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Escape from Prymp
Posted on Wed, February 07, 2007 by Legate
scottenkainen writes "Escape from Prymp
An AD&D Adventure
For 3-6 PCs of 1st-4th level

For over 200 years, only a handful of individuals have ever known that there is a system of caves under the free town of Prymp.  Water from Relmor Bay once flowed into a subterranean river from the beach here, but the beach entrance to the caves was long ago caved in and built over (it is now part of the Dock District).  Gnomes were hired long ago to examine the tunnels for stability and safety.  A secret entrance was dug from town hall, in case officials needed to be smuggled out of town during a seige, fire, or other disaster. 
            Unfortunately, just such a disaster might be impending.  With the Provincial army closing in, Prymp officials are making evacuation plans.  But they've encountered a problem.  It's been discovered that there are some monsters which have taken up residence in the tunnels under the town.  Someone needs to discreetly clear out the monsters.

Escape from Prymp
An AD&D Adventure
For 3-6 PCs of 1st-4th level
Inspired by notes from
Written by Scott Casper -- 1999
            For over 200 years, only a handful of individuals have ever known that there is a system of caves under the free town of Prymp.  Water from Relmor Bay once flowed into a subterranean river from the beach here, but the beach entrance to the caves was long ago caved in and built over (it is now part of the Dock District).  Gnomes were hired long ago to examine the tunnels for stability and safety.  A secret entrance was dug from town hall, in case officials needed to be smuggled out of town during a seige, fire, or other disaster. 
            Unfortunately, just such a disaster might be impending.  With the Provincial army closing in, Prymp officials are making evacuation plans.  But they've encountered a problem.  It's been discovered that there are some monsters which have taken up residence in the tunnels under the town.  Someone needs to discreetly clear out the monsters.
Encounter Areas
1.  Entrance Cave
            A warped wooden ladder leads down from the ceiling of this cave.  The walls drip with moisture.  The floor is uneven, and small pools of stagnant water have collected in the depressions.
            The ladder is fairly sturdy, but can only support 200 lbs. of weight at any given time.  The water is harmless.
2.  Storage Cave
            The tunnel here is wider than it is tall, but still appears quite natural.  However, to one side of the tunnel is an alcove which has been fenced off with a four-foot high wooden fence.  On the other side of the fence are some smashed barrels and casks.  Torches are scattered throughout this mess, and at the back of the alcove is a large lump of black goo.
            The all-wood fence is meant to keep the rust monster from area 4 out.  The fence is held together with wooden pegs.  The barrels on the other side, however, had been held together with iron bands, and have since been destroyed by the rust monster.  Most of them once held food and water, but the cave inhabitants have since consumed it all.  The black goo is a hard lump of dried pitch, from a barrel meant for making more torches.  There are 24 torches scattered about the alcove.
3.  Flooded Cave
            Here, the tunnel gives way to a cave filled with water.  The water is dark, ripples slightly, and has the heavy scent of salt to it.  The walls here are very moist, and stalactites hang down almost to the water's surface.  Other tunnels can be seen which lead here to the pool's shore.
            The brackish water is 12 feet deep in the middle, and 6 feet deep by the sides.  It is not stagnant, as water is seeping in from the bay through cracks in the north wall.  Some other things that have seeped in are three large electric eels.  Only a large disturbance would bring them to the top of the pool.  Otherwise, they only attack someone submerged in the water.  Once per turn, an eel can release an electrical discharge into the water.  Anyone within three feet of the eel will take 1-6 points of damage and must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned on the following round. 
            There is no treasure here.
3 large electric eels:  AC 6; MV //9"; HD 2; hp 11, 6 (x2); #At 1 bite; Dmg 1-4; SA electrical discharge; INT Non; ML 7; Align N; Sz M (10' long); XP 87, 77 (x2).
4.  Rust Monster Lair
            The dry floor of this cave is stained with a reddish-brown hue.  The walls are rough, but the room is free of formations.  Clusters of rocks, and some oddly cone-shaped piles of fecal matter dot the floor.
            The rust monster spends most of its time here, hibernating while it waits for its next meal.  However, it will not remain here long.  It will smell the PCs' iron by the time they reach area 3.  Unless  the party moves very quickly, the rust monster will come out to greet them in the tunnel.  If the PCs go straight, the rust monster may come after them from behind.
            Amongst the rocks on the floor are 3 small green feldspar stones worth 6 gp each, 1 small snowflake obsidian stone worth 6 gp each, and 1 translucent star sapphire worth 330 gp.
1 rust monster:  AC 2; MV 18"; HD 5; hp 22; #At 1 feelers/1 trample; Dmg 0/0-5; SA feelers rust metal by touching it; SD metal weapons striking it have a 50% chance of touching both feelers; INT Ani; ML 12; Align N; Sz M (5' long); XP 273.
5.  Narrow Cavern
            The floor of this cave curves down into a depression, and the ceiling arches slightly -- giving the cave the illusion of being a cylinder.  A large, jagged rock formation splits a wide opening in the opposite wall into two smaller passages.  Some bones are scattered on the floor.
            There is nothing of value here.
6.  Cave with Sloping Floor
            The walls of this cave are flowstone, and the floor is remarkably smooth.  To the right, the floor slopes down 10 feet very sharply to a lower tunnel.
            It will be difficult to navigate the slope.  There is nothing in the room to tie a rope to unless spikes are pounded into the floor or walls.  Each unarmored, non-thief descending the slope without aid has only a 20% chance of doing so safely.  Otherwise, they will fall for 1-4 points of damage. 
            At the bottom of the slope is an ancient dwarven skeleton.  There are 10 sp underneath the bones.
