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The Knights of the Hart
Posted on Wed, December 13, 2006 by legate
Cebrion writes "Welcome to “Knightly Orders of Greyhawk”!  Here follows the second installment in this continuing series on the knightly orders of the Flanaess.  Protecting the common folk from the unholy horrors of the north, the Knights of the Hart have become the shining light of hope and goodness in the central Flanaess.  Let us now travel to the rolling plains of Furyondy, the shaded canopies of the Vesve Forest, and to the Halls of Tranquility in the capital of Veluna and become one with the three orders of the Knights of the Hart…


The Knights of the Hart

    By Brian McRae (a.k.a. Cebrion) 

    The proud history of the Knights of the Hart goes back more than 400 years to when the nations of Furyondy, Veluna, and Highfolk were all a greater part of the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, a tributary state of the Great Kingdom, and once described as “the proudest jewel in the crown of Aerdy.”  When it succeeded from the Great Kingdom in 254 CY, the Viceroyalty of Ferrond divided into the Kingdom of Furyondy and the Archclericy of Veluna.  During the succession wars with the Great Kingdom, the Highfolk came to the aid of their long time allies Veluna and banded together with Furyondy to fight against the Great Kingdom and its northern lords, ultimately winning their independence.  Each land retained a corps of knights from this conflict that had forged a strong warrior bond.  For the mutual protection of these allied lands, a tripartite order of knighthood was formed.

    The three orders of the Knights of the Hart were based upon the organization and ideals of arguably the greatest order of knighthood the Flanaess has ever known- the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom, and indeed some of the earliest Knights of the Hart were former members of that illustrious order.  Over time, the three branches of the Knights of the Hart have developed their own unique regimens of training that differ somewhat from that of their progenitor.  While the main emphasis of the orders’ training remains mounted combat, each of the orders now favors varied training more suited to their everyday activities.  It is not uncommon that proven warriors are invited to join the knightly ranks of these prestigious orders, though most members rise to the rank of knight through service as a squire.  It is considered a high honor simply to be invited to squire for any one of the three orders of the Knights of the Hart.   

    Squires within the orders are permitted to display only the field color of their order’s heraldry, while knights are allowed to display the standard heraldry of the order to which they belong.  Higher ranking knights often display much more complex heraldries.  Heraldic devices are most prominently displayed upon a knight’s shield, the caparisoning of his mount, or upon his surcoat.  When the heraldries of both the knightly order and the nation of its origin are displayed together, as is the case with higher ranking knights and knight commanders, they are presented quartered, with the nation’s arms being prominent in the upper left and lower right quarters.  In the event that a knight instead displays both his order’s heraldry and his family heraldry, or personal heraldry if he has one, the heraldry of the knightly order is presented in the place of prominence.  The order of prominence among any displayed heraldry of the Knights of the Hart is always nation, knightly order, personal, and lastly family.  The Knights of the Hart also traditionally wear cloak clasps, pendants, or rings emblazoned with the heraldry of their order and/or their patron nation.  Many Knights of the Hart also sport antlered crests upon their helms, with the highest ranks of the orders sporting gilded antlers. Such antlered crests are seldom worn by the Knights of the High Forest however, except for ceremonial purposes.     

    Within each of the patron nations that sponsor an order of the Knights of the Hart, there are those brave warriors and others who may be knighted for exemplary service to the nation.  While these individuals are allowed to bear the heraldry of the nation, they are not by any means inductees to any of the orders of the Knights of the Hart, and so are not allowed to bear the heraldic devices of any of the orders.  Such endowments of knighthood are more aptly described as honorary titles, and orders made up of such knights are referred to as “titular orders” to further differentiate them from the true knightly orders.  The awarding of titular knighthoods is not unique to the patron nations of the Knights of the Hart, and is a common practice among all of the nations of the Flanaess that sponsor true knightly orders.  Among the nations sponsoring the Knights of the Hart even titular knighthoods are only awarded for heroic achievements, and it is of note that holders of such titles in the lands of Furyondy, Veluna, and Highfolk are accomplished warriors in their own right.  Those individuals who have performed exemplary services for any of the orders through martial, monetary, or other support are occasionally granted an honorific title by the orders.     

