Grand Sheldomar Timeline, Part I |
Posted on Wed, November 24, 2004 by Legate |
Samwise writes "The apocryphal expansion and revision of the history of the Sheldomar Valley presented as a timeline. The base timeline was created by Sam Weiss (samwise), and expanded by me in consultation with Gary Holian (psmedger), the primary author for the Sheldomar Valley in the LGG.
Like the legendary Chronicle of Secret Times by Uhas of Neheli, the timeline exposes some of the darkest secrets of Keoish history that have only been hinted at previously, as well as others never before revealed. It also delves into the dark hearts of some of the conflicting canon regarding the region, and offers explanations and resolutions for them.
And that's only in Part I!
Grand Sheldomar Timeline Expansion and Revision, Part I By: Samwise Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
Sheldomar Timeline
This timeline grew out of my desire to catalogue the various events in
and around Keoland so I could have a better understanding of the
history of the entire region. Along the way I noticed a number of
trends, made a few connections, and added a few things. The most
significant addition was putting real world dates next to the CY dates.
This helped me get a better persepective on how long ago various events
happened, as the CY dates just didn’t have any real significant for me.
Looking at it after, I can see that the Great Council of Niole Dra and
the founding of Keoland happened right around the time William the
Conquerer was making himself King of England. That means something to
historians like me anyway, and may be of use to others.
Sheldomar Valley Timeline
[988] -422 The Twin Cataclysms strike.
(Authors Note: We had to pick someplace to start, and this seemed the
best. While the history of the original Flan and early Suel settlers,
it is very far outside what most people think about. Maybe sometime
we'll drive the timeline back another few hundred years.
[1032] -422 Slerotin leads 12 Houses to the Sheldomar
History: With the Suel Empire about to die, Slerotin, The Last Mage of
Power, has a vision of it's impending doom. He gathers a number of Suel
Houses together and leads them to the Hellfurnaces. He creates a
passage under the Hellfurnaces into what will become the Yeomanry, and
leads them through. One House is lost along the way, the Lerara. Of the
others, several scatter after entering the Sheldomar, including the
Zelrad. At least one, the Malhel, is utterly destroyed as noted below.
One, the Linth, remains, but is reduced in power and status. Two of
them, the Rhola and Neheli, will establish the Kingdom of Keoland.)
[1042] -368 Gradsul founded
History: The capital of the Rhola, this is the first major settlement
in what would become Keoland. It is located at the mouth of the
Sheldomar River, giving it control over half of the valley, as well as
being an excellent deep water port for control over the western Azure
[1051] -359 Niole Dra Founded
History: The capital of the Neheli until it was given over as capital
of the Kingdom. It is ideally set to dominate the central part of the
[1053] -357 Empire of Vecna falls as Kas the Bloody-Handed slays
the Whispered One, the Lord of the Spider Throne
History: The Empire of Vecna controlled the lands just south of the
Fals Gap. This kept the Oeridians from moving south and the Suel from
moving north as long as he was there. It also limited the expansion of
the Neheli, making their choice of the northern part of the valley for
their new homeland questionable. It is unlikely they foresaw the fall
of Vecna, and more likely they intended to sell out, and find a way to
get free later. The treachery of Kas changed that.
