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Church of The Gran March, Part II
Posted on Wed, November 19, 2008 by Dongul
Anced_Math writes "The deities of Oerth are present, and real. Some assume that this negates or at least minimizes the presence of Churches. Not so! As you will see in this overview, the churches of the March are active in the politics and activities of the realm. They are engaged in politics and economics, spreading the word, just as they are on other worlds. Some churches are actually in direct conflict with themselves, as different sects contend to prove their view of their deity is correct!

This is the second of a two part series examining the churches of the March.

The Church of Fharlanghn


The lay persons of the Gran March are generally ignorant of the fact that there is a large church operating within their midst. This church is not is secretive, it is just so widespread and subtle that it is not really noticed unless one keeps their eyes open. The Gran March has long been a major trade route to the Sheldomar Valley and has seen thousands upon thousands caravans, heralds, traveling fairs, adventurers and wandering minstrels ride through. Where there are travelers there is Fharlanghn. Though locals may not realize, that roadside marker was placed by a traveling cleric. Those road repairs last spring were sponsored by the faithful of the Dweller on the Horizon. That lonely little roadside inn with the cozy common room a day's ride away from the nearest town is a shrine.
There is no true hierarchy within the church, though younger priests defer to their elders. Until a cleric of Fharlanghn is unable to travel, they stay on the move. They may gather to combine their efforts on a large project or major exploration, but they are usually traveling alone. However, when an old or disabled cleric settles down, it is nearly always to the benefit of the community. These settled clerics build small chapels that also provide travel-related services.

As an example of the benefit of a settled number of clergy of Fharlanghn, the temple in Hookhill boasts a fabulous inn, excellent stables, courier services, and a library of exceptionally current maps of areas throughout the western Flanaess. The temple in Shiboleth includes fiver ferry services. Lortenford's faithful are direct sponsors of the largest shipyards in that town. The newly created ferry service in Hochoch lands on the temple grounds there. The bridge in Murille, Audley's famous Woodside Inn, the ford at Holiford; all are a result of the church of Fharlanghn establishing a chapel in those communities.

The clerics of Fharlanghn are sometimes viewed with suspicion, as they tend to be from far-flung lands and of different cultures and appearances. But they are generally seen as diplomats and negotiators, seasoned with wisdom garnered from travels across the world, not threats to the status quo. Elder clerics are especially prized in the community, as they provide wisdom to the leaders, aid to the travelers, entertaining stories to the children, and sometimes goods unavailable anywhere else. The younger clerics are well-liked, lending their backs to keeping the infrastructure of trade (roads, bridges and fords) in good condition. But they are sometimes seen as instigators, accused of putting ideas of wanderlust in the minds of young people.

A wandering cleric of Fharlanghn in his green attire is usually recognized as such, but is viewed as just passing through. The old innkeeper dressed in his plain browns wears the wood disk, but also serves up the ale to the weary traveler who never realizes the cleric's true calling. Before the sun rises above the eastern horizon and the travelers rise, the innkeeper offers his prayers and receives his spells, but few ever know.
The Dweller on the Horizon offers forth no holy days to his flock, leaving such matters to other faiths. If his followers choose to partake of these celebrations, that is their decision. But the road is the best teacher, and to settle in one place is to commit to sharing your wisdom rather than gathering wisdom from others. While both are required, one should travel while one can for wisdom is learned, not imparted.

Sven Oderlund, the Wanderer

Human Male, (Cleric of Fharlanghn 7, AC:17, HP:42, INIT:+0, SPD:30, ATT:+6 or +5, D:1d6+1 or 1d10, F/R/W:+8/+4/+10, AL:LN)(S10, D10, C12, I12, W17, X14)
Chain Shirt +1, Small Steel Shield +1, Light Mace +1, MW Heavy Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Ring of Sustenance, Heward's Handy Haversack, Boots of the Winterlands, Cloak of Resistance +2, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Scroll (CLC9 Stoneskin), Scroll (CLC7 Sending), Wood Holy Symbol, 7pp, 22gp, 13sp
All Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Turn Undead (+2, 2d6+9, 5/day), Endurance, Run, Self-Sufficient, Eschew Materials
Concentration+11, Diplomacy+12, Heal+2, K:Local+6, K:Religion+6, Profession:Scribe+4, Spellcraft+3, Survival+11, Speak Common & Velondi