    Local knights, and especially the Knights of the Hart are well regarded within the lands of Furyondy, Veluna, and Highfolk such that the common folk are respectful of these celebrated heroes, offering them what amenities they can while the knights travel the lands defending the weak and innocent from beast and foe.  A knight however is expected to not unduly distress any common folk who are honor bound to offer him succor, imposing upon them to provide only that which they are comfortably able to.  To do otherwise would be to dishonor the knight himself, his order, and the faith that the common folk have in their heroic defenders.   

The Knights of Furyondy 

    Of the three orders of the Knights of the Hart, the Knights of Furyondy are the most similar to their predecessors in that their training revolves around shaping their members into superior mounted combatants.  Those seeking to become a knight must initially meet the strict standards of the order and henceforth undergo a codified training regimen, holding rank within the order based upon the level of training they have received.  In effect, a Knight of the Hart of a certain rank is a known quantity with regard to the amount and type of training they have received, and can be relied upon to perform in battle accordingly. The Knights of Furyondy further distinguish themselves on the field of battle by attaching bells to the caparisoning and harness of their mounts; no other Furyondian troops are allowed this honor.  The jingling peel of the famous belled cavalry of Furyondy taking to the field of battle is universally recognized as the herald of death by all minions of evil.  The heraldic device of the Knights of Furyondy is Azure, a pair of antlers or.   

    Hit Die:  d10. 


    To qualify to become a Knight of Furyondy, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

    Alignment:  Any good, lawful neutral.

    Base Attack Bonus:  +5.

    Skills:  Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4 ranks, Ride 6 ranks. 

    Feats:  Armor Proficiency (heavy), Martial Weapon Proficiency (any lance), Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack.

    Special:  Must be a human or half-elf (exceptions are extremely rare).  Must have performed a deed of exceptional bravery to the benefit of Furyondy, to the order itself, or have been promoted from the rank of squire. 

Class Skills 

    The Knight of Furyondy’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.  

Class Features 

    Novice (Ex):  The Knight of Furyondy gains the Spirited Charge feat (PH p. 100). 

    Eternal Vengeance (Ex):  The Knight of Furyondy gains Minions of Iuz as a favored enemy.  Due to his extensive study of and training in the proper techniques for combating his chosen type of foe, the knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type.  Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.  At 5th level, the knight may select an additional favored enemy from the chart for rangers on p. 47 of the Players Handbook, or may choose either the Horned Society or the Scarlet Brotherhood as an option.  In addition, the bonuses against Minions of Iuz increase by 2.  These bonuses stack with any other favored enemy bonuses gained from another class.

    Shining Beacon (Su):  A Knight of Furyondy is the physical and spiritual embodiment of the highest ideals.  All of his allies gain a +2 morale bonus on saves against fear effects when they stand within 10 feet of the character.  If the knight is paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise rendered helpless, his allies lose this bonus.  This bonus does not stack with similar morale bonuses, such as from a paladin’s aura of courage ability (the better of the two bonuses is gained instead) or a bard’s inspire courage ability (the combat bonuses are gained, but not the saving throw bonuses).  

    Special Mount (Sp):  A Knight of Furyondy‘s class levels stack with any paladin levels the character may have for determining the characteristics of a paladin’s mount. If the character is instead a ranger, the knight’s class levels stack for the purposes of determining the abilities of his animal companion.  If the knight has both ranger and paladin levels, he must choose which class this ability stacks with.

    Individual Training (Ex):  While the Knights of Furyondy adhere to a strict regimen of mounted combat training, allowances are made for its membership to learn techniques more suited to the knight’s personal combat preferences or strengths.  The Knight of Furyondy gains a bonus feat of his choice.  This bonus feat must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats on Table 5-1: Feats (PH p. 90).

    Initiate (Ex):  The Knight of Furyondy gains the Trample feat (PH p. 101).

    Burst of Speed (Ex):  At 4th level and higher, the Knight of Furyondy can urge his mount to greater than normal speed when charging.  This ability doubles the maximum distance the mount can travel when making a charge, up to four times its speed.  This ability can be used once per day without penalty to the mount.  Each additional use of the ability in a single day requires the mount to make a DC 20 Will save immediately after the conclusion of the charge; failure results in the mount taking 2d6 points of damage. 

    Peer (Ex):  The Knight of Furyondy gains the ability to make a full mounted attack.  While mounted, the Knight of the Hart can make a full attack when his mount moves more than 5 feet but no farther than a single move action would carry it.  The knight cannot combine this full attack with a charge.

    Multiclass Note:  A paladin who becomes a Knight of Furyondy may continue advancing as a paladin.

