lightning strikes and disappear, usually
with few losses. Traditionally unarmoured, they wield shortbows made from a
composite of bone and wood that give great range and high arrow speed. They are
ineffective when fighting hand-to-hand and usually only carry a small sword or
dagger if such drastic action is needed.
The true light cavalry of the Chakyik are the skirmishers.
The best and strongest warriors fill these ranks and ride the same light
horses, although some may be adorned with a hide barding. They too use bows as
they close, but continue their charge with light lances, before switching to
swords for close combat. They use speed to attack the flanks of an army and
strive to keep moving, inflicting damage and stirring disorganization to
prevent an enemy from regrouping in a concentrated attack.
In defensive positions, the Chakyik still favour lightning
counter-attacks with their mounted troops, but do field bands of foot soldiers
armed with long spears. They are more heavily armoured and armed and capable of
standing up against a prolonged attack.
Tiger Nomads are brave, fearless and ruthless in battle.
They are well disciplined and well trained and highly effective at their style
of combat. On the open plain, few can match their ferocious attacks. The only
effective defence is to get them into a position where their speed and mobility
is hindered.
Barter is the only form of currency the Chakyik use. They
have no formal monetary system nor do they see the value in that of other
countries. Internally goods are exchanged amongst families, clans and tribes
for other goods that are needed. Markets are rare and exist only in the largest
towns of the hills. They have recently become accepting of the finely crafted
good of other countries and place value on items beyond its utilitarian use.
The chief export from the Chakyik lands is their horses.
These finely bread and conditioned animals are sought by more than just the
neighbouring countries which offer food, tools and weapons in return. Tiger
Nomad livestock is desired for its hardiness and pure breeding. Many herds of
goats and cattle across the north-western Flanaess can trace their lineage back
to Chakyik stock.
While far from a rich people, many are content with just
surviving from day to day. The people of the Yecha Hills, though, as they
increasingly accept contact with the rich country of Ekbir, grow desirous of
trinkets and chattel. Many view this as a souring of the Tiger Nomad spirit,
those of the Hills view it as progress.
Wolf Nomads – Traditionally a foe to the east, many
of the Chakyik look to the Wegwiur as brethren. Although they come from Flan
stock, both groups realize their fate is tied to common goals. Together they
can protect the plains from incursions by outside forces. To an extent,
marriage is common between the two countries in an effort to maintain a tenuous
peace. Friendly competition would best categorize the feelings between the
Tiger and Wolf Nomads.
Ekbir – To the dismay of many in the Chakyik lands, a
fruitful relationship with Ekbir was been struck. It is to the advantage of
both regions that this relationship exists. Ekbir can access the raw materials
of the plains and also makes a friend out of the long-lasting thorn the Chakyik
had become. The Tiger Nomads, likewise, can live a more comfortable, diverse
life and acquire items they could not produce themselves. This is the feeling
of the dwellers of the Yecha Hills – a feeling that more and more is not shared
across the Chakyik nation.
The dwellers of the Yecha Hills struggle to define their place
in the Chakyik nation. They view their path, which has turned them from the
traditional life of the Tiger Nomads as a positive step in developing a
stronger country. Increasingly, they cannot understand the discord raised by
their brethren from the plains. The Hills provide opportunity not available in
the plains, which they find foolish to ignore.
They have the support of their Ilkhan and believe their
chosen path is best. If only that path does not end in civil war."
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Average Score: 4.2 Votes: 10

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Re: Yecha Hills - Heart of the Tiger Nomads (Score: 1) by mortellan on Tue, November 09, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Good article don. I am always happy to see more of the fringes get some written treatments.
Any speculation on why the rulers of the Chakyik are multiclassed as illusionists? |
Re: Yecha Hills - Heart of the Tiger Nomads (Score: 1) by Crag on Thu, November 11, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Excellent article
Especially the logical way you presented the social conflicts within the society without turning the problem into a doomsday scenario.
One small point, The wolf nomads are not Flan stock but primarily Baklunish although a minority have Flan blood through intermarriage and raiding the Flan Rovers of the Barrens until the rise of Iuz separated the two nomadic nations. |