[1056] -354 Keogh enter the Sheldomar
History: While other tribes passed through the Fals Gap after the fall
of Vecna, the Keogh were the first major tribe to move south through
the chaotic remnants of his empire. As the Keogh moved south they
avoided the lands of the Neheli, and settled the central lands of the
valley around the Zol. Eventually they came into conflict with the
Rhola who were moving north to secure additional farmlands, and the
rabidly racist Linth who were acting as a buffer between the lands of
the Rhola and the Neheli. Minor at first, these conflicts quickly
escalated, and threatened to spread to include the Neheli. Alarmed by
the thought of war with the much more numerous Oeridians, the Neheli
attempted to act as peacemakers, calling a conference of all the
involved parties This was the;
[1068] -342 Great Council of Niole Dra History: The full
history of the Great Council is a story in itself. Here we will just
note the two most significant decisions. These were decision to avoid
establishing a state sponsored religion, and the tacit agreement that
the throne would alternate between the Rhola and Neheli, with the
decision as to which member of the House being left to the Keogh. All
of this would be dealt with in the Council of the Land which would
contain all the major nobles of the Kingdom. At it's inception, Keoland
consisted of the Duchies of Dorlin (House of Neheli), Gradsul (House of
Rhola), and Zol (Tribe of Keogh), and the County of Linth (House of
[1068] -342 Nyhan I Neheli (The First King) [28 years]
History: As the Neheli had organized the Great Council of Niole, it was
almost inevitable that the first King of the new nation would be their
[1070] -340 Malhel attack the Lonely Tower
History: The House of Malhel had rejected the decisions of the Council
of Niole Dra, as they would have left them in a subservient position to
the Neheli. They had failed earlier in an attempt to form a treaty with
Vecna before his destruction. Realizing they would swiftly be destroyed
if they stayed in the Sheldomar, they decided to get what they could,
while they could, before fleeing. This involved an assault on the
Lonely Tower, a strange edifice that the Neheli had found and turned
into the stronghold of a new organization for those who had been the
apprentices of Slerotin. They called this organization the Silent Ones,
and they gave over many artifacts of power to this group for
safekeeping. During the assault on the Lonely Tower the Malhel captured
a number of artifacts, including the fabled Hand and Eye of Vecna.
[1070-1080] -340 - -330 The House Wars (Early Phase)
History: Following the attack on the Lonely Tower by the Malhel, Nyhan
I decided to proceed with the unification of the valley under the
banner of the new Kingdom. Called The House Wars because they were
primarily directed at the various independent Suel noble Houses that
had established themselves in the valley before the coming of Slerotin.
They were typically called the Firstcomers, and most of them were of
the worst kind of Suel, cruel and treacherous in the extreme. The new
Kingdom fought not to incorporate them, but to destroy them completely,
or expel them if they fled quickly enough. A number of Flan Clans were
also subdued during this period, though many chose to flee to the three
valleys of the Hellfurnaces.
[1081] -329 Valadis raised in the Dreadwood
History: With the House Wars over, or at least suspended, the Malhel
felt sufficiently secure to raise the tower of Valadis in the
Dreadwood, beyond the borders of the new Kingdom.
[1096] -314 Malv I Rhola (The Defender) [19 years]
History: Malv was Prince of the Rhola at the time of the founding of
the Kingdom. With the passing of Nyhan I, the throne was passed to him
as per the agreement.
[1098-1111] -312 - -303 The House Wars (Late Phase)
History: After a generation of peace, Malv the Defender resumes the
unification of the valley under the Lion Banner. By the time they end
nine years later, no significant opposing forces are left between the
Little Hills and the Lortmils, and from the Rushmoors to the Dreadwood.
[1109] -301 Raszildor and the Seers of House Malhel precipitate
their destruction at Valadis when they attempt to invoke the power to
finally defeat the elves
History: The Malhel have come into increasing conflict with the
Dreadwood Olve furing their thirty years in the Dreadwood. In a final
bid for power, they attempt a ritual to gain ultimate victory that
instead consumes them, and scatters the few suriving members of the
House to the winds.
[1110] -300 Prince Lorgyr Neheli and a party of Silent Ones
attempts to investigate the ruins of Valadis
Crisis with the demi-humans of the Sheldomar begins
History: Attempting to discover what happened at Valadis, a group sent
by the Court of the Land is driven off. At the same time various
demi-human groups that had previously had friendly relations with the
Kingdom in the Little Hills and Lortmils begin expelling humans and
ordering them never to return.
[1115] -295 The aging Malv steps down to allow the election of
Lorgyr, as the crisis following the self-destruction of the Malhel
History: As the tensions with the demi-humans following the disaster at
Valadis heighten over the next few years, nearing the point of war.
