abysslin writes "Within a month’s time he had accomplished more with the plentiful rubies of Scar than he had with the sands of his homeland in a year’s work. Not long after, Razic was accompanied by two of these hulking creations at all times, further cementing his position as master of Scar. Those that whispered revolt among the populace no longer had hope. Razic was here, and he was here for good.
Razic’Jewel’s Manual of Ruby Golems
© 2004 Terrance “abysslin” Hunt
Razic had initially delved into the creation of magikal constructs in his early days in what is now known as the Sea of Dust, dabbling in the creation of sand golems. Though he never was successfu in those attempts, he did learn from his mistakes and once he reached Scar he found that rubies were a natural receptacle and acted as a much more superior conduit for his style of magik and affinity for fire based spells over sand.
Once he had tasted a measurable degree of succes he disappeared into his fortress’ laboratory for some time, set upon the scribing his formula and theories into three books. Each tome consisted of the highest quality of parchment and Razic scribed their magikal texts with melted silver and encased their covers with the scaley hide of the fire basalisks native to Scar.
Within a month’s time he had accomplished more with the plentiful rubies of Scar than he had with the sands of his homeland in a year’s work. Not long after, Razic was accompanied by two of these hulking creations at all times, further cementing his position as master of Scar. Those that whispered revolt among the populace no longer had hope. Razic was here, and he was here for good.
Razic found that two of these servants were sufficient and so he hid away his third tome, in essence saving his recipe for a time when one of his creations may fall and he may reason need for another.
Art by Tedra

The Recipe:
The Manual of Ruby Golems
1,000,000 Gold Piece value of finely cut Rubies
A vial of blood from any fire-breathing creature
The ability to cast and full knowledge of the following spells;
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Enchant an Item
- Permanency
- Limited Wish
- Animate Object
- Magic Jar
- Glassteel
- Minor Globe of Invulnerability
- See Invisible
The Process:
The process requires a major laboratory and a fully equipped smithy, as well as proficiencies or relative skills to the use of said apparatuses. Without these the attempt is a sure failure.
From start to finish the creation requires three full months and at the very last instance of the creation as the animation process is to take place the Oerth’s sun, Liga, must emit a solar flare to imbue the creature with life.
Razic’s Twist:
Ofcourse, Razic wouldn’t let one of his greatest accomplishments lie around his fortress whilst the newly assimilated efreet from the City of Brass wander its halls. He did leave out one important detail about the construct’s creation.
In order to ensure obedience of the golem to it’s creator the golem’s creation must also be infused with a scale from a creature who shares the last syllable in it’s surname with the creator. Razic used scales from a pair of brother cambions whose surnames were Kizlonaic.
Without this very important piece of the whole, the golem will go berzerk upon creation slaughtering every being in it’s wake, starting with it’s creator.
The Ruby Golem:
(Due to varying editions this description was kept very generalistic)
Immune to mind affecting spells including charm and fear.
Immune to poison.
Immune to hold and slow spells.
Immune to all spells rated 4th level and under.
Magic Resistance: 80%
Movement: 2 times that of a normal human.
Ruby golems have the ability to see invisible persons or objects.
Regeneration: 15 hitpoints per round (If sunlight is present)
Any fire-based spells deal no damage and instead heal the golem 1 hitpoint per die of damage and the golem is considered hasted on it’s next turn. (this would include damage from a flametoungue weapon)
High quality or magical weapon required to deal damage to the golem.
Magic pluses on weapons are disregarded concerning damage dealt to the golem.
+4 Saving Throw vs. Detonation and Disintegration effects which, if successful, only reduce the golem by 10% of it’s total hitpoints and reduce the golem’s attacks per round by 1.
Strength equivelant to that of a Titan (25).
Hit points, hit dice, Armor Class, and probability to hit should be relatively equal with that of a 15th Level Fighter.
2 attacks per round dealing 4d10+10 damage each.
1x per turn a Ruby Golem can emit a fiery globe from itself extending out in a spherical shape 20’ dealing 15d6 damage. (save for ½ damage) This requires no action on the golem’s part and he may still carry out his full number of attacks per round.
Once destroyed the Ruby Golem breaks down into a pile of ruby dust worth much less than the original 1,000,000 GP value of finely cut rubies required in it’s construction.
You can read more about Razic'Jewel in an article I had written for a previous NPC POSTFEST here: Razic'Jewel, Man on Fire