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    Postfest V, Part II: The Night of Fear
    Posted on Tue, August 09, 2005 by Dongul
    gvdammerung writes "
    The origins of the Night of Fear are known throughout the Flanaess as few, if any, other historic events are known or remembered. It is, perhaps, the only universal holiday. While its observance now varies, its origins remain undimmed in the public consciousness. Woe betide should the Great Eye again lift its red lid.

    The Night of Fear
    By: Glenn Vincent Dammerung, aka GVDammerung
    Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

    Date: 4th Ready’reat
    Location: Flanaess wide
    Type: Historic

    In the time of the Migrations, a great tide of orcs descended everywhere upon the early habitations of men in the Flanaess. So great was the nigh universal slaughter that this night became wicked in legend, gaining forever after an evil reputation among men. The Great Eye of Grummsh, it is said, shown down but once in the history of the Flanaess, on the 4th of Ready’reat in the year 415 before the Common Year, when Luna rose red and made a bloody transit across the night sky. Since that time, the 4th of Ready’reat has been reserved for the celebration of the Night of Fear. Throughout the day of the 4th all fast in remembrance, in token sacrifice and to be pure for the evening vigil. In the evening, all hold vigil, in temples or at shrines or by the hearth. Even inns and taverns close on the Night of Fear.

    Throughout the Flanaess, the Night of Fear is celebrated in variant forms. In Furyondy and the Shield Lands, where Iuz has posed a constant threat, prayers to be kept safe from the Old One are said. In Perranland, it is Iggwilv the people fear most. In the Gran March, the Night of Fear is known as Vecna’s Night for he once held bloody sway over these lands. In Keoland, Slerotin replaces Vecna, though few know why and fewer still will say. Kyuss and Keraptis, in turn, take Vecna’s place within the Bandit Kingdoms. In the Duchy of Urnst, it is the Maure who hold an evil fascination. Natives of Sunndi ward against Acererak. In the former lands of the Great Kingdom and in Nyrond, Ivid has lately been the focus of vigils kept on the Night of Fear. Everywhere, traditions are slightly different.

    In rare places, the Night of Fear is truly a celebration. Rel Astra holds a riotous street fair, where colored lanterns are hung from lampposts and streamers hang across the thoroughfares, suspended from building to building. In the City of Greyhawk, the citizenry dress as ghouls and goblins and a nighttime parade is headed by a great figure of Nerull, which is pelted with all manner of trash and offal.

    The Night of Fear is a chaotic orgy of destruction and chaos across the Pomarj. Turrosh Mak has instituted the Night of Fear as a time to relive the glories of the original Night of Fear. Unfortunately, the chaotic inhabitants of the Pomarj too often turn upon each other. If he can but focus the bestial lusts of his followers, the Night of Fear may summon up the ghosts of the long past Migrations and visit the rage of the orcs upon the unsuspecting southwestern Flanaess. Dark rumors suggest that all that holds Turrosh Mak from unleashing such a fury is the white light of Luna and that he seeks the means to invoke a red moonrise. Were the blood red Eye of Grummsh to shine upon the Night of Fear, the howl of the orcs will be answered by the screams of the Sheldomar.

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