7.  Moldy Cave
            The right half of this cave has patches of slimy black mold growing on the floor and lower walls.  The floor glistens with moisture.  The bones of a huge, lizard-like creature lie in the middle of the cave.
            The black mold is deadly, secreting a contact poison.  Just a hand's worth of contact requires a save vs. poison at +2 or the victim takes 3-12 points of damage, 3 per round, starting on the 3rd round after contact.
8.  Lair of the Illusionary Gnome
            Short stalactites hang from the ceiling of this cavern.  Small mounds of offal and bones are scattered across the floor.  This refuse does not seem to bother the figure standing in the room.  The being is just shorter than a dwarf, but bedecked in bandedmail armor, wears a full helm, and rests its gauntleted hands on the pommel of a broad sword as nearly as tall as the warrior holding it.
            When this passage was explored by gnomes, an illusionist amongst them left this illusionary gnomish warrior behind.  If anyone approaches within 10 feet of the illusion, the gnome moves to intercept them.  It attacks as if it were a 3rd level fighter, but if it hits, it does 4-24 points of damage.  It can be disbelieved based on how much damage it is doing, or the fact that it doesn't bleed when hit.  It can be dispelled as if cast at 12th level.
            Complicating matters is that the leucrotta in area 9 will call out to anyone in combat, shouting in a woman's voice, "Help!  Rescue me, please!"
            There is no treasure here.
9.  Leucrotta's Lair
            The hissing of steam comes from this room.  Water drips from long, thin stalactites on the ceiling down into pools.  One of these small pools trickles slowly into a crevice towards the back of the room from which steam and hot air comes up from. 
            Hiding in the room is the most fearsome creature living in the cave tunnels.  The leucrotta here lives a solitary existence, dining on giant cave crickets and the occassional giant lizard.  It would love to snack on some humans, and tries to lure PCs here past the gnome illusion.  It is supremely confident in its fighting abilities, but will bargain for its life should things turn too far against it.
            In the southeast corner of the room is a stash of treasure the leucrotta has painstakingly collected and carried here by the mouthload over the years.  There are, in a loose heap, 115 cp, 191 sp, 225 ep, 245 gp, 1 eye agate stone worth 4 gp, and a long sword +1, +3 vs. lycanthropes.    
1 leucrotta:  AC 4; MV 18"; HD 6+1; hp 32; #At 1 bite or 2 kicks; Dmg 3-18 or 3-9/3-9; INT Ave; ML 15; Align CE; Sz L (7' at shoulder, 9' long); XP 731.
10.  Cavern of the Lizards
            The ceiling of this huge cavern arches to 40 feet above the floor.  Some of the stalactites hang down nearly 10 feet in length.  The far end of the cavern has a natural balcony of the same height.  The room is inhabited by giant green-grey lizards.
            There are three giant lizards lounging about this cavern.  Two of them are male and are in the middle of the cavern.  The third is female and is up on the balcony.  If left undisturbed, there is only a 50% chance that the lizards will attack anyone just crossing the cave at the short end.  Otherwise, the lizards nip and hiss at each other, attacking only if attacked first or if the balcony is approached.
            There is no treasure here. 
3 giant lizards:  AC 5' MV 9"; HD 3+1; hp 19, 17, 13; #At 1 bite; Dmg 1-8; INT Non; ML 9; Align N; Sz L (8' long); XP 136, 128, 112.
11.  Cave with Pool
            The walls of this cave glisten with moisture, and drips from stalactites on the ceiling.  The floor is most uneven, as its covered with depressions.  In one particular depression a pool about four feet in diameter has formed.  The chirping of crickets can be heard quite loud
            The pool is two and a half feet deep, and the water forming in it has a high sulfur content.  The water is dark and bitter-tasting, and is poisonous to drink.  Anyone doing so must save vs. poison or take 3-18 points of damage, 3 per round, starting in 2-20 rounds.   
12.  White Crystal Cave
            The sound of chirping crickets is nearly deafening.  Hopping about the room are three giant crickets the size of halflings.  Also on the floor is a white crystal about one foot tall.
            The noise the crickets make is so loud that no speech can be heard in the room over it.  The crickets kick at intruders, but are more dangerous if their morale breaks and they start jumping around the room.  In that case, there is a 1 in 6 chance of a PC being rammed for 1-4 points of damage.  However, this cavern is dangerously small for the three giant cave crickets to maneuver in.  If one fails to hit an opponent, it smashes into a wall for the same amount of damage.
            On the third round after entering, a fourth giant cave cricket appears in the room near the white crystal.  The cricket is startled and begins jumping right away, inciting the others to do so if they have not already.  The reason for the cricket's appearance is the teleportation ability of the white crystal.  Anyone touching it must save vs. magic at -1 or be teleported.  Anyone so teleported arrives in a similar cave, with an identical white crystal in it.  No one in Prymp knows of the existence or mysterious power of the white crystal, so they are not counting on using it for their escape.  The white crystal has no limit to how many people it can teleport in a day, but the same person can only be teleported once per hour. 
            The location of the other cave is area 22 on the second dungeon level of the Steading of the Ogre Chief.  This building, and the rooms and caves beneath it, are located south of the village of Arogaz Avon.  The steading is an adventure of its own, detailed elsewhere.
            There is no treasure here, aside from the white crystal.  The crystal is embedded in the cave floor, and shatters if attempts are made to forcibly remove it.
4 giant cave crickets:  AC 7; MV 6+3"; HD 1+3; hp 10, 9, 7, 5; #At 1 kick; Dmg 1-2; SA 1 in 6 chance to ram for 1-4 dmg; INT Ani; ML 2; Align N; Sz S (3' long); XP 40, 38, 34, 30.  
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