[1115] -295 Lorgyr (I) Neheli (The Seer) [16 years]
History: Lorgyr manages to open negotiations with the rulers of the
Little Hills, the Lortmils, and Celene. All indicate they are preparing
for war, apparently at the request of allies with the Dreadwood. Lorgyr
gets them to agree to wait to see if he can reach some agreement with
those allies before attacking.
[1118] -292 First contact with the Olve of the Dreadwood
History: Lorgyr is finally able to make contact with the Olve of the
Dreadwood. Although individual meetings had ocurred previously, this
was the first time their rulers had met with any of the Human rulers of
the surrounding lands. These Olven leaders had experienced the Malhel
firsthand, and were convinced that all the humans that had come with
them now posed a threat to the valley. They had called on allies
surrounding the new Kingdom, and were preparing to destroy them while
they were still weak from the House Wars. Lorgyr was somehow able to
negotiate with them, and offer them another option. What is more
amazing is that he was able to convince them to accept it. This led to;
[1121] -289 Barony of Grayhill founded, House of Lizhal,
subordinates of the Rhola, are named rulers Dreadwood Protectorate
declared Good Hills Union formed
History: As a result of the negotiations between Lorgyr and the
Dreadwood Olve, a number of political changes were enacted. This
included a large number of demi-humans joining the Kingdom as partners,
and the founding of the Barony of Grayhill as a sign of unity. What is
rarely remarked on is that Grayhill looks to serve more as a permanent
watch on Valadis than a symbol of cooperation, and that while the
Dreadwood is a protectorate of the Keoish Crown, it often seems it is
the world that they protect from the Dreadwood rather than the
Dreadwood they protect from the world.
(Ed. Note: Gary says Lorgyr was also a Silent One. Sam says he should
be inspired by Lydia. We can’t agree, so use whichever you like
[1131]-279 Nyhan II Neheli (The Forlorn) [7 years]
History: Unusually Nyhan II was chosen to follow Lorgyr, who retired
shortly a decade after the agreement with the Dreadwood Olve was
finalized. Nyhan II’s rule was short, as a magical plague swept through
the upper ranks of the Neheli. Rumors at the time alleged it began with
something Lorgyr brought home from the Dreadwood. In any event, it left
the Kingdom unable to respond when;
[1133] -277 Asberdies Malhel proclaims himself master of the lands
between the Hellfurnaces and the Little Hills that would later become
the Yeomanry
History: A minor apprentice of House Malhel, Asberdies was absent when
the Malhel were wiped out by their own actions. After quietly pursuing
certain unspeakable magics for a quarter of a century, he reappeared
and seized power in the lands just beyond where Slerotin's Tunnel had
opened into the valley.
[1138] -272 Mandros (I) (The Oeridian) [36 years]
History: With the Neheli weakened by the plague that decimated their
rulers, and the Rhola split by family infighting, Prince Mandros of the
Keogh was able to convince the Court of the Land to elect him King,
despite the original agreements.
[1168] -242 The Kingdom officially claims all lands within their
modern borders
History: In an attempt to bolster his prestige, Mandros declares all
the lands between the Javan and Sheldomar, from the source of the
Sheldomar in the Rushmoors, to the mouth of the Javan in the Hool
Marsh, to be part of the Kingdom. Though many parts are not even
sparsely settled at this time, there are none to contest such a
declaration, and the lands are annexed with a word.. Those lands not
within the bounds of an established province are considered Royal
Protectorates, without representation in the Council of the Land.
[1172] -238 The Five Counties founded along the Javan and it’s
History: To further expand his power Mandros creates five new Counties
along the western border of the Kingdom. These are Hochoch, Istivin,
Flen, Cryllor and Eor. Mandros appoints nobles of Oeridian descent who
will are beholden to him as rulers in an attempt to seize control the
Council of the Land.