Domains: Luck, Travel Re-roll 1/day, Freedom of Movement 7 rounds/day

1. DC13>Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Read Magic
2. DC14>Bless, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary [Longstrider]
3. DC15>Bear's Endurance, Delay Poison, Hold Person, Zone of Truth [Aid]
4. DC16>Create Food & Water, Locate Object, Water Walk [Fly]
5. DC17>Sending [Dimension Door]

Sven Oderlund appears to be of Baklunish descent, with his golden skin, straight black hair that falls to his shoulders, and dark green eyes. He is slight of stature at 5'4" and 150 pounds, but he is trim and fit from years on the road. Sven is friendly and informative to those on the road, but not especially helpful. His deep voice carries a muddled accent that could be from the easternmost Flanaess, but it cannot be pinned down. Sven typically wears the faded green of a traveling priest of Fharlanghn, though traveling clothes of other colors suit him fine.

Sven concentrates his travels in the Gran March area, though he occasionally ventures into the surrounding lands. He claims to hail from Tehn, though this does not jibe with his obvious Baklunish bloodline. He is extensively traveled, having journals and stories from lands and people across the continent. But he has based himself out of the temple at Hookhill for the last year and a half, roaming the land and collecting information that he meticulously records in his travelogues. He shares these writings with the temple, and his quest for information never seems to end.

Church of Pholtus


The Gran March is not alone in the Flanaess in having an extensive codified system of laws. That the clergy of Pholtus were authors of many of these laws is also nothing unusual. However the influence the church has had over the judicial system of the nation is an anomaly in the Sheldomar Valley. Since before the Knights of the March thundered across the valley, the church of Pholtus has had it’s devotees in the March. The highly structured life has always lent itself to regimen and order. The Archbishop of Shiboleth claims ties to the earliest Oerdian to spread through the Fals Gap, and has a pedigree as ancient as any in the Flaness. Though the Archbishop has corresponded with the Theocrat of the Pale in the past, there has been no direct correspondence since the Short War.

Under the Guidance of the Archbishop of Shiboleth, the Church of Pholtus has never made strong inroads with the general populace. However, the national, local, and community governments are rife with followers of the Archbishop. Though the clergy are prohibited from serving as lawyers or judges in, the numbers of Pholtan laity serving in the administration of the March is disproportionate to the population as a whole. The Archbishop has consistently pushed Pholtan loyalists to seek out positions as magistrates, judges and barristers.

However, since the Short War there have been two separate and distinct branches of the Pholtan faith active in the March. Soon after the Short War, Pholtan Templar’s from the Pale quietly settled in the March and made effort’s to bring the military and the people into the Blinding Light. This competing sect, though small and not officially recognized by the March, believes that the existing Archbishop is far too complacent in the conversion of the faithful. This group is directly affiliated with the Theocracy of the Pale, and takes broad orders from his holiness. Recently, the Theocrat designated a new Cardinal of the Sheldomar. This is an ancient title that was eliminated at the fall of the Knights of the March, but prior to its dissolution, it was the highest Pholtan authority in the valley. Historically there have been Archbishops in Niole Dra, Shiboleth, Gorna, and Gradsul.
The newly appointed Cardinal of the Sheldomar resides in Lortenford, as the Church deemed Keoland too intolerant of organized religion to allow for such a high station. Prior to the elimination of the post, all of the Archbishops answered to the Cardinal. Though this “Cardinal,” has no official sanction from any government in the Sheldomar, he has taken up the issuance of edicts with glee He employs divine magic as well as couriers and messengers to communicate with the Archbishops, though the Archbishop of Gorna died in the invasion. The Archbishops politely ignore the Cardinal.

The Archbishopric maintains that the March is managed by law, and the law is sacrosanct to the church. At every expansion of the March, nissionaries of Pholtus moved into the smaller or more remote communities and helpd the people to organize themselves into efficient hierarchies and codify their values into law. For hundreds of years the clergy of Pholtus have followed this doctrine, and if there was an official religion of Gran March bureaucrats, the Church of the Blinding Light could arguably be it.