    Optional Spell Casting Ability:  While not being a holy order per se, the Knights of Furyondy do cater to their religious membership.  As an option, a knight with paladin or ranger levels may continue to advance in spell casting ability, gaining +1 level of spellcasting ability for each level gained as a Knight of Furyondy.  If this option is chosen, the knight’s hit dice gained are downgraded from d10 to d8, due to the knight’s emphasis on religious training over combat training.  A knight with cleric levels may also choose this option, and hit dice gained are downgraded from d10 to d6.  The Knight of Furyondy must choose this option at 1st level, or not at all.    

Table 1. Knight of Furyondy  

Attack    Bonus




    1    +1   +2 +0 +2 Novice, Eternal Vengeance,  Shining Beacon, Special Mount
    2    +2   +3 +0 +3 Individual Training
    3    +3   +3 +1 +3 Initiate   
    4    +4   +4 +1 +4 Burst of Speed  
    5    +5   +4 +1 +4 Peer 
The Knights of Veluna 

The Knights of Veluna are unique among the Knights of the Hart, for they are very nearly a religious order, albeit an extremely varied one.  Consequently, the Knights of Veluna have a higher percentage or warrior-priests among their order.  Many clerics of Veluna’s College of Bishops are members of the order.  Though the Knights of Veluna are expected to train in horsed combat, as are all Knights of the Hart, they also train their membership in the arts of diplomacy and negotiation with the aim of solving conflicts peacefully, as well as being better able to recruit soldiery and bring powerful martial alliances to bear against their enemies if diplomacy fails.  This additional training not only aids the Knights of Veluna in dealings with allies from other nations, but also aids them in bolstering the morale of troops under their command.  The heraldry of the Knights of Veluna is Sable, a pair of antlers or.
    Hit Die:  d10. 


    To qualify to become a Knight of Veluna, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

   Alignment:  Any good, lawful neutral.

    Base Attack Bonus:  +5.

   Skills:  Diplomacy 4 ranks, Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4 ranks, Ride 4 ranks.

    Feats:  Armor Proficiency (heavy), Martial Weapon Proficiency (any lance), Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack.

    Special:  Must be a human or half-elf (exceptions are extremely rare).  Must own land within the boundaries of Veluna.  Must have performed a deed of exceptional bravery to the benefit of Veluna, to the order itself, or have been promoted from the rank of squire. 

Class Skills 

    The Knight of Veluna’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 2+ Int modifier. 

Class Features 

    Novice (Ex):  The Knight of Veluna gains the Negotiator feat (PH p. 98). 

    Ancient Enemy (Ex):  The Knight of Veluna gains Ketites as a favored enemy.  Due to his extensive study of and training in the proper techniques for combating his chosen type of foe, the knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type.  Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.  At 5th level, the knight may select an additional favored enemy from the chart for rangers on p. 47 of the Players Handbook, or may choose either Minions of Iuz or the Scarlet Brotherhood as an option.  In addition, the bonuses against Ketites increase by 2.  These bonuses stack with any other favored enemy bonuses gained from another class.

    Shining Beacon (Su):  A Knight of Veluna is the physical and spiritual embodiment of the highest ideals.  All of his allies gain a +2 morale bonus on saves against fear effects when they stand within 10 feet of the character.  If the knight is paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise rendered helpless, his allies lose this bonus.  This bonus does not stack with similar morale bonuses, such as from a paladin’s aura of courage ability (the better of the two bonuses is gained instead) or a bard’s inspire courage ability (the combat bonuses are gained, but not the saving throw bonuses).  

    Special Mount (Sp):  A Knight of Veluna’s class levels stack with any paladin levels the character may have for determining the characteristics of a paladin’s mount.  If the character is instead a ranger, the knight’s class levels stack for the purposes of determining the abilities of his animal companion.  If the knight has both ranger and paladin levels, he must choose which class this ability stacks with.

    Individual Training (Ex):  While the Knights of Veluna adhere to a strict regimen of mounted combat training, allowances are made for its membership to learn techniques more suited to the knight’s personal combat preferences or strengths.  The Knight of Veluna gains a bonus feat of his choice.  This bonus feat must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats on Table 5-1: Feats (PH p. 90). 

    Initiate (Ex):  The Knight of Veluna gains the Persuasive feat (PH p. 98).