[1174] -236 Luschan I [31 years]
History: The long term results of the reign of Mandros were less than
pleasant. This resulted in the Rhola and Neheli meeting in secret, and
agreeing that no one outside of their families would ever gain the
throne again. This agreement held until the election of Kimbertos in
564, exactly 800 years after the election of Luschan I. Still, the
election is close because of the new nobles created by Mandros in his
last years, and they swiftly prove difficult in the Court of the Land
as well, opposing Luschan I at every turn.
(Ed. Note: This also begins the start of the first Imperial era of
Keoland, which Gary calls the time of the Explorer Kings, though he
doesn’t start it until the reign of Sanduchar the Navigator. It was
obvious that it was a time of major expansion, so we both had nearly
identical concepts for what was going on in the Kingdom at the time.)
[1180] -230 Luschan I establishes Sterich
History: Luschan expands the County of Istivin to include all lands
between the Javan and the Hellfurnaces north of the Jotens and south of
the Stark Mounds. In an effort to break the power bloc created by
Mandros, he transplants a number of less than supportive nobles from
the County of Hochoch to new border lands in what is named the County
of Sterich. While partially successful, these nobles and their
descendants will remain a problem until the reign of Senestal I. (Ed.
Note: Some sources confuse these nobles from Hochoch with the rulers of
the Grand Duchy of Geoff which will not be established for another 546
[1205] -205 Luschan II Rhola [12 years]
History: The son of Luschan I, he is the first true dynastic heir to
the throne of Keoland.
[1204] -204 Asberdies overthrown by rebels with covert help from
Luschan II
History: With a strong base in Sterich and the other Javan Counties,
Luschan II is able to funnel enough aid to various rebels in the lands
claimed by Asberdies for them to overthow him Asberdies has long since
passed into undeath as a lich, and he easily survives the coup,
although he disappears at the end and has not been heard from since.
[1207] -203 The Hand and Eye appear among the Yaheetes,
brought there by Nolhast the Unforgiven, Lieutenant and apprentice of
History: Why Asberdies never used the Hand and Eye is unknown. Perhaps
he recognized the danger they posed and wisely avoided them. Or perhaps
Nolhast the Unforgiven came across them as he fled Loftwick and passed
through the Dreadwood. In either event, Nolhast had them and had
affixed them by the time he came among the Yaheetes, a Flan Clan that
straddled the border between the Dreadwood and the Duchy of Gradsul.
Nolhast used their power to raise himself up as their leader, taking
full control within ten years, and declaring himself with;
[1217] -193 Murder of Luschan II marking the beginning of the;
[1217-1248] -193 - -162 Insurrection of the Yaheetes
History: Nolhast slew Luschan II and his entire family as they visited
relatives outside Gradsul. He then caused a general uprising through
the south, spearheaded by the Yaheetes.
[1217] -193 Malv II Rhola [36 years]
History: The nephew of Luschan II, Malv II led a genocidal campaign
against the Yaheetes and their unholy leader. At least one fourth, and
possibly one half, of the population of the Duchy of Gradsul died
during the thirty one year campaign
[1248] -162 CY Malv II Rhola crushes the last of the Yaheetes, the
Hand and Eye are not found
History: With the destruction of the last stronghold of the Yaheetes
that Clan passes into history. No traces of Nolhast the Unforgiven or
the two artifacts he used to start the bloodiest conflict to date in
the Kingdom are ever found.
[1249] -161 Gran March founded
History: Malv II suspected the Neheli knew more about the events behind
the Insurrection of the Yaheetes that they had acknowledged. He made it
clear that unless something was done in the lands north of the Duchy of
Dorlin that had been the seat of the former Empire of Vecna, he would
send in troops to make it a Royal Protectorate, and have Royal agents
investigate the area for clues. The Duke of Dorlin at the time
immediately organized the most religiously fanatical knights within his
Duchy, and sent them to subdue the region before that could happen. He
called the area the Gran March, and it was part of the Duchy of Dorlin
until the time of Tavish I.