Old and impressive temples exist in both Lortenford and Shiboleth, though Lortenford is still considered the historic center of the church in the Gran March. Hookhill, Hollowdel, Harnac, Mareton, Holiford, Dohn Springs, and Murille all boast large and ornate chapels near or within the Baronial holdings. The annexed communities of Hochoch and Mellit's Wharf are home to smaller, newer, but no less ornate chapels. Prouse, Sereneall, and Wallsend all proudly display their smaller chapels alongside the town hall or center of government. Even Graven and Souldern, with their small congregations, have huge shrines with stained glass windows, gold leafing, and fine stone construction.

Within each Barony in Gran March is a Bishop to coordinate the Church's actions, though the Archbishop at Shiboleth, and not the Cardinal directs these Bishops. At each temple within the Bishop's domain there is a Curator who directs the Priests and acolytes of the church about their daily tasks and ministrations.

Members of the Glimmering Order typically include neophyte clerics, government employees such as clerks and scribes, and lay clergy. The Gleaming Order counts lawyers, missionary clerics, baronial advisors, and judges in remote locations among their members. The high priests of the temples, senior judges, cabinet members, and the most notable lawyers are among the select few that belong to the Shining Order. The majority of the government of Gran March reveres Pholtus, but other faiths have made inroads in recent years. This is particularly true of the Cult of St. Inessa, and animosity is high between these two groups. The Pholtans detest the Cult more than any other for two reasons. First, Inessa is not a deity but a lowly saint, and this galls the pride of the Pholtans. However, the fact that she is striking into the sphere of law and governance has caused talk of murder and “justice,” on more than one occasion within the Pholtan sermons. The Pholtan see such prerogatives as sacrosanct and their undisputed realm.

The Knights of the Watch (and the Knights of the March before them) have a long history of reverence for Heironeous, and the nobility has traditionally cast their lot with the Knights. Though the Church of Pholtus does not like this situation, they have great difficulties breaking these traditions, and are somewhat resigned to a long and difficult task of winning over the nobility. However, the sudden popularity of the heathen Saint Cuthbert is completely unacceptable and extremely worrisome to the clergy of Pholtus. Despite their best legislative efforts and most vigorous proselytizing, the clerics cannot sway the common folk from the siren's call of the Cudgel. Many non-believers see the church of Pholtus as out of touch with the population, and a little archaic.

The thousands of Pholtan faithful in Gran March mostly live in and around the cities and larger towns, making for a metropolitan feel to the church. Coupled with the church's age and wealth, and their connection with the government, being a member of the Church of Pholtus can be viewed as something akin to a status symbol. The traditional displays of wealth and power and structure appeals to many of the upper class citizens and non-military nobility, the common-sense approach of the Clerics of Saint Cuthbert seems to be winning more converts among the general population.

Followers of the Blinding Light regularly clash with those of the Cudgel in heated debates, passionate shouting matches, and even an occasional profanity-laced scuffle. When the Cuthbert-favoring constables haul the offenders before the judge, the sentences are usually stiffer for the Cudgel-lover. However, this has seen fewer charges brought against those revering Saint Cuthbert over Pholtus. The two groups do see pretty much eye-to-eye when any serious crime is committed however, and seem to forget their differences to bring the criminal to justice. After the law has been executed and punishment delivered though, the two are right back in each other's faces.

The fourth day of every month (excluding festival weeks) finds the faithful of Pholtus participating in High Mass. Incense and fragrant oils are burned, hymns are sung, and various symbols and relics of the Blinding Light are displayed to renew the faith of the congregation. Much of the government of Gran March is inactive on the days of High Mass, but it resumes normal duties the following day.

The 1st through the 4th of Wealsun is called the Festival of the Blinding Light, and is celebrated by the faithful by a specific Mass on each day. The Day of Devotion (1st) is spent evangelizing, seeking to convert others to the Blinding Light. The Day of Reflection (2nd) is quiet and spent in prayer, looking back on and evaluating one's life and one's goals. The Day of Dedication is (3rd) is given to ordination into the priesthood, christenings, and especially joining an organization such as the Knighthood or the military. And the Great Freeday (the 4th) is a celebration of the choices made during the Festival.