    Burst of Speed (Ex):  At 4th level and higher, the Knight of Veluna can urge his mount to greater than normal speed when charging.  This ability doubles the maximum distance the mount can travel when making a charge, up to four times its speed.  This ability can be used once per day without penalty to the mount. Each additional use of the ability in a single day requires the mount to make a DC 20 Will save immediately after the conclusion of the charge; failure results in the mount taking 2d6 points of damage. 

    Peer (Ex):  The Knight of Veluna gains the Leadership feat (DMG p. 106).

    Multiclass Note:  A paladin who becomes a Knight of Veluna may continue advancing as a paladin.

    Optional Spell Casting Ability:  While not being a holy order per se, the Knights of Veluna do cater to their religious membership.  As an option, a knight with paladin or ranger levels may continue to advance in spell casting ability, gaining +1 level of spellcasting ability for each level gained as a Knight of Veluna. If this option is chosen, the knight’s hit dice gained are downgraded from d10 to d8, due to the knight’s emphasis on religious training over combat training.  A knight with cleric levels may also choose this option, and hit dice gained are downgraded from d10 to d6.  The Knight of Veluna must choose this option at 1st level, or not at all.    

Table 1. Knight of Veluna 

Attack    Bonus




    1    +1   +2 +0 +2 Novice, Eternal Vengeance,  Shining Beacon, Special Mount
    2    +2   +3 +0 +3 Individual Training
    3    +3   +3 +1 +3 Initiate   
    4    +4   +4 +1 +4 Burst of Speed
    5    +5   +4 +1 +4 Peer 
The Knights of the High Forest  

    The Knights of the High Forest are the most divergent from the original model of the Knight Protectors, as they accept only those of olven blood into their membership and train their knights in skills catering to combat within woodland environments. As the lands they guard are composed almost completely of woodlands, Knights of the High Forest are trained in many skills of use in such terrain. Due to the emphasis of the order’s training and their purpose of guarding Highfolk and its allied woodland realms, many knights have training as rangers.  The unorthodoxy of the order even excludes training in the use of armor as a prerequisite.  Squires in the order become worthy of knighthood upon completing a term of service not dissimilar to that of an apprenticeship in more common fields, serving a specific knight until deemed worthy of the honor of knighthood (usually as a result of proving themselves capable on the field of battle).  It is rare that a warrior is accepted into the order based on merit alone, and even then the petitioner must initially serve as a squire until they prove themselves to their superiors’ satisfaction; only then gaining the title of knight.   

    While the knights of Furyondy and Veluna take to the field of battle mostly as heavy cavalry, those of the High Forest form up as skirmishers, or as light or medium cavalry, favoring ranged combat and hit-and-run attacks over protracted close combat.  It is rare that High Forest knights will equip themselves for battle as heavy cavalry as few train in the use of heavy armor, though it is not unheard of.  It is of note that the Knights of the High Forest count more than a few rogues, wizards, bards, and even a druid among their ranks, and that more than half of all High Forest knights are multiclassed.  The heraldic device of the Knights of the High Forest is Vert, a pair of antlers or.

    Hit Die:  d8.  


    To qualify to become a Knight of the High Forest, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

   Alignment:  Any good, lawful neutral, neutral. 

    Base Attack Bonus:  +5.  

    Skills:  Handle Animal 4 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 4 ranks, Ride 6 ranks.

    Feats:  Martial Weapon Proficiency (short bow, composite shortbow, or composite longbow), Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack.

    Special:  Must be an elf or half-elf (exceptions are almost unheard of).  Must have performed a deed of exceptional bravery to the benefit of Highfolk or its allies within the Vesve Forest, to the order itself, or have been promoted from the rank of squire. 

Class Skills 

    The Knight of the High Forest’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature)(Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4+ Int modifier. 

Class Features 

    Novice (Ex):  The Knight of the High Forest gains the Mounted Archery feat (PH p. 98). 

    Eternal Vengeance (Ex):  The Knight of the High Forest gains Minions of Iuz as a favored enemy.  Due to his extensive study of and training in the proper techniques for combating his chosen type of foe, the knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type.  Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.  At 5th level, the knight may select an additional favored enemy from the chart for rangers on p. 47 of the Players handbook, or may choose the Scarlet Brotherhood as an option.  In addition, the bonuses against Minions of Iuz increase by 2.  These bonuses stack with any other favored enemy bonuses gained from another class.