[1253] -157 Sanduchar (I) Rhola (The Navigator) [36 years]
History: The son of Malv II, Sanduchar had served as Admiral of the
Fleet during the later phases of the Insurrection of the Yaheetes. His
reign would be categorized by the first great naval expansion of the
[1256-1262] -154 - -148 First War with Toli
History: As the exploration fleets of Sanduchar mapped the coast south
of the Javan River, they discovered the realm of Toli. Ruled by a
Firstcomer House that had moved south, Toli was a prime example of
everything bad about the old Suel Imperium brought to the Flanaess.
Within a year of the first contact, war broke out.
[1261] -155 Shipyards at Gradsul expanded
History: As the war with Toli dragged on, it became obvious that
seapower would be the key to victory. Sanduchar ordered a major
expansion of the yards at Gradsul, turning it into the largest naval
basin on the Azure Sea. Once complete, the First Toli War ended within
a year.
[1265] -151 Ships of the Royal Navy visit the Kingdom of Aerdy
History: As the fleets of Sanduchar continued to explore the bounds of
the Azure Sea, a number moved through the straits between the Azure and
Relmor Bay. Exploring the bay, they land at Kalstrand, and meet with
representatives of the King of Aerdy.
[1269] -147 Sanduchar leads a fleet into the Densac Gulf
History: Having mapped the Azure Sea, Sanduchar himself leads a fleet
past the Olman Islands, and into the great oceans beyond. In the years
to follow, ships will explore and map most of the coasts of both the
Amedio and Hepmonaland.
[1270-1275] -146 - -141 Second War with Toli
History: The Keoish explorations of the Amedio, and their discovery of
Toli slaving parties there, provokes the Second Toli War. Unlike the
first it is fought primarily in and around the Amedio Jungle as
Sanduchar works to break their slaving operations.
[1281-1289] -129 - -121 Third War with Toli
History: After a peace of just over a decade, war again breaks out with
Toli. Sanduchar mobilizes all of Keoland this time, intending to
destroy the entire House of Toli once and for all.
[1287] -123 Plague strikes Keoland
History: A dire plague wracks the Kingdom. The source is unknown, with
conflicting stories placing it’s source either in the Amedio Jungle or
the lands around Toli. Darker rumors suggest it is not a natural
plague, but vengeance from some aggrieved party in one of those
locations. Before it’s end, the plague kills Sanduchar’s son and heir.
[1289] -121 Sanduchar dies at the Siege of Toli
History: At the climax of the Siege of Toli, Sanduchar is slain by a
catapult missile. While Toli is not destroyed, their power in the
region is broken for many years.
[1289] -121 Senestal I Neheli [14 years]
History: The wars with Toli have drained the Kingdom, and a number of
issues have arisen in the north, particularly the Gran March of Dorlin
and the County of Sterich. The Court of the Land chooses the current
Prince of the Neheli as the man best able to deal with these issues,
and Senestal I becomes King.
[1290] -120 Unrest in Hochoch
History: Although Luschan I had sent many of the nobles in Hochoch to
new lands in Sterich, a hard core of disaffected nobles remained. As
the Knights of the March subdued the Gran March (of Dorlin), they came
into increasing conflict with the most recalcitrant of these nobles.
The increasing tension escalated throughout the reign of Senestal I,
and kept him from dealing with,
[1292] -118 Yeomanry begins raiding the Dreadwood
History: Looking for resources, bands of men from the Yeomanry begin
raiding the Dreadwood. With the increasing unrest in the north,
Senestal I was forced to let them pass without comment.
[1293] -117 Unrest spreads to Sterich
History: As the problems in Hochoch continue, the relatives of the
affected nobles in Sterich come to their support. Among other things,
they begin to agitate for increased compensation for shifting to the
new lands assigned to them.
[1298] -112 Knights of the March execute the Count of Hochoch
History: The crisis in the north nearly explodes as the Knights of the
March execute the Count of Hochoch for unspecified crimes against the
Kingdom. Senestal is forced to publicly discipline the leaders of the
order to prevent a rebellion among the Keogh nobles.