Lorn Thomason, Archbishop of Shiboleth

Human Male (Cleric of Pholtus12, AC:25, HP:45, INIT:-1, SPD:20, ATT:+11/+6 or +8/+3, D:1d8+2 or 1d8, F/R/W:+10/+6/+16, AL:LG)(S9, D9, C9, I11, W20, X17)

Full Plate +2, Large Steel Shield +2, Heavy Mace of Disruption +3, MW Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Ring of Protection +2, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (50), Cloak of Resistance +3, Silver Holy Symbol, 50gp pearl, 5pp, 10gp, 10sp

All Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Turn Undead, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Extend Spell, Improved Counterspell, Craft Rod
Concentration+14, Diplomacy+5, Heal+6, K:Arcana+3, K:History+4, K:Religion+15, K:The Planes+4, Spellcraft+1, Speak Common
Domains: Good, Law Good Spells @13th Level, Law Spells @ 13th Level

1. DC15>Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Guidance, Read Magic, Resistance
2. DC16>Bless, Bless Water, Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Entropic Shield, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith [Protection from Evil]
3. DC17>Augury, Consecrate, Enthrall, Hold Person, Zone of Truth [Aid]
4. DC18>Dispel Magic, Prayer, Protection from Fire, Remove Curse, Searing Light [Magic Circle against Chaos]
5. DC19>Divination, Neutralize Poison, Sending, Sending [Holy Smite]
6. DC20>Break Enchantment, Mark of Justice, Spell Resistance, True Seeing [Dispel Evil]
7. DC21>Banishment, Heal [Hold Monster]

Lorn Thomason is a frail man, with fair skin and short straight brown hair losing out to grey. He stands 5'6" and only weighs 155 pounds, and his pale blue eyes seem older than his 49 years. His voice is shaky and weak, and though it still possesses a passion for his faith, he is obviously world-weary. He is usually seen in silvers and whites, though Lorn only wears the full (and heavy) ceremonial garb of the Church for High Mass and Festivals.
Lorn is the Archbishop of Shiboleth and is responsible for the Bishops within each of the baronies of the Gran March, as well as two Bishops in northern Keoland. He duties keep him exceptionally busy, and he rarely has time to converse with the people he feels need his guidance. Instead his time is spent with Bishops, or the Cardinal, or Barons, or various representatives of the national government. He longs for his exciting days as an adventuring cleric over twenty years ago, but those days are far behind him. That his faith and the grace of Pholtus carried him through those days, despite horrific injuries and losses, only strengthened his faith and gave him the will to shoulder the responsibility of Archbishop.

Danielle Winters, Chief Magistrate of Gran March

Human Female (EXPERT10, AC:11, HP:27, INIT:-1, SPD:30, ATT:+6/+1 or +6/+1, D:1d4-1 or 1d4-1, F/R/W:+2/+2/+10, AL:LN)(S9, D9, C9, I15, W17, X17)
Dagger, Ring of Mind Shielding, Ring of Protection +2, 6gp, 11sp
Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Iron Will, Alertness, Negotiator, Skill Focus - K:Nobility, Skill Focus - Diplomacy

Diplomacy+25, Forgery+7, Gather Information+18, Intimidate+16, K:Geography+10, K:History+15, K:Local+15, K:Nobility+17, Listen+5, Profession:Lawyer+16, Sense Motive+18, Spot+5, Speak Common & Baklunish & Orcish

Danielle is an attractive middle-aged woman with tan skin, long curly brown hair, and black eyes that can draw a man into their bottomless depths. She is tall and slender (5'9" and 150 pounds), and has an attitude of confidence and aggressiveness. Her voice both coaxes and commands, often at the same time, though she never loses her control of a situation. Typically seen in the deep blue robes of a magistrate, she is actually more comfortable in traditional (but rich) Oeridian clothing.

Chief Magistrate Danielle Winters is the highest legal authority in the Gran March aside from the Commandant. She is the chief legal counsel to the Commandant, and has practiced law within the March for the last 23 years. It is held in general belief that she cannot be beaten in a court of law, though she now decides cases rather than arguing them. She is also a faithful member of the Shining Order of Pholtus, and has been a lay member of the church since birth. Despite (or because of) her association with the Church, she is unbiased in her decisions and holds the Laws of the March above all others. Chief Magistrate Winters may not be popular or well-liked, but everyone who has heard of her knows that she upholds the law for everyone.