    Shining Beacon (Su):  A Knight of the High Forest is the physical and spiritual embodiment of the highest ideals.  All of his allies gain a +2 morale bonus on saves against fear effects when they stand within 10 feet of the character.  If the knight is paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise rendered helpless, his allies lose this bonus.  This bonus does not stack with similar morale bonuses, such as from a paladin’s aura of courage ability (the better of the two bonuses is gained instead) or a bard’s inspire courage ability (the combat bonuses are gained, but not the saving throw bonuses).  

    Special Mount (Sp):  A Knight of the High Forest’s class levels stack with any paladin levels the character may have for determining the characteristics of a paladin’s mount.  If the character is instead a ranger or druid, the knight’s class levels stack for the purposes of determining the abilities of his animal companion. If the knight has both ranger and paladin levels, he must choose which class this ability stacks with. 

    Individual Training (Ex):  While the Knights of the High Forest adhere to a strict regimen of mounted combat training, allowances are made for its membership to learn techniques more suited to the knight’s personal combat preferences or strengths.  The Knight of the High Forest gains a bonus feat of his choice.  This bonus feat must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats on Table 5-1: Feats (PH p. 90). 

    Initiate (Ex):  The Knight of the High Forest gains the Precise Shot feat (PH p. 98), even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

    Burst of Speed (Ex):  At 4th level and higher, the Knight of the High Forest can urge his mount to greater than normal speed when charging.  This ability doubles the maximum distance the mount can travel when making a charge, up to four times its speed.  This ability can be used once per day without penalty to the mount.  Each additional use of the ability in a single day requires the mount to make a DC 20 Will save immediately after the conclusion of the charge; failure results in the mount taking 2d6 points of damage. 

    Peer (Ex):  The Knight of the High Forest gains the Improved Mounted Archery feat (CW p. 101). 

    Multiclass Note:  A paladin who becomes a Knight of the High Forest may continue advancing as a paladin.

    Optional Spell Casting Ability:  While not being a holy order per se, the Knights of the High Forest do cater to their religious membership.  As an option, a knight with paladin or ranger levels may continue to advance in spell casting ability, gaining +1 level of spellcasting ability for each level gained as a Knight of the High Forest.  If this option is chosen, the knight’s hit dice gained are downgraded from d8 to d6, due to the knight’s emphasis on religious training over combat training.  A knight with cleric or druid levels may also choose this option, and hit dice gained are downgraded from d8 to d4.  The Knight of the High Forest must choose this option at 1st level, or not at all.    

Table 1. Knight of the High Forest 

Attack    Bonus




    1    +1   +2 +0 +2 Novice, Eternal Vengeance,  Shining Beacon, Special Mount
    2    +2   +3 +0 +3 Individual Training
    3    +3   +3 +1 +3 Initiate  
    4    +4   +4 +1 +4 Burst of Speed
    5    +5   +4 +1 +4 Peer 
Inner Circle Knight of the Hart 

    The stature of a knight within each order of the Knights of the Hart is represented by the titles Novice, Initiate, and Peer.  These titles are also the main points in the knight’s advancement within each order that they have received training that is uniquely oriented towards their order’s particular activities.  Those Knights of the Hart who have achieved the rank of Peer are eligible for entry into the highest echelon of their order.  This upper echelon comprises the commanders of the individual orders.  Only those knights who have demonstrated a natural aptitude for command, and who have the respect of their fellow knights will be asked to join the upper echelon of their order.  In addition to their training as leaders, Inner Circle Knights of the Hart continue their training in the warrior’s arts and are among the most formidable fighters of the order’s membership.  While each order of the Knights of the Hart is very similar in its structure and basic training, the Inner Circle of each order of the Knights of the Hart continues to follow its own variant training regimen. 

    Hit Die:  d10 for Furyondian and Velunese knights; d8 for High Forest knights. 


    To qualify to become an Inner Circle Knight of the Hart, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. 

    Special:  Must have a Charisma score of 14 or higher.  Must hold the rank of Peer within any of the three orders of the Knights of the Hart.  Must be accepted for membership by the Inner Circle of their order.

Class Skills 

    The Inner Circle Knight of the Hart’s class skills, and the number of skill points they receive at each level, remains the same as that of the order (Furyondian, Velunese, High Forest) they are a member of. 

Class Features

    The Inner Circle knights of each of the three branches of the Knights of the Hart share the abilities presented below in common (with a few exceptions are noted), gaining them as they rise through the ranks. 