[1300] -110 Unrest ended
History: Senestal I makes a deal with the leaders of both the Rhola and
the Keogh. In exchange for giving Neheli support to a Rhola to succeed
him, and promising additional Keogh holdings to be created outside the
borders of the Javan and Sheldomar, along with financial support for
them, he gets enough support to have the last of the Keogh nobles in
Hochoch transferred to Sterich, as well as certain other nobles who are
less than supportive of the throne transferred from Flen and Cryllor.
New Counts are installed in both Hochoch and Cryllor, and the north
stabilizes for a time.
[1303] -107 Senestal I murdered in Shibboleth
History: While visiting the newly built capital of the Gran March (of
Dorlin), Senestal is murdered by a creature of unknown type and origin.
(Ed. Note: The term "Gran March (of Dorlin) is used to indicate that at
this time it was still a part of the Duchy of Dorlin. Later, during the
reign of Tavish I, the Gran March would become an independent province
of it's own.)
[1303] -107 Lanchaster I Rhola [9 years]
History: With the death of Senestal I, the great nephew of Sanduchar is
elected King, as the Court of the Land chooses to support the Rhola
dynasty again.
[1305] -105 Yeomanry raids into the Dreadwood Protectorate increase
History: The raids that began under Senestal I increase in frequency
and how far they penetrate, causing an increase in friction with the
Olve of the Dreadwood.
[1306] -104 Lanchaster protests to the Yeomanry
History: Lanchaster sends envoys to Loftwick to protest the continued
incursions into the Dreadwood. His representatives are rebuffed, and
sent away with threats never to return.
[1309] -101 Yeoman raid brings Dreadwood Olve to the brink of war
History: A raid by the Yeomanry results in the death of an important
leader of the Dreadwood Olve. They begin to mobilize for war.
[1310] -100 Lanchaster orders troops to Eor and Cryllor
History: With the Dreadwood Olve ready to march, Lanchaster mobilizes
the forces of the Kingdom, and has them begin to mass in the Counties
of Eor and Cryllor
[1312] -98 Lanchaster I dies during the taking of Longspear
History: The forces finally in place, Lanchaster I leads the Keoish and
Olven armies in an assault on Longspear, the jumping off point of most
of the raids. The battle is a brutal one as the Yeoman forces refuse to
retreat, and the Keoish and Olven armies are forced to cut them down to
advance. At the height of the battle Lanchaster is struck down. This
enrages the Keoish forces. Lanchaster's brother and lieutenant takes
command, and the army follows him, storming forward, breaking the
Yeoman lines, and taking the city.
[1312] -98 Lanchaster II Rhola (The Wise) [26 years]
History: The brother of Lanchaster I, Lanchaster the Wise is proclaimed
King on the field of Longspear by the troops after Longspear is taken.
Lanchaster II quickly earns his name with his first actions. Rather
than continue the war, he orders the army to rest and refit. He returns
to Niole Dra with a few picked troops and is chosen in the proper
manner by the full Court of the Land. He then orders a further
mobilization, and sends several thousand additional troops to reinforce
Longspear. That done, he sends another group of representatives to
Loftwick with full details on the army he has amassed in Longspear. He
also sends private representatives to all the major landholders,
promising them status as Keoish nobles should the Yeomanry peacefully
join the Kingdom.
[1316] -96 Yeomanry joins the Kingdom
History: The negotiations of Lanchaster the Wise result in the peaceful
unification of the Yeomanry with the Kingdom of Keoland.
[1325] -85 The Hand and Eye appear in Tyrus
[1338] -72 Lanchaster II assassinated as Vecna II reveals himself
in Tyrus
History: Word of the rise of something in Tyrus reaches Keoland. Over
the objections of Lanchaster, Prince Sanduchar is sent with a force to
investigate it and report back. He is taken by Vecna II, and brutally
slain in a public ceremony in Tyrus. Duke Senestal of the Neheli
spearheads a move for war in the Court of the Land. Lanchaster the Wise
declares that nothing but sorrow will come from such a course of
action, and attempts to dissuade the nobles from mobilizing. At a break
during a critical meeting of the Court of the Land, Lanchaster II is
discovered dead. His murder is immediately blamed on Vecna II, and the
Court votes for Senestal II and war with Tyrus.