Church of Saint Cuthbert


That there are many Lawful chapels in Gran March should come as no surprise. What is something of a surprise is how rapidly the Church of Saint Cuthbert has grown in recent years. There has been a small flock of faithful in these lands for decades, but the larger churches of Pholtus and Heironeous usually attracted those inclined to follow Cuthbert. However, since the west has been flooded with refugees and victims of the giant's invasion, the ranks (and coffers) of the church have swollen considerably.
Most influential and prolific in the west, the church of Saint Cuthbert can be found throughout the land serving to aid the people through discipline, common sense, and enforcement to the law. The Bishop of the Sheldomar March diocese in Hochoch emphasizes working closely with the sheriffs, constables, and law enforcement of Gran March. While at first glance this may seem to be in opposition to his dictum, he also discreetly encourages cooperation with bounty hunters (and rumors say even assassins) who work to bring down the giants and their lackeys across the Javan River. This makes the Church of Saint Cuthbert immensely popular with the refugees from Geoff and Sterich, and many of the brave souls who strive to liberate Geoff and bring order to Sterich hold Cuthbert as their patron. It is rumored that more than a few seasoned commanders of the Knights of Watch hold Saint Cuthbert in high regard, though this cannot be confirmed with so many of the Knights in the field.

The center of the church in Gran March is the temple in Hochoch, where the Bishop presides over standing-room-only services every Godsday. The temple in nearby Mellit's Wharf is newer, and the Canon services are only slightly less attended than the Archbishop's. Audley, Wolsingham, Beadnell, Harnac, Hookhill, Mareton, Murille, Shiboleth, and even the Watch Fort west of Hookhill all have congregations of Saint Cuthbert served by Priests. All of them count a substantial number of lawmen in their ranks. But Locks Heath, home to a tiny shrine of Cuthbert, serves as an example across the dioscese; only three (out of seventy-eight) of the guardsmen there do not hold Saint Cuthbert as their patron.

While March law prevents the devout clergy of Saint Cuthbert from serving as judges and magistrates, nothing prevents their presence in the militia barracks. Clerics of the Cudgel even occasionally accompany town guards and town watches on their patrols, earning them respect and even some converts among the town's defenders. Of course this also brings them into direct conflict with the most violent and dangerous of law-breakers, where their martial training and divine powers can be put to good use. Those who enforce the law are always welcome in the chapels of Saint Cuthbert, whether officially sanctioned or not.

The Bishop at Hochoch has wisely followed in his predecessor's footsteps and courted the constabulary of Gran March, making only occasional sermons to the military, nobility, and other civil servants. While this has earned the church a reputation of being for the common man, it has also stirred legal debate with the church's rival Pholtus. The two faiths frequently butt heads, resulting in shouting matches in the streets and the occasional scuffle as tempers flare, but neither side truly wins. And neither faith would ever think to take any illegal action against the other. So the typical battlefield is in the courts, where the advantage goes to those of Pholtus. However, if prejudicial rulings are handed down by the courts, the constabulary recognizes it as such and simply refuses to enforce unjust laws.

This rivalry between Saint Cuthbert and Pholtus has carried over to their faithful and their flocks in recent years, resulting in a minor schism between those that make the laws and those that enforce them. For minor violations, judges tend to nit-pick the constables on procedure and technicalities. In turn, the constables tend to add on obscure or outdated charges to further frustrate the judges. For example, a simple bar fight might be charged as aggravated assault, brawling on Godsday, illegal distribution of alcohol (beer was spilled), and excessive noise after sunset. The judge would throw out many of the charges on technicalities or lack of evidence, but the accused could spend two days in jail for brawling on Godsday. However, both the constabulary and the judiciary unite against more serious crimes, and the petty infighting disappears. Common sense and the law unite, even though the clerics rarely do.

The Bishop at Hochoch, as well as the majority of the Canons in Gran March, belong to the Billet sect of the Church. Most clerics of Cuthbert west of Wolsingham identify themselves as Billets, ministering to and protecting the faithful. Most in the eastern highlands identify themselves as part of the Chapeaux sect, seeking to convert those who have lived in the traditionally Pholtus-dominated lands. There are a few Stars scattered throughout Gran March to be sure, though their focus on rooting out impurities within the Church necessitates secrecy and presenting themselves as a Chapeaux or Billet.