    Exemplar (Ex):  Velunese Inner Circle Knights are trained to be more intuitive of others, gaining a further +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidation, and Sense Motive checks.  When making a skill check with one of these skills, the knight may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.  Furyondian and High Forest Inner Circle knights gain the Leadership feat (DMG p. 106).

    Inspire Courage (Su):  This ability has the same effect as the bard ability of the same name.  The knight makes an inspirational speech, bolstering his allies against fear and improving their combat abilities.  To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the knight speak.  The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the knight speak and for 5 rounds thereafter.  While speaking, the knight can fight but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands).  Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.  At 1st level the knight may use this ability once per day; at 4th level, he may use it twice per day.  

    Individual Training (Ex):  While each order of the Knights of the Hart adheres to a strict regimen of mounted combat training, allowances are made for its membership to learn techniques more suited to the knight’s personal combat preferences or strengths.  The Inner Circle Knight of the Hart gains a bonus feat of his choice.  This bonus feat must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats on Table 5-1: Feats (PH p. 90).

    Master (Ex): When mounted and using the charge action, an Inner Circle Knight of the Hart may declare a “deadly charge” before making his attack roll (thus, a failed attack ruins the attempt).  If he hits, he deals triple damage with a melee weapon (or quadruple damage with a lance).  This ability does not stack with the benefits of the Spirited Charge feat and can be used once per day.  At 5th level, the knight may make a deadly charge twice per day.     

    Dire Charge (Ex):  If a mounted Inner Circle Knight of the Hart charges a foe during the first round of combat of any encounter (including a surprise round, if the knight is able to act), he can make a full round attack against the opponent he charges.

    Grand Master (Ex):  A Velunese Inner Circle Knight of the Hart gains the Epic Leadership feat (Epic Level handbook p. 36-37 & p. 54), even if he normally wouldn’t meet the prerequisites.  A Furyondian Inner Circle Knight of the Hart gains the ability to make an “unstoppable charge”; when making a deadly charge, the knight inflicts quadruple damage with a melee weapon (or quintuple damage with a lance).  A High Forest Inner Circle Knight of the Hart gains the ability to, as a full round action, fire an arrow at his full base attack value at every opponent within 30 feet.

    Optional Spell Casting Ability:  Whichever option the knight chose upon taking his first level as a Knight of the Hart (regardless of faction) continues through his advancement as an Inner Circle Knight of the Hart, including the downgrade in hit dice gained.   

Table 1. Inner Circle Knight of the Hart 

Attack    Bonus




    1    +1   +2 +0 +2 Exemplar, Inspire Courage 1/day
    2    +2   +3 +0 +3 Individual Training
    3    +3   +3 +1 +3 Master   
    4    +4   +4 +1 +4 Dire Charge, Inspire Courage 2/day                              
    5    +5   +4 +1 +4 Grand Master
Knights of the Hart Affiliation 

    Symbol:    Each branch of the Knights of the Hart uses their own heraldic device as their symbol.      

    Background, Goals, and Dreams:  Each branch of the Knights of the Hart’s purpose is to protect its patron land and aid the lands defended by the other two branches of the order.  The Knights of the Hart fully support the King of Furyondy’s declaration of an eternal state of war with the lands of Iuz.  Ultimately the Knights of the Hart wish to bring about the destruction of the lands of Iuz, secure the western border of Veluna, and clear the Vesve forest of evil influences- lofty goals indeed.

    Type:  Order of knighthood.

    Scale:  12 (Multiregional/kingdom).

    Affiliation Score Criteria:   

Criterion                                                                                    Affiliation Score Modifier            
Characters level                                                                                              + ½ PC’s level
Base attack bonus of +5 or higher                                                                                     + 1
Base attack bonus of +10 or higher*                                                                                 + 2
Knight of the Hart prestige class                                                                                         +2              
Inner Circle Knight of the Hart prestige class                                                                    +2
Per successful mission                                                                                                        +2
Defeats minions of Iuz or his allies                                                    + ¼ the creature’s CR
Donates money or magic items to help fund the order                        +1 / 1,000 gp donated                                                                                                                  
Is a paladin (Furyondy only)                                                                                              +1
Is a cleric (Veluna only)                                                                                                      +1
Is a ranger (High Forest only)                                                                                             +1
Razes a stronghold of Iuz or his allies                                                                                +8
Fails in combat                                                                                                                 -2


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Re: The Knights of the Hart (Score: 1)
by Nellisir (nellisir at on Sun, March 27, 2011
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Good workup.  Nothing wrong with a nice set of rules.

Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

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Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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