[1338] -72 Senestal II Neheli [9 years]
History: Senestal is elected King, and swiftly mobilizes the forces of
the Kingdom to deal with Tyrus.
[1338-1347] War with Tyrus
History: The long, brutal war with Tyrus occupies the whole of the
reign of Senestal II, who returns to Niole Dra rarely and briefly, to
secure more troops and monies for the campaign.
[1347]-63 CY Senestal II Neheli dies in the taking of Tyrus and the
overthrow of Vecna the Second
History: The final taking of Tyrus is a bloody and savage affair. More
than half of the nobles in the force, including the heirs of five lords
of the Court of the Land. Also slain is Senestal II, struck down by
Vecna II before he disappeared along with the Hand and Eye, which are
never found.
[1347] -63 Lanchaster III Rhola [44 years]
History: Following the devastating losses during the taking of Tyrus,
the Court of the Land chooses the grandson of Lanchaster the Wise to
follow Senestal II. Lanchaster III spends his reign recovering from the
losses suffered in that war, as well as consolidating the gains made by
Lanchaster II and Sanduchar. Despite his best efforts, he is unable to
hold the lands in and around Tyrus, as people consider the place
cursed, and he is unable to convince the lord of the Lortmils Dwur
clans to form a more binding alliance.
[1391] -19 Luschan III Rhola [26 years]
History: The son-in-law of Lanchaster III. Luschan continued the policy
of rebuilding and seeking alliance with the Dwur of the Lortmils begun
by his father-in-law. Unfortunately, Toli has managed to rebuild in the
century since it was defeated by Sanduchar, and he quickly finds
himself embroiled in another series of wars with the Pirate-Lords of
that land.
[1395-1402] -15 - -8 Fourth War with Toli
History: Raiding of Keoish expeditions into the Amedio finally lead to
an official war between the two powers. Neither side is able to gain
the upper hand, and the war finally grinds to a halt after seven years
of stalemate.
[1411-1419] Fifth War with Toli
History: The peace with Toli is little more than an extended
cease-fire, and within a decade, the fighting resumes. Again the war
turns out to be little more than a more active period of raiding and
piracy, until the taking of Flotsom Island in 1417 signals a shift in
the balance of power to Keoland. However,
[1417] 7 Plague strikes Keoland again
History: The same plague that wracked Keoland at the end of the reign
of Sanduchar returns. Luschan III dies, and it is left to,
[1417] 7 Malv III Rhola (The Explorer) [42 years]
History: his son to end the war two years later. Malv III soon proves
to be a naval leader of exceptional ability, the equal of Sanduchar the
Navigator of a century and a half earlier. He expands the fleet even
further, and sends trading missions to all lands touched by the Azure
Sea, as well as Relmor and Wooly Bay. However, Toli continues to be a
problem, and he fights the,
[1432-1440] 22-30 Sixth War with Toli
History: and,
[1451-1453] Seventh War with Toli
History: before,
[1452] 42 Establishment of Naval Base on the tip of the Sword
History: building a base at the end of the peninsula pointing from the
mainland to Flotsom and Jetsom Islands. (During the reign of Tavish I,
the city of Monmurg would be founded a mile away, on the hills
overlooking another natural harbor nearby.) This base forces Toli to
end the war quickly, and helps keep piracy to a reasonable level for
the next 250 years. It also allows Malv to concentrate on exploring the
waters and lands beyond the Flanaess. He leads expeditions further and
further afield, spending little time in Keoland and less in Niole Dra
[1459] 49 Malv III disappears on an expedition into the Densac Gulf
History: Neheli seers claim he will never return. And so the Court of
the Land elects,
[1459] 49 Cedrian I [39 years]
History: The Prince of the Neheli. The Neheli had finally managed to
oust their rivals as the Keogh were tired of the incessant wars with
Toli, and other expansionist policies of the Rhola. This initiates the
period later known as The Slumbering. While many believe this was
indicative of a general malaise throughout the Kingdom, the truth is it
only referred to the respite in expansion. Internally, the Kingdom
underwent major growth. Most of the all weather roads in the Kingdom
were built during this period, and a number of major engineering
projects were also undertaken. Advances in knowledge of agriculture and
animal husbandry were also made.