Faithful celebrate the Festival of the Ascension from the 8th through the 15th of Flocktime every year, culminating in the impressive Mass of the Ascension on the 15th, also known as Saint Cuthbert's Day. The 9th, 11th and 13th are dominated by passion plays depicting the three miracles performed before Saint Cuthbert's ascension to divinity. The Mass of the Ascension is the holy event of the year, and even the most milquetoast worshipper is loathe to miss the grandeur and ceremony of this most high mass.

Newborns are brought into the Church by their parents through the christening ceremonies performed by the priests throughout the year. However on the 8th of Flocktime, during the Festival of the Ascension, these infants can be brought before the temple Canon for a special blessing. Few parents make long journeys to have their children receive this blessing, but the local congregations tend to turn the event into a celebratory party.

Priests perform weddings among the faithful throughout the year, but the 10th of Flocktime sees these newlyweds congregate at the temples, where each couple receives a special blessing from the Canon. The Bishop is especially popular for this blessing, though his location in the now-rough city of Hochoch has diminished this tradition slightly in recent years. Each Canon (and the Bishop) also allow one couple of their choice to be wed by them on this day. Great donations or service to the Church helps to convince these top clerics of the worthiness of the applicants, and many of the weddings are quite lavish.

The 12th of Flocktime is devoted to honoring the faithful departed. Masses are held in remembrance of the dead throughout the day, though the most devoted of the fallen are honored at the sunset Mass. The faithful deny themselves on this day to symbolically emulate those who gave all in their faith. Eating, drinking of anything but water, and speech outside of prayer are all forbidden on this day. Non-believers in largely-faithful communities like the 12th of Flocktime the best.

The 14th of Flocktime is spent in preparation of the 15st by the congregation, though the clerics ordain new clergy into the Church on this day. Every member of the clergy, from the Canon down to the one-year acolytes, attends this day-long ritual. The protocol and the pageantry are exceptionally somber and moving, though usually only family members of the newly-ordained are on hand to observe these rituals.

Martin Devereaux, Bishop of the Church of Saint Cuthbert

Human Male (Fighter 4/Cleric of St. Cuthbert 8, AC:26, HP:74, INIT:+0, SPD:20, ATT:+15/+10 or +11/+6, D:1d8+6(+2d6) or 1d10, F/R/W:+11/+3/+10, AL:LN)(S13, D10, C12, I11, W16, X17)
Full Plate +3, Arrow Catching Large Steel Shield +3, Axiomatic Morningstar +3, MW Heavy Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Lesser Rod of Metamagic - Empower, Silver Holy Symbol, seven 200gp rubies, 100gp jade, 3pp, 14gp, 11sp

All Armor, Shields, Tower Shield, Simple Weapons, and Martial Weapons; Blind-Fight, Endurance, Diehard, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Turn Undead (+3, 2d6+11, 6/day), Weapon Focus - Morningstar, Weapon Specialization - Morningstar, Brew Potion, Silent Spell

Climb+5, Concentration+9, Diplomacy+7, Heal+7, Intimidate+10, Jump+5, K:Religion+8, Ride+2, Swim+5,

Speak Common

Domains: Law, Protection Law Spells @ 9th Level, Protective Ward +8

1. DC13>Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Guidance, Read Magic, Resistance
2. DC14>Bless, Command, Comprehend Languages, Divine Favor, Remove Fear [Sanctuary]
3. DC15>Bull's Strength, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth [Calm Emotions]
4. DC16>Create Food and Water, Dispel Magic, Protection from Fire, Remove Disease [Protection from Energy]
5. DC17>Divine Power, Sending [Order's Wrath]

Martin is a distinctive figure in the Hochoch Proctorate, mainly because of his appearance. His mother was Olman and his dark brown skin reflects this. But his steel-gray eyes reflect his father's Oeridian heritage, and he considers himself an Oeridian. He stands 5'11' tall and weighs 170 pounds, but his bald head and trim build make him seem much more imposing. His bearing and demeanor reflect long years of military service, and he is calm and controlled when discussing secular matters. When talk turns to faith, he becomes excited and fiery, drawing believers and non-believers alike to him to hear his sermons. His garb is neat and clean, but decidedly dull and devoid of decoration, even for the most important occasions. Martin bills himself as a man of the people, and his actions coincide with his words seamlessly.

