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Postfest VIII(UPF1): Refugee Fairness Committee
Posted on Tue, October 30, 2007 by Dongul
Crag writes "“Someone must stand up to demand fair treatment for the victims of the war, however not all have pure motives but dark desires that end in blood.”

Refugee Fairness Committee
By Crag

“Someone must stand up to demand fair treatment for the victims of the war, however not all have pure motives but dark desires that end in blood.”

Cast of Characters
Ke’losar Dundrige – F1 – CG (CN)
Brac Vairret – F5 – LG
Rasten Waidborson – F2 – NG (NE)

Since the war, cities within stable realms such as Keoland have been seen as havens for the many desperate refugees seeking safety and a fresh start. Seaton is no exception seeing an influx of frightened souls mainly from the south but from elsewhere as well.

This inexpensive new labor force has helped sustain an economic boom period for the city; however the prosperity has come at the cost of increasing social tensions between the locals and refugees as merchants exploit the situation for their own profit.

While few in the city would condone unjust exploitation, many see hiring refugees at lower wages and longer hours as simply good business; the local working class see it as an attempt to deny them work which feeds their families.

What keeps the situation from getting out of hand is the firm presence of lord sucondforth and his guard, his lordship finds the current economic climate while understandable rather distasteful and acts to rectify any severe abuses.

This attitude has minimized violence between the local merchants, guilds and the refugee community. Given the historical hostility toward the sea princes; even the skilled artisans among the refugees are viewed with distrust despite efforts by the established guilds to accommodate some of the truly talented.

The refugee community seeks to counter the current resentment within seaton through means, organizations and leaders that seek to improve their prospects but due to desperate new arrivals, factional infighting and no consensus, all have ultimately failed. The current half dozen or so are divided and ineffective however that could slowly be changing as one group is beginning to gain wider support among the larger refugee community.

Refugee Fairness Committee
The RFC began as a group that wanted to air refugee grievances and open honest dialogue, led by a charismatic refugee Ke’losar Dundrige, despite his fiery speeches, the supporters and influence of the group remained small.

That has lately begun to change since local war hero, Brac Vairret has recently become a vocal supporter of the aims of the organization and his support has resulted in an upsurge of membership for the RFC within the refugee community.

The RFC has recently become the unofficial spokesman and collective negotiators for a growing number of refugee workers acting more as a guild rather then simply an advocate for the membership.

Ke’losar given his recent success with bracs’ support has begun to call for a face to face round table conference mediated by lord sucondforth to address disputes and an official guild charter.

While this would be unprecedented since ke’losar is a refugee and commerce disputes are not his lordships chief concern, he is giving serious consideration to the requests.

Unfortunately there are serious problems, the most destructive is still hidden and internal, Rasten Waidborson sadly never had the same aptitude or good fortune as Brac Vairret. When their unit was reassigned to westkeep to replace losses due combat and disease he developed an infection and lost part of his foot, the officers felt he was not worth the expensive and limited magical healing. Sent north to recover, bitterness took root within him towards bracs’ good fortune and seatons’ military commanders, now all he seeks is bloody revenge for wrongs, real and imagined.

Rasten seeks to use the RFC to inflame the refugees into a massive bloody riot that will consume the town one day. He subtly urges the RFC to aggressively expand its membership and adopt a more militant stance which is a popular message among some members, and his advice on occasion sways even ke’losar.

Possible Problems
* Rasten has made contact with a priest of Kurrell.
* A local merchant has a high placed informant within the RFC.
* Local thief has information about Ke’losar Dundrige that could be damaging if it was made public.
* Small militant RFC faction plotting “arson offensive” to pressure merchants to bargain.
* Brac Vairret is considering reenlisting and reassignment to westkeep, his loss would hurt the prestige of the RFC.

Related Links
· More about Greyhawk Gazetteer
· News by Dongul

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