[1498] 88 Nyhan III [47 years]
History: The son of Cedrian I, Nyhan continued the policies of his
father, building the infrastructure of the Kingdom, and building the
first bridge across the Javan near Hochoch.
[1545] 135 Cedrian II [78 years]
History: The son of Nyhan III, it was during the reigh of Cedrian II
that the famed Keobred horses were first raised. Cedrian promoted trade
throughout the region, and it was largely due to his efforts that the
racial composition of the common people was so mixed, and became what
it is today. It was also during this time that Keoish began to supplant
Suel and Oeridian in government business and documents. Cedrian II also
holds the record as having the longest reign of any Keoish King.
[1623] 213 Nyhan IV [23 years]
History: The son of Cedrian II, Nyhan showed the first signs of the
decay in the Neheli family. He spent most of his life enjoying one
party after another in Niole Dra.
[1646] 236 Trevlyan I [30 years]
History: The cousin of Nyhan IV, Trevlyan seemed to return to the ways
of the earlier members of the Neheli dynasty. Unfortunately, he still
indulged in several of the more notorious habits of the family at this
time, and he died young, mostly due to dissipation caused by those
[1676] 266 Trevlyan II [12 years]
History: The son of Trevlyan I, he accelerated the decline of his
family, and the Kingdom. He soon became outrageous for his
debaucheries, shocking the conservative Rhola, and even causing the
Keogh to reconsider their support of the Neheli. He finally died after
a very short reign after overindulging in wine during a tasting party
in the palace in Niole Dra.
[1688] 278 Gillum (I) Neheli (The Mad) [9 years]
History The son of Trevlyan II, Gillum took the debaucheries of his
family to a new low. He completely ignored the government, leading to a
significant loss of power and influence in several neighboring regions
as Keoish forces were withdrawn or abandoned as a result of a lack of
funds being appropriated for them. Finally, after nine years of
increasing chaos, the Court of the Land moved to remove Gillum from
Aside from that, one significant event occurred during the reign of
Gillum. Or rather, just after his ascension. He ordered an official
history of the Kingdom to be compiled. This was done, but at the same
time, the author prepared another, less-than-official version, intended
for the King’s eyes only. This secret version came to be know as the
Chronicle of Secret Times."
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Average Score: 4.35 Votes: 20

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Re: Grand Sheldomar Timeline, Part I (Score: 1) by Dethand (dethand@triton.net) on Wed, November 24, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | ahh at last! Good work Samwise! Look forward to the next part. |
Re: Grand Sheldomar Timeline, Part I (Score: 1) by GVDammerung on Wed, December 01, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | This is interesting, more early than late, but still interesting. I will look forward to seeing Part II.
Like Tzelios' Platonic Solids, this article suggests immediate ideas for some creative followup. Very nice submission.
Re: Grand Sheldomar Timeline, Part I (Score: 1) by mtg (mtizoc@canonfire.com) on Wed, December 15, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | It's fantastic. Thank you greatly for compiling the chronicle and then collaborating with Gary. When I grab more time, I'll begin threads on GreyTalk and the CF! forums regarding this. We should also promote it at the Wizards' forum.
With Kirt's Geopolitical History of Keoland reportedly due soon (in Oerth Journal 16), I anticipate much discussion of the Kingdom of Keoland in the next two months! |