Bishop Martin Devereaux is the head of the Church of Saint Cuthbert in the Gran March, despite being located in Hochoch. Some would say he is wisely located in Hochoch, as it has brought many refuges to the standard of St. Cuthbert. The Canons and Priests, especially those belonging to the Billet Sect, obey his mandates faithfully and to the best of their ability without fail.

Major Devereaux retired from the Gran March infantry some eight years ago after twenty years of faithful service to the Commandant, and the military men in the Hochoch Protectorate respect him even if they are not followers of Saint Cuthbert. He fully supports the law, even when administered by followers of Pholtus, but tempers his actions with common sense. It is rumored that this attitude of his allows him to secretly condone certain operations in Geoff that are headed by unscrupulous, but effective, agents. However, these rumors cannot be substantiated, and the oppressed refugees hold such actions in high regard in any event.

Darin Westhouse, Sheriff of Locks Heath

Human Male (FIGHTER4, AC:16, HP:34, INIT:+0, SPD:30, ATT:+10 or +5, D:1d8+7 or 1d8+3, F/R/W:+6/+1/+2, AL:LG)(S16, D10, C14, I10, W12, X12)
Chain Shirt, Large Steel Shield, Long Sword +2, MW Mighty [S16] Composite Long Bow, 40 Arrows, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 8gp, 9sp

All Armor, Shields, Tower Shield, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus - Long Sword, Improved Shield Bash, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Specialization - Long Sword

Climb+4, Handle Animal+7, Intimidate+7, Jump+4, Ride+8, Swim+4,

Speak Common

When this muscular Oeridian turns his attention on a person, it is difficult not to be a little shaken. Darin is a large man, standing 6'2" and 210 pounds, and looks tough enough to wrestle a bear. He keeps his blonde hair cropped very short, almost bald on the sides, and his beard and mustache are similarly short and well groomed. His skin is darkly tanned from years exposed to the weather, and a few faint scars show that he is no stranger to a fight. His deep voice has a lazy, comfortable canter and can put a stranger at ease, or can turn hard and nearly paralyze with fear. But his brown eyes belie the kindness and genuine concern for the citizens of his town, and just and good people have little to worry about from this man.

Darin Westhouse is the Sheriff of Locks Heath, responsible for the constabulary of the area and maintaining law and order in this town. He volunteered for the job last year, after Sheriff Hanbacker was killed by bandits, and became the youngest Sheriff in the town's history. Darin is a veteran Sergeant of the Gran March infantry, and proudly displays his accolades and certificate of service in his offices. He, like nearly all of the deputies in Locks Heath, are faithful worshippers of Saint Cuthbert, though they do not mix preaching their faith with their duties as lawmen. Darin instills kindness and good-nature in his men, and he sets an example for them to follow. Should someone stray outside of a minor law, they can expect a warning and a gentle nudge back in the right direction. If the lawbreaker is putting the people or the community in danger, they can expect Sheriff Westhouse and his men to put them down like a rabid dog in High Summer.

Cult of Hextor


Though not widely known throughout the lands of Gran March, there is a foothold of an evil deity operating openly in view of one of the largest cities. Hochoch, swelled with refugees and remnants of the forces that battled the giants to the west, is home to a surprisingly powerful contingent of worshippers of Hextor. A small but well-fortified chapel was built by unnamed and unseen sponsors after it became clear that the forces of Geoff and Sterich would not win out over the giant invaders. As the bitter seed of defeat grew in the hearts of those not killed or enslaved by the giants, the membership swelled and the chapel grew stronger.

Of course those who held good deeds in high regard, and especially the followers of Heironeous, had little love for the church of Hextor. But as the resistance cells were crushed by giants, those who had hardened their hearts found comfort in the Scourge of Battle. And though those who prostrated themselves to the Champion of Evil were only infrequently revealed, the ones that survived surely became more powerful and influential. That the church continues to operate, and its members remain mostly secret, is a testament to the power and resourcefulness of the church, its members, or its sponsors.

There are other religions operating in Hochoch that could likely put an end to Hextor's church near the city, but there is a problem that everyone in the beleaguered city faces; no one can say for certain who is a follower of the Herald of Hell. Sometimes minor members are captured, tried, and punished. More frequently, the charges are dismissed or a witness reverses testimony. And most often, a twist of fate throws plots against the church into disarray. There may only be one or two powerful members operating behind the scenes. Or there may be dozens or more. And without knowing who to trust, no one dares overextend their hand and act directly against Hextor's church.

The mere presence of a place that openly worships Hextor within sight of Hochoch is creating discord and conflict within the city. And though Hochoch is largely run by authoritative figures, the citizens are in chaos as their future remains uncertain. So the authorities in Hochoch frequently strive to bring order to the tumultuous lives of the people, occasionally crossing the line between safety and invasiveness, justice and tyranny. Whether the church of Hextor is behind this evil, or merely seizing an opportunity remains to be seen.

"Archer", High Priest of Hextor

Human Male (Fighter 1/Cleric of Hextor 9, AC:21, HP:59, INIT:+1, SPD:30, ATT:+12/+7 or +9/+4, D:1d8+5(+2d6) or 1d8+2, F/R/W:+9/+4/+10, AL:LE)(S14, D12, C12, I10, W18, X10)

Full Plate +2, Unholy Heavy Flail +2, MW Mighty [S14] Composite Long Bow, 20 Arrows, Ring of Mind Shielding, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Invisibility, Scroll (CLC11 Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds), Silver Holy Symbol, Two 100gp rubies, 11gp, 7sp
All Armor, Shields, Tower Shield, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Power Attack, Cleave, Point-Blank Shot, Rebuke Undead (+2, 2d6+9, 3/day),
Improved Bull Rush, Combat Casting, Great Cleave

Climb+3, Concentration+10, Intimidate+4, Jump+3, K:Arcana+5, K:Religion+5, K:The Planes+5, Ride+5, Spellcraft+5, Swim+4,

Speak Common

Domains: Destruction, War Smite +4 to hit and +9 damage, Weapon Focus - Heavy Flail
1. DC14>Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic, Resistance
2. DC15>Bane, Cause Fear, Divine Favor, Doom, Entropic Shield [Inflict Light Wounds]
3. DC16>Darkness, Hold Person, Resist Fire, Silence, Undetectable Alignment [Spiritual Weapon]
4. DC17>Blindness/Deafness, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Searing Light [Contagion]
5. DC18>Death Ward, Spell Immunity, Summon Monster IV [Divine Power]
6. DC19>Summon Monster V [Mass Inflict Light Wounds]

"Archer" is possibly the High Priest of Hextor in Hochoch, but he is definitely associated with the Church in some manner. He has only been seen in full armor, ready for battle, but his true identity is unknown. He is believed to be human, most likely Flan, and stands about 6'1" tall and weighs approximately 210 pounds. He wears a silk mask or hood of black with three red arrows emblazoned across it, points down. Despite the mask, his voice is deep and booming, and carries the conviction of his belief in his unholy god. He has had martial training, but his fighting style cannot be pinpointed as he rarely engages in personal combat.

"Archer" is definitely not the same person that was in charge even two years ago, though no one knew the former High Priest's identity either. "Archer" is violent and brutal, but surprisingly focused, never taking time to gloat or humiliate enemies. In battle, he has displayed no weaknesses, and though his orders are straightforward and unoriginal, they are effective.

Other Holidays

1st of Fireseek is New Year's Day, and observed across the Flanaess except in the Baklunish culture.

10th of Readying is the Snowdrop festival, marked by a day-long party. At dusk, clothing is exchanged between members of the opposite sex, and hilarity ensues. Due to the temperature, over-clothes are usually exchanged, but underclothes exchanges are not unheard of.
14th of Readying is commonly referred to as Heartsday, and is usually marked with devotions to goddesses of love and beauty, and romantic overtures by lovers.

25th of Reaping is Sotillion's Day, or Labor Day, or (most common in Gran March) Lover's Day. The summer day (and night of the full moon) is enjoyed without work, especially by the young and those in love.
Brewfest is traditionally given over to celebrating harvests and drinking far too much, but is also the time when the Keoish Regal Games are conducted in Niole Dra. Gran March athletes train throughout the year to earn the right to compete at these games, gaining various trophies for winning in their specific events.

7th of Needfest is the Feast of Unreason, where the servants are traditionally given control of the land and the law for the day. Wildly popular in the military, where the Field Marshals clean stalls while the Troopers supervise their work, the tradition is good-natured and fun. Unreasonable rules are quickly countered by the true powers, and any laws passed or positions held expire at